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Another slacker here- stupid computer just lost my previous post :dohh:

Been having a clingy phase here so not much getting done around the house and it's driving me nuts. I think the final set of molars are on the way here too. I nearly lost it today at lunch- a kid launched a bowl of pasta down the wall (accidentally though) and while I was cleaning up that mess, another kid started to throw fistfuls of pasta behind my back :grr: One of those days...
i am seriously going to go crazy. milo drives me nuts! he is so loud all day and is constantly waking up Ava. he fights his naps for hours. i turn off the lights, shut the blinds, turn the tv to low so it's not so loud. but then he starts banging and stomping, yelling, rasberrying,etc. then when i try to hold him to get him to settle down he gets mad and pushes me away. then he starts a meltdown because i wont play with him.
its like this everyyy day :dohh:
MilosMommy, :hugs: Sounds as though you're going through a really tough time. I am most definitely not the person to talk to re daytime naps, but just a thought - Monty was always best sleeping while being pushed in his buggy, so that's pretty much what we did every day. But one day I had a bit of inspiration and thought 'if he can sleep in it while being pushed, what about just while it's standing still?' So I put him out in the garden in the buggy, and sure enough he fell asleep. Now if we are at hope during nap time, almost invariably I put him to nap in his buggy in the garden. I sometimes wobble it for a few minutes to help him drop off, but once he's out he's out - and I can tell you there's NO WAY on earth he would do this in his cot in the middle of the day. Of course, I don't know if you have a garden or whatever, so may not be poss for you - but maybe even do what I did once when it was peeing it with rain, and I put the buggy in the kitchen.

Apart from that, I do hope things get easier for you soon. Loud children can be very hard - and I think when it's your own child who's making the noise, it can be worse.

How is Ava though? It would be lovely to hear how she's getting on.

Chloe had her 'I have been growing face' on the other day too. She always looks funny, different almost for a day or so. She has been waking the odd times over the last few nights too, had her in bed with us again last night. Can't decide what is the cause.

Eala: Hope your back feels better soon :flower:

LK: Chekc you out, all those crazy hours and you managed to meet a guy! :thumbup: Hope good things come from this one :flower:

Fraggles: Hope J feels better soon and the meds help / keep helping :hugs:

Colsy: I hate the pre-AF feeling, so annoying, natures way of dragging it out! Lets hope it is just cramps and you get your :BFP: Sounds like you had a fun week!

Milo's Mummy: :hugs: When Chloe had melt downs its so so hard, nothing suffices and as much as you know you want to help and calm them and can't its so frustating and upsetting. I really don't know what to suggest with not having two, I end up having to lie next to CHloe in her room, she won't nap in her cot but I put lots of blankets down and a pillow and she then goes to sleep eventually - maybe its a case of experimenting with different places for him to nap. Hope you manage something :hugs:

Well best be off, nearly toasted tea cake time - *drool* xx
Ooooh toasted teacake, I'm jealous :rofl:

I finally got some appetite today, for mince and tatties of all things! I had it for lunch, and have now made it again for tea :blush: Aaaaand I made loads so that I'll have some to take into work tomorrow :haha:

Milo's Mummy - I feel for you. It's really hard when they just refuse point blank to go to sleep. What worked for us was following pretty much the same routine as bedtime (minus the bath and milk). I hope things improve soon :hugs:

Kaites - I hope Emma feels better soon, molars are naaaaasty!

LK - fingers crossed!

Colsy - I hope that AF surprises you by not turning up this month ;) Sending :dust: your way :hugs:

Fraggles - I hope this new medicine keeps working :hugs:
Hehe thanks girls. Got my fingers crossed. Final night tonight and then working 7pm to 10pm tomorrow and 1pm to 7pm Saturday before a well earned day off on Sunday :)
thanks ladies. usually milo likes someone to lay with him. so that's what i try doing. but when he refuses to sleep, he refuses to lay with me. but with Ava being up, i cant lay with him because i have to deal with her. i find myself having to put milo to the side so i can feed ava, change her, get her to sleep, etc.
ava is doing great! she's rolling over now. if anyone wants to add me to facebook, feel free :D

https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=512607368 (i hope the link takes you to my profile)
Morning ladies!

Eala- Hope the MS is easing up for you :flower: How's your back doing?

LK- Enjoy your well earned day off- hope the date goes well too :)

Milosmommy- I hope naptimes improve for you soon :hugs: Must be hard juggling both a toddler and little baby all day.

Not much going on here- pretty boring week following Monday's museum fun. Can't wait to get to the lake tonight though- Emma loves swimming in the deep water now so I'm sure we'll be spending a lot of time at the beach.

If anyone wants to add me to facebook, just send me a PM and I'll send you the link (not that I use FB that often, thanks to an annoying MIL, but it is where I still occasionally post pics...) :thumbup:
Adjust your privacy settings so she can't see what you're doing but she is still your 'friend' ;) More than one way to skin a cat :)

Send us the linky pls :)

Of for another 4D scan today to see if my little transverse monkey will co-operate more today.
LK: Roll on sunday for you :flower:

Chaos: Good luck with the scan, hope she co-operates :flower:

Kaites: Enjoy the lake, hope you have a lovely time.

Milo's Mummy: :hugs: Plus, well done on Ava rolling over :flower:

Well busy weekend ahead, kinda . . . it's Williams christening on Sunday so this weekend Chloe and I are off to stay with my Mum and Dad. Nij is working but it's his last ever weekend!!!!! Well, for a bit, until they change his run lol, so for a few months at least we will actually have weekends off together. Anywhoo, spent yesterday and today buying new clothes (thanks work for clothes voucher!) for me and found some sale shoes for Chloe to go with her dress. Also, Christening presants, cards and Nij's birthday presants as he turns the big 3-0 on Monday, however, we are celebrating on Friday as he is working his actual birthday. So I can't wait for Sun first, hope the outfit looks as good as it does in my head :wacko: My elder nephews are also being blessed again and since I am the eldest's god mum I will be up at the front, but I guess any outfit will beat the 'The Offspring' t-shirt I wore with skulls on it at his actual christening . . . I was young and a tad rebellious. Good times! Can't wait to see Chloe stood next to my Uncles youngest either as I have been told so many times they are like twins, so will be fun and perhaps odd to see!

I think that's it from me! :haha:

Enjoy your weekend ladies :flower: :hugs:
Afternoon ladies! We're not back yet but we're back from Leitrim with a short stop at FIL's overnight until the ferry in the morning.

Earl is in good form. We've all had a fabulous time at the cottage. Hubby spent most of his time fishing, while Earl and I played, went on little walks and fed the ducks on the river. We went on a couple of boat trips up the river which Earl loved and I'll post up some picks later. It's been miserable weather the majority of the time though so not many pics as we did spend a lot of time indoors.

In other news AF still hasn't shown up. over a week late now and taken 3 tests since Friday and all BFN. If we've had nothing by Wednesday next week looks like another trip to the Dr's! :dohh:

Hope we're all good. I'll do a proper update with pics when we get back. Should be home by teatime tomorrow so probably sunday. I'm shattered! :sleep: Seems like I need another holiday to recover! lol

Have a good weekend ladies and I'll catch up more. :blush:
aimee- sorry to hear AF is messing with you :hugs: maybe you'll be one of those cases that cant create a positive HPT :D good luck at the docs :flower:

thanks for FB adds. forgive me if i might forget who is who. lol. sometimes it's hard for me to put names to usernames when switching sites :P
Hey girls. Ended up with yesterday evening off which was nice as the little girl was in hospital. So was in bed crashed out at 9.30pm lol. Did the weeding in my front garden instead. Back to work today and then tomorrow have decided to do the carboot as the weather is supposed to be ok. Now have the letters to go above James's bed so put 1 coat of paint on 2 of them before I came over to mums to drop James off. Will pop pics on here once its all finished. So happy with his room.
Hey all, add me to the slackers list! :dohh:

Everything is going great here. Hubby is pretty much constantly away working at the moment (we need the extra cash!), so it's just me and Harry most days.... I joined a group on facebook called 'play at home moms' which has about a bazillion ideas, tips, tricks etc for playing and keeping your LOs occupied at home in all weathers and situations- it's been awesome trying out some of the ideas! harry is loving it- every day i'm trying to do something new with him, like painting, sticking, dying stuff with food colouring, mixing and pouring, cornflour, sand, chalks pictures on the patio, waterbeads (awesome!), fizzy paint (bicarb of soda mixed with paint, then spray it with vinegar and it fizzes up into a foam on the patio which was fun!), playdoh, glittery playdoh, ball pit, paddling pool, bike rides..... well, lotsa stuff- certainly keeping me busy and wears Harry out, but in a good way. We also went to the zoo a couple of weekends ago, which he loved too.

Other than that, the pregnancy is going well. Started feeling baby move at 17 weeks, and am 19 weeks on monday. Got my scan on 22nd, so excited about that and then off to Norfolk for a few days to see family and friends. Finally found myself a nice dress to wear to my best friend's posh 30th bash too... just got to get used to wearing heels again now!

anyways, hope everyone's enjoying the summer, despite the random weather?
Aimee: Hope the mystery is sorted! Glad to hear you have had a nice time despite the weater :flower: I know what you mean about needing a holiday after a holiday!

Milo'sMummy: Its okay, I think it just kind of sticks after a while with the double names. At first, comparing pictures of the LO's helped me. Goregous profile picture of Ava by the way :flower:

Fleur: Must be tough with Hubby away, just for the sheer fact that you and Harry will miss him. You sounds be having lots of fun mind :thumbup: Glad you managed to find a nice outfit for the birthday bash.

LK: Glad you managed to get the a bit more time off. Looking forward to the pitures of James's room when you have done. Hope it is nice for the car boot :flower:

Arrived at my parents yesterday after work, Chloe got to pet their next door neighbours chickens. Tonight, well, my Mum and Dad went out at lunch and still aren't back the party animals! At least I have internet here! Today has been lovely, made Nij a glitter card from Chloe for his birthday. We did some colouring, playing with puzzles and had a daily dose of Peppa Pig! Speaking of pigs, I have been such a pig today! I found some peanut butter and considering Nij is allergic to nuts its not something we stock at home so I have been indulging :blush: Ah well, I don't feel so bad, when Chloe had a nap I did a bit of excersise, sit ups and push ups and that (need to get more in shape for training warm up drills!) but we spent a long time on a bouncy castle, just Chloe and me. It was so much fun, it was at fun day 'Healing and Health' fayre in someones garden in the village. It was a bit of an odd set up but I was brave and went along for a nosey. They had crafy stalls - jelwery, bags, hats and hand made teddies and monster creatures and healing crystals, face painting and tarot reading. I felt cheeky in a way as we never bought anything but the stall I would of bought off of had no one attending it! Oh and the facepainter was busy with all the adults, I was going to get Chloe a little butter fly but she wanted to go back on the bouncy castle! Its there tomorrow so may pop back quickly with my Mum, depending on when we have to set off for the christening tomorrow. Chloe must have enjoyed bouncing about today anyway, she had a bath and was in bed for 7 instead of setting off to bed at 7 bless her.

Well, enough of my babble! I may be off to bed soon, getting a tad bored so I guess sleep is good. Sat through Harry Potter - order of the phoenix but not much else on the box now really. Its still bad though isn't it - I am going to bed before my parents! :wacko: :haha:
Evening all, had a day in hospital so did nothing much other than play, comfort and read mags.

No big plans for the weekend. Off to do a shop tomorrow as my clubcard vouchers have arrived. Wow how exciting :haha:
Afternoon all,

Fraggles: Are you still having to go in and out with J? Lol, mine came the other day too, and they actually gave me 25p off of something I actually buy for once as well! Now . . . where did I put them :dohh:

The Christening was great, I am absolutely shattered and so is my Mum so I don't know how my Sis must be feeling - full of beans from the sounds of her text messages!
Yeah we are in and out quite a lot Kte, it's not too bad as he's makin great improvement on the medication
Yeah we are in and out quite a lot Kte, it's not too bad as he's makin great improvement on the medication

Glad he's doing better! Have they made an actual diagnosis to as what was wrong or are they just testing to see what works?
Not got all the results back but they are pretty sure its GORD/GERD. They think he aspirated on his own vomit which meant he choked and couldn't breath.

Hows bump Chaos?

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