Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hi Ladies.

I didnt come on here much as I like to but I usually online on Facebook as usual! :dohh:

And I am back from my holiday - my, what was a beautiful weekend up in Skegness! We got home on Monday afternoon and Billy isnt taking his sleep routine very well over the weekend and it has made him so worked up about it and fighting to stay awake on Tues evening. So he fell asleep on Daddy's arm before 6pm and slept thru for 12 hours straight. Now he is back to normal.

Milosmummy: Like Kte said, dont be hard on yourself about the instincts, it cant be helped sometimes but good thing out of this is that Milo will get the help he need.

Fraggles: Bless N. It will getting better each day as it takes.

Kte: Good thing about fleas, but thankful for that I had it with old cat years ago and got rid of it for good way before Billy born. But I have new cat - Abby which you know already, and I flea'd her every month as she always goes out. Hope you and Chloe have a nice weekend at your parents.

Billy is learning some new signs now and learnt couple from Mr Tumble are: parachute, fete and I cant remember what is other one. So I have ordered two more dvds for him and I think it does help him to learn as well but I dont like some makaton signs such as cat! I prefer him to learn my sign for cat.

Anyway, I had seen my midwife on Tues and had my blood drawn out which I didnt know about as my previous appointment with different m/w, she didnt tell me then. Oh well. the midwife I saw on Tues has measured my bump and she said its still small (26cm) and according to my chart my bump has been caught up only 2 weeks. She has asked if I have any more scans coming up and I said no. So she wanted me to come back on 19th July to keep eye on my bump and I have explained that the baby measured fine on scan when I went to hospital. I will be seeing my consultant on 10th Aug to see what he has to say about it so wont be long for me now.

I am waiting to hear the news from my good friend as shes overdue with her other baby boy! Exciting time!

Hope you all have a nice weekend! xxxx
Kaites we had tears at poo going today said mine mine mine when it was took away. Oh and he as a toy bucket that he keeps standing up and peeing in

:haha: @ the toy bucket! Emma has some Fisher Price Little People chairs and I made the mistake of commenting that they looked like potties so she tried to sit on the tiny thing and pee :dohh: About the funniest/embarassing thing so far has been her obsession with announcing when hubby and I have to use the toilet in public: "UH OH!! MAMA-DADA POO POO!!", always at the top of her lungs :blush: :dohh: Sounds like we've both had accidents the way she says it :haha:
Sounds like you're all doing well with potty training. Earl seems to have gone back a bit with the signs so I've decided we;ll leave it entirely until after we get back from holiday in August. He does sit on the potty but wont do anything, and he gets very stressed if you leave his nappy off and he then needs a wee, so he obviously doesn't put the two together just yet. He too announces to the whole room when he's been though - 'Poooooooo-eeeeeeeeeeey Phwoar!' :blush::dohh:

Not a lot going on here otherwise. Work is so-so, Earl is sleeping a lot better now which is a bonus. He's so chatty now it's just getting silly lol. He will stand and talk to you, and about 1 word in 10 is legible, so we are actually able to have a conversation now which he loves lol.

1 month until we go to Ireland, 2 months until my birthday lol....wow this year is going so quickly!
currently i'm not even trying to potty train. the signs of being ready he had a month or two ago went away :dohh: and with Ava being so demanding still, i dont have the time :?
I found a hobby! i went to my first session last night - I joined a Roller Derby team! It was so much fun, everyone was supa friendly but some of the training was intense! Boot camp springs to mind! I'm still trying to logisitcally fit it in as some training is Sun 11-2 and N's shifts are a problem. I could technically take Chloe with me yet i have no one to watch her and keep her entertained. I don't have to go to both but the other session is Thurs 8-10 so Nij and I are alternating who get that hobby day each week now - better than nothing!

I'd really really missed Chloe by the end of the day though, what with Daddy-Daughter day abd it was odd not to tuck her in at night as i set off at 7.15 so it was Daddy's task, but she was all cuddles and smiles again this morning. I like having me time but she is still my No.1 :)

PS sorry about all the typos, im invigilating in a pc room so going slowly with noisyish keyboard (were allowed!) but i dont want to take the mickey,

Milosmummy: i'm not potty traiming yet either, Chloe helps to wipe sometimes but that is about it!

Aimee: What do you say to Earl when he babbles to you? Chloe does the same and I find myself being a bit repetative, sometimes she looks at me funny, like 'thats not what I said Mummy!' It really is going fast, i saw your 2 yr old present ideas thread and freaked! It's that time again! Although i dont know what to get her as Chloe is very, very lucky as she gets quite a few hand-me-downs (which will end up with William!) so she doesn't really need much at all.

Nanaki: Glad you enjoyed your holiday and well done Billy on his new signs :flower: Hmm hope they can solve the mystery of teh small bump, like you say last time they were happy, I suppose its good they are keeping an eye out though. Good luck to your friend, hope you get some news soon! :flower:

Kaites: Oh dear! Although tbh I can see why she would think it was the potty version, they are similar.

What are you all doing about eating now? Chloe is soon to grow out of her high chair and I am thinking booster seat . . ?

Right, off ot read the big rule book! :flower:
Emma's mostly in a cheap booster seat these days. We also have a chair that clips on the edge of the table so we alternate with that, although she's is almost too tall to get her legs out of that one (she has to help otherwise I get her legs stuck- ouch!)

Kte- glad to hear you found some me-time for a hobby :flower:

Aimee- Earl sounds cute with the conversations. Emma's pretty similar with the 1 in 10 being a real word- always interesting trying to decipher what the meaning is, lol :) Not long now til your holiday!
Aimee- Earl sounds cute with the conversations. Emma's pretty similar with the 1 in 10 being a real word- always interesting trying to decipher what the meaning is, lol :) Not long now til your holiday!

I had a really strange dream last night to where Missy came up to me and started talking in full sentences! Kinda freaked me out lol.
lol, yeah, that'd freak me out too :haha: Funny that it freaks us out, but they probably already understand nearly everything we say!

Argh, massive rant coming on here :growlmad: :grr:.....

So... our house backs on a vacant lot- it's nice not having rear neighbours in someways but over the last little while, I'm starting to think it's more of a hassle than anything. Last night we were awoken to the sounds of cracking wood and cheers- bunch of dumb@ss teens were using our back garden as a shortcut through the neighbourhood and were trying to climb over out 10' high fence :growlmad: I can't see any damage to the fence but it's not the first time this has happened. Then today I get a letter from the city bylaw department telling me that the graffiti that other teens left on the back side of our fence has to be removed by early next week or we get a fine :grr: Super annoying because the vacant lot is owned by someone, but they don't take care of the property so it's extra inviting to vandals and now it's going to be hard to get into the overgrown brush to actually remove the graffiti and it'll probably just happen again. I'm fuming- so yeah, we are going to have to cancel our weekend plans to scrub a fence now :(
Kte - I'm freaking out too! lol. Hence the thread lol. I'm really stuck for ideas of things that will last and tbh, while it's still a while off, it'll be here far far too quickly.

With conversations I tend to agree to about half 'yes, oh yeah, really?, or right, okay then, hmmmm' kind of noises lol. The rest of the time I'll try to decipher and answer him or repeat what he says to check I've heard him correctly lol. The conversations aren't thrilling lol.
Aimee: Lol Phew, thats kind of what I do :D

Kaites: Sorry to hear you have that hassle, that must be really frustrating. I really hope it doesn't ruin your weekend :hugs:

Well, so much for the hobby idea. Its just all ended up in a big row with me and Nij and we still aren't speaking. I'm fuming. The guy gets two full days off a week, I said to him a while back as he was doing his night photography Wed and Thursday night that he needs to stay in one night so we can have couple time as we just don't get any at all, Sat afternoon perhaps but he is tired from work. So I get Wed nights, he only goes out on Thursdays now - but he was going out EVERY Thursday until 2am which is utterly ridiculous, I'm all for hobbies but I personally feel it was/is taking the preverbial somewhat, what do you ladies think? I'm mean, we have a house, were supposed to be a family . . . sure don't feel like it most of the time. Its getting to a point where they good isn't compensating for the bad any more. I work 5 days a week and have Sat / Sun off with Chloe. He gets 2 full days all to himself. Its not about looking after Chloe, I love her more than anything/anyone but I still feel like I shouldn't be just working and cleaning and that is it, over and over. I am becoming very sad, angry, bitter etc . . . you catch my drift, you've known some stuff, its obvious I'm not fully happy. The thing is, I mentioned Roller Derby to him but I was still in the contemplating, is it logistically pheasable etc stage and he was saying, 'go, do it' and being all encouraging. So I went last night, had a blast. I know I can't go twice a week, apart from anything its the cost, but I was hoping to go once a week, either a Sunday or a Thursday but Sundays are impossible in hindsight since it starts at 11 and ends at 2- Chloe can go along too but I have no one I trust to leave her with on the viewing balcony whist I'm training. So I was then hoping for just 3 days a month, two Thursdays and maybe a Sunday if I could get my parents over to meet up and put that in as part of the meet, which is kinda a big ask from them too but it was a possibility. Anyway, apparently he won't do every other week for his hobby, he feels that he has already cut down on time like I asked (to spend time as a couple, I said to him it sounds like he begrudges us that time then - oh and worse, he said come Autumn / Winter when it gets dark, he will start going out on Wed's again too! - I can honeslty say if that is what he thinks he has another thing coming). Then he makes it out that he gets lots of hits on his website and people would stop coming back if he didn't update it regularly (I think updating every two weeks is reasonable tbh) nd also, he has the potential to make money selling pictures, so making me feel like I am depriving us of money. I'm fuming but its gotten to the point where he won't speak any more and is trying to forget it all and pretending it never happened - which I can't do.

I'm also majorly dissapointed because its my Graduation on the 22nd July and I had booked the day off, we were all going to spend the day together and get ready and head over to Uni. The actual ceremony isn't until 4.30 but registration and robing is before that so I wanted to be ready to set off at lunch time. Anyway, now apparenly he has Union work up in Glasgow, he told me the other week and I keep saying to him, if he isn't going to be back in time tell me and my Mum will go instead - my parents missed out on guest tickets so can't go. Anyways, he said he will be back in time but I said he needs to be back for around 10 as I want to get showered, dressed, makup etc and get Chloe dressed up too - not struggle on my own and buss it over! He is going to Glasgow Wed night, will be there all day Thursday and travel back Friday. I asked him couldn't he just travel back Thursday night and he said there were still talks on Friday yet he says he will be there and to stop stressing - if he needs to be back for 10 then he needs to leave Glasgow around 7 surely, so why not just come back on Thursday evening? If its only a 3hr journey each way, why stay over two days? Okay its tireing but its do-able and he drives for a living, it would still be less driving than normal. He just wont give me a time that he will be back for, he just gets all funny about it which I don't get. Also, I mentioned to him my Mum and Dad were on about celebrating, a meal or something, and it didn't even dawn on him that I might want to do something special.

I'm completely and utterly fed up. Sorry for the rant ladies. I just keep thinking . . am I asking to much, am I really being selfish - the way I see it I am asking to share. Also, to not be at the bottom of the list because obviously internet visitors and work are more important to him.
Oh Kte sweetheart, :hugs::hugs::hugs: It doesn't sound to me like you're being selfish at all. I would be a zillion times more angry than you are about the graduation day - in our house, if it's on the calendar in the kitchen, then you make sure you do it. I may run a tight ship, but it means we both know exactly where and when we are supposed to be.

I think couple time is hugely important (our lack of it was one of the reasons we went through such a hard time a few months ago - and why sometimes things still come back to haunt us, such as the massive row we had about lack of sleep at our friends' house that I mentioned on here a couple of weeks ago).

I also think that you're both entitled to the same amount of time 'off' - so if he has a night out, then so should you. Obviously it won't always work exactly that way, but the rough idea should be there IMO.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but from some of your posts on here it sounds like he doesn't do an awful lot with C - and certainly not just the two of them together. I am fortunate to not have ever been in this situation, but I can appreciate how frustrating, tiring and probably just downright irritating that must be for you.

I don't really have any advice, except to say that try if you can to cool down before talking with him. Do not follow my crap example and jump in with both feet while you're still seething. But although I don't have advice, I did want to let you know that I do entirely see your point of view here and think that you are entitled to much of what you're asking for.

And no, you're NOT being selfish.

Aimee- Earl sounds cute with the conversations. Emma's pretty similar with the 1 in 10 being a real word- always interesting trying to decipher what the meaning is, lol :) Not long now til your holiday!

I had a really strange dream last night to where Missy came up to me and started talking in full sentences! Kinda freaked me out lol.

i always have dreams of milo talking. lol. i think it's because it's all i think about lately. when i was prego i anticipated his first words and what he sounded like. and i didnt expect it would take this long for me to get to hear my baby talk to me :cry: i have weird dreams of it, one time milo was saying to me "i'm so sorry mommy i'll talk. look i can talk" :( and he sounded so cute and innocent. lol
i have weird dreams of it, one time milo was saying to me "i'm so sorry mommy i'll talk. look i can talk" :(

:cry: You brought tears to my eyes with this. But hey, he'll get there, in his own time :hugs:
Kte - You have every right to be angry. Tbh, if my hubby did half the things that your OH has done to you, he'd be out of the door. I don't suffer fools gladly, and it sounds like he is one! (sorry to be so blunt hun). If he can't commit to time with you (for your graduation, my god, that's 3 years away and we're already planning it for hubby!) and to Chloe, and to allowing you to have time to yourself then he really needs to buck up his ideas. I know I can't talk about hobbies as I have none lol, but at least I get time for myself, which is just as important.

Sorry I know that's not much help hun, but just wanted to send :hugs: and sympathy. :hugs:
i have weird dreams of it, one time milo was saying to me "i'm so sorry mommy i'll talk. look i can talk" :(

:cry: You brought tears to my eyes with this. But hey, he'll get there, in his own time :hugs:

i almost cried just typing it. lol. i'm not sure why i let it get to me so much. i think it's because somewhere deep down i feel like for some reason it's my fault he doesnt talk. like i didnt do enough for him.

the other day i kept asking him to say binky (i had his pacifier and was asking him to ask for it). and everytime i said "say binky" he would yell "da!" that was his response everytime :? i think he just doesnt want to lol.
i'm not sure why i let it get to me so much. i think it's because somewhere deep down i feel like for some reason it's my fault he doesnt talk. like i didnt do enough for him.

Don't you dare say that! Of course you did enough for him. And you still ARE doing enough for both him and his little sister. The stuff you say on here proves that you love them both to bits and do lots and lots for them.:hugs:
Arrrgggggg Kte :hugs: I think I need to keep quiet on this one as I am worried my opinion may be a little too strong.

Milosmommy you have beautiful children who will do things in their own time. We all learn things in our own time.

Kaites if the graffiti is on the other side of the fence arent the owners of the vacant lot partially responsible?

Weaning is going badly here, :( cant figure out whats happening)
Aimee: Lol Phew, thats kind of what I do :D

Kaites: Sorry to hear you have that hassle, that must be really frustrating. I really hope it doesn't ruin your weekend :hugs:

Well, so much for the hobby idea. Its just all ended up in a big row with me and Nij and we still aren't speaking. I'm fuming. The guy gets two full days off a week, I said to him a while back as he was doing his night photography Wed and Thursday night that he needs to stay in one night so we can have couple time as we just don't get any at all, Sat afternoon perhaps but he is tired from work. So I get Wed nights, he only goes out on Thursdays now - but he was going out EVERY Thursday until 2am which is utterly ridiculous, I'm all for hobbies but I personally feel it was/is taking the preverbial somewhat, what do you ladies think? I'm mean, we have a house, were supposed to be a family . . . sure don't feel like it most of the time. Its getting to a point where they good isn't compensating for the bad any more. I work 5 days a week and have Sat / Sun off with Chloe. He gets 2 full days all to himself. Its not about looking after Chloe, I love her more than anything/anyone but I still feel like I shouldn't be just working and cleaning and that is it, over and over. I am becoming very sad, angry, bitter etc . . . you catch my drift, you've known some stuff, its obvious I'm not fully happy. The thing is, I mentioned Roller Derby to him but I was still in the contemplating, is it logistically pheasable etc stage and he was saying, 'go, do it' and being all encouraging. So I went last night, had a blast. I know I can't go twice a week, apart from anything its the cost, but I was hoping to go once a week, either a Sunday or a Thursday but Sundays are impossible in hindsight since it starts at 11 and ends at 2- Chloe can go along too but I have no one I trust to leave her with on the viewing balcony whist I'm training. So I was then hoping for just 3 days a month, two Thursdays and maybe a Sunday if I could get my parents over to meet up and put that in as part of the meet, which is kinda a big ask from them too but it was a possibility. Anyway, apparently he won't do every other week for his hobby, he feels that he has already cut down on time like I asked (to spend time as a couple, I said to him it sounds like he begrudges us that time then - oh and worse, he said come Autumn / Winter when it gets dark, he will start going out on Wed's again too! - I can honeslty say if that is what he thinks he has another thing coming). Then he makes it out that he gets lots of hits on his website and people would stop coming back if he didn't update it regularly (I think updating every two weeks is reasonable tbh) nd also, he has the potential to make money selling pictures, so making me feel like I am depriving us of money. I'm fuming but its gotten to the point where he won't speak any more and is trying to forget it all and pretending it never happened - which I can't do.

I'm also majorly dissapointed because its my Graduation on the 22nd July and I had booked the day off, we were all going to spend the day together and get ready and head over to Uni. The actual ceremony isn't until 4.30 but registration and robing is before that so I wanted to be ready to set off at lunch time. Anyway, now apparenly he has Union work up in Glasgow, he told me the other week and I keep saying to him, if he isn't going to be back in time tell me and my Mum will go instead - my parents missed out on guest tickets so can't go. Anyways, he said he will be back in time but I said he needs to be back for around 10 as I want to get showered, dressed, makup etc and get Chloe dressed up too - not struggle on my own and buss it over! He is going to Glasgow Wed night, will be there all day Thursday and travel back Friday. I asked him couldn't he just travel back Thursday night and he said there were still talks on Friday yet he says he will be there and to stop stressing - if he needs to be back for 10 then he needs to leave Glasgow around 7 surely, so why not just come back on Thursday evening? If its only a 3hr journey each way, why stay over two days? Okay its tireing but its do-able and he drives for a living, it would still be less driving than normal. He just wont give me a time that he will be back for, he just gets all funny about it which I don't get. Also, I mentioned to him my Mum and Dad were on about celebrating, a meal or something, and it didn't even dawn on him that I might want to do something special.

I'm completely and utterly fed up. Sorry for the rant ladies. I just keep thinking . . am I asking to much, am I really being selfish - the way I see it I am asking to share. Also, to not be at the bottom of the list because obviously internet visitors and work are more important to him.

Nope, you're not being selfish or unreasonable, he's just being an utter dick.

You aint his mother and your house aint his hotel for him to come and go as he pleases. He needs to grow up and act like an adult and take an even share in the house hold, looking after his Daughter and letting you take some 'me' time. I'll tell ya, I'd have kicked him to the kerb a long time ago, more so with what he did to you in the past. He aint a man. And I'm sorry .. I know he is your man and you love him, but I'll never forget what he did to you and Chloe.

thanks ladies. i know i'm trying to help him. i just have trouble reminding myself. i've always been talked down to growing up. my own father told me i wasnt smart enough for college. i was always teased and stuff (supposedly to the kids i went to school with i'm some hideous cow :shrug: ). so it's just easier for me to always thnk of myself as a failure. plus having depression never helps anything! :dohh:

i'll post a pic since you guys have never seen me. lmao.

Oh Kte!! I dont think you are selfish for wanting spend times with your hubby and you dont get it when you want it, and he just brush that off. He should pay some respect if you want to go out or something.

I dont get break as much as I'd like to, but my hubby is willing to let me go if I wanted one or friends asked me to come out.

I was so pissed off yesterday, I texted my friend to ask if she still want to meet up but she said she will need to take her dog to the vets and i told her thats fine. She also said will text me once her dog has sorted and making arrangements to meet up afterward which was fine by me. Then until around half 11 I text her to see how her dog was and she DIDNT reply at all then I had to text her hubby to see if she got my message, and he said she had and is busy! WTF?! She left me waiting for her to reply whether if she will come up or not, and I saw on facebook her hubby upload the pics of their son in town! She hasnt asked if i would mind to come down to Derby. She has been like this since her father passed away but i would rather for her to tell me that she cant make it for a reason or something and I would be fine with it and make other plans for the day!

Oh sorry about my rant! Xxx

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