Morning all
Aimee: I agree, I'm not as keen on the CGI version! We picked some Video's up at a car boot and I have my old stash up in the loft although I am trying to find them as I know they are there under mountains of 'ebay gold'! We found some of my old toys and Chloe seems to love Toby, Percy and Harold, she says 'Hawald' all the time bless which I find such and odd name / character for her to choose!
That table looks fantastic!
Fleur: I have heard of the 2yr check up but didn't really know how to go about it. I guess its a call the GP kinda thing

I need to call for other stuff so I guess I can ask then - when do your MW appointments kick in, are they still kinda spread out a bit?
Kaites: How cute that Emma wants her baby to have a hat too! Hope you manage to get some time to make it
Well, Chloe was in the next room up when I went to collect her yesterday, its the 3-5 room, such a scary leap! (For me lol). She was so excited she ran over to me with a dolly shouting 'baby, baby, baby' showing me what she was playing with. She doesn't officially go up until she is 2 but as you are all well aware with your own Bumpkins that is far too soon approaching!
What is it with spiders at the moment? Chloe loves them though

If she sees you with a biro she wants them drawn on her hands (she got that from nursery). We had a spider in the bathroom for ages and she used to point at it, say hello and bye-bye to it too. Although it has now mysteriously dissapeared. Over a certain size I can not cope with (raisens with legs sprin to mind) but littlies don't bother me so I am trying hard to not freak her out too much and pass on any spider phobiers.