Aimeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, huge congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
Fraggles, hope work went ok? Who's looking after the tiddlers while you work?
Milosmummy: loving the pics of Ava on facebook- she's a total cutie! how's everything with Milo going?
Nanaki, harry doesn't like hand dryers either, which is strange to me, since he loves hair dryers and they arent that different, but yeah, the hand dryers in toilets completely freak him out..... But then, he's had some odd fears over the last few months, like black bin liners, the potato masher, a blue night light i got him.... but now he's fine with all of them, so i think he's just one of those kids that takes time to adjust to some things. Hope jacob's doing well? Is Billy getting used to him?
Just in case I dont get on here before, Chaos- i hope Autumn has a wicked cool birthday! My best friend from uni had a little girl yesterday, and guess what she called her? Autumn Marie!
Well, everything this end is going well. Harry's been a bit clingy this week (just wants cuddles constantly and follows me everywhere) but otherwise ok. Got midwife app tomorrow morning for a usual checkup, then blood again at 28 weeks i think. Gotta actually sort Harry's little birthday get together out too over the next couple of days. Have bought and wrapped all his pressies, but forgot to invite any friends round for a little party type thing! whoops! Hopefully, if the weather forcast is ok, we're gonna hire a little bouncy castle for the garden, but not sure yet.