Kte -- I'm feeling fine. I've got a cold (think I've picked it up at work as the humidity means it's just full of germs lol) but apart from that, and being VERY tired, I dont feel any different. Hoping it continues as if I remember correctly I was like this in the early days with Earl, and didn't get anything vaguely like MS until about 7 weeks. That would be nice lol.
I'm still in training at work and have done 3 shifts so far. I'm not in today as I'm technically meant to be shadowing but the person I'm shadowing isn't in the rest of this week. I'm in tomorrow though for a 'middle' so a reasonable 10am-6pm shift lol. Last night I didn't get home until 11, This afternoon Earl is at the CM so I think I'm going back to bed lol.
I do get free swimming though, so guess what Earl and I are going to be doing on fridays from now on lol

I also want to sign him up for 'Little Kickers' which is like socatots if you've heard of them. It's on a Sunday morning, so Drew can take him, and it'll wear him out. He's gotten very very good at kicking a ball, and generally playing with a ball, so I reckon he'll love it. Going to call them this afternoon to enquire lol. Would also be nice to see him on a Sunday morning when I'm at work lol. Drew's quite excited too as they expect parent participation lol.

ha ha ha ha (evil laugh)
Anyway, Earl and I are off to the shops as we've run out of butter entirely, and I feel beans on toast for lunch is called for lol. Haven't had any cravings as such, apart from my apetite comes and goes majorly. One minute I'll be sat quite happily, the next I'll be famished and HAVE to eat something! I'm driving hubby mad! lol
It is very quiet on here at the moment. I hope everyone is ok and doing well.
Btw, how are birthday preparations going? Is everyone sorted out yet?