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Aimee: :hugs: I want to write something meanigful but I have to dash to catch the bus soon so hope it comes out as I mean. Also, I have a new keyboard so its hit and miss with the keys! Anyway, what I want to say is that, firstly, well done for actually going to the doctors and realising that there was something up and enough is enough :hugs: TBH I think your amazing for doing what you have done this last year or so anyways, becoming a mum, new job, supporting hubby at Uni and moving. I hope you find a job nearby that you are happy with and that has less of a comute as I am sure this will help. It may just be a short period in your life, just becasue your Mum has / had it doesn't mean you will have it all the time and that is that. From what I can guess on here, your job and some money are putting strains on you, it could just be these :hugs: I love my job but the commuting is tiresome, I hate home time becasue of it which is mad as I get to collect Chloe, which is the only good part about my journey home. Anyway, digression over. Personally I know that when I am tired (physically or mentally) I can't control my moods as well, I start feeling down and can't take things the right way and it kicks my anixiety off, it's like a vicious circle, so taking rest time out for you is a must. I think, from myself and seeing my friends, its just always good to be able to say 'enough is enough' and take time out as and when, breath and then focus on things bit by bit when it all gets too much. :hugs:
Aimee - I have had depression twice, and my dad is on antidepressents for life. If you want to chat then PM me on here or Inbox me on FB.

Well I am officially feeling like crap. After saying my periods were regular....its now a week late, im seriously bloated, feel sick as a dog, i swear you could put a pin in my stomach and I would fly all over the room...I look about 4 months pregnant! And to top it off I have these really gross burps which are like rancid eggs! Oh and my ear is still really sore so I have a drs appt tomorrow morning.
Thanks for the support everyone. It's weird but my hubby has been so supportive and I kind of feel a bit of closure about the whole thing. I guess there is a stigma about it that sort of hurt but when the Dr said 'No, you shouldn't be feeling like you have described, you were right to come' a big weight lifted. I wasn't expecting to come home with a prescription though :blush: Kind of thought it would be a bit of a wait, an assessment or two but nope lol. I never expected for a minute that it would be depression tbh...just thought it was my thyroid. Dr was ready to sign me off for a month too....shame I couldn't take him up on the offer. Damn this whole temp worker status! lol :dohh:

Colsy - yes it is very hard to 'not try'. I just class myself as 'not preventing' instead. I can't be bothered with all the temping etc, much better to just go with the flow and stay as relaxed as you can.

LK - hope you feel better soon. :hugs:
LK: Hope AF shows up soon so you feel better, your really having a run of it :hugs: I have just munched a left over Easter egg, I am 2 days overdue for my AF and i'm paying for it too, hence the choc, it usually sometimes gives my body something it needs to get the ball rolling.

I do feel bad as it was one of Chloe's Easter eggs but she seriously has like 4/5 big ones left still, a bucket of small ones and a Cadbury's choc chic, so really its too much for her, it's nearly July . . . so, er yeah thats my justification!

Well just spent the evening de-fleaing the house yet again, grr, pesky things. I know you have to keep at it but its getting tiresome now! Still, got to get some more powder to use to vac furnishings etc to keep at it. I did get some new bedding out of it as they are in the bedroom despite the cats being banned from this room since before Chloe was born! I also gave Fluffy a trim . . . er yeah, I'm not great at cutting hair, or fur, it seems :haha: He seems a bit happier, I have been brushing him with a flea comb every day but his fur was so long they were mocking me by running around on him in sight but out of reach. Ick I hate them. He has the spot on stuff but it's obviously not working so I have popped a flea collar on him as well. (Sorry if this is making people itch, i'm itching again now!!) Good job I did trim him though as I found two sore patches where he has pulled fur off of and has skin showing so off to my old workplace tomorrow to get some antiseptic for him to stop them becoming infected. I feel so bad, wish I had trimmed him sooner to help but just didn't think . . . oh and he was cat napped by the old lady again and we just got him back to that hasn't helped his treatment any!!!

Speaking of hair cuts, I am so annoyed with the nursery manager. She was helping out today. She is always very chatty, calls you 'lovey' and that. Anyway, she made a comment about that I should cut Chloe's hair so it will grow back thicker. I was so annoyed, I know that if cut baby hair it comes ack thicker, didn't it cross her mind that actually, I don't want to cut her hair yet?! Okay so she has a baby mullet but i'm not cutting it until her top grows a bit more, which is has started to do. Anyway, I shouldn'g get annoyed as she was just rambling I guess as I mentioned she won't keep bobbles in it and she just said 'yeah because its so thin'. Wrong again, its because she hates having most things in her hair, sometimes she keeps bobbles in but not usually. She likes summer hats and that is it, anything else she pulls out like headbands. She even hates having hooded top hoods on. In fact, I'm on the hunt for a 'Paddington Bear' style rain hat for her for Autumn/Winter as she hates having her rain hood up with a passion, she just grabs it and screams.

Anyway, time for me to enjoy the new bedding! Night / Morning all!! :flower:
aimee- :hugs: sorry to hear about the depression. i've had PPD after both pregnancies and depression as a child. i know it's really hard to deal with. especially without support from those around you. so good thing your OH is being supportive.

the appt went pretty well. she came and went over all the services that Help Me Grow provides and all that. she said in order to qualify they need to score over 50 and milo scored 125. she said his scores came a lot from the autism questions. and that she's surprised his pedi isnt worried, and especially surprised he's not worried about his speech since he doesnt say a single word. his evaluation is july 6th at 9am!
he did better than i expected. normally he cries if a strnger comes in the house but he didnt. he just wouldnt come to her or let her try to touch him too much.
Happy Friday ladies! :)

I should really be getting ready for the day rather than procrastinating, but it's Friday and I'd rather be enjoying the rest of my coffee on the computer than running around cleaning up the remenants of Emma's toy mess from when hubby watched her while I grocery shopped yesterday. She's going through a massively clingy phase (top set of canines cutting atm- maybe the cause??) and screamed at the top of her lungs the whole hour I was out of the house. Poor kid tried to make it look like it wasn't a big deal when I got home by trying to point out and name every thing she could while cuddling on my lap on the step of the house, but her face was all puffy and tear-streaked. Poor Emma, poor hubby- poor mummy for never getting a break, lol :)

Milosmommy- sounds like the appt went really well- that's great! :flower: That's pretty awesome that you don't have to wait long at all for his evaluation (around here wait times for everything health related are measured in months, not weeks :dohh:).

Aimee- :hugs: Good for you to recognize that you need a bit of help- sounds like that is often the hardest part of depression :hugs:

Kte- Eek- sounds like de-fleaing is a huge task! Hope it's the last time you have to do it :flower: I'm kind of worried about our cat getting fleas since she likes to roll in the dirt under the caravan at the lake :dohh: Not too sure where they live in nature though, tbh! I'd be annoyed with the hair cute remark too- I'm doing the same with Emma, letting the sides get a touch longer before cutting the back. I'd never say anything, but there is one boy in my daycare who really needs a haircut- he likes to mash his food into his hair and it'd be so much easier to clean it out if he didn't have long curls :haha:

LK- Hope you feel better soon!

Better run- hope everyone is having a good day and hope you have a nice weekend :flower:
Kaites: Hope Emma feels better soon, maybe why she had a bad night the other day too? Pesky teeth :hugs: :flower:

Fleas: I think its ususally from other animals, over here hedgehogs can be riddled with them and then they jump onto domestic pets (not the hedgehogs lol, what an image!). I always try and prevent them but this year the infestation got a bit out of hand :dohh: When I lived on my own Bandit got them pretty bad one year, around 2007 I think, so that was the last time and the darn eggs can lay dormant, so it could be from that, or just becasue of the weather this year or something. It's just Fluffy with his long fur, paradise for them! I'll be re-treating the home a few more times until we don't see them pinging about anymore.

Hair: Lol, Chloe is guilty of putting gunk and food in her hair :haha: At least I don't have too much to untangle!!

(Hey Bingers - saw you stalking! Hope you and Phoebe are good :flower:)

Miloes Mummy: Sounds like the appointment went well and things can now progress for you and Milo which can only be a good thing :flower: :hugs:
I went back to the drs this morning....and it appears I have a build up of fluid inside my ear which is now infected, and the eustacian tubes are blocked so I'm now on a 2 week course of Doxycycline and some nasal spray. Plus the previous antibiotics have wiped out my normal gut flora (hence the bloating, pain and upset stomach) so I'm on Alverine Citrate, Colpomin and taking Actimel to counteract the effects of that. All in all a great weeks annual leave lol.

Kte - period still nowhere to be seen....I know what you mean about paying for it being late! I'm so grouchy and tired and irritable. Just wish it would hurry up and arrive so I could feel better lol.

Milosmummy - glad you are getting somewhere. Fingers crossed for it all

(Hey Bingers - saw you stalking! Hope you and Phoebe are good :flower:)

Hi. We great thanks! Can't get on this site at work now so try and catch up when I can but don't like typing on I pad! Always nice to read how you all getting on though! Hopefully moving house in few weeks so all exciting x
thanks ladies. i'm glad we can start moving forward too. i'm so excited for him to start talking!

kaites- i was gonna have to wait a month. but then someone cancelled and we got the 6th. so glad we got lucky. i wouldve went crazy waiting a month!
Just having 5 mins whilst Chloe has a good cry. Why won't she nap? She naps at 12 every day at nursery but at home she won't. I'm so stressed, not because of her not napping, well, yes and no. Its just this house is a mess, and I only have the weekend to sort it - mainly nap time. It smells, its disgusting. I try to do around her but it doesn't work, she understandlibly wants me time, and I want her time. I only have limited evening times to do stuff and i'm always knackered from work. Thing is, I want it nice for her, i'm not bothered about pristine, but vac and moped floors and stuff like that. So I fail her in having the most disgusting house or I fail her for not spending time with her.

I tried sfood shopping today and that failed. ITs impossible to shop with a parm, just me and her on our own. Ive told N I refuse to do it again on my own. If I had a car I could do it, stick her in a trolley, but I don't so I can't. She won't sit in the pram, wanders off, grabs everything, Screams and screams, I swear today I wanted to knock someone out. I don't essentially care about people looking at a screaming kid but it was tiresome today. I just left the store.

So I have been up and failed at everything and Chloe is still scremining so I'd best go get her.

Sorry to moan ladies, I'm just absolutely fed up with absolutely everything and I just don't know what to do :cry:
Aimee ~ Sorry you're having a rough time chica, nothing to be ashamed of about AD's.. I've been on them on and off since I was 11. I'm glad you've got diagnosed and are getting help. Hope they kick in for you soon chica.

Kte ~ Why can't he take her out for the day to the park or something so you can get stuff done around the house?
I agree it is hard to keep up with stuff with a tornado toddler running around. Seriously, if you saw my house some days you'd be like WTF! I don't clean up but once a day at 8p when she's in bed, because what's the point? It's a loosing battle in the day. In the day I'll sweep the floor where her high chair has been and wash up or stick a load of laundry on but that's it. My clean up day is Saturday when J is home to be on Daddy Duty. When she's in bed at night I pick up her toys and run the hoover around (this child has the ability to make freaking crumbs out of THIN air, I swear to GOD, its insane how much crap she puts down on the carpet in the living room!!)

As for smell, eh, get a big bottle of fabreeze and drown the house :) You'll probably find an old bottle of something she's tucked away lol

As for food shopping with A .. LOL .. there's a thin line between crazy and stupid, and that's it. I've tried a few times before .. I don't like to be rushed when food shopping .. and she just stresses me out! It makes everything 10x harder cause I have to lump her around. Of course she wants stuff off the shelf to eat. God forbid we see anything to do with Hello freaking Kitty!

Again, why can't he stay at home and watch her whilst you get out the the house and have some relaxing time? It's sad really when you look forward to going shopping cause you get some peace and quiet lol!

Don't beat your self up chica, no one said being a Mum and juggling stuff was easy .. you just gotta find your routine, do a lil bit each day and you'll get there. *hugs*
Thanks again for all the support ladies. The meds are making me a bit queasy but I'm sure I wont feel any different for a few weeks.

It's not made any easier by the fact that Earl is teething to worst I have ever seen him. He's got all 4 of his canines coming through at once, and all yesterday he got in trouble at the CM's for pushing and having tantrums. I got home to a frazzled husband and an irate child. I dosed him up, put him in a bath and straight to bed. He was asleep by 6.45 which has lately been unheard of. He's been bad on and off all morning but he seems to have cheered up. Hubby has taken him for a walk up to halfords (boys shopping lol) while I get a feet up 5 lol. Poor little mite....he's been so whingey and acting up for silly reasons. He wont walk but wants to be carried everywhere, up until yesterday he wouldn't eat, although he has today managed to polish off a whole slice of toast, 2 fromage frais, a malted milk biscuit, a portion of fried rice with peas, 2 beakers of milk, 1 fruit shoot and a couple of fruit pastilles!

Kte - I agree with Chaos - N needs to pitch in too and whether that's take on childcare or chores, it needs to be something. I understand totally how hard it is - some days you can't see the tops of all our tables as they're filled with rubbish, old papers, remotes, all sorts of random rubbish. You can only do so much in the time you have available. As for her napping, Earl is the other way around and prefers to nap at home. Maybe it's just that she's not willing to miss out on time with you for sleep. Could you maybe time her naptime with while you're out and she'll sleep in the pushchair, or do an activity in the morning to wear her out? I know if I tae Earl swimming or to softplay early on in the day, naptime is usually a lot easier and longer.
I agree that shopping with a pushchair is a nightmare. I'm quite lucky as Earl will happily stay in the pushchair most of the time. I have found that the baskets in co-op slot over the back of the handles so I do that and it's often easier that way. if Earl is out of the chair I'll get one of the baskets with wheels and get him to pull it around for me. he loves it but gets annoyed when it's too heavy, so then he just carries a particular item...usually biscuits lol.
kte f you want an escape one day i can get a train to Hudds take the kids and have a cuppa shop play etc.

im lucky with shopping the kids love it
Trying again to contribute more to this thread when I can.

Kte I think you like me have a tough time due to hours OH works! We don't get a day off together during the week at all as he works all weekend so has two days off during the week to look after Phoebe but doesn't do much else if you know what I mean!

When we have moved we should try and get together even if just for a good old moan! Think is a direct bus funnily enough from near you to where we live! Keep smiling which I know is not always easy x

Hi to everyone else too and hope things are getting easier re all your recent posts!
Well we are getting lots of scuffed knees and bruises. I have a right little boy :haha:
Hi Ladies!!

Sorry for not being here much as I like to.

So how are you all ladies?

LK - Sorry to hear that you AF isnt arriving yet. Hope you get her soon. :flower:

Aimee - Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time and got A-D but good that you got it sorted and on ur way to recover!

Last Thurs, I had a bit of paranoid of having a water infection (UTI) as I dont like for it to happen to me again after my awful experience with Billy almost come early. So I took myself to hospital to be seen and make sure myself and my baby are ok. They dont think that I have water infection but I don't understand why the pain in my kidney area grrr.

Everything is ok with myself and the baby but the midwife got worried about my bump size after had measured it. I had to ask how much did the bump measure and she replied "about 23/24 cms. I am worried about it." :shock::shock: I have told her I knew it is small and have been mentioned it to my midwife at the surgery and she dont seem concern about it." The midwife at surgery said all bumps are varies.

She advised me to stay in overnight to get scan done next morning but also said it is up to me if I want to go home then come back next day but I thought better to get it done.

So I stayed at Ward 15 for the night. Next morning, had my brekkie and gave the urine sample to midwife to make sure it is ok but she said there was a bit of sugar in urine - I had a bit of sugar on weetabix! :shrug: then she put me on monitor to keep eye on the baby and he is very active and moving a lot! :cloud9: I only was on it for 10 to 15 mins and midwife said I need to go to antenatal clinic now! I told her but my hubby on the way!! Oh well.... Off I went with a midwife to escort me to the clinic...

The lady had checked my baby and how much amount of the fluid I have for the baby so the baby is right size and fluid is fine and he is currently breeching according to the midwife said the way I'm carrying or the baby sits. :kiss: I am happy with everything so they discharged me but i read the paperwork, it says if I continue to have sugar in urine and need to be seen asap etc.

So I am back home now. :D I am glad to have small bump so I can feel him moving a lot so I dont have to worry about any complications.

Anyway I am off for the night. Xxxx
Morning all,

Such a lovely sunny day here :D Thanks for your suggestions and support ladies :hugs: :flower:

Chaos: He has Thurs / Fri off when I work and Chloe is at nursery and then on a weekend he is in on a Sat from lunch time and Sundays he mignt not get back in from work until around 3.30/4pm, he is on a waiting list for another job within the same company with better hours and days off but its a case of no one knows when a slot becomes available. I'd love for him to live in my shoes for 2 weeks to see what it's like, I know he works hard but so do I and he actually gets at least 1 day 'off'. Your right in that I just need to bide my time until miss is in bed, I need to move my butt a bit more in the evenings, do something for 30mins here and there once miss has gone to bed (after packing for next day). My washer is a crappy twin tub that is in the cellar and to fill it up I have to carry buckets of water up and down the stairs to and from the kitchen. I need one back in the kitchen again, outside wasn't practical and this isn't either! Sometimes I wonder how I let myself get into situations like this?! I did have it out when he came home, he does make tea some nights and occasionally washes clothes but not routinley so I need more help and more frequent help. It's hard as I practially feel like a single Mum sometimes yet with a partner! Something has got to be done! Lol Chloe is like Autumn on the magic crumb front, how do they do it?! Bonus of the flea treatment - its like shake n 'vac so that capets at least smell nice now!

Shopping really does depend on Chloe's mood lately. I should of known and taken the Luna, I usually do, then I can rest the basket on the top (kind like what you do Aimee) but for some reason I took the pink thing. Oh and I have tried to get her to nap whilst I am out doing it but she won't, well, she gets all worked up and last time she fell asleep on the way home. I think I will have to revert back to going once her nap is over but then again, I told N I am never doing it on my own again, tbh, why should I do the family shop when he has the car and more time? We can all do it together!

At least she did nap on Sunday at 12 so I got my hour in :happydance:

When Chloe is walking she is normally so great and stays near me and likes to help but she just had mischief in her. I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here or on FB but she sure is starting with the 'terrible two's'. She tantrums at the most ridculous stuff - I want to be carried yet I don't want to be carried but I don't want to walk and no way am I going in the pram' kind of tantrums :dohh: It's not all the time but she never used to be like this. This morning she flopped to the floor because I offered her a yoghurt?!! No forcing, just offering, a simple 'no' would surfice but no, she had to do a belly flop :wacko: I can usually laugh it off and let her get on with it, she will soon realise it doesn't get her anywhere but still, she is strong minded! She kept walking away from me at the bus station today, she is so cheeky, she walks as far as the boundary originally set (a thinck black line), looks at me and waves 'bye'. Sufice to say a few warnings and she went back in the pram. She is just at another testing / pushing Mummy stage. She was as good as gold once we got to nursery though, handed over her teddies and put her dummy in her bag, walked up to the breakfast table and hugged a nursery worker!

Aimee: Hope your feeling a bit better now, less quesy, on the meds :hugs: Hope Earl is feeling better now too, poor little guy cutting all his canines together, I remember them being awful teeth for Chloe, worse than molars. :hugs: Pram shopping is hard work! I was thinking I may be a saddo and write to the store or something and suggest a pram park or something, just so you don't have to juggle everything! The trolley with wheels sounds good!

Bingers: Thanks and good luck with the move :flower: and yes, we shall certianly have to meet up :flower: I think I know which bus you mean but i'm not 100% sure. I used to catch one to Saltaire when my Sister lived there years ago so I'm thinking it may be the same or a similar one, which runs just a few streets away from my house :thumbup:

Fraggles: Thanks, that would be really nice and there is a local play place down the road we could take them too - or the park is only a min away if it's really nice weather. Chloe was good last time we went to Meadowhall / Sheffield but I'd not be so lucky if we did that again! :haha: You are lucky they like shopping!

Nanaki: Glad you and baby are okay and hope there are no more sugar occurrences :flower:

Right, best get on with work!

Wait .. he has 2 days off during the week with no kid around??? Then what exactly is he doing??? He needs to get off his ass and do some things around the house and help you!! He lives tere too ... you ain't his mother.
Take after them mummy Kte :haha:

We need to brave another haircut as its too long for this heat. Im expecting tears for that.

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