Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Aimee - Welcome back, glad you had a good time :) Hope the mystery with AF is solved soon, one way or another!

LK - Busy bee! Are you going to share pics of James' room? We're looking to redecorate the spare room for Roo as part of her birthday (big girl bed and all!) so I'm always looking for inspiration!

Flora - That FB group sounds great, I'll need to have a look! I'm needing ideas for new things to do with Roo at the weekends and before bed :)

Fraggles - sorry to hear that you've been in and out of hospital with J again, but glad the medication is improving things.

Kte - Glad the Christening went well! Did you go back to the Healing & Health fayre with your Mum?

I'm absolutely cream crackered at the moment :coffee: Just started my second week of placement. I'm doing 8 hour shifts rather than long days because of my back/pelvis, which is good as I get to leave about 3pm, but being on earlies for 5 days last week meant being up at 5.30am each day :shock: Bit of a shock to the system! Was on early again today, but am late tomorrow, so a bit of a lie-in. Although I'm then early on Wednesday! It's a great placement though, I'm learning bucketloads and actually beginning to feel like I'm really almost a third year student.

Roo started back at Baby Ballet two Saturdays ago. I was on placement at the weekend there, so DH took her :rofl: Bless, I can just imagine him sat doing "Good Toes, Naughty Toes!" :haha: We got Roo a little all-in-one tutu with fairy wings as an early birthday present, and luckily she loves it! She went through a short phase of hating dresses, so I was a bit worried! Was at a friend's wedding 10 days ago and the nursery had to bribe Roo into her dress with a sticker :blush: Now she's gone the other way, and wants her tutu on all the time :rofl:

Hope everyone has a good week :)
Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. AF showed up on Saturday afternoon, 9 days later than expected. I think it was a chemical as while I didn't get any BFPs, I didn't get anything at all and so I think it was just one of those things. :shrug:

Going to take a bit of a back seat this next couple of months as we have a lot going on and Earl to keep busy with lol. I'm not particularly happy with work as they've moved me again so I have that to deal with on top of it all!

Hope we're all well otherwise
aww, aimee, sorry to hear your AF showed up after all. hope ireland was cool though. x
Morning all :flower:

Eala: Glad the placement is going well. :thumbup: No, we didn't, we set off at about 9.30 in the morning and didn't get back to my paretns house until five and then it was soon time to set off home again ready for work etc! Shame really but I think they do it every year so something to look out for. Glad Roo is likes her tutu!

Aimee: Shame AF arrived in the end, hope things work out well with you taking it nice and steady :flower: Sorry to hear work are messing you about too :hugs:

Fraggles: So glad the meds are helping J bless him :flower:

I am feeling "ugh" today, have the sniffles and feeling hot and cold. So it's just generally bumming me out a bit. No real reason, I'm just no good when I get tired. The house is a mess and lots of washing needs to be done since I was away all weekend so it's all that fun to try and fit in.

Chloe is Peppa Pig crazy at the moment, as soon as she see's the tv, morning or night, she wants Peppa on. The down side to buying the DVD's since we don't have Nick Jr anymore - she knows she can have Peppa on demand! Think I need to get her out of this idea, not that I don't like Peppa, I just don't like that she HAS to have it on even if she doesn't watch it :dohh:

On the plus side, she doesn't have dummies in the day time anymore, she has the ones attached to her teddies at night and in the mornings - she is still tires on the bus jouneys in and needs the comfort. All in all, not bad at all really, it was kind of an unconcious weaning.

:coffee: time now I think. :hugs: all xx
Hey girls just a quicky (again I know lol) from me cos I've got to get ready for work but just wanted to update you all. So I had a date with the lovely Rich on Monday....and we are officially a couple hehe. He is absolutely lovely and we just get on like a house on fire :thumbup: So I'm a very happy girly. And yes I will share pics of James's room once the letters and canvases are up! Gotta run so chat properly later xx
Morning all,

Shattered today, was feeling a little better yesterday but rough again today. Chloe keeps waking at about 5am, not sure what it is, I think she might just be waking up cold :shrug: Her thermometer always says 21 but it feels different to me each night. I think I need invest in a proper quilt for her - toddler bed has to be a christmas or birthday presant! So what with Nij now getting up at 4.20 and Chloe waking me up at 5, come 6am I just feel so sleepy - worse than newborn days!

Have a work leaving do tonight, don't want to go as I feel so rough but am still going as I want to say bye! No training because of it so I have moved it to Satruday. Friday I am off all day and we are having a belated BBQ for Nij's birthday then off to the fun fayre. Sat - wash and rest and Sun, training and then more rest!

LK: Congratualtions, hope everything works out for the best with you and Richard :flower:
Well had a trip to the dentist as I thought N was going to loose his front teeth due to a fall, but thankfully only chipped off the top layer. He had a fluoride treatment done and was very good so we went and got a chuggington train set as a well done gift. Dentist said was really pleased with him :)
Morning ladies!

Hope everyone is well :flower: It's been a busy week around here- only downside to going away on the weekends is that a lot of the usual housework gets neglected or needs to be done on a weekday. I gave Emma's hair a bit of a trim the other day and it definitely makes her look older- what happened to our babies?! I've started to pick up some stuff for Emma's birthday this week too- hard to believe they'll be 2 in about 2 months' time! I think we are going to do the whole decorating the room thing too (maybe that'll intice her to sleep there, lol)- we've bought a Dora border for the walls and I've ordered some Dora fabric to make a quilt with.

Fraggles- glad to hear the dentist went well- wtg N too! Sounds like the boys are keeping you on your toes these days!!

Kte- :hugs: I feel for you with the wonky schedule- we've got the same one happening here with hubby waking for work at 4am, Emma waking sometime a bit after and then hubby re-waking me to say good-bye around 5:30 :wacko: How long is Nij's schedule like this? Hope you enjoy the work BBQ :flower:

LK- Glad hear everything is going well with the new bf :)

Aimee- Sorry to hear AF decided to visit afterall :hugs: I hope you get your bfp soon :flower:

Eala- Roo sounds cute with her tutu :) I hope your back is feeling okay too :flower:

Flora- GL with the ultrasound- are you going to find out the sex or keep it a surprise?

Sorry if I missed anyone! Hope everyone is having a good day :hugs:
Not really sure, he is on a trial run but we were hoping is moves to permanent as he gets Fri / Sat / Sun off so we would actually be able to spend some time together - shock! :haha: Normally his wakings don't bother me but I think its just at the awkward time, or maybe I am still adjusting, or maybe its becasue I'm feeling a bit unwell :wacko:

Making the quilt sounds fun! We have started on a few bits and pieces for birthday too, and usually save some bits from that pile for christmas! The down side to the new job is that Nij will get less money but I guess that means a re-look at tax credits and the like, plus he is hoping to set up his own photography business, which I hope goes but it feels like there a millions of photographers out there sometimes , so I think of it as a bonus or added extra and not something to put too much dependance on.

Fraggles: Glad the dentist trip went well, Well done N :flower:
Fraggles: glad N was good at the dentist. hen we took harry, he was completely fascinated by it all, then cleaned his teeth for the dentists like a good boy, said 'ah' and then decided he'd had enough and got off the chair, then pointed like a crazy dude to get sticker (or dicker, as he calls them)..... then insisted on showing ever single person in town his 'dicker' as we were walking by, lol!

Kte- we have peppa pig world near us at paulton's park- everyone says it's brilliant. I've only ever watched the show once with harry and he didnt seem interested at all... he perfers things like zingzillas and pippin and wayballoo and ITNG..... all of which i hate, hehe.

kaites, yeah we're hoping to find out the sex, but no big deal if we cant. If it's a boy, we literally dont need to buy everything as i was a total klepto and kept everything of Harry's! If it's a girl though, we pretty much need everything, so it'll be, well, costly! My whole family has had boys (15 of em!) , except 2 who had girls, so i cant even rely on hand downs! Hubby thinks we're having a girl, I'm clueless though. Hopefully when monday comes i can post letting you know what team we're on!

We did a Glo Bath last night (put glo sticks in the bath and turn the lights out)- went down an absolute treat- he was splashing around and yelling 'pretty' like a maniac and thought it was brilliant :) Then I found on firebox site some little underwater disco lights which look awesome, and only £7.99 each so might get him a couple for his birthday rather than using glo sticks which are only good for a few hours. But yeah, defo recommend if any of you are bored one evening!

How's everyone doing? i am hating all this sucky weather in England right now. :( where's the summer?!
little- glad to hear things are going well :D

fraggles- wow. good thing he didnt lose any teeth.

kte- milo usually hates blankets on him. lately we've been able to put the cover on him after he's already asleep. he'll sleep in the air conditioner with no blankets, and wakes up feeling freezing. but it doesnt bother him :shrug:

milo's speech therapy just ended a little while ago. the speech therapist brought another speech therapist with her (she's never seen milo before). they just adore milo. he loved playing with them (though he tried running off a few times with her ball she brought lol). the lady who's never seen him before said "i'm just gonna throw this out there, get it off the table. it's possible he has autism" then the other therapist who is our normal therapist said that i already thought he had it. then she goes "oh really? and what were some of the other things that made you think that?"
the reason that lady brought up autism was because she was mentioning things that milo used to do, but then stopped doing (like drinking from a straw). and also, the lady brought blocks and he stacked every single one. he took the shapes from the sorter and took them somewhere else and stacked them. he was spinning,jumping and flapping (all at once).
so they said at the next visit they're going to bring one of the developmental pedi's that they use at EI to see what she thinks. then in october they'll send him to different developmental pedi that will do the official diagnosing.
they also said they want him to have private therapy after he turns two.
Kte- the photograhy business sounds like a cool idea- like you said, as a little bonus money while doing something he enjoys :) Good luck adjusting to the new schedule- I've been adjusting since April so I hope it happens a bit faster for you, lol :)

Flora- I hope baby cooperates for you on Monday :flower:

Milosmommy- Sounds like the therapy is going well and that even though the initial team dismissed ASD, they are getting serious about it now. Sounds like Milo has fun with speech therapy too :)

I forgot to mention Emma's latest skill earlier- summersaults! Emma thinks they are the most amazing thing ever and they freak me right out since she doesn't always look at what she's going to tumble into (& I worry about neck injuries too :blush:)

I also just got a weird phone call saying I've won a photo session at the photo studio that we took Emma to this time last year- I'm pretty sure it's legit though since I remember the lady that works there was a bit of a flake, just like the one on the phone today :haha:
We get a lot of the head stands here too :wacko: That's been going on for months but the actual tumbling is a new thing for her- before she just seemed to be doing a lot of yoga, lol :)
Missy likes to stand on the sofa, jump twice on her feet and then land on her butt lol. She thinks its the best thing since sliced bread. I'm looking for a cheap trampoline for the back garden for her Birthday. (Can you freaking believe she is going to be 2 in FIVE weeks??? Blows my mind)
Hey girls. Flora - good luck with the scan!

I am soooo tired! For some reason James woke up at 5am screaming and screaming. Ended up having to take him into bed. And then my alarm went off at 6.30am to get up for work. Also think my phone is playing up cos I've not had any texts since 5pm yesterday and considering my phone never stops going off thats a majorly strange occurance lol. Just waiting now for James to wake up so we can go home and start on the housework x
kaites- when milo would just stand on his head, we'd finish the roll for him. lol. we'd grab his butt or legs and flip him over. then he started doing it by himself.

LK- sorry to hear you're so tired. lately milo hasnt been going to bed until 5am :dohh: he'll take a 3 hour nap at his usual bedtime then he wakes up fully refreshed :(

chaos- lol. same thing here. or he'll hold onto the back of the couch and jump as high as he can, as if it's a trampoline.
I wonder if the bouncing is a phase, we are in bounce land too haha we have a bouncy castle which he adores.

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