Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Aimee: Hope you feel better soon - glad the new job is going well :thumbup: Birthday wise, not yet but we need to let people know soon. Think we are having another pre-birthday party for her on the Saturday as her birthday falls on a Monday this year. We have booked the week off too (reminds me, must tell nursery) and will most prob be off in Bobby-Bus somewhere :)

LK: Gosh, hope you managed to get it all sorted :flower: Feel better soon :hugs: Glad you had a nice time at the wedding :thumbup:
Hello ladies!

Hope you all are doing well since I last posted?

Jacob is doing well while breastfeeding but sometimes annoying me when he latched then disattach himself then relatch him for couple of times before he stays on!

Anyone has kids who is frighening of hand dryers, the reason I am asking because my son billy hates it and cried when it came on when is in use. I try to keep using it and get him to get used to the sound of it.

I am all well and enjoying BF my 2nd son - which is better than with Billy and bond with Jacob better.

Ooohhh nice weather today and I aint going out today dont want to get sunburn on myself lol.

Speak later xxxx
Aimeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, huge congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Fraggles, hope work went ok? Who's looking after the tiddlers while you work?

Milosmummy: loving the pics of Ava on facebook- she's a total cutie! how's everything with Milo going?

Nanaki, harry doesn't like hand dryers either, which is strange to me, since he loves hair dryers and they arent that different, but yeah, the hand dryers in toilets completely freak him out..... But then, he's had some odd fears over the last few months, like black bin liners, the potato masher, a blue night light i got him.... but now he's fine with all of them, so i think he's just one of those kids that takes time to adjust to some things. Hope jacob's doing well? Is Billy getting used to him?

Just in case I dont get on here before, Chaos- i hope Autumn has a wicked cool birthday! My best friend from uni had a little girl yesterday, and guess what she called her? Autumn Marie! :)

Well, everything this end is going well. Harry's been a bit clingy this week (just wants cuddles constantly and follows me everywhere) but otherwise ok. Got midwife app tomorrow morning for a usual checkup, then blood again at 28 weeks i think. Gotta actually sort Harry's little birthday get together out too over the next couple of days. Have bought and wrapped all his pressies, but forgot to invite any friends round for a little party type thing! whoops! Hopefully, if the weather forcast is ok, we're gonna hire a little bouncy castle for the garden, but not sure yet.
LK- sorry about the bleeds. i hope everything turns out okay :hugs:

nanaki- milo wouldnt latch in the hospital, so i gave up before being discharged. hopefully jacob will master it soon enough :flower: milo hates the dryers. then again he's sensitive to a lot of noises like that (ei. water running, the washer going, cars going by, etc).

flora- thanks! i uploaded a video of her last night trying to crawl :dohh: she'll be 5 months tomorrow, i cant believe time is going by so fast.

hope all the early october babies have nice parties :D luckily with milo's being on the 30th (a sunday this year) i still have a month to plan :haha: we'll probably just do a low-key party.

today was the day we went to Childrens Safe Harbor. It took a little over an hour. She asked me the usual questions, had me answer the mchat, she watched him destroy her toys and noticed his need to put his mouth on EVERYTHING. Asked about any possible sensory issues. She said now they have to present it to the board where they'll decide if they need to call right away and set up an appt. She saaid someone will call within the next 2 weeks. Then they'll set up what they call " baby day" where he'll be there from 8-12. She named a bunch of different types of people that will be there. She also said that they will send someone out once a week to help with milo so now i'm waiting for the call.
Nanaki: Chloe cries and freaks out at them too. I just give her a little warning its going to get noisy if I have to use them . . . I do try to use toilet roll or something else but in a public loo others use them so its kinda tricky. I think its becasue they start suddenly, as like Harry, Chloe is fine with hair dryers.

Glad things are going well with Jacob and your BF :flower:

Milo'sMummy: Hope you get the call sooner rather than later :flower:
Hi all just a quickie, work is manic and im working silly hours at the moment. Hopefully will catch up more over the weekend.
Oh lordie .. Missy is gonna be two in 3ish hours!!! This time two years ago I was on my way to hospital for awesome drugs!! ;) Just blows my freaking mind.

Chaos: Hope you have a lovely day and Autumn has a blast at her Blues Clues party :flower: It's so weird, you just can't help but think back to when it was all happening! xx

Fraggles: Yipee 1st week almost over, well done you :hugs: :hugs: Hope you have a very relaxing weekend with J & N :flower:
i cant belive this time two years aho i was in hospital, having my first lot of tablet to get dexter out! Cant belive i had been waiting 3 days! Dexter James Dickinson was born at 2.13am on 1st october.. First Offical Bumpkin <3

Hows he doing now?
He is fab! Speaking is coming on, starting speach therapy soon. Started being able to jump with both feet lol. His new thing is "mummmy mummmyy mummmy i say what and goes "dadadada" lol <3

He loves kisses, but is very stubborn. If he doesnt want to do something, he wont!
Terrible twos are starting to make a show.. but so far so good :)

We have brought him a train track&trains & a pirate ship with building blocks ect for his bday

were having a BBQ party :)

Me- Im feeling better, trying to come over PND. I look back ot how i was when dexter was born upto a 18ish months.. I cant belive how much of a bad place i was in. I can not remember much form dexters babyhood. my mind seem to of mentally shut down. I was looking at pictures at IN-laws house the other day and asked who the baby was.. it was dexter.
but things are starting to look up. The fog seems to be lifting. Still have days where all i want to do is sleep, eat, and shout. But im a better mummy, and i lov my babies more then anything.

I still cant belive that my mum wont see them grow up. Dexter was only 11weeks when she passed, and now hes 2?! the time has flown!

Anyway thats my little update
:) happy 2nd bday bumpkins!
Hi girls. Just a quick update from me. Went to the drs on Wednesday and she was fab. She did an internal and looked at my cervix. Cervix was still slightly open and there was still some blood around it. They are pretty sure from my symptoms and the cervix that I did miscarry last week. So they did blood tests to check my HCG level to check it was going back down. Did say it could be back to normal already depending on how many weeks I was. Also checked for anaemia cos of the heavy bleeding and dizzy spells. Anyway blood results are back. Hb was 13.6 so not anaemic. HCG was 2 so defo no longer pregnant. Waiting for a date for an USS to check my ovaries etc. So its still all slightly confusing and all that has been confirmed is that I was pregnant and miscarried. Just wish my body would hurry up and get with the programme. Feel absolutely dreadful today. Thumping headache despite painkillers and keep coming over all dizzy. Dont think the heat is helping. Bit tearful as well cos despite it being a complete accident I kinda wish now that it hadnt ended up in miscarriage. Which is odd cos a couple weeks ago I was sooo not ready to have another baby.

Hope you have a fantastic day!! (& that the Blue's Clues House, etc is a hit and not too exhausting for Mummy :flower:)

Happy Birthday Dexter too! Glad to hear you are starting to feel better too, Taylorsmummy :flower:

Fraggles- I hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend :flower: I hope it's not too hard adjusting to being back at work :hugs:

I've been stuck under a mountain of tulle and Dora fabric and just beginning to see the end now :wacko: I decided to make Emma a Dora quilt for her birthday and it's been a bit time consuming to say the least! I'm more than half done so I should be finished for her actual birthday. I also made her a birthday tutu :) Not a whole lot new here- Emma has her second cold of the month (damn you daycare kids!) and we are going back to the science and tech (trains!) museum today with one of her little friends. Emma is now right into Thomas too and goes mental when she seems Thomas stuff at the store/in flyers :wacko: My mum bought her Thomas tatoos this past weekend, so she's been insisting on having a "choo choo tatoo" on her hands at all times :)

That's about all that's new here. I hope all is well with everyone- I've still been reading everyones posts even if I haven't been replying :blush: (On a side note, I wonder how many of the old bumpkins will come back now that it's October tomorrow? I remember it being a lot more busy around here this time last year!)

LK- :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Hope you feel better soon!

I cant believe the weather has been gorgeous all this week but I havwnt been out yet cuz of Jacob also I need to find more confident to go out more with both of my boys and I am teaching billy to hold onto the pram when and about.

Taylor's mummy - happy birthday Dexter! I went thru PND as well and it wasnt nice but I dont stay on tablets much long as they were giving me a bad side effect.

LK - hope you get better soon! Thinking of you!

Happy 2nd birthday bumpkin!

I cant believe we got 14 days left for my son's 2nd birthday! Ekk, he has grown so quickly. Got him few thomas the tank stuff for his birthday.

Speak later xxx
Thanks guys. I am feeling a little better knowing that its all done with and i can get on with things. But its made me amazingly broody for some strange reason.
Cant believe 2 is coming around already..... Hope Autumn has an awesome party cant wait to check out pics on FB :)

Kte first week over went ok, everyone is lovely and the position I asked for ive got today :)
Hi all,

Happy Birthday to the little bumpkins who are celebrating :flower:

Haven't been around for ages been so busy with uni and life. My little man is doing well, he had a lovely 2nd Birthday got spoilt as usual.
He is at nursery 3 days a week it's been a struggle getting him to settle but he is doing ok now.

LK- Big :hugs::hugs:
Happy birthday to all our little bumpkins turning 2 this week. Can't believe its come around so quickly. Im off for a nap before my first night shift. God being a nurse sucks sometimes!
i guess i shouldnt be so sad that milo is one of the last to celebrate. but i was due Nov 3rd :haha:

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