Morning girls. A very quick one from me as I need to work this morn, and I need to do so quickly. But oh my, the weekend went sooooo well that I just had to pop in to say hello and let you all know that our first trip away from Monty went swimmingly - according to grandparents he was good as gold the entire time, he went to bed perfectly for them, and he slept straight through til 6am

On top of that, we had THE best time at the wedding. I haven't danced for that amount of time all in one go since before Monty was even a little twinkle in his daddy's eye. The happy couple were once seriously into the whole Ibiza scene, so once the older members of the family had drifted off to bed, the DJ moved from wedding songs to house tunes, and us 'young-uns' (who am I kidding?!) did a lot of hands-in-the-air stuff

OMG I felt like I was 22 again, living back in London.
We also had a sneaky trip to our local pub on Fri night, being as Monty was in bed and grandparents happy to oblige. And that really set us up for the weekend, because there was a local band playing indie covers all evening - basically it sounded like a band playing my entire CD collection

More reminiscing there, as that was JUST like being back at uni.
So after that fab but exhausting weekend, I'm now in some serious need of

and totally don't feel like working. Fortunately grandparents are still here and have got Monty this morn, while I work and OH does some draught-proofing work under the floorboards in the lounge.
Back to reality this afternoon I think. But hey, it's good to know we can still party if we try