Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hey Kte, that was a little post from you. You usually write lots of stuff for us to keep me going through the working day! Hope this means you're feeling OK? Did you have an enjoyable weekend, with N back home?
fraggles - the "nursery" that we put so much work into while i was pregnant with milo is just used for storage. basically with a bunch of clothes and odd and ends that dont fit anywhere else in the house.

kte - i didnt even get to go see her :cry: she ended up going to the hospital that day because she broke her knuckle. her and her OH are going through a breakup and things are getting physical. she punched a wall in anger :dohh: but we chatted on the phone that day about her problems. but i'm sure we'll catch up soon and hang out :)
oh, and milo's evaluation is just a couple days away and i'm getting nervous :? i know that if he is diagnosed with ASD he's still the same healthy kid. but at the same time it'll make me extremely sad and heartbroken for my little baby :cry:
oh, and milo's evaluation is just a couple days away and i'm getting nervous :? i know that if he is diagnosed with ASD he's still the same healthy kid. but at the same time it'll make me extremely sad and heartbroken for my little baby :cry:

Thanks Colsy,

I'm okay, just tired and had a mini rush at work so decided to pop back. I worry sometimes as I leave the internet on and pop in and out so I guess if I were audited it would look like I am only ever on the PC.

Sounds stupid but I put some items on ebay and then linked them to B&B and people keep asking if they can buy through here now. I get fed up as if I try that no one wants to buy anything . . . etc. Its stilly minute stress but a stress I could do without none the less!

Weekend was great, I managed to get a few things for the little boy, a Toy Story indoor basketball hoop set, a big tub of bubbles and a DVD with about 10 stories on it like 'Not now Bernard' and 'Elmer' etc . . . I was so pleased with myself too as all the items came to less than £10; I was so worried I wouldn't find one decent thing for that amount!

Saturday morning we also went to the Library, took some books back and got some new ones out for Chloe. She loves going there although they leave a tin out with crayons in so at one point I was chasing after her incase she decided to get a tad too creative!

Afternoon was party time, Chloe was a little shy surprisingly, there was one other little girl and four boys in total. They had already been to a softplay place earlier but his Mum (Chloe's God Mum) had put on a spread as well and they were having a garden party as the weather was so lovely. Amazed me how all the boys were darting around in Super Man and Power Ranger costumes in the crazy heat! The paddling pool came out but Chloe wasn't bothered about it, she found one of those red cars you sit in, the ones you used to be able to play in inside the ELC stores. She is luckily inheriting it from the little boy when they move at the end of July. Although she did accidentally fall into the pool! She was throwing water guns into it and picked up a 'nerf' one so I tried to stop her and in doing so she went forward staight into the water - bad Mummy! She wasn't bothered thought, she was more upset when I tried to take her wet top off, she screamed so much two of the other parents came over to see what was going on and if I needed any help. Thankfully Nij's parents live two doors away and there was a spare outfit for her! (I had only taken a jumper incase it got chilly),

Sunday we just pottered, Chloe got lots of her toys out which she hasn't really done in ages so it was nice. We also went to the park and she played with her Hello Kitty ball. I also managed to get pretty much all of her clothes washed and had them hung out the back and stuck the clothes horse out the front :haha:

Just a shame its Monday already and the sun isn't out like it was, I really enjoyed it this weekend!

Flea wise . . . they are still a menace but we have some foggers waiting to be used now and some magic tablets on the way so fingers crossed!!

oh, and milo's evaluation is just a couple days away and i'm getting nervous :? i know that if he is diagnosed with ASD he's still the same healthy kid. but at the same time it'll make me extremely sad and heartbroken for my little baby :cry:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Kte we have the red little tikes car. Its a firm fave

Bit blah here at the moment
Milosmommy :hugs: hope the assessment goes well dont forget no matter what a label is just that a label not who a person is.
Kte we have the red little tikes car. Its a firm fave

Bit blah here at the moment

If I were small enough, I'd be in it :haha: Shed needs a clear out now . . . :dohh:

:hug: Hope your okay Fraggles x

Afternoon all,

Hope everyone is okay?! Quiet in here today :flower:

Not much to report here I guess either . . . :haha:
Hi Kte :thumbup: It seems to have been quiet in here for ages now. I've been working today so haven't had much chance to get online. And then each time when I did have a few minutes, the website (or our server?) was down, so I couldn't read/write any posts. Don't have anything to report today, been a quiet, nothing-much-happening sort of day. Ha, famous last words! I maybe shouldn't have tempted fate ... Can we ask why your thingamajig says 'shocked' today, or can't you share?
back from the EI eval. he of course qualifies for speech therapy. but saw no concern for ASD. i'm not sure whether or not i should be happy about it (or should i say accepting of it). milo acted NOTHING like he typically would. and videos arent "enough to go by." :roll:
i've been chatting with other moms of children with ASD and they saw the videos i have and felt comfortable with my concern for ASD.

they marked him delayed in receptive & expressive communication, personal-social and cognitive.

they're gonna call to set things up.
i figured i'd wait until his 2nd birthday and see if i think he's progressed or some of the ASD traits have faded or anything. personally i felt like the videos i had wouldve been enough "evidence" for them to atleast look into it.
they wrote that he "looks when names called", yet when the one lady was calling his name he ignored her for the longest time. he was so excited with all the toys he was looking all over and at everyone because they were new faces.

the biggest thing for me is when i heard they didnt see a concern for ASD, it made me feel like my motherly instict is wrong and i have no idea what i'm talking about. maybe i'm just hormonal cause i started AF yesterday. but i wanted to cry the entire way home because i felt like an idiot. even the service worker who did his mini-eval at home (she was there today) said he didnt act anything like this when she was at our house.
hopefully they'll change their minds in the future after getting to know him.
they said the speech therapist will come out every 3 months to check on his progress. and some other lady (cant remember her title) will come out to help with his cognitive. but i dont remember if they said how often she'll be coming out. i think once a week.
one mom i was talking to said that they said the same thing about her son at their first evaluation, but after seeing him every week for therapy they changed their minds. lol. so now it's a waiting game :?
Sorry to hear the eval didn't go as you had hoped :hugs: (Not that you are hoping for your son to have ASD, but made to feel like your instincts were wrong) There can be a lot of cross over with language disorders, so like you said, maybe once they are working on his language development and get to know him better, they will be better able to evaluate the situation :flower: Definitely don't beat yourself up about it- you are a great mummy for recognizing that Milo needs some extra support, especially so early on when it can make the most difference. I'm sure he's going to do great with speech therapy with all your support :hugs:
Colsy: I'm usually about to waffle on :haha: Ooops, my "shocked" was from a short while ago - I just forgot to change it! Don't think they have one for "Noooooo, I don't want to invigilate for 3hrs today it's soooooo boring" one! Ah well, last one for me for a year so I shouldn't complain really! Hope you didn't jinx your day :flower:

Milo'sMummy: :hugs: Don't be so hard on yourself, your Mummy instincts weren't off, its just that the diagnosis wasn't fully right but that doesn't matter, you suspected something, got it checked out and now Milo will be helped from it - that all seems to good to me and shows your instinces were right. Having said that, sometimes we aren't always right at all but even so, its always good to follow things up just in case, so either way, you did what is best for Milo and that's the best a Mummy can do :flower: Plus his therapists will also be able to help montor him as well now so that can only be a good thing :flower:

Chloe and Nij are having a Daddy-Daugther day today, not sure what they are getting up to yet, a few possibilities but depends on people and weather so will be fun to see what they actually do in the end.

Looking forward to the weekend as Chloe and I are off to see my parents. We might stay over but its not fully decided yet, its all kind of easy going.

The fleas seem to be on their way out - only tiny ones about and not as many, so something must be working. Hurray!
thanks ladies. i know it's a good thing milo is able to get the help he needs now. i just hear so many stories about people getting late diagnoses because people didnt believe them or were shoved aside. and i dont want that happening to Milo.
atleast now that i have a "team" that will be helping me with his therapy it can only get better from here :)
Hurray no exam - one tomorrow now though!
Morning all having an eventful day so far here. We had poo on potty today but was upset the poo was taken away and we also started weaning, more tears there too. We are the house of tears today :dohh:
:hugs: Fraggles- hope your day gets better! How's N doing with the potty learning? We've got pretty much all poops happening on the potty now (we briefly had a reaching into the bowl to explore the poop phase that thankfully only lasted one day, lol). Emma waves and says "bye-bye to poo poo" whenever she flushes now but always sounds a little sad too. We're taking it slowly atm but I might get a bit more serious about it over my holidays in a few weeks time.

Hope everyone is having a good week!
Kaites we had tears at poo going today said mine mine mine when it was took away. Oh and he as a toy bucket that he keeps standing up and peeing in

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