Morning all,
Such a lovely sunny day here

Thanks for your suggestions and support ladies
Chaos: He has Thurs / Fri off when I work and Chloe is at nursery and then on a weekend he is in on a Sat from lunch time and Sundays he mignt not get back in from work until around 3.30/4pm, he is on a waiting list for another job within the same company with better hours and days off but its a case of no one knows when a slot becomes available. I'd love for him to live in my shoes for 2 weeks to see what it's like, I know he works hard but so do I and he actually gets at least 1 day 'off'. Your right in that I just need to bide my time until miss is in bed, I need to move my butt a bit more in the evenings, do something for 30mins here and there once miss has gone to bed (after packing for next day). My washer is a crappy twin tub that is in the cellar and to fill it up I have to carry buckets of water up and down the stairs to and from the kitchen. I need one back in the kitchen again, outside wasn't practical and this isn't either! Sometimes I wonder how I let myself get into situations like this?! I did have it out when he came home, he does make tea some nights and occasionally washes clothes but not routinley so I need more help and more frequent help. It's hard as I practially feel like a single Mum sometimes yet with a partner! Something has got to be done! Lol Chloe is like Autumn on the magic crumb front, how do they do it?! Bonus of the flea treatment - its like shake n 'vac so that capets at least smell nice now!
Shopping really does depend on Chloe's mood lately. I should of known and taken the Luna, I usually do, then I can rest the basket on the top (kind like what you do
Aimee) but for some reason I took the pink thing. Oh and I have tried to get her to nap whilst I am out doing it but she won't, well, she gets all worked up and last time she fell asleep on the way home. I think I will have to revert back to going once her nap is over but then again, I told N I am never doing it on my own again, tbh, why should I do the family shop when he has the car and more time? We can all do it together!
At least she did nap on Sunday at 12 so I got my hour in
When Chloe is walking she is normally so great and stays near me and likes to help but she just had mischief in her. I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here or on FB but she sure is starting with the 'terrible two's'. She tantrums at the most ridculous stuff - I want to be carried yet I don't want to be carried but I don't want to walk and no way am I going in the pram' kind of tantrums

It's not all the time but she never used to be like this. This morning she flopped to the floor because I offered her a yoghurt?!! No forcing, just offering, a simple 'no' would surfice but no, she had to do a belly flop

I can usually laugh it off and let her get on with it, she will soon realise it doesn't get her anywhere but still, she is strong minded! She kept walking away from me at the bus station today, she is so cheeky, she walks as far as the boundary originally set (a thinck black line), looks at me and waves 'bye'. Sufice to say a few warnings and she went back in the pram. She is just at another testing / pushing Mummy stage. She was as good as gold once we got to nursery though, handed over her teddies and put her dummy in her bag, walked up to the breakfast table and hugged a nursery worker!
Aimee: Hope your feeling a bit better now, less quesy, on the meds

Hope Earl is feeling better now too, poor little guy cutting all his canines together, I remember them being awful teeth for Chloe, worse than molars.

Pram shopping is hard work! I was thinking I may be a saddo and write to the store or something and suggest a pram park or something, just so you don't have to juggle everything! The trolley with wheels sounds good!
Bingers: Thanks and good luck with the move

and yes, we shall certianly have to meet up

I think I know which bus you mean but i'm not 100% sure. I used to catch one to Saltaire when my Sister lived there years ago so I'm thinking it may be the same or a similar one, which runs just a few streets away from my house
Fraggles: Thanks, that would be really nice and there is a local play place down the road we could take them too - or the park is only a min away if it's really nice weather. Chloe was good last time we went to Meadowhall / Sheffield but I'd not be so lucky if we did that again!

You are lucky they like shopping!
Nanaki: Glad you and baby are okay and hope there are no more sugar occurrences
Right, best get on with work!