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And Chaos, I have just looked on Amazon and ebay for white noise machines and am inundated with the different options. Could you tell me which one you have.

This is the one we have but I'm not sure if they ship to the UK:


A lot of them have timers that switch it off after 60 mins, this one above is unlimited and we leave it on all night and at her nap times.
the lady called yesterday afternoon. she's scheduled to come at 1:30 on thursday to have me go over some things and sign papers.
MilosMommy, good luck with the assessment. I hope the lady manages to give you some answers and put your mind at rest. :hugs:
NTNP - four days late (I'm NEVER late), mood swings from hell, so emotional it's ridiculous, but period pains.

Daytime naps - I've only done this twice, so I'm trying not to count my chickens, but for the past two days I've had Monty nap in his pram in the garden, without me wheeling him around the village for two hours. This is such a first for us that it's quite hard to believe that it could possibly be the herald of a new era. But whatever, it felt great having him asleep in the garden while I sorted out the kitchen and got our tea ready. (The kitchen looks directly on to the garden, so I can watch him to make sure he's OK.)

Last night - he woke in the night again, and we left him to get on with it. OMG it feels wrong letting my baby (even if he isn't a baby any more) cry at night :cry:. But he went back to sleep and then didn't wake til 7.30am again. This is so late for him :happydance:. The one thing I have to keep telling myself is to notice how happy he is when he wakes up - so presumably the CIO thing isn't bothering him for more than at the actual time, because when I go in to see him in the morning, he's pleased to see me and laughing and playing as normal.
NTNP - four days late (I'm NEVER late), mood swings from hell, so emotional it's ridiculous, but period pains.

ohhhh :test::test::test:

I would, but I don't have a test at home! I thought I had an out-of-date one in the cupboard, which I thought about doing just out of interest, and then I remembered I chucked it out when I spring-cleaned the bedroom a couple of months ago.

We'll be very excited and pleased if it is positive, but you gotta laugh at us - I mentioned it to OH, and he just shook his head and said something along the lines of 'What a great time, just when we're having the worst sleep issues since M was less than a year old'. Ah well, let's look on the bright side - maybe a newborn in the house will make Monty's sleep look good ;-)
Colsy - go out and get a test!!! Best of luck :thumbup:

Re: sleep and CIO - I did CC with Earl and now he's in his own bed we do 'stay in bed' technique which can involved CIO sometimes if he's getting worked up. It is heart-breaking but as you say they're happier for having the sleep. As you know it's only a short time of tears and then they get used to it. Hopefully it's just a short phase for you. Earl is really under the weather at the moment (not sure what's up but I think it's teeth related) and he's had 2 really unsettled nights and mornings. This morning he woke me up at 4.30 in a panic because he'd been sick. We got up and he had a drink then demanded to go back to bed at 5.30. He then slept in until 9. Thankfully it's a wednesday so I was able to go back to bed too. Don't know what I would have done if it had been a work day. I hope things improve for you. :hugs:

Re: beds - Earl does sleep better in his own bed. He just had a cot though and had grown out of it well and truly. He's only fallen out a handful of times (as they do lol) and most of the time collapses into bed. He goes through phases of getting up and standing at the top of the stairs but he doesn't normally sleep at the gate - we normally find him on top of all his covers having emptied out all his drawers and shelves! It may be worth a try in the near future, as we've found Earl is a lot more settled knowing if he needs us he can simply come and get us. Only drawbacks are that every morning at about 5.30 Earl will come and crawl into bed with us, and in the night, if he wakes up, you cannot leave him, as he will make sure you know about it! lol. But, having said that, the majority of the time he sleeps 7.30-5.30 in his own bed, no issues. He loves his bed, and will only nap in his bed - he does not have naps at the childminders at all, and will only sleep for short periods in his car seat and pushchair....in his bed he regularly has 2-3 hour naps! He was never this settled in his cot, but then again he's had his bed for nearly 6 months now, so it could just be that he's developed enough to understand that bed is for sleep.
Colsy: Good luck when you get to test :flower:

Re Bed: Okay so technically Chloe hasn't been in her own bed but she has been in the ready bed which has given her the sense of being in a bed and having the freedom that comes with it. Even now when she wakes up she just sits in it and waits for me to come and get her up, well say 'morning' and then she knows she can get out of bed! There was only one climinig out in hysterics incident on holiday and one at my sisters the first time she ever used it and I was doing the super nanny way I guess - saying it's bed time and settling her in with a kiss, then just saying it's bed time, then just popping her back in. Firstly I would sit with her but she just wouldn't settle so I would say night and leave the room. This did lead to some crying when she first tried sleep in the bed. Although, as you have found with Monty, it would just prolonge things staying with her as she would just end up crying after I left again anyway. So I switched to just popping her to bed with the usual routine and then leaving straight away, letting her cry for a few minutes and then going in to do the 'nanny routine'. It took about 20 mins or so the first few times of getting it sussed but now she sleeps in it really well. Our stairs sound similar in that from her door, they go down and then up again to our room - so we will be popping a gate on the outside of her door to stop her as the steps also lead to downstairs as well which is a big concern of mine.
So just wanted to warn you girls about something ...

Last night we had some friends over, this was the first time we met one of their BFs. He was very niice, young, a cop. Well he was playing with Missy and picked her up by her hands. Just as I was about to say Nooooo! she started crying and came running to me, she wouldn't use her left arm, it was limp. I took her up stairs and ran a warm bath for her and she just screamed and refused to move it.

Friends had left, I went down and told John we gotta take her to the ER cause I thought it might have been her shoulder or something. We went and whilst we were sitting in the waiting room she started to move it again. We saw the triage nurse who told us about 'nurse maids elbow'

Basically when young kids are picked up by their hands or tugged too quickly when they are bringing naughty and won't move it can dislocate their elbow and the ligament gets trapped and makes it really painful. Its cause their joints are so weak. It can pop back in .. or the Dr has to manipulate it back in. There's no ill after effects but it can fracture the head of the joint if bad enough.

So I just wanted to warn yous .. I had never heard of it before ... don't let people pick your babies up by their arms :( He said by about 3 the joints are stronger.

I'm taking her to see my chiro in a few so he can check her joints and that over and make sure they are properly back in place.

First ER trip!!
Chaos - I hope she's ok. I know how frightening it can be when something's wrong with a limb. I must say I'm guilty of doing that with Earl on occasion, and when he's walking we'll swing him between us which he loves. We may just leave that for another year. I really do hope she's ok and that ER wasn't too traumatic for you all.
Oh dear. Sounds like a bit of a traumatic week for all! James has been much better with his sleeping since I put him into a bed. He knows he can get up if he wants to and its made a massive difference. Most nights I put him up, read him a story, switch on his night light, say goodnight and we get no tears. Some nights we get a tantrum but he is usually easily distracted.

Chaos - Sorry to hear about your trip to ER. Glad missy is ok. I never even thought about that tbh!

Well my ear infection is a little better. Still sore but not agony. Antibiotics are finished so we will see. Typically I managed to pick up Jame's bug on Monday so felt absolutely dreadful til yesterday evening, was wandering around with a bucket, even though I wasn't actually sick (have a real phobia of vomiting and fight it every step of the way!). Thankfully feeling much better today.
Ho hum, I can't believe I even mentioned it ... I knew it would be tempting fate. AF arrived at teatime today. Like I said earlier, I am never late, so although I really hadn't expected anything to happen just 2 weeks after agreeing to NTNP, it was still quite a surprise when AF came today. I'd rather started to like the idea of being pg again. Oh well, it would have been a bit too easy wouldn't it to happen this time. Both my other pgs took 3 cycles. Still feeling a bit down, but nothing major.

Monty now crying his little eyes out as OH has just put him to bed and walked out. Kte, it's good to hear we're not the only ones who seem to make our child worse by actually staying in the room when they're trying to sleep :dohh:

So, it's Apprentice night tonight. And, if there's time, we've got Saturday's Casualty to watch first. I need a night watching telly. I don't very often sit down and do nothing (I'm far too active - like my child!), but just now and again I need it.

See you all tomorrow xx
chaos- glad things are better. the first ER trip can be scary. milo's was at 3.5 months :dohh: MIL let him fall out of his carseat onto the floor.

colsy- i've thought about CIO. but now milo falls aleep by himself when he's ready.
So, it's Apprentice night tonight.

heh, you remember the arrogant twat Vincent? I went to school with him, he was in my year all thru secondary school. The prat aint changed one bit.

Thanks all for the well wishes for missy. She's fine today, the Chiro checked it out and it is a lil bit tender but she's using it as normal. I just wanted to warn you all cause I don't think it's well known and I know my DH and I have swung her between us as we've walked.

Freaking kids are trying to make us old before our time ;)
Freaking kids are trying to make us old before our time ;)

lol, so true! Glad to hear she's on the mend!

Milosmommy- hope the appointment goes well today :flower:

Colsy- sorry to hear af got ya this month- maybe next month will be the one :flower:

:sleep: Emma has been up off and on since 3am- I think she was having bad dreams again like a few months ago. I just hope it's a one-off since her sleep had been improving lately. Not much else happening here though. Hope everyone is well- :hugs: to those that need them
So, it's Apprentice night tonight.

heh, you remember the arrogant twat Vincent? I went to school with him, he was in my year all thru secondary school. The prat aint changed one bit.

Thanks all for the well wishes for missy. She's fine today, the Chiro checked it out and it is a lil bit tender but she's using it as normal. I just wanted to warn you all cause I don't think it's well known and I know my DH and I have swung her between us as we've walked.

Freaking kids are trying to make us old before our time ;)

I remember you saying he would be on it. Gee he was one!! Leon got fired yesterday who is one of our ex-students in the department I work in. Think he did well overall but really did fuff up yesterday and deserved to get fired in the end!

Glad Autum is fine today now :flower: Thanks for the warning, I am usually careful with Chloe picking her up by her pits but she likes to dance and swing sometimes so I hold her wrists (I can't hold her by her hands as I am worried I would pull her wrists out, didn't think about elbows!) so will certainly try to avoid that until she is a bit older.
Milosmummy: Hope the appoingment goes well today :flower:

Kaites: Hope Emma's sleep is better tonight :hugs:

Colsy: Sorry that AF arrived but hope it's not too long before your successful :flower:

LK: Wow, hope everthing has cleared up for you now :hugs:
Colsy - sorry the witch got you. Best of luck for next month. Are you going to be actively trying or will it be an NTNP approach for then?

Hope everyone is ok. Quite frankly I'm not (sorry I can hear the groans lol). I've just back from the Dr's and I have been prescribed anti-depressants. The Dr thinks I have 'biological depression' which is apparently hereditary and basically incurable. Yet another tablet I will be on for the rest of my life?! On a good note, at least I'm not going mad, and the tabs I've been given are safe for use in pregnancy so we don't have to stop. Although, the Dr is worried about me as obviously if we did catch this month I could still be in an 'at risk' position for PND etc However, I did say that I was assessed for PND with Earl and came out clear. I just think I've got too much on my plate. I've decided to take a duvet day (and go to the Dr's). I've applied for some jobs closer to home, and done a lot of money related paperwork to try to get my head into some semblance of order. Anyone got any experience of this kind of thing? My Mum has depression (hence the hereditary bit of the diagnosis) but she refused to talk about it and I'm sure she'll just fob me off if I ask her about it. Sorry to always be moaning ladies.

Apart from that, all is well. I'm not going to let this get to me, but it was really starting to affect everything, and while we're all essentially happy, we had to admit it was time to go and confront it. Gah I'm so disappointed in myself. I was so pleased not to get PND (my mum did and all through his first 6 months she kept asking if it had 'come out yet?'). I know it's stupid, and I'm so sorry to keep babbling on, but seriously, there can't be anything else can there?
Colsy - sorry the witch got you. Best of luck for next month. Are you going to be actively trying or will it be an NTNP approach for then?

Well we say it'll be NTNP, but it's hard not to 'try', isn't it, even if you don't mean to? I dunno, I feel weird. TBH I feel pg. But I've got AF, so I can't be. I mean, I know you hear of women who apparently don't know they're pg cos they still have 'periods', but this one I've got right now is identical to my usual AF, so who am I trying to convince?! See what I mean - there we were agreeing to casually NTNP and now here I am trying to explain away my periods!

Aimee, I also want to send you massive :hugs: I'm sorry I can't stop to chat properly now but OH and Monty just got in and they need help with shopping bags etc.

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