Kte - I would stick to my guns too. The timetable is there for a reason and if it says that your travel arrangements should work, then it should work. The bus company get fined if they don't stick to the timetable, so if there is an ongoing problem you are quite within your rights to complain, and if it continues, take it to the council (hubby was a bus driver and I used to work for a bus company, and we both know how strict the companies are with the drivers, so a complaint to the council would really stir the blood!)
Earl is also a bit Peppa mad, and can name pretty much all the characters (the main ones anyway). His other love at the moment is Ben and Holly...and I must admit I do enjoy Ben and Holly! lol
Colsy - So sorry hun!

I hope you had a nice birthday otherwise. Last month was difficult for me too as it was the one where we conceived Earl, and to add insult to injury AF was 8 days late!!

This month we've really held back as with starting a new job it's probably not the best, and I'm pretty convinced I OV'd at cd14-16, so we can start to plan ahead for next month. Would love a June baby - My AF is due next week, so if you like we can be NTNP buddies! After all, we seem to be everything else buddies!
Earl is currently asleep in his pushchair after nearly 4 hours ottering round town. I got some New Look vouchers for my birthday from MIL so I spent them on some new work trousers and a couple of nice autumn-y tops. Only £20 but still I'm happy with the haul lol - and it only cost me £3, and hubby will be pleased as nothing was in the sale. Most unlike me! I got Earl a skittles set from the charity shop (he loves skittles) and a new wooden puzzle as the dog ate his last one

. I also got him a new top with a tractor on the front which he insisted on wearing there and then!

Bless him he loves clothes and has to pick his outfit for the day, and his pyjamas. Granted I give him a choice of two, but heaven forbid you try to go without the choosing lol
Got him another book to add to the Christmas/Birthday pile lol. I have also eyed up a couple of little workbench tools in Wilko's. I'm not sure whether to get an age 2+ one that is solid (i.e no seperate tools to play with, all in one block type, like the ELC style ones) but makes noises etc, or an age 3+ one that is more realistic and looks like a grown up one....it's a bob the builder one and has a hammer, spanner. It's also cheaper lol.

Hmmm I think I'll have to show hubby and see what he thinks. Have decided he'll get this as his main birthday present though. Finally lol.https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Toys-R-Us...sionid=24BFF8FE78A6F237D5FA93EAA685B8B7.app27