Sorry I've not been on lately everyone. Hope we're all doing well. Things are incredibly busy here - lots of stuff going on at work, exams for hubby, bills to pay, childminder is going off on holidays, plans for day trips and also the whole rollercoaster TTC has started again so I'm so frazzled it's just silly. We were hoping to get away for a couple of night but it looks like we're staying here instead and planning a number of day trips. Proper holiday in August. Hubby is a little upset but we can't afford the car hire and the accommodation and the fuel on top of fixing his bike, so it's up to him lol
I took Earl to the local soft play on Monday and he loved it. Yesterday he went on a trip to an open farm and play centre and loved that's ever-likely that he asked to go up for a nap at 9.30 and is still asleep!

I'm contemplating taking him swimming this afternoon.......I've been itching to take him for ages but it's half term so I'm not sure if it will be too busy. Having said that, he was ok at soft play and that was really busy. Hmmmm....we'll see what time he gets up.
Hubby has his last exam today and then he's off for 3 months solid lol - alright for some eh! He deserves it though....he's hoping to get his bike back on the road by the end of July so that's going to keep him busy lol.
Not a lot else to report. Hope we're all well and I'll try to do a proper catch up later on once short one is in bed.....bless him he's really keeping us on our toes at the moment. He scribbled orange crayon on the wall earlier and it's left a lovely orange stain. Looks like I'll be painting over that later on!
Have a nice day everyone...whatever you're up to.