Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Been out shopping today as the 9-12 is finally too small so needed a few bits and J is almost ready for 3-6 (gosh it takes some forward planning working out what season they will fit what).

I need to do this. Earl needs new pyjamas desperately.

He's in 2-3 years mostly now - chunky boy is also going through a chubby stage (growth spurt ahead of us and he's eating us out of house and home at the moment). Hope you got some bargains. :thumbup: I love shopping for Earl, hate it for me, but could shop for Earl all day! :blush:

Evening everyone. Hope we're all ok. Not much going on here, just came on to see if anything exciting going on lol. Hubby has just had a go at cutting my hair and he's done a good job. It's going from being near my waist to up on my shoulders. So pleased to finally get rid and it's been 2 years since I last got it cut (when I was 4 months PG was last time!) and it's saved us over £25 as I was going to book in at the hairdressers lol.....nah I'd rather spend it on other things, like meals out and day trips lol.

Best be off..... need to do a bit of hunting for deals on nappies. Seeing as we have the car this week we will be stocking up on bulky items lol. Nappies, loo roll and dog food lol. :thumbup:

Have a nice evening everyone :hugs:
Enjoy your trips out Aimee.

LK: How typical, that is totally something that would happen to me!

Fraggles: I have so many nice summery things that are just pointless for Chloe now! Seasons are layers layers and more layers :haha:

Looking forward to the holiday tomorrow so that will be me quiet until next Monday.

Feeling physically sick at the moment, just saw a toddler on a drama get shot . . . it was awful, I wasn't even watching the programme it just something on in the background and I know it was pretend but it still really got to me . . . now I'm going to struggle to sleep :nope:

Anyway, on a lighter note . . .

Had to re-de flea the house again yesterday so took Chloe to the park for a bit whilst the carped stuff did its trick. Darn fleas! But it was nice out so we could go and play and she did really well, she went down the slide without needing to hold my hands! I was still there to catch her at the bottom.

Chloe wouldn't nap today, I'm hoping she isn't coming down with something, she was mighty grumpy and clingy when she awoke. She has occasionally been rubbing her ears also but I can't see anything in them and its not a regular thing she does but enough for me to notice if that makes sense. If she wakes in a grump tomorrow it may be a visit to the doctors before we go! Had Nij's parents over today, it was okay, they were here for a couple of hours, Chloe screamed at them for a bit until the nurophen kicked in, my last resort! Then she was full of beans again. So looking forward to a full week and a bit with her.

Best go, socks to pack and then that is me done! Have a lovely week and weekend next weekend ladies :flower:
We are usually a sixe to 2 behind so im just getting autumn/wnter things in sale but in next 2 sizes lol it seems so complex. Shoes now those we go through loads.

My hair needs a cut, you'll have to pop pics on FB aimee

I managed to sell quite a bit of their old clothes so that part funded the purchases yesterday.

Kte with summer tops I just layer
milo is typically in 18 month sized clothes. but his PJs are usually 2t, i think need to move up to 3t in those though. tomorrow him and ava have a doctor's appt. last month he was 31.5 inches and 25 lbs. i wonder if he's changed much. he's weighed 25 lbs since he was 12 months!
my MIL and FIL bought him a swing today :)
I have sorted something more important though ;) so im feeling excited and nervous and every emotion possible.

Sounds v exciting :happydance: Can you share, or is it something only for you?

I'm almost OK

Oh bless you, that doesn't sound quite what you would like to be saying, IYKWIM. I may have missed stuff from previous posts, but whatever it is that's up I hope things get sorted for you soon. :hugs:

Illness - well Monty has finally recovered. I guess we'll never know exactly what was wrong, but I know it wasn't a nice week, for him or us. The antibiotics worked and he is now running and talking for England again, making far too much noise :haha: I was quite frightened one evening, when I was on my own and really didn't know whether I should take him to the kids' hosp or not. I love where we live, but it's at times like that when it gets hammered home how far away we are from lots of services - for us to go to the hosp it's a 30-minute drive over the moors, on a very twisty lonely road. No houses, petrol station, farms, anything. I love the drive in the daytime, but on my own at night would just scare the hell out of me. I have a stupidly good imagination, and I would be hallucinating ghostly scary stuff the whole journey :dohh:

Clothes sizes - we're a right mixed bunch - we have some 12-18 mths things that are still going strong, and then mostly 18-24 mths , but then even a few 24-36 mths too. Because we use cloth nappies, it's always a bit touch and go whether things will fit both leg length and round his tummy/bum, hence the items that are for 2-3 years. Consequently we quite often have really big turn-ups on his trousers :wacko:

The TTC conversation - ho hum, OH changed his mind :happydance:. After one day of 'getting my head round the financials first' (which initially he'd meant would take potentially a few weeks or even months), he said 'oh go on then' :kiss:. Err, which means we're sort of thinking about having another baba, which is blooming scary but vvvvvv exciting all at once. So, a question for those of you in the know - at what point does NTNP become TTC? Just interested, obviously it doesn't actually matter in the slightest, but I was never really sure whether what we did before was classed as NTNP or TTC.

So, work for me today, while OH and Monty drive into town to pick up some toys I won on eBay.

Hope you've all had lovely weekends. Bye for now xx
Colsy - I class myself as just not preventing. We are actively trying, but apart from trying to increase the chances of getting pregnant by more BD and a few vitamin supplements, I can't be bothered with the temping, the OPKs, the checking all sorts of other things every day. I just jump on hubby on or around the time I think I'm fertile, and then try not to think about it for a fortnight! lol - It doesn't always work, and last month I got really stressed as I felt really unwell....turned out to be a bug! :dohh:

Well life just threw a great big spanner in the works. Our bank have threatened to close our bank account. I managed to talk them around but we now really need to get things sorted out - I have been trying to keep on top but with having to still pay for childcare it's been a struggle and I confess to having quite simply given up the past month! :blush: Hubby and I have said we're going to open another account this week just in case and then try to get it all back to date - and give the SLC a piece of our minds as if they'd simply paid us like they promised all the childcare grant we're owed we wouldn't be in this mess. Thankfully the bank have said that they will help with our complaint and supply a list of all the charges and 'indiscretions' to help our case.

Still hubby has gone to collect the hire car, and Earl is in bed, so I'm just trying to get our accounts sorted and get the house all tidy in preparation.

Goddammit, I was hoping for a nice easy week!
... and Earl is in bed ...

At ten in the morning!!!! Gosh, how you manage that? Or is this a nap, having got up at stupid o'clock this morn?

How crap re your bank. Hope everything sorts out for you ASAP. In the meantime, have an abby-fabby week off and enjoy all your visits :flower:
... and Earl is in bed ...

At ten in the morning!!!! Gosh, how you manage that? Or is this a nap, having got up at stupid o'clock this morn?

How crap re your bank. Hope everything sorts out for you ASAP. In the meantime, have an abby-fabby week off and enjoy all your visits :flower:

Unfortunately it's the latter. He woke me up at 5.10am! :sleep: He normally has a nap at this time anyway but he really needed it today lol. His nap is anytime 10am-2pm for about 2 hours.

Yes it is crap, but it's a lot better than it sounds. We actually have money at the moment, they have just 'decided' to close the account! :dohh: Apparently we were too naughty in the period when I was unemployed and when we were moving - which they knew about. :shrug: Oh well....gives us a reason to actually get moving and sort out eh finances rather than sitting in ignorant bliss lol :blush:
colsy - glad to hear monty is feeling better :flower: good luck TTC :D

sometimes i think milo never needs any sleep :dohh: he took a nap from 3-5 pm yestday and didnt fall asleep until 3 am! woke him up at 10 to get ready for the doctors at 11. it's 2 now and he's still going strong. his naps are usually a little earlier than that (sometimes between 12 and 3). but then he has days where he pushes it as long as he can and ends up taking a super late nap.

milo had a doctor's appt this morning. he's 24 lbs and 32 in tall :)
Hi girlies and bumpkins. We are having a good day today. I finished work at 1.30pm so just catching up on dads laptop then we are off to do some water play in the garden. He is doing amazingly well at nursery and yesterday didn't even cry when I dropped him off. Its funny reading about you all NTNP and TTC. Only seems like months ago that we were all pregnant with our little bumpkins hehe. Can't believe James is now 20 months old!!
Hi all

Colsy not things I can go into on an open forum at the moment ;)

oooh I have a few job applications to fill in found a job that would be ideal

We have discovered buskers! He walksup to them and points and wont come away starts dancing alomg to the singing. He ended up picking up a toy guitar in Tesco yesterday after seeing the busker with one :haha: He loves musical stuff (I like hiding the drum)
Hey everyone! I haven't looked on here in a while so I'm sure I've missed millions!! How is everyone,well I hope?
We are ok here, Jacob's really progressing now, they physio has been a great help, he can now cruise and walks holding our hands but only really when outside as once we come in our house again, he plops down on his knees again, guess it's faster that way, but the main thing is he wants to do it and he's enjoying it too, so hopefully we will have a walker soon and thankfully it looks like surgery is ruled out :) The consultant is happy with his progress, he said he has internal tibial torsion and lots of other confusing things but apparently nothing that shouldn't correct itself as he gets more mobile, he walks with his toes turned in but apparently this should get worse before it gets better so all is looking good for now :)

Craftymum- Glad to hear Jacob is doing well! I'm sure he'll be walking in no time, now that the weather is nice and it's fun to explore outside :flower:

Fraggles- GL with the job app and all the other mysterious stuff ;) N sounds cute with the Buskers.

Aimee- Hope you are having a good vacation!

Kte- Hope you are having a good vacation too!

Milosmommy- Emma's another one who doesn't seem to need a lot of nighttime sleep compared to her little friends. I find it takes a lot of outside time to wear her out enough to go to bed at a decent time, and sometimes thats even without a nap :wacko: How's Milo enjoying the new swing? :)

Colsy- Glad to hear Monty is fully recovered! Congrats on convincing your OH ;)

Not a whole lot to report here- "potty learning" is sort of progressing :wacko: We tried the cold-turkey method since Emma loves being naked and wearing her Dora panties but it turned out to be a bit much for my sanity- imagine me and Emma in a tiny little powder room, about 4'x7', with an added potty chair and step stool to the sink- now add 3 little friends coming in because they are curious about the whole process... that was the point when I'd had enough, lol! She did really well the first few days, only really having accidents when I hadn't been paying attention to her cues or when Daddy was watching her (yep, I know- atm it's more a case of her training us- gotta start somewhere though). The more her friends interfered in the whole process, the more frustrated she got though, so we've backed off a little and changed our tactics- she's wearing training pants instead of undies (she still says "uh oh- pee, pee" when she's gone but there aren't any puddles on the floor- she doesn't want to wear diapers now either), I've got the go ahead to include 2 of her friends so that if they want to sit on the potty, they are more than welcome and for Emma, we're mainly just focusing on learning in the evenings, when her friends aren't around (she goes every night after her bath in the potty :thumbup: but she's also "invited" to have a seat on it at other points in the day). Anyhoo, that's about all that is new with us- geesh that was a long ramble about potty stuff :blush:

Hope everyone has a good weekend! :hugs: to those that need them!
Hi all. Having a bit of a pants day really. Finally gave in and went to the drs this morning after being in pain with my jaw for a week...turns out I have an ear infection so now on antibiotics and ear drops. Feel like complete crap :(
Kaites Thank you :) Unfortunately the weather is pants here at the minute, but soon I hope!
That's great that potty training has started, Jacob has yet no interest at all and if I try to sit him on the potty he just gets annoyed and gets straight back off it again, so I'm not pushing it for now as there's no point in stressing him (and me) when he's not ready.

LK That really sucks :( I hope you're feeling better soon. I saw your FB earlier, sounds like you have some fantastic neighbours too, that was such a nice thing to do.
Hi everyone,

Kaites - Thanks we're having a lovely time. We went to the seaside and aquarium on Monday, the railway Museum on Tuesday, to the local open farm and horse sanctuary on Wednesday and today we went the air Museum at Duxford. Tomorrow it's a trip onto the broads I think and we're hoping for nice weather so we can hire a boat. :thumbup: I'll sort through the pics on Saturday and put some up.

Proud Mummy Moment - Earl has finally started to call me Mummy! :thumbup: Only happened today and I welled up! :cry:
kaites- lol. yeah we have to make sure he stays active to make sure he'll get tired. not much i can do with him since i'm stuck in the house all day. but i manage to get him running in the house.

aimee- aww congrats :) milo said hi again the other night. only took him two weeks to finally say it :dohh: still waiting on EI to call about testng milo for speech therapy.

speaking of PTing... i thought milo was showing all these signs and he was gonna be ready. but then i noticed that he's been peeing in his sleep again. he hasnt done this since he was 11 months! i'm hoping he'll go back to having dry diapers when he wakes.
LK- Hope your ear clears up quickly :hugs:

Aimee- Sounds like a jam packed week- you'll need another week off just to recover, lol :) WTG Earl on saying Mummy! Emma started about a month ago and I was all excited, until she learned how to whine it :wacko: Hubby just says "hey, you wanted her to learn to say your name..." whenever I get a bit annoyed by it.

Milosmommy- I'm not too concerned about sleep time dryness yet (Emma's hit or miss too)- everything I've read said that it comes in time, usually after they've mastered daytime dryness so it's diapers at night for now around here. I'm just following Emma's sudden interest in her potty, lol :)

So hubby is on a mission to buy another potty today. We had 2 but one of them is at the lake, so we're down to one potty which has Emma and one little friend getting a bit competitive about who gets to sit on it :wacko: We saw a Dora the Explorer one on sale so he's going to see if it's still available :) I really don't know where Emma's obsession with Dora came from- we've got some Dora French/English flash cards so maybe that's where it started since she's only seen the show a couple times- either way, she loves anything Dora atm. I think it's cute- reminds me of my love of my Cabbage Patch Kids when I was little. I accidentally walked down the Dora toy aisle at a store yesterday (looking for stickers for daycare) and Emma started getting all excited saying, "whoa, down! down! Dora! Dora!" Thank goodness she was in the carrier on my back or I would have been prying toys out of her hands :haha:

Anyone have special plans for the weekend? We're back to the lake- weather is supposed to be decent too so I'm sure we'll be doing lots of swimming. It's father's day here on Sunday so I think we might do dinner out with my parents on Saturday at our favourite microbrewery.
Thanks girls. I'm a little less sore today than yesterday. James shocked me this morning. I was putting on his socks and I said 'one' and he promptly replied 'two'!!! He did it like 8 times. Talk about jaw hitting the floor. But when I tried to get him to do it for my mum he refused lol.

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