Aimee: Hope the mystery is sorted! Glad to hear you have had a nice time despite the weater

I know what you mean about needing a holiday after a holiday!
Milo'sMummy: Its okay, I think it just kind of sticks after a while with the double names. At first, comparing pictures of the LO's helped me. Goregous profile picture of Ava by the way
Fleur: Must be tough with Hubby away, just for the sheer fact that you and Harry will miss him. You sounds be having lots of fun mind

Glad you managed to find a nice outfit for the birthday bash.
LK: Glad you managed to get the a bit more time off. Looking forward to the pitures of James's room when you have done. Hope it is nice for the car boot
Arrived at my parents yesterday after work, Chloe got to pet their next door neighbours chickens. Tonight, well, my Mum and Dad went out at lunch and still aren't back the party animals! At least I have internet here! Today has been lovely, made Nij a glitter card from Chloe for his birthday. We did some colouring, playing with puzzles and had a daily dose of Peppa Pig! Speaking of pigs, I have been such a pig today! I found some peanut butter and considering Nij is allergic to nuts its not something we stock at home so I have been indulging

Ah well, I don't feel so bad, when Chloe had a nap I did a bit of excersise, sit ups and push ups and that (need to get more in shape for training warm up drills!) but we spent a long time on a bouncy castle, just Chloe and me. It was so much fun, it was at fun day 'Healing and Health' fayre in someones garden in the village. It was a bit of an odd set up but I was brave and went along for a nosey. They had crafy stalls - jelwery, bags, hats and hand made teddies and monster creatures and healing crystals, face painting and tarot reading. I felt cheeky in a way as we never bought anything but the stall I would of bought off of had no one attending it! Oh and the facepainter was busy with all the adults, I was going to get Chloe a little butter fly but she wanted to go back on the bouncy castle! Its there tomorrow so may pop back quickly with my Mum, depending on when we have to set off for the christening tomorrow. Chloe must have enjoyed bouncing about today anyway, she had a bath and was in bed for 7 instead of setting off to bed at 7 bless her.
Well, enough of my babble! I may be off to bed soon, getting a tad bored so I guess sleep is good. Sat through Harry Potter - order of the phoenix but not much else on the box now really. Its still bad though isn't it - I am going to bed before my parents!