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the video i'm referring to, and the response one of the mom's gave me. (i hope the video works)


Things I saw in the video-that I would bring up

1.) Not responding to name
2.) Lack of shared enjoyment- he never looked at you or anyone with the "look at what I'm doing, look at me!" face or any communication that way
3.) Until the end when it was a huge amount of water hitting him, he never looked up to see where the water was coming from (when the other boy splashed his back)
and lastly
4.) stuck on that one toy- not sharing in play with others or changing his play a lot, even though it was only 2 minutes- that can be a red flag because of his age. Even when the others play caught his attention at the end, he just went back to his alone play.
the video i'm referring to, and the response one of the mom's gave me. (i hope the video works)


Things I saw in the video-that I would bring up

1.) Not responding to name
2.) Lack of shared enjoyment- he never looked at you or anyone with the "look at what I'm doing, look at me!" face or any communication that way
3.) Until the end when it was a huge amount of water hitting him, he never looked up to see where the water was coming from (when the other boy splashed his back)
and lastly
4.) stuck on that one toy- not sharing in play with others or changing his play a lot, even though it was only 2 minutes- that can be a red flag because of his age. Even when the others play caught his attention at the end, he just went back to his alone play.

I can't access the video - it says the video isn't on a facebook page and if you are in FB and then you were previously logged in you have to re-set your password!

That aside, I think if you are worried it is good to get something tested out otherwise you will always be monitoring and checking up on him regardless which affect how you behave towards him, not ina bad way but I can only explain is as like when my Sis found out William couldn't hear but was told it could come back, insead of acting naturally with him, they were constantly clapping behind him to see if he would react etc. Although it is understandable you want to find out and its hard if you think something is wrong with you LO, I hope you get all the answers you need :hugs: :flower:
Morning all,

Car went yesterday instead of the other day, big ol empty space but its a weight liften, no money being wasted and no MOT and tax due for it any more!!!

It's Chloe's picture day today at nursery, can't wait to see what ones they come out with :D
yeah i know that it depends on the type and severity so some children have some signs others dont. i dont plan on getting him tested though. atleast not yet. i know the only thing they'll do is speech therapy. but my pedi isnt going to get concerned about his speech until he's 2. i was chatting in an autism support group on another site and showed them a video of milo from last week and they said in the video he shows a lot of red flags. but idk. i feel like autism signs are things normal kids do anyways. lol.

The video gave me the same warning as Kte too. It's true about some of the autism signs being "normal" behaviours- in my daycare, I think every kid, including Emma, has a few of the "quirks". Still doesn't stop you from worrying about your own though! tbh, I was worried about autism for a while with Emma too and spoke to our doctor about it and she did help put my mind at ease and pointed out some pretty obvious stuff- Emma had a pretty traumatic xmas in the hospital and that's the point that her language skills completely slowed down and well, her "challenging" personality is pretty much identical to mine, esp. at this age :haha: It's not to say that there isn't a possibility of diagnosis down the road, but I do feel much better about having spoken to both the doc and my mum about it. My teaching qualifications also include special ed so I'm probably a bit prone being on the look out for trouble and I'm a chronic googler which doesn't help matters either, lol :) But yeah, a lot of the autism behaviours are also normal kid behaviours too- all kids at this young an age are still learning social skills, language skills, etc., and a lot of the time it's lack of these skills that seems to be a criteria for autism :dohh:

I'm sure you've probably googled autism to death too, but here's a decent site:
It mentions that there are resources for kids under 2 in the US too- I know you aren't planning on testing Milo atm, but it's also got a link to the state early intervention contact list if you change your mind and your ped isn't on board- hth :flower:

Try not to worry too much hun, although I know it's hard not to :hugs:
Hello ladies. Gosh, time was that I'd not come online for a few days and then there'd be ten pages of stuff to read from you all. Now it seems I can actually miss a week without losing the plot of what you're all up. So where ARE you all at the moment? Give us a wave and let us know you're all happy and healthy.

Us ... well Monty is gradually getting back to normal. His fever terrified me at the weekend. Never known him like that. Now I know that every other time he's been ill, he hasn't really been. This time has been proper ill. Poor boy, he didn't know what had hit him. He is on the mend, although he's still tiring pretty quickly. Back to one normal-length nap a day, but so far he's sleeping late (for him) in the morning - 7am today :happydance: - so I don't know whether that's his new 'normal' or whether he's just catching up. Let's hope the latter!

TTC ... we had the discussion :thumbup: OH defo wants another one soon but he's a bit cautious financially at mo. I am using what tricks I can to help him stop being cautious :blush: (And no, that doesn't mean stop taking the pill without him knowing ... because I'm not on it in the first place, so that's a trick not likely to work!)

Everything else ... generally good. Got a dodgy ear though, so off to doc this pm. OH says he's also getting a funny feeling in his ear, so wonder whether we've both got the ear infection Monty had.

Bye all. Hope to hear from some of you soon xx
:wave: :hi: I'll wave but can't promise the rest, i'm 'ok' :flower:

Good luck trying to convince OH, sorry no tips but hope you can bring him around, good that he is in the same frame of mind almost though.

Glad to hear Monty is feeling better and hope you both (you and OH) get better soon if you have caught the ear infection :hugs:
:hi: I'm still here too :) All is well, apart from a heat wave that is turning my household of teethers into little beasties. I'm contemplating taking the plunge and starting toilet training Emma- at every diaper change she's asking for "bubble poop" and pointing to the upstairs bathroom (her little potty seat is kept beside the bath tub) and if she's naked, she seems to be aware that something is about to happen before she pees (does a funny little dance while holding herself). I have a feeling toilet training is going to be filled with all kinds of mishaps though- she both her and the cat have slipped and fallen in puddles on two separate occasions this week as I was grabbing the towel to clean up the mess :dohh: :haha:

On the convincing the OH side of TTCing, you could use inflation as a swaying point- cost of living is forever increasing (often faster than increases in wages), so the sooner you get on with it, the less it'll cost for you to have another :flower: That and stuff like car seats that expire can be re-used :thumbup: Don't know if you've thought of it already, but it might appeal to the way men think- my hubby was the one in our house who thought of cost of living when we had the TTC talk, lol :)

Glad to hear Monty is on the mend- fx'd for you that he keeps the later wake-up time! Hope you and your OH's ears are better soon too :flower:
:wave: Hi Colsy and everyone!

We're ok. Very busy with work and generally counting hours until the end of the work day tomorrow when I have a full week off work. We're hiring a car for a couple of days and going for a few day trips instead of going away. We haven't explored the area yet, so we thought it would be a good idea. :thumbup:

Other than that everything is good. Earl is babbling like a trooper at the moment. He will literally stand in front of you and have a full conversation with you with only ahandful of words making sense lol. The he'll clap his hands, tell himself he's a 'goo boy!' and then toddle off! :haha:

Kaites- I have been toying with the idea of potty training Earl but I don't think he's ready yet. He's showing all the signs, but if you ask him if he needs a wee or to use the toilet he'll stand and shake his head and then wander off and wee up the wall! :dohh: I think I'll probably wait a bit longer and then try the whole cold turkey approach and just buy him some pants and give it a go.

Anything else?.........errrr I don't think we've got any other news. On the TTC front, cd9 today so hopefully having a relaxing week off will do the tirck lol. :blush:

Kte - hope you're ok. :hugs:
Hi all :hi:

I tend to FB more these days but I do pop in and read everything :)

We are well. Im planning on potty training over the summer 9 times out of 10 he communicates in his own way he needs to poo but usually just as he's in the process of doing it :dohh:

Little one is good. Im ok bit tired well alot tired, need to see doc see why im so run down.
:wave: hello ladies! all is well over here. it was really hot for the past few days. finally cooling down. it was up to 100 degrees the other day! i'm so glad it's friday. i live for the weekends when OH can get some quality time with Milo. yesterday he was doing somersaults and trying to jump. i was wondering when he'd learn to jump. it's cute though. and he picked up Ava's bottle and tried to put it in her mouth, but missed and almost shoved it up her nose! :dohh: i'm just glad he's trying to interact with her. i'm waiting for the day i can get him to hold her so i can get a picture of them together.
Milosmummy - Earl just learned to jump too, and is now taking every opportunity he gets to practice. Our house is only small and a terrace so lorn knows what the neighbours think as it sounds like the floor is about to give way! :wacko:
Well, "potty learning" day 1, take 1 is underway- bought big girl panties with Dora the Explorer on them as motivation and a doll that wets itself as a prop. So far Emma now thinks she can also pee in the doll's potty (:dohh:) and everytime Emma looks like she needs the potty and I ask, "do you want to sit on the potty?", one of her little boyfriend runs off with it, causing accidents that could have been avoided if he'd only keep his hands off the damn thing :dohh: :grr: :dohh: One of the boys is quite jealous of the potty and wants to join in the fun- that resulted in another puddle on the floor (but I'm also pretty sure now that he's ready too). I can see where potty training the boys will be... interesting... lol :) I may lose my mind completely before this process is over :haha: I had really wanted to wait until my holidays in July, when I wouldn't have any other kids around as distractions, but thought I'd just follow Emma's lead if she wants to use the potty now :shrug: Oh well, if things don't go well, we'll just put it off again until my holidays.

Aimee- Enjoy your holiday next week! We're semi-cold turkey here- lots of naked bum time and coverless fitted cloth diapers under skirts today when out of the house (like panties but a bit more absorbant was my reasoning).

Kte- Hope you're okay :hugs:

Fraggles- Hope you feel better :hugs:

Milosmommy- Milo sounds cute with the jumping :) Hope you get your sibling piccie soon :flower:

Any plans for the weekend? Parents phoned to say that there is a power outage at the lake- been out since a wicked storm hit the area on Wednesday and they aren't expected to have power until tomorrow at the earliest. Can't decide if we are going to go or not... probably still be better than staying put at home though, kinda like camping.
aimee - he's such a climber too. he loves trying to get ontop of the kitchen table now. it's hard to stop him since he uses the chairs to get up and idk what to do with the chairs.

kaites- good luck with the potty training. i've read online it's not smart to try and do if something big happened recently in the home (new sibling was an example). so i'm gonna wait another month to start trying.

not sure about the weekend. probably just seeing our parents since it's the only time we get a chance to go places as a family seeing that OH works during the evenings. i wish his job wouldve let him stay on first shift like he asked :cry: i enjoy our evenings as a family.
Chloe started jumping yesterday, she was jumping up and down and we were saying jump jump and when she stopped she started again when we asked. Still amazes me how suddenly they can just do something!

I am super happy today as I got my Foundation degree results letter saying I have passed with a Distinction :D Roll on Graduation in July :happydance:

Weekend wise, we are off to Wales on Monday so I am just getting Chloe's clothes sorted out. Its cold and windy here today so no trips to venture out. Miss has been napping an age since refusing to go down!

Tomorrow in-laws but its okay as we havent seen them for two whole weeks! :shock: :haha:

Kaites: Having the other kiddies there sounds like a nightmare! Hope it works out :flower:

Fraggles: Hope you feel better soon, hope the docs can sort it. I never got anything back in the end for me, so I just made sure I ate lots more of my 5 a day and it has helped me a little, I still get tired but not as quickly / early. :hugs:

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
Still not sorted a doctors appointment. I have sorted something more important though ;) so im feeling excited and nervous and every emotion possible.

We have had jumping here for quite a while, he has started to dance along to music now which is pretty cute. Still not much talking going on though.

Kte how are you ok/ almost ok or trying to be ok but not being?
Chloe loves dancing, she has been dancing since before she could walk lol There is a passage in her nursery folder where her old key worker Emily did a spontaneous observation and she said she asked Chloe if she was dancing when she was wiggiling from side to side. Now she likes to grab hands, she made Thomas dance with her once by grabbing his hands!

Fraggles: I'm almost OK, I'm just focusing on the holiday since the last one we had was for Chloe's 1st birthday! So it's been a while! I was struggling more through the week, i have really only been almost OK since Friday. I've made a few goals and lists, so thats going to help but I have been needing me time, relax, just not in the day to day grind time for so long and I going to indulge! After Wales, Chloe and I are of to see my Sis for a few days too so going too be fun.

Glad to hear you have something more important sorted :thumbup: Hope its the outcome you wanted :hugs:
Hi girls. Finally finished my nights for the week. Texted Radio 1 on the way home and typically as I had left my phone on silent they phoned me back and so I missed out on being on the radio!
milo's dancing is more of just a sway from side to side. lol. but still cute :)

last night i got onto our Help Me Grow program website to send in a referral for Early Intervention. hopefully it doesnt take too long until we can get milo evaluated and see if he needs speech therapy or anything else.
Hi girls. Finally finished my nights for the week. Texted Radio 1 on the way home and typically as I had left my phone on silent they phoned me back and so I missed out on being on the radio!

That's a shame. I've only had a text read out once about 5 years ago lol. Hope you're not too tired after all the nights :hugs:

Earl is a dancer too....he loves music and will happily bop away lol. Hubby taught him to skank and he will now stand bobbing at the knees to anything witha vaguely reggae beat. Rastamouse is always fun lol :haha:

I'm so chilled out today. I've done all the washing, the filing, booked the hire car, paid a few bills, and hubby is going to cut my hair later (figured he does Earl's so well and I just need about 8 inches of hair lopping off, he could give it a go! lol) ..... tomorrow looks like we're going to a local open farm and soft play centre. Tuesday we're going to a local railway that has lots of engines and narrow guage that you can ride. Wednesday and Thursday are a bit changeable weather wise so we're not sure - maybe the local museum, castle or even the zoo if it's a nice day lol. Hubby wants to go out to the broads and hire a boat! :wacko:. Friday I think is seaside and aquarium. I think I'll need a lie in next weekend lol. :sleep:
Been out shopping today as the 9-12 is finally too small so needed a few bits and J is almost ready for 3-6 (gosh it takes some forward planning working out what season they will fit what).

It's banging it down here so snuggled up on the sofa now

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