Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Hey all, and Happy Belated Birthday to Emma & anyone else I missed. :cake:

Harry had a lovely birthday, that we managed to extend and make last 3 days, lol! On his actual birthday, we just had a quiet day, opening presents, which he loved, watching some disney pixar stuff (Cars & Toy Story are his faves), went food shopping, then had Chinese take away with my FIL in the evening. (Harry had his first Chinese- probably really unhealthy, but all he had was a chicken ball, some plain rice & some plain noodles, so hopefully not too bad- he loved the chicken ball!)
The following day, we had some friends come visit and went out for the day & ended up eating out at an Italian, which was cool, and he got some more little cards & pressies.
Then on saturday he had his actual birthday party, with a bouncy castle and his friends & cousins- it was a great day & even stayed dry outside until the party was over before the sky opened with torrential rain, lol. I made little fudge fairy cakes, choc rice crispie cakes, sausage rolls, breadsticks, chicken nuggets etc for the kids and it all went, so that was good. But yeah, harry seemed to really enjoy himself, so it was all good :)

Today's my first day of my final trimester- getting quite big now... and my boobs seem to have a mind of their own- I'm already bigger than what i was when i first had Harry, so it looks like i'll have to buy a whole new set of nursing/maternity bras :doh:

Harry's had a bit of a cold recently which has affected his sleep (not his actual sleep, as he's still sleeping through, but the actual getting him to sleep in the first place)- he's gone back to needing someone to stay with him and stroke his face until he falls asleep (which takes about 15 mins) for 3 night in a row, but last night he went to bed fine, no tears, but did yell for mummy and daddy a couple of times before deciding to talk to his teddies instead. i wonder if the cold, combined with all the excitement of birthday stuff made him think he was gonna miss out on something? Hopefully he's back to normal now.

anyways, better go & get sorted with the arts & crafts stuff for the day. My house is being taken over by all his little projects!

Hope everyone is well and doing ok?

Huge HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to everyone celebrating over the next week- I hope you have a lovely time and get awesome presents LOs! :happydance:

here's a couple of pics of harry's b'day.
Oh and he's 22 lbs 9oz and 84cm tall. (no idea what that is in inches, lol- i think about 33 or 34 maybe?)


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Flora - glad to hear that Harry had a good birthday. I saw all the pccies on FB and it looks like you all had a wonderful time. Re: Chinese, when we were on holiday we had a chinese and Earl wouldn't stop eating the egg fried rice. I really had to limit it as while I love chinese I don't like the additives lol. He was happy to eat some plain noodles with cheese on too lol :haha:

Happy birthday to all the other bumpkins who I've missed. :blush:

We're doing well. job is going well, managing to get by with minor nausea so far too. I had to go for yet another blood test yesterday and it was a fasting one so I couldn't eat at all until my bloods were taken, at 11am! :nope: I was not impressed as hunger makes me 10x worse! Luckily I just took it easy and made sure that Earl had a good breakfast so he wasn't grazing around me all morning lol. On the way home from the Dr's we called in at the shop and bought some mini pork pies (I have a major craving for them, just like with Earl, I think it's the protein as I'm the same for scotch eggs, sausage rolls, tuna sandwiches - in fact this is turning out to be a carbon copy of my pregnancy with Earl so far) and Earl and I ate one each on the walk home. :blush:

I've got Earl's halloween costume sorted. He's going to be a Pumpkin :thumbup:

Other than that, not a lot going on. I'm going to try to convince Earl to have a nap in a few minutes time .....wish me luck! :haha: I really need to tidy the kitchen as I've not had a chance for ages and it's a right mess. :blush: Domestic goddess I ain't! lol
Aimee, good to hear things are going well for you so far. I keep meaning to ask you ... when you first announced your pg on here, you said it was a total surprise. How come? Like, you were actively TTC, so did something convince you that you defo weren't pg? (Ha, I'm always after other people's great stories that make me say "Aha, maybe I AM pg after all!" ;-) )

Am totally zonked today, not really sure why (well, a 5.45am wake-up didn't help, but I don't think that's the whole story). Anyway, hope I'm not coming down with summat, especially as it's the big "2" this Sunday.

I really need to do a massive catch-up on BnB - hope to drop by again as soon as I can.

Oh, one more thing - Chaos, how's it all going - any signs yet?

Oh, one more thing - Chaos, how's it all going - any signs yet?


Nah not really. 9 days to go! Am sitting at 3cm dilated tho :) Random Braxton Hicks here and there, I've even resorted to jumping on the trampoline haha.

On a side note, Missy had her MMR at her 2 year check today :( 27lbs, 34.5 inches!
aimee- glad to hear you're not getting too sick. i hate fasting! it's like their way of torturing pregnant women :x i craved protein with milo, and sweets with ava. although i wish it was the other way around since i had GD with ava and had to start a strict protein diet so she could grow!

chaos- :hugs: good luck! i resorted to castor oil with Ava when they wanted to induce because they were scared she was failing to thrive. no runs and it started contractions! :yipee:
Morning all,

Flora: Lovely extended birthday pics of Harry! Don't worry about the Chinese, Chloe likes to 'try' some of my rice and that too when we get one in. As a treat it's all good! Hope he is feeling better - the cold has gone away :flower:

Aimee: Nice cravings! Yummy! Funny how your getting similar symptoms to when you had Earl! We have a pumpkin costume for chloe too, its like a poncho thing . . . but Nij also found a witch style dress that is orange with a pumpkin on it too and couldn't resist so now we have two outfits - which is fine as she can wear one to nursery and it doesn't matter it it gets dirty then :haha:

Colsy: :wave: Hope you manage to catch up on some sleep :flower: I'm not sure about Aimee, but I know with Chloe I tested and got a BFN and I spotted too so took it as an odd period so was 7 weeks gone before we even realised, took blue lips and a smelly masala fish to bring it home! We were NTNP at the time, I was totally clueless, I guess it's so hard if your trying as your body gives off all sorts of confusing signs! How is your quest getting on? :flower:

Chaos: Hope Autumn is feeling better after her jabs now . . . so not looking forward to those, at least when they were littler they were in ignorant bliss :flower: Check you out at 3cm - wishing you lots of speedy labour vibes!

LK: How are Jame's birthday plans coming? Is he feeling any better :hugs:

Fraggles: How is work and all the trains going? How are N & J doing without Mummy around full time? :flower: :hugs:

Kaites: How is Emma doing now after her docs visit / jabs? :flower:

Not really loving all the extra rows the new forum has - I copy and paste my journal from here into a word doc to back it up, now I'll have all the extra rows to contend with :grr: Seriously, why do companies have to change for change's sake when things looked fine as they were! Oh and as it it wasn't bad enough seeing the flat stomach add all over facebook! Anyway, dislike change rant over! I couldn't on FB as it wouldn't let me post text earlier today . . . computers eh! Good idea about setting up the group Chaos! :thumbup:

Not much to report this end, Chloe is getting better at staying her bed thankfully! My eye bags are finally retracting a bit! :haha:
Hi ladies. Sorry I didnt come in as soon as I could but heard the news about BNB changed its layout etc and I dont like it at all!!

Billy's 2nd birthday coming up this Sat! Ekkk, we will be having a mini party as it is not biggie as his 1st. Daddy had to work on sat morning to cover someone and we will have to wake Billy up a wee early so he can spend time with us before daddy goes to work til 12pm. His Granddad (my Dad), who Billy adores, will be taking us to toys R us for his birthday and will meet his great aunt.

Got health visitor tomorrow for Jacob and I dont know about Billy though.

Anyone was/is breastfeeding combi with formula milk?

Spk later xxx
Nanaki- we combi fed (well, 1 bottle of formula a day) for about 8 weeks with harry in the early days, then he had the occasional bottle, maybe once a week until he was 6 months old, then only food or breastmilk after that... Are you combi feeding Jacob?
We added in the formula because a) i was crap at pumping, b) it gave me a break every now and then and c) we hoped it would help with his weight gain or sleeping (which it didn't). We tried to make sure it was always given at the same time of day so as not to confuse my boobs or him, and sometimes I'd try to pump while hubby fed him the formula so i could start building up a stash in the freezer and over time, we were able to drop the formula altogether, or only use it if i felt like it and didnt have any pumped milk. It worked ok.
I know some of the mums on the BFing thread successfully combi feed with both or ones who BF during the night, but formula feed during the day etc- maybe post there if you havent already if you need any advice or tips etc?

On another note, i do not like the new BNB layout or crappy ads...
Its almost like someone went into your home and redecorated your house without asking :haha:
Hi girls! Sorry I havnt been on in ages but things have been a bit mental. James has been really poorly and we ended up with a trip to the emergency drs on Sunday night with a fever of 40.2 degrees celcius and we had 6 days of vomiting and diarrheoa :( Thankfully last night he didn't vomit overnight (for some odd reason he only vomited overnight all those days) and have only had 2 tiny tiny little bits of diarrhoea today. So looks like we might be getting over it. Had my USS on Monday. Had some not so good news and some amazing news! The not so good bit is that once again I have a 4cm cyst on my right ovary. The great news is that there were no retained products and that my PCOS is gone! She asked when I had been diagnosed and said my ovaries no longer look polycystic! Which is frickin fabulous! :happydance: When I was under the fertility specialist he did say the best cure for it was to have a baby, its just the getting there thats the hard bit. So still in alot of discomfort with the cyst and have to be rescanned in 6 weeks but otherwise feeling alot better.

The hen went amazingly well asides from me having diarrhoea for several hours! Took several Immodium and managed to do everything we had planned. The hen loved it and we all had an awesome time making cocktails and partying!

As for James's birthday....plans are going well. We are having a party on Saturday with lots of family and friends coming, including James's half brother :) Got all the bits sorted now and his pressies are all wrapped ready for tomorrow. Can't believe he is 2 tomorrow! It's gone sooooo quickly! Will try to get some pics on here as soon as I can. Love to you all xxx
LK- wow. so sorry James isnt feeling well. hopefully it passes over soon. we had a day of puking, followed by a few days of the runs :? no fever or anything associated with it :shrug: :hugs: to james. hope you guys have a nice party.
I'm not a fan of the new changes either- seems kinda cheap and unprofessional with all the huge ads along the side. I'm finding I use BnB less and less anyway, but it definitely doesn't encourage me to nose around other areas of the forum that I don't usually check out :shrug: The FB group is a good idea though (thanks Chaos :thumbup:)

LK- I hope James has a fantastic birthday and that his party goes well! That's great news about the PCOS & I hope you both get/stay healthy now :hugs:

nanaki- We did ebf but friends of mine who combi-fed both said that the mistake they made was not feeding enough during growth spurts and their supply didn't keep up with the demand as a result (both ended up going the formula only route at 4 months as a result). How does Billy like having a baby brother?

Not much new here- feels like I've been cooking for about a week, what with it being Emma's birthday and then Thanksgiving here over the weekend. Had gorgeous weather here over the weekend too, so we still managed to get outside and go to both the beach and to a small local zoo. Emma enjoyed having all the family over for dinner on Sunday- she even had smiles for my in-laws, so that was a nice change (definitely seemed to ease some of the tension between us all).

Hope everyone is well!
Aww Colsy :hugs: We are still here in the bumpkin's thread, even if we aren't loving B&B as much :flower:

LK: Glad James is on the mend, good timing for his birtday - the party Sat sounds nice :thumbup: Congratulations on the PCOS clearing up, sorry to hear about the cyst :hugs: Hope it all gets sorted soon :flower:

Kaites: Did I miss something with the inlaws? Sorry if I forgot :blush: I bet your ready for a break after all the birthday and thanksgiving celebrations! Is it something you end up doing each year or does your family take it in turns? We started doing that at Christmas now, made things a little bit less hectic :dohh:

I am currently about to throw my works PC out the window as it is making the simple task of burning disks pretty darn frustrating!

Well, I have managed, two nights ina row, to get Chloe back to sleep in her own bed after the early hours wakings. Still no idea why she is doing it but at least it doesn't mean a bad nights sleep for us all. I don't mind a mini interuption rather than bad sleep 2am onwards. She was so good when she was little I am so not hardcore with lack of sleep! She has started to be introduced to the next room at nursery, she goes up the week after her birthday as we are off that week. Its going to be odd as its a new part of the building and everything. Her key worker keeps saying how it will be quiet in the room and how she will miss her. Chloe is renown for being talkative but thankfully in a good way, she isn't gobby, she likes to help the other kids which I am happy about, hope she keeps it up :thumbup: :haha:
Nanaki- we combi fed (well, 1 bottle of formula a day) for about 8 weeks with harry in the early days, then he had the occasional bottle, maybe once a week until he was 6 months old, then only food or breastmilk after that... Are you combi feeding Jacob?
We added in the formula because a) i was crap at pumping, b) it gave me a break every now and then and c) we hoped it would help with his weight gain or sleeping (which it didn't). We tried to make sure it was always given at the same time of day so as not to confuse my boobs or him, and sometimes I'd try to pump while hubby fed him the formula so i could start building up a stash in the freezer and over time, we were able to drop the formula altogether, or only use it if i felt like it and didnt have any pumped milk. It worked ok.
I know some of the mums on the BFing thread successfully combi feed with both or ones who BF during the night, but formula feed during the day etc- maybe post there if you havent already if you need any advice or tips etc?

I do combi feed Jacob as I found it really comfortable to start with, I dont know why but I feel more happier about it and my hubby is being supportive. I dont do well with pumping because Jacob would want more feed. It helps his weight gain and dont help his sleeping! :doh: My way to do this is to bf most of time and only at nights or Jacob isn't settling well after his feed.

Health visitor is quite happy with it and nothing bad being said.

I dont feel comfortable to post in BF section because its hard to explain what I want to say and I have done that and they posted to say I should only give him BF only because I would feel that my husband might feel left out in the end and thats the reason I wanted for my hubby to bond with Jacob is to feed him sometimes and change him etc. They also (i think) said that if I do give him formula and it will reduce my bf and it dont make any senses though because my milk still coming well though! :shrug:

nanaki- We did ebf but friends of mine who combi-fed both said that the mistake they made was not feeding enough during growth spurts and their supply didn't keep up with the demand as a result (both ended up going the formula only route at 4 months as a result). How does Billy like having a baby brother?

Oh ouch! Hope it dont happen to me because my best friend who bf her daughter still going good without formula but I think shes brave woman!

Billy likes to have his baby brother but dont attract to him a lot though which I am happy about unlike my niece Tanya who is going to be 4 in Jan, when I visited hubby's brother's last weekend and Tanya loved to stroke Jacob's head and wanted to do things around him which is annoying me! But thankfully for that we dont have a girl first! Lol!

kte- sorry Chloe still wont sleep in bed the whole night through without waking. Milo still sleeps with us :dohh: he's been in his bed before. but wouldnt sleep through the night either.

good luck bumping her up to the next room at nursery.

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