Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Very unwell by Thurs, sleeping almost all day. Doc on Fri, amoxicillin for ear infection. Since this morn he's head to toe in a bumpy rash - but in himself he's a lot livelier. NHS Direct reduced our panic re the rash - told us it was unlikely to be meningococcal disease - but we're back at GP Mon morn if it hasn't cleared. This has been a strange week - was v pleased to have OH back on Saturday eve. Sorry so short now but got so much to catch up with - you don't seem to get anything done when there's a sick little one in the house.

Oh, and BTW, those of you saying 'I'm sooo broody' - hmmm, me too. I dunno, I haven't really talked with OH yet, but I know he wants another one soon-ish. At the mo I LOVE the idea. But one part of me is thinking 'right, we've kind of got it sussed, having a baby', only then we want to go and add another one into the fray! We shall see ...
Colsy- sounds like a viral rash hope he gets better soon x

I'm back off hols had a lovely week, Adi thought it was funny to sit down fully clothed in the sea! He has started to form a few words together and learning new ones all the time. He is doing well sleeping in his bed still doesn't sleep through the full night but better than what he was. I can't believe how all our babies have grown up.x
Morning all,

colsy: Hope the rash goes soon :flower:

Mumof4: Sound like you had a nice time, my nephew used to love going in the sea fully clothed too :haha:

Lil miss came home yesterday, we went to the park as she was used to roaming my Mum and Dad's garden so wanted to be outdoors still! It was so nice to have her back, even though I had been very productive house wise, I missed her smiles and cuddles :D

Not much going on this week - getting packed for holiday next week :D

Sad today as my car is being taken away, not driven it in over a year like, but we were waiting for it to be 'free' to hand it back as it was on finance and otherwise we would of had to pay them to take it away, sooooo today is the day. My dream of being on the road again is slipping away evermore. It was due its tax in two months and needed and MOT, we just can't afford it, simple as. Oh and my fav hair brush had been snapped in two when I came to it this morning. Bit of a bum day all round so far!

Rash still there but it's less bumpy now, so I guess it's going. He still has a mild raised temp, but he is so tired - he woke at 7am and then went back to sleep for another hour without us going into him - that is absolutely unheard of. He seems to swing from being totally fine, playing and chatting and eating, to suddenly being very weary and cuddly and just wanting to sit down and not being in the slightest bit hungry. He is such a noisy running-about sort of toddler that I can't believe the change in him. I would have thought the antibiotics should have kicked in by now (he started them on Fri) but they don't seem to have had a huge effect. I think we'll leave it til he's had his pm nap and then see how he is - if still rough, we'll see the gp agian either this pm or tomorrow I think.
Rash still there but it's less bumpy now, so I guess it's going. He still has a mild raised temp, but he is so tired - he woke at 7am and then went back to sleep for another hour without us going into him - that is absolutely unheard of. He seems to swing from being totally fine, playing and chatting and eating, to suddenly being very weary and cuddly and just wanting to sit down and not being in the slightest bit hungry. He is such a noisy running-about sort of toddler that I can't believe the change in him. I would have thought the antibiotics should have kicked in by now (he started them on Fri) but they don't seem to have had a huge effect. I think we'll leave it til he's had his pm nap and then see how he is - if still rough, we'll see the gp agian either this pm or tomorrow I think.

Chloe was very much like this a while back when she had a virus, she would walke up, eat, seem / feel fine and over do it in a way and be back to sleep in no time. Still defo good to get him checked out :hugs:

Hope everyone had a good weekend :) We were back at the trailer (caravan) this weekend and it was hubby's birthday yesterday. Emma got out on the boat for some fishing with Daddy and we all went swimming in the lake- a bit cool but fun. My parents and brother were down at their trailer too so Emma had fun running from one place to the other. She's definitely a happier kid down there- I think she gets bored of our back garden and the park close to our house! She discovered that there are 2 chipmunks that live under our deck and kept trying to offer them a dish of water and calling them "Beasty" (our cat).

Colsy- I hope Monty feels better soon :flower: Emma's the same when she gets sick too and although I know it's just her way of fighting stuff off, it doesn't stop you from worrying. GL if you decide to TTC soon ;) I'm quite happy to report my broody phase has passed, lol- going to the lake on the weekends has made me realize I'm definitely not ready to rock the boat and mess up the family dynamic. I'm happy to enjoy this version of our family for a while longer :)

Kte- Sorry to hear you're having a bit of a rough day :hugs:

Aimee- Congrats on the promotion! I hope you are able to get the allergy/CM issue sorted, poor little guy!

Fraggles- I think you are amazing to have been able to pump for N for so long (I hate pumping with a passion). Congrats on the tandem feeding milestone :hugs:

Mumof4- glad to hear you had a nice holiday :flower:

I better get going and wake Emma up before the other munchkins arrive- Hope everyone is having a good day!
Life has lobbed a lemon tree at me! To put it politely! Kaites Thanks for the :hugs:
Rash still there but it's less bumpy now, so I guess it's going. He still has a mild raised temp, but he is so tired - he woke at 7am and then went back to sleep for another hour without us going into him - that is absolutely unheard of. He seems to swing from being totally fine, playing and chatting and eating, to suddenly being very weary and cuddly and just wanting to sit down and not being in the slightest bit hungry. He is such a noisy running-about sort of toddler that I can't believe the change in him. I would have thought the antibiotics should have kicked in by now (he started them on Fri) but they don't seem to have had a huge effect. I think we'll leave it til he's had his pm nap and then see how he is - if still rough, we'll see the gp agian either this pm or tomorrow I think.

Sounds like a viral rash .. they last a few days ... re the tiredness, antibiotics do what you described to Missy, She will be running around fine, then she'll just be totally knackered and want to sleep. Yesterday she slept 8p to 10a because of them!
Hi girls. Just a quicky from us to say James had an excellent day at nursery today. Baked cakes and did a painting. Treated myself to some new books cos the library never have them in and it costs £1 per book to reserve them! And not much more to buy them. Anyhoo got to run cos nipped into mum and dads to pinch the computer. Hope everyone is well!!
Kte - Hope you're ok :hugs:

Colsy - Hope Monty's rash is ok now. Earl is going through a teething patch at the moment - think it's a big one as he has massive lumps on his gums. :wacko: Well done for keeping calm with the rash - I'm not very good with things like that and tend to fear the worst.

LK - so glad James is ettling well at nursery. Makes it a lot easier to leave them if you know they like it. :thumbup:

I've signed Earl up for pre-school today. A lot relies on how quickly I get PG and how old he is when he gets a place etc, but it's all done now. Proud of myself but at the same time he's still only a baby and yet I'm talking about school :cry: Still, it's only pre-school and to begin with, if I get into one of the 2 I want for him, he'll only be going for 2x2hour sessions per week.

Colsy - re: being broody. I'm seriously broody now....we are now into our 2nd cycle of trying and we're going great guns (pardon the expression lol) to make this month our month. If we manage it all the plans will come together :)
Hi ladies!!

Hope everyone is well?

Colsy - Hope he gets better soon! Keep calm and strong!

Aimee - hope its ur month! Keep at it, girl!

LK - Glad he is doing well at nursery! My son would be same as he loves to play at nursery.

Billy is having 4 teeth coming thru and they already cut thru at the back and hes doing well and he has been having bad nights sometimes but now hes ok. He learnt to sign "apple" when he saw Daddy's lunch box and an apple on top of it. He loves watch Mr Tumble! He can sign mr tumble!

A question for you all, do your kid/s headbutt you? Billy has started to do that and I dont know why and dont know if it is normal for him to do that? Also when he is naughty, I spank gently on his hands and said no! He thinks its funny and it made me furstrating sometimes because I dont have a strong voice when he starts to smile/laugh and he can make me laugh, I had to turn away to reduce eye contact with him!

I have got a Midwife appt today at 2.30pm, to find out whether I should have another GTT again or not and also find more info which oils suit me for the labour as some oils wasnt suitable for the pregnancy. My baby son is having his time of sleeping and waking also moving/kicking. He always moving/kicking at low tummy and its different to my toddler son!

Got the housework to do today and Billy's having his hair cut again on Thurs before his counsin's 1st birthday on Sat! Got a friend coming on Friday and hope she keeps her promise this time before I go down to Birmingham again. My visit to see parents in law will be last one on July 16th the weekend that I will be 31 weeks. Yikes!

Roll on 1st July!! For our holiday in Skegness!

Speak to you later xxxx
it's 6:40 am here and i'm still awake. milo went to bed around 11:20 last night and decided to wake up shortly after 5 am :dohh: though i managed a little nap with ava on the couch for about an hour and a half. i should be going to bed since OH is up with the kids.
yesterday my mom said she thinks i should have milo tested for autism. me and her have been looking things up and milo shows a lot of signs :? though i'm not sure if they'll test at 19 months since it's kinda early still. but we'll see what happens.
it's 6:40 am here and i'm still awake. milo went to bed around 11:20 last night and decided to wake up shortly after 5 am :dohh: though i managed a little nap with ava on the couch for about an hour and a half. i should be going to bed since OH is up with the kids.
yesterday my mom said she thinks i should have milo tested for autism. me and her have been looking things up and milo shows a lot of signs :? though i'm not sure if they'll test at 19 months since it's kinda early still. but we'll see what happens.

:hugs: Stay strong, try to smile if you can (though I totally see why you probably don't feel like smiling at all right now). What makes your mum think you should ask for Milo to be tested? :hugs:
we've been noticing little signs for awhile now. the frst one was his love to always stack everything since he was about 10 or 11 months. today the conversation came up becaue we were talking about how Ava smiles already and she's only 5 weeks and it seems early. milo didnt start smiling until about 2.5 months. and i said how milo has never really smiled at anyone. if you smile at him he has never smiled back. the only time he's ever smiled was if you tickle him or he thinks something is funny. but he's never smiled for the camera as he got older. he just always seems like a super grumpy baby all the time.
then his lack of speech makes us worried too :? i've looked up videos that showed examples of how children with autism act (like signs to look for) and he seemed to have the majority of the signs. but a lot of the "signs" look like normal kid behavior. :shrug:
How stressful for you :(

The way you describe him sounds *exactly* like my friends now 3 year old, let me tell you about him and perhaps it can help put your mind at rest a little.

He was like Milo (still kinda is actually) when he was little. He was obsessed .. I mean OBSESSED with putting things in a row, cars, blocks, pens .. anything, they where in size/colour order and such. He was never really interested in traditional little kid toys. Then he became interested in electronics. He could go on her Iphone (at 2) download apps and play them from the get go. At 2 he could count to 100 forward, backwards, in 10s, knew his alphabet, his colours .. very quirky little boy.

Although he knew/knows his numbers his speech has never really developed. He only says single words and only says them when asked, he does not initiate conversation, he couldn't ask "mummy I need a drink" or tell me "Hi Chelle" when I walk inn, like most 3 year olds. Even when he does say his words, he does no pronounce the whole word.

He freaks out at the most odd things, he can't stand loud noises, things like the vacuum, people singing happy birthday, he totally freaks out and so on. He won't eat, he only eats certain textured foods like pretzels. He hates to be touched. He just screams all the time (has since a baby) and is just a general gump ass lol.

His parents have been worried about autism .. I mean if you read the above could you blame them? Also about his hearing because of his lack of pronunciation of the actual word (His sister has hearing loss in her left ear also)

She took him to his 3 year check. She said regarding his ... 'quirks?' it's just him being him. She checked him over and watched him interact and was happy.

She said he's very smart for his age with his numbers and such. With his speech, she agrees he should be saying 2 or 3 word sentences at this point, but she said, a lot of the time when they are a bit delayed in speech it's because they have no need to really speak or ask for things because for example if they are at home all day with mum, she learns to pre-empt his needs so he never really needs to ask. Also in his case, if he wants .. for example a paper towel, he will get a chair, take it to the kitchen, climb up and get it him self yanno? If he wants a bit of cheese, he'll open the fridge and get him self a bit of cheese.

She also said that girls come out the womb talking and being interactive with other kids, little boys tend to just play quietly next to other kids and that's enough company for them ;)

She is sending him for speech therapy and a hearing test .. she also suggested a couple days of pre-school a week, which is mother is having a nervous breakdown over haha. The ped seemed to think that another figure of authority and a situation where he has to ASK for what he wants/needs will bring out his confidence and speaking abilities.

I think that .. more so in this day there seems to be this unwritten rule of how kids are supposed to ack by a certain age and what is 'normal' (what ever that is!!!) or they have a problem, it kinda drives me nuts because it worries people unnecessary ..

However, with that being said, trust your mummy instinct .. it's there for a reason, you know Milo better than anyone, you spend the most time with him. Our guts are not often wrong. Every time Autumn had an ear infection, I just knew in my gut before we even got in the Drs door. Go speak to your Dr .. Ask to get referee to someone and have him checked out ... what can it hurt right? And if nothing else it will give you peace of mind. :hugs:

we've been noticing little signs for awhile now. the frst one was his love to always stack everything since he was about 10 or 11 months. today the conversation came up becaue we were talking about how Ava smiles already and she's only 5 weeks and it seems early. milo didnt start smiling until about 2.5 months. and i said how milo has never really smiled at anyone. if you smile at him he has never smiled back. the only time he's ever smiled was if you tickle him or he thinks something is funny. but he's never smiled for the camera as he got older. he just always seems like a super grumpy baby all the time.
then his lack of speech makes us worried too :? i've looked up videos that showed examples of how children with autism act (like signs to look for) and he seemed to have the majority of the signs. but a lot of the "signs" look like normal kid behavior. :shrug:
i went to a website and did a autism screening quiz and it said to have him checked out. for some reason i feel like he has something wrong. i've felt that way since he was young. i also tried to remember the fact that girls are usually more advance than boys. that could be why ava seems to be doing things before he did.
i went to a website and did a autism screening quiz and it said to have him checked out. for some reason i feel like he has something wrong. i've felt that way since he was young. i also tried to remember the fact that girls are usually more advance than boys. that could be why ava seems to be doing things before he did.

Hey MilosMommy, I wouldn't mind betting that if all the Bumpkin mums went on to this site and did the test, then it would suggest that almost all the Bumpkins have some signs of autism. Very few people in the world are entirely 'normal'. In fact, the normal is to be abnormal, if you see what I mean. AFAIK, most health professionals won't even consider attempting to diagnose autism in a child as young as Milo, because there are just so many variables at this age and as we know babies all progress at different stages and speeds.

What I am trying to say is - if possible, don't scare yourself by reading all this stuff right now. There will be time enough for that if - and I only mean IF, not when - the time arises when you actually need to.

I hope you realise that I mean all this in a nice, supportive, friendly way. I am not judging you at all and totally understand why you are reading the info and doing internet tests. :hugs:
Hey MilosMommy, I wouldn't mind betting that if all the Bumpkin mums went on to this site and did the test, then it would suggest that almost all the Bumpkins have some signs of autism. Very few people in the world are entirely 'normal'. In fact, the normal is to be abnormal, if you see what I mean. AFAIK, most health professionals won't even consider attempting to diagnose autism in a child as young as Milo, because there are just so many variables at this age and as we know babies all progress at different stages and speeds.

What I am trying to say is - if possible, don't scare yourself by reading all this stuff right now. There will be time enough for that if - and I only mean IF, not when - the time arises when you actually need to.

I hope you realise that I mean all this in a nice, supportive, friendly way. I am not judging you at all and totally understand why you are reading the info and doing internet tests. :hugs:

^^This!! Autism is a spectrum disorder and we all fall somewhere along the spectrum, just some of us are a little further down one end of it than others ;) I know it's hard not to worry or compare your kid to others but he's still so young and there is so much variation in abilities, even at 19/20 months :flower: I'd still follow your mommy instincts and speak to your doctor so that your concerns are noted- early intervention is key with autism and diagnosis can take a while since there isn't any one test for it, just a bunch of criteria :hugs:
yeah i know that it depends on the type and severity so some children have some signs others dont. i dont plan on getting him tested though. atleast not yet. i know the only thing they'll do is speech therapy. but my pedi isnt going to get concerned about his speech until he's 2. i was chatting in an autism support group on another site and showed them a video of milo from last week and they said in the video he shows a lot of red flags. but idk. i feel like autism signs are things normal kids do anyways. lol.

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