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Hi everyone - few piccies from our week. We're off to bed soon to sleep off. I feel like I've got jetlag!

Will be on tomorrow - have a nice evening ladies :sleep:


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Aimee - fab pics! your son seems love it! :)
Thanks :thumbup:

Nanaki- Earl had a fabulous time. He is asleep at the moment as he's been on the go non-stop for 5 days. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another nap this afternoon too lol. We've got a tape full of footage on the camcorder and over 90 pictures. Who needs to go on holiday eh?! lol I think we've all had a good time though.

Quick question ladies - Do you ever feel like you have no-one to go to if you have a personal problem. I can't really put it on here as my hubby has access, my family just wouldn't understand, and I don't have any close friends that I can trust. if you need guidance, where do you go?
Thanks :thumbup:

Nanaki- Earl had a fabulous time. He is asleep at the moment as he's been on the go non-stop for 5 days. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another nap this afternoon too lol. We've got a tape full of footage on the camcorder and over 90 pictures. Who needs to go on holiday eh?! lol I think we've all had a good time though.

Quick question ladies - Do you ever feel like you have no-one to go to if you have a personal problem. I can't really put it on here as my hubby has access, my family just wouldn't understand, and I don't have any close friends that I can trust. if you need guidance, where do you go?

I'd PM the bumpkin girls on FB :)
Thanks :thumbup:

Nanaki- Earl had a fabulous time. He is asleep at the moment as he's been on the go non-stop for 5 days. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another nap this afternoon too lol. We've got a tape full of footage on the camcorder and over 90 pictures. Who needs to go on holiday eh?! lol I think we've all had a good time though.

Quick question ladies - Do you ever feel like you have no-one to go to if you have a personal problem. I can't really put it on here as my hubby has access, my family just wouldn't understand, and I don't have any close friends that I can trust. if you need guidance, where do you go?

I'd PM the bumpkin girls on FB :)

Good idea! lol :thumbup: Expect a message! lol :haha:
Chaos - thanks for your help! :thumbup:

How is everyone? I'm feeling a lot better today.. Got some sleep and even got an hours lie in this morning thanks to hubby. Last day of holiday tomorrow.....booooooo! Back to work for 7 weeks and I have another week off lol. :thumbup:
Thanks :thumbup:

Nanaki- Earl had a fabulous time. He is asleep at the moment as he's been on the go non-stop for 5 days. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another nap this afternoon too lol. We've got a tape full of footage on the camcorder and over 90 pictures. Who needs to go on holiday eh?! lol I think we've all had a good time though.

Quick question ladies - Do you ever feel like you have no-one to go to if you have a personal problem. I can't really put it on here as my hubby has access, my family just wouldn't understand, and I don't have any close friends that I can trust. if you need guidance, where do you go?

I'd PM the bumpkin girls on FB :)

agree :thumbup:
Hi girls. Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. James was sick yesterday. Threw up bile when we woke up and then was ok til 4.45pm when he threw up again big time. Been fine since so god knows what it was all about. I still went to work cos didn't want to cancel at such short notice. I'm on annual leave now which is nice. Not back at work til a week Tuesday.
i've been recording a lot of videos of milo lately. the lady from early intervention left a voicemail (my OH didnt inform me until 4 days later). so i gotta call her on monday. i've been taking a lot of videos and chatting in an Autism Chat thread. the mamas there feel confident about the videos i have and think they'll convince the doctor to get the ball rollin here! i'm ready to start working with milo. not sure how many of you will have time to actually watch all the videos though! lol.


Aimee- Cute pics of Earl! Hope all is okay with you hun :hugs:

LK- Hope James is feeling better soon :flower: Enjoy your holiday! You definitely deserve a break after the shifts you've been working lately!

Milosmommy- Milo's a cutie :) I hope the call goes well for you with the EI people when you get a hold of them :flower:

How was everyone's weekend? We finally had a weekend with gorgeous weather- seems lately that the weekdays are great but the weekend is a bit grey and cloudy so this was a nice change. Emma's latest words are "lawnmower" and "bicycle"- I guess her bubble mower that I got off my parent's neighbour has left quite an impression, lol :) Seems like she picks up way more words when we are at the lake than at home- makes me feel a bit sad that she seems to need the one-on-one time more than the other kids for language development and I have a hard time giving it to her Mon-Fri, iykwim :shrug: Anyway, this week of work should be an interesting one- one of Emma's friends is becoming a big brother this week and he's just a couple days younger than Emma.

Anyway, hope everyone is well :hugs: to those that need them!
Afternoon all,

Aimee: Money – banks eh! At least they listened to you. I despise some banks, I am still locked out on my online account with one, finally got a letter to get logged back on as they send you a letter for security reasons but now my details have changed (my surname going back to maiden name) and so I now have to go into the bank to change it over – however, they will only accept my deed poll and not my driving licence as a form of ID! Eh?! Of course the deed poll isn’t where I thought it was . . . so yeah; I’ve only been locked out for almost 2 years!! Why am I still with this bank?! I guess having already been closed down by one, I have this one as a main and I also have a spare account with another bank just in case. Hope you get things sorted.
Sounds like you had a lovely time away. Lovely pictures! Look at Earl now! Gorgeous. Think I need to take Chloe to a train museum, she loves looking at them and says ‘peep peep’.

Hurray for Earl calling you Mummy! I only get Mummy when she really, really wants something or then I get Nana! Not impressed!

Agree with Chaos about the pm’ing. Poor Fraggles must dread it when she see’s my name pop up sometimes!

Fraggles: Sounds promising and good luck with the forms!

Craftymum: So glad that Jacob’s walking and movement is improving :flower:

Colsy: Congrats on NTNP/TTC which ever you decided! I also think NTNP is as Aimee described, just kind of increasing chances without following charts and things! Glad Monty is better now too.

Kaites: I have been told by a few people that girls are much more particular when it comes to potty training and they like their privacy more than boys so maybe it is the audience of other kiddies that is putting her off. My niece is okay at wee-wee’s but ‘can’t go if anyone is watching her poo. Sounds like she is doing well though training you and your OH!

Hope you had a lovely weekend, it was Fathers Day here too but I was at my sisters but we did it on Thursday during the week so Nij could open what Chloe had created (a keyring) and open her card.

LK: Hope you’re feeling better with the jaw infection. Wow, well done James on counting! Hope the bug thing he has had has now gone and enjoy your time off!

Mylo’smummy: Glad Milo’s doc appointment went well. Can’t hear the vid’s unfortuanatly but didn’t want to ignore the fact they were there. I can only access internet at work at the moment so can’t access the sounds in the open office.

Me . . . .: A lot of my worries are financially related, feel like everything is determined by money, or lack of. Up a certain creek without a paddle it feels like at the moment, no matter how hard I paddle to get out, something crops up and shoves me back under. One day at a time I guess! I can ‘do without’ for a lot of things, but when I am struggling and ‘doing without’ that’s when it gets depressing. Its funny how all holiday I have been fine but back home ‘in reality’ I didn’t sleep properly at all last night. I so miss the sofa bed! It was amazingly comfy!

Holiday in Wales was fab fab fab. We stayed near Rhyl, 5 mins walk to a lovely sandy beach which we visited each day. Weather was sunny, a slight wind in some places but nothing a simple jumper couldn’t sort out. We went to a model village in Anglesey on the Tuesday and there was a little train that Chloe went on. Wed we met up with my parents as they ended up in Prestatyn. The onsite facilities were really good, there was a soft play area that Chloe loved with a ball pool and slide and then right outside the holiday chalet / apartment was an outdoor play area which she was obsessed with and visited several times a day! She won on the ticket games again, a play tent, a ball and some bubbles! On Thurs we went swimming and she hates her armbands with a passion! But she still enjoyed it and it wore her out to the point at lunch time she collapsed on me and snored her head off! She did super well in her ready bed and it was raised on a normal bed and we had one falling out incident but that was when she was trying to climb out on the first night there in a ‘I don’t want to go to bed’ fit. The rest of the week she went to bed and slept like a dream. She was great all week minus Sunday where she wasn’t herself at all and just screamed and screamed and nothing would settle her. Thankfully after about 15mins of screaming on the train she fell asleep on me and stayed asleep, I was really worried. She has been fine today and went to nursery no problem. Was a lovely week, shame it had to end but I wish I had today off just for me, cream crackered!!

I take it Flora still has no internet still as well? She’s been awfully quiet! Chaos, hope all is well with you and hugs for everyone else still MIA / stalking (Eswift, Jo_79 etc . . .)
Oh crappest of crap days. Here we go again. What should have been a nice weekend at friends turned into the disaster from hell, with arguments everywhere (me and OH, me and friend, friend and her OH) and yet again a child who will not sleep unattended, who wakes screaming in the night and won't go back to sleep, and who eventually got up for the day at 4am. No, there wasn't anything wrong with him. No, he wasn't teething. No, it wasn't because he was all alone in a strange house, because he was in his cot right next to our bed. And to counter that one, no it wasn't because he was sleeping in our room, because the next night we put him in a room on his own and he did the same thing.

That's it now. I have had it. I am simply not going anywhere overnight with him. I can't handle it. It's every single time we have EVER been away anywhere, regardless of whether he does or doesn't know the house or the people in it very well. I don't jest - it is EVERY time we have been away. And we've been away quite a lot, so he knows his travel cot and we keep to the same bedtime routine and time, so there are to be blunt no excuses.

And you know what? You know what's even harder? For several days after every time we go away, he does the same thing here at home. So you know, right now I am typing this even though I don't usually do BnB in the evenings, because he has been screaming since 7.52pm and it is not 8.26pm, and if I now go downstairs he will hear me on the stairs and think I am going into his room, which I'm not, because although I HATE HATE HATE doing this whole cry it out thing, it is the ONLY way he will sleep, because if you go into him he just stands up and starts yelling even harder the moment you try to leave.

And I feel like I can't take it any more. Yesterday I did something crap. He was screaming in his cot, had been for about half an hour, and OH and I were trying to sleep. And I thought, 'I can't cope with this'. So I got out of bed, got dressed and went out to car and just drove round the village at one in the morning. That is the only time I have ever walked out the house on the pair of them. Even at our hardest times I've always realised that that wouldn't help anybody. But last night I just snapped, and there I was driving in the middle of the night, feeling like a complete tit because a few minutes later I realised I had almost no fuel in the car and had to go back home and let myself back in.

So yeah, that's my weekend. And the outcome is there are no more weekends, because anything nice that happens is totally negated by the complete sleep regression we have for a week afterwards, so there's not a great deal of point.

Oh, and did I mention he does almost the exact same thing when we have guests come to stay here? Only that's even more ridiculous, because then the things that wake him up are people daring to go into the spare room and people switching on the light in the bathroom.

Call me intolerant and irrational, but I think by this stage we should be able to have a couple of quiet friends over to sleep at our house without having to tell them to pee in the dark and 'not sleep too noisily'.

Oh god, this post just makes me look completely like some mad woman. I feel it right now, but I am a fast typer so it hasn't taken me long to write this! And I just had to get all that off my chest.

Do ANY of you have a similar prob to this? And if not, I wonder what is it you've done differently with your baba? I bloomin' well need to know, because any other babas of mine have absolutely got to sleep.
There's nothing wrong with going out and getting 5 minutes to your self. I can't count the number of times I've left missy in her cot screaming and gone out the front and shut the front door just for 5 minutes to my self and to think. Safe in their cot and your OH was there.

It sounds like he is really sensitive to his routine being changed. Even tho you keep the same bedtime routine when you stay away, his routine has changed because he's not in his house. Have you thought of consulting the sleep study people again?

Re creeping down the stairs .. do you have a noise machine in his room. I have one in missys. When it's on in there you can't hear noise from the rest of the house, it drowns it out. We gave one that plays 10 different sounds, from rain, to a river, to white noise to bird song. She likes the rain sound the best. It really helps.

Sorry you're having a rough time. I know it feels shitty now, but breathe mama, He won't be like this forever.
colsy - :hugs: sorry to hear about your horrible weekend! everytime i try to plan a nice calm weekend it never goes right. is there something that he's attached to that maybe you can take with him overnight so he doesnt seem so scared to be away from home? the only place milo stays away at is my mom's or sisters. and he's used to that. i'm too scared to even attempt to let him stay with someone else since nighttime is unpredictable :?

i just got off the phone with the lady from EI that left the voicemail. she said a coordinator will call sometime this week to set up an appt to meet up with me and go over everything and get things going for his first evaluation. they said everything is free until their 3 unless they qualify for further therapy.
Majour :hugs: Colsy Sorry I have no answers, but I also had moment where I just need to leave the room when miss is creating. Sometimes you just need a moment to compose yourself and then go back and can deal with it :hugs:
Colsy- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I think we've all had to walk away for a little breather at some point or another so definitely don't beat yourself up about it! I use a fan to drown the sounds out here (Emma seems to prefer it to our white noise machine, asking for me to turn the fan on) and it helps with the creaky stair wakings. No other suggestions though since we co-sleep and I realize it isn't for everyone. If it's any consolation, I am seeing some gradual (and I mean g...r...a...d...u...a...l, lol) improvements in Emma's sleep when she isn't teething, so maybe Monty isn't too far behind too :flower: It must be hard to decide not to visit friends overnight when it sounds like it's a big part of your lifestyle :hugs:

Milosmommy- That's great that the ball is rolling for Milo and that they offer the EI stuff for free :flower:

Kte- Glad to hear you had a good holiday! I hope the money situation doesn't stress you out too much :hugs:

Not much new here, still plucking away at potty training. I've been working on making her some little training undies so that we can ditch the diapers when out but not have to use Pull-Ups- a slow process since Emma's been quite clingy lately and it's hard to use the machine with her on my lap. I'm finding the late afternoon the hardest time with potty training though because with the other kids being picked up by their parents and hubby coming home from work, both Emma and I are distracted and she tends to have more accidents then.
Colsy - :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your problems. I don't know what to suggest but just wanted to offer support. I think we've all had those kind of 'that's it, I'm done' moments, and at least you were able to simply go to a quiet space for a while to gather your thoughts.

With the sleep, the noise machine sounds like it would be a good idea, if only to allow you to move around the house without holding your breath. I hope things improve....I wish I could be of more help. I'm trying to think of what else could be done? Do you think he would be better in a bed? Would he settle easier knowing he could get to you? Just a thought, albeit a whacky one!

Kte - sorry to hear about your troubles. I know how you feel about the finances. Things are particularly bad at the moment for everyone I think, it's only a matter of time though. Deep breaths, and keep moving forward. :hugs:

Not a lot going on here. Earl is unwell at the moment - nothing major, but a bit of a tummy bug I think. All of us have been a bit off today though, and Earl was in bed by 6.15 which is unheard of. He was up a lot last night though, so we'll see how we go.

I have decided to give job-hunting another go. My job has gone from bad to worse, and I'm fed up of the commute (an hour each way on a crowded bus- only consollation is that I get on it first so always get a seat). I know I'll struggle but I at least have to try. :shrug:

Anyway, I'm off for the night. Hope everyone else is well and that life is treating you well. :flower: Good luck on the lottery tonight btw those that are playing - £89million would be nice lol.
Hi everybody and :hugs: to everybody who needs them

Not been around much as been really busy, trying to do 2 course's at once and looking after the kids as well but will all be worth it in the end as will all help towards my application for nursing.
Adi is ok, cutting all his back teeth so been a bit of a pain sleeping as usual some nights it has been after 11 before he has settled and I'm shattered by then. He is coming on really well with his speech and everything else like head butting me lol.
If any of you want to add me to fb as i'm on there more than here just pm me xx
Girls, thanks to all of you for your support last night and today. He eventually cried - nay, I mean screamed - for 45mins yesterday evening before falling asleep. He then woke in the night and I refused to go in. There was NOTHING wrong, he simply didn't fancy sleeping right there, right then. So we let him cry it out again, and that lasted 20mins. Shockingly though, OH got up for work at 6am and Monty didn't wake up - in fact he slept til 7.30am, which is pretty much unheard of. I guess he was just knackered after the bad night.

So tonight we hoped it would be better, but again I'm up in the attic room on the computer, having just listened to him CIO for 30mins. It breaks my heart, it truly does. BUT if we don't walk away, he actually just doesn't go to sleep. He would just stand in his cot all night. So it seems to me that although I hate doing it, and although he presumably hates it being done, we have little choice. Just like we wouldn't give in every time he cries because he can't have or do what he wants, so we can't let him not sleep - it's unhealthy.

Re all your suggestions - Aimee, that's an interesting one re putting him into a bed instead of a cot. Did you find it made a difference. He is already in a cot-bed though (one of those that converts to a bed eventually) so it's quite big and spacious. Also, we wouldn't be able to let him walk into our room from his room, because the layout of our cottage means he'd have to walk down half a flight of stairs and then up the opposite flight of stairs. So I have a feeling we'd just end up with him standing at the stair gate screaming! I have a mate whose child used to collapse in sleep at her stair gate after screaming for half an hour every night. Apparently she now sleeps in her bed, after weeks of protest!

And Chaos, I have just looked on Amazon and ebay for white noise machines and am inundated with the different options. Could you tell me which one you have.

Thanks also to those of you who said I wasn't bad for walking out. It made me feel much better to hear that from you :flower:

I have had a much better day today and am generally in a better frame of mind, despite this set-back. And OH and I are at least on talking terms again - and we even both said 'I love you' when he left the house a few mins ago for a village meeting.

I also have things to tell you about daytime napping and NTNP, but I'll save those for now, cos you'll all be bored reading my ridiculously long posts!

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