Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Good news lol. Came on Sunday morning. Well it was kinda annoying cos it meant no DTD Sunday night grrr but hey ho lol. Anyways all well here. Things going well with OH.
colsy- i've heard that alcohol can make PMS worse :? lol. that, and indulging on sweets. but none-the-less, enjoy your dinner :flower:
Colsy: Super good luck, fingers crossed and everything for you xx :flower:

Biggie is still in hospital, he haa been in quite a bit of pain, he comes around ever now and then and feels okay but then it all gets on top of him again.

Went to my friends 40th on Saturday, Chloe loved it, lots of girls to pootle around with and everyone thought she was a little cutie. Her sleep has been transformed since she has been in a normal type bed as well so the cot is defo going to be replaced. down side, she didn't nap at all this weekend - she almost did on Saturday but the door woke her up as I tried to sneek out, darn door!

I felt quite upset when I left her at nursery this morning, Chloe's keyworker isn't going to be her full time keyworker anymore, she will only be there on a Wednesday and when we went in Chloe was saying 'Char'. Really kind of upset me as she has fun with her, she does with all the others but its not fully the same, and Chloe will be moved up after next month anyway, but still it gave my heart strings a little tug.

Not much else going on otherwise, regretting not having a rain coat with me but apart from that!!

Hello ladies,

Not been on for a while as it's been all go here and only had brief nips onto the toddler page.

I have a new job. I start on the 21st, but my last day at my current job is tomorrow as I only had to give 1 weeks notice and I'm buggered if I'm staying past my birthday! lol. (Apologies if I repeat myself btw, I'm not sure when I last posted lol). So I'll be the receptionist at the local leisure centre, working monday-wednesday 2.30pm-10.30pm, then Sundays 7.30am-3.30pm. Earl's cut down to just 3 days at the CM, 2 of which are afternoons only. I'm so excited....oh and we'll get discounted swimming! :happydance:

We went swimming yesterday and Earl was jumping in off the side. We went with a friend who's little girl is nearly 3 and had never been swimming before. She didn't like it much but I think we're going back next week so we'll see how she gets on. Earl was all giggles though, and didn't want to get out! :thumbup:

We went to the fair on Saturday with the same friend and little girl. The children went on a couple of rides and Earl managed to win a fish at the hoopla - Hubby has named him Esteban :wacko: - and he is so far surviving well. We already have 3 bigger fish, but esteban has his own bowl on hubby's desk as we fear they may decide to make him dinner if they went in together. lol.

Earl is doing brilliantly, apart from falling out of bed at 3am and coming through to the bedroom in floods of tears. He'd banged his head and lost blankie and it was all too much. We have been without dummies for over a week now. We took them away cold turkey on Saturday last week (you may have seen the thread) and after 2 nights he wasn't asking for them. He will say 'Dummies in the bin' when he goes to bed occasionally, but now I ask him to choose 2 stories and a cuddly to take to bed. Usually it's his giraffe 'Jolly' but sometimes it's 'Senguin' the penguin, or 'Nelly' the elephant (imaginative names I think you'll agree).

Has anyone started birthday shopping? Wilko's had a half price sale on and as I was getting Lillie's (that's the girl next door) I got Earl a little car transported and playmat thing for about £4 in total. Bargain!! :thumbup: Have a massive list of things we'd like to get him...just have to pick the 3 best I think lol, then it's Christmas. :wacko:

Colsy - Happy birthday for Wednesday! :thumbup:
My Dad is coming up to visit on Wednesday so we'll be busy I think. Any other plans?

Best be off. Got to make Hubby and I a well earned chocolate pudding each lol....well...microwave it at least! :blush:
Colsy - Happy birthday for Wednesday! :thumbup:

You too, me old mate. :thumbup:Seems ages since either of us chatted on here. I've been non-stop for about forever lately, so just not getting a chance to say hello properly. Hols coming up soon and then we're back to "normality". xx
Pre-Happy Birthday Aimee :cake: and Colsy :cake:
happy birthday ladies :cake:

Oh, and harry just giggled at your video of Milo, Nikki and was saying, 'baby' and clapping his hands :)

Got everything out of the attic at the weekend of harry's and started going through it- got all choked up sorting it into sizes and stuff, ready to be eventually sold to raise funds for pretty pink things. still gonna keep all my faves though, coz I'm a sentimental old thing!

What's everyone planning on doing for your LOs 2nd birthdays? I'm kinda at a loss.... i was thinking just a couple of his friends from playgroup & OH's work collegues kids round for a little get together with cake and stuff, but not sure. present-wise, I'm even more clueless as there's nothing really that he needs at the moment, aside from Pjs and new slippers.... and we dont have much more room for new toys, so it'll need to be outdoors type stuff really, which the weather is kinda too crap for at the moment.... i dunno... thinking maybe the cosy coupe police car rider? i already got him 2 pairs of PJs, but they're freaking huge on him, lol and make him look like ET!!!!! lol. And I havent even started thinking about xmas yet! ah!
Happy Birthday Aimee and Colsy!

Flora- I'm in the same boat- no clue what to get Emma for her brithday since she really is the kid that has everything. The police cars are cute- I'm sure that would be a big hit :) I think we are just going to redecorate her room with a Dora border, buying her a new big girl bed and I'm making her a quilt and Grandma has bought her a play tent that looks like a castle (where the heck is it going to go though?! no room left in our house!!). I just bought a pile of toys for the daycare so she's pretty occupied with that stuff. I think it'll be pretty low key though- just her little daycare buddies and maybe a couple of the girls that she plays with at the park and family. Hard to believe Harry and Emma are 2years old a month today :wacko:
Thanks everyone xx :flower:

Flora and Kaites - Birthday this year will be low key I think. Few pressies - decided on getting him a garage, a pop up tent, some duplo and a few cars and things - and then a birthday tea at the weekend with the neighbour and her little girl as Hubby will be away that weekend, and I'll be at work on his actual birthday and he'll be at the CM's all day.

It was my last day at work today! :happydance: 2 weeks off before I start the new occupation lol.

Flora - I have heaps of stuff boxed up that was Earl's and tbh if the next one is a girl I'd probably still re-use half of it as the first few sets of clothes were all neutral, and then the rest was barely worn :dohh: Could you try freecycle for some girly stuff?

Got to go - got a bunch of stuff to do before Dad comes tomorrow. The house is a tip! :dohh:
happy birthday ladies! :hugs: :flower:

aimee- wow. i'm surprised Earl feels so confident about jumping into the pool. if milo cant feel the bottom of the pool he freaks out. he doesnt like having a life jacket on and free-floating :?

flora- i'm doing a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme for milo. not going to invite as many people as we did for his first birthday. definitely going to just keep it to immediate family and friends. on the 23rd of this month we're taking him to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live. we're just using that as his birthday gift. he has wayyyy too many toys. and with his birthday and christmas coming up, he wont need anything from us :dohh:

tomorrow is milo's last therapy session with his EI therapist (before he starts private therapy after his 2nd birthday). she's bringing the developmental pedi with her to get her opinion on going forward with an ASD diagnoses. i'm so nervous!
Birthday wise, I was hoping to take Chloe to see Peppa Pig live early October as her main present. I have booked her birthday day off as it's on a Monday, we will prob do a mini buffet thing again but pretty low key the weekend before. We have been collecting bits and pieces since last month, just little bits like a Hello Kitty DVD, some pencils with her name on . . . oooo and a Thomas the Tank activity story book-thing! (I just rememberd that and got a tad excited! :wacko:)

The police car reminded me of last night, Chloe was playing with her cars and started saying 'nee-nawh, nee-nawh' as I was getting her undressed ready for bed. I started copying her and then said 'sock' as I pulled it off so she started chanting 'nee-nawh, nee-nawh-sock' :haha:

Aimee: Enjoy the break and your new job :flower:

Flora: My loft has sentimental Chloe boxes galore! I'm a terror but I just can't part with some key stuff.

Milo'sMummy: Hope the session goes well for Milo, how are you feeling?
Ahhh, Peppa Pig, Autumn loves it! Got my family to send some PP pressies over for her Birthday.

For her Birthday the theme is going to be Blues Clues as she has a total crush on Steve. I have a friend making a BC cake with Steve/Mailbox/Blue (her favs) on it. Gonna get a big box and spray paint it as Steves house. Gonna decorate our mailbox as .. mailbox and then chalk spray blue paw prints up the drive.
Gonna rent a bouncy castle too I think to keep the kids out the house and in the garden haha.

Am keeping it small this time, her 1st Birthday was manic, plus I'm going to be 37 weeks preggy and won't feel like dealing with hordes of people.
kte- i'm slowly getting better. taking care of 2 kids sure doesnt speed up recovery!

well milo's therapy session was earlier this morning... it went not way the way i wanted it to. the developmental pedi that came with our ST therapist sounded like full of crap. that, or it's just me thinking that. she asked me about my concerns and things i've noticed. first off, she didnt let me finish telling her before she interrupted me. here are some of the things she said to me... "children with autism will not look you in the eye. he looked at me so that means he cant have autism." (which i then promptly told her was NOT true). and "children with autism dont care about anyone, and i mean no one, not mom, not dad. if he's attached to you guys he cant have autism." then she said that when he's stacking and lining i have to stop him because that's inappropriate play. and the only reason he has been doing it since he was 12 months was because i let him. then she turned the shape sorter upside down to play with them on the bottom. and she said that because he let her do that he cant have autism. then he took the shape sorter and put it up to his face and sniffed it and leaned his head back. she said "oh look, he's pretending to drink. he cant have autism if he does that." i felt so overwhelmed and defeated, i wanted to start crying because i felt like an idiot. she made me look like i had no idea what i was talking about. so now i have 3 people who saw ASD and 2 who havent... i dont know what to think anymore. the only good news is that he starts his playgroup in two weeks. he would be able to start next tuesday morning, but i have my post surgery check up that morning. she did say though that after his first visit or two she'll come watch him there and see how he acts.
i was a second away from asking them to leave my house. so much anger started building up while i had to sit there and listen to all these reasons why he cant have autism. and it's like everything i said she tried to twist around my words and then find a reason why it means he cant have ASD. it was such a waste of my time and i'm so pissed. so now i have my coordinator, and two speech therapists who saw it. but this developmental pedi and the people who evaluated him at EI to see if he qualified for services didnt see it either. and to make things worse, i sat there rethinking everything and telling msyelf "well maybe i am wrong.. maybe he IS neurotypical and i cant see it." i eventually went upstairs to take a nap before Thomas had to go to work. i just wanted to start freaking out. lol. one other thing she said is a reason he cant have ASD... she shook her head and blew raspberries with her lips. and then milo did it too... i was telling my sister-in-law that it is SOO funny how she picked something that milo does non-stop on a daily basis (head shaking and rapsberries) to use as an example for him to repeat. as some of you who have seen video's of milo before, the head shaking and raspberries is something he does all day long. it was like it backfired on me. lol.
Couple of you might have seen my posts in TTC earlier today. Feel crap. I was utterly convinced this month. Not for the usual "oh I bet it will work this time" sort of reasons, but because I experienced prolonged symptoms of two varieties, neither of which I have ever had before apart from when I was pg with Monty ("fizzy" boobs, and a very peculiar taste/saliva sort of thing, which is hard to describe). I now have AF two days early. I thought it might be implantation, but I've now got the start of period pains and I feel very unwell, hard to look at screen as I type this as feel really nauseous. So I NEVER get early period, but there's always an exception to the rule and this month is it :growlmad: It's been 3.5 months now (so 4 periods since we started). I know that's not exactly a long time in TTC, but it just feels it. Plus both my previous pg (I had a mc before I conceived Monty) took 3 AFs before conception, so I don't like that this is taking longer.

Not happy.:hissy:
Milo's Mummy: She wasn't very helpful at all, its really frsutrating when several people do see something yet other's don't and they get the say-so. :grr: She could of at least said 'but he might have . . . ' - oh and to blame you for letting him stack cups etc! What kind of mother stops her kids from doing such things, stopping him play! What a moron she is!! :hugs:

Colsy: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: The dissapointment is bad enough, let alone the news is given by AF :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Chaos: Chloe is obsessed to put it polietly, she asks for Peppa morning, noon and night! She doesn't seem to be overly obsessed with toys, she has teddies etc but she loves stickers, books, her Peppa trainers (and finally wellies hurray!). Her must is to have Peppa on the TV, especially since we got the DVD's so it's practically on all the time if she had her way! Love your birthday plans!!

I'm slightly happy / bummed at the moment. I went to collect Chloe yesterday and she was in the room upstairs . . . not bummed about this part. She will be moving up after she has turned 2 so I guess they are just introducing her to the new room. She loved it and they said she settled in really well. I'm bummed because the busses missed again and it's really affecting my hours at work and people are suggesting I move her to a nursery closer to home -noooooooooooooo I do not like them closer to home, I have looked; I don't want her in another nursery, she loves it there and we get on well with the staff etc . . . its piece of mind. Plus, moving her about will cost silly money. I sent one hell of a comlaint to the bus company, not that they will do anything, they never do. I just don't want the stress / pressure but I refuse to move little miss. :nope: :cry: :hissy:
Kte - I would stick to my guns too. The timetable is there for a reason and if it says that your travel arrangements should work, then it should work. The bus company get fined if they don't stick to the timetable, so if there is an ongoing problem you are quite within your rights to complain, and if it continues, take it to the council (hubby was a bus driver and I used to work for a bus company, and we both know how strict the companies are with the drivers, so a complaint to the council would really stir the blood!)

Earl is also a bit Peppa mad, and can name pretty much all the characters (the main ones anyway). His other love at the moment is Ben and Holly...and I must admit I do enjoy Ben and Holly! lol :blush:

Colsy - So sorry hun! :hugs: I hope you had a nice birthday otherwise. Last month was difficult for me too as it was the one where we conceived Earl, and to add insult to injury AF was 8 days late!! :dohh: This month we've really held back as with starting a new job it's probably not the best, and I'm pretty convinced I OV'd at cd14-16, so we can start to plan ahead for next month. Would love a June baby - My AF is due next week, so if you like we can be NTNP buddies! After all, we seem to be everything else buddies! :haha:

Earl is currently asleep in his pushchair after nearly 4 hours ottering round town. I got some New Look vouchers for my birthday from MIL so I spent them on some new work trousers and a couple of nice autumn-y tops. Only £20 but still I'm happy with the haul lol - and it only cost me £3, and hubby will be pleased as nothing was in the sale. Most unlike me! I got Earl a skittles set from the charity shop (he loves skittles) and a new wooden puzzle as the dog ate his last one :wacko:. I also got him a new top with a tractor on the front which he insisted on wearing there and then! :haha: Bless him he loves clothes and has to pick his outfit for the day, and his pyjamas. Granted I give him a choice of two, but heaven forbid you try to go without the choosing lol

Got him another book to add to the Christmas/Birthday pile lol. I have also eyed up a couple of little workbench tools in Wilko's. I'm not sure whether to get an age 2+ one that is solid (i.e no seperate tools to play with, all in one block type, like the ELC style ones) but makes noises etc, or an age 3+ one that is more realistic and looks like a grown up one....it's a bob the builder one and has a hammer, spanner. It's also cheaper lol. :shrug: Hmmm I think I'll have to show hubby and see what he thinks. Have decided he'll get this as his main birthday present though. Finally lol.https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Toys-R-Us...sionid=24BFF8FE78A6F237D5FA93EAA685B8B7.app27
colsy- so sorry it wasnt your month this time :hugs:

kte- this lady was just wrong all over the place. i just ignored her after she said "kids with autism cant look you in the eye" :roll:
Aimee: Thanks for the tip about complaining to the council, I never thought to go there . . . I have endlessly put in complaints to the bus companies and I know others have as well as some of the nursery staff have to catch it and are always late and getting warnings which isn't fair at all. The bus company just came back saying it was becasue of traffic etc but when no bus turns up to begin with or changes it's number right in front of your face to go on a different route its kinda hard to believe!!

Lovely garage for Earl :flower: Er bench wise, I'd go for the one with the hammer etc . . . Chloe has a mini tool box and loves playing with those items. Plus she has a little kitchen and although she stands at it, she loves to wander about with her 'imaginary food' and feed people, so I think something that he can stand at, but can wander back and forth to may be good?! :flower:

Glad you found some nice things at New Look, lol I am a sale hunter as well but I managed to get a top and a bag there out of the sale lol.
Afternoon all, hope we are all well. It's all go go go here as im back in work in a couple of weeks so thinking of booking a last minute holiday before I go back.

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