Kaites: Did I miss something with the inlaws? Sorry if I forgot I bet your ready for a break after all the birthday and thanksgiving celebrations! Is it something you end up doing each year or does your family take it in turns? We started doing that at Christmas now, made things a little bit less hectic
I am currently about to throw my works PC out the window as it is making the simple task of burning disks pretty darn frustrating!
Well, I have managed, two nights ina row, to get Chloe back to sleep in her own bed after the early hours wakings. Still no idea why she is doing it but at least it doesn't mean a bad nights sleep for us all. I don't mind a mini interuption rather than bad sleep 2am onwards. She was so good when she was little I am so not hardcore with lack of sleep! She has started to be introduced to the next room at nursery, she goes up the week after her birthday as we are off that week. Its going to be odd as its a new part of the building and everything. Her key worker keeps saying how it will be quiet in the room and how she will miss her. Chloe is renown for being talkative but thankfully in a good way, she isn't gobby, she likes to help the other kids which I am happy about, hope she keeps it up
The ILs are a couple of tools- they are alcoholics and blame hubby for putting distance between them and Emma (all he's done is invite them over for dinner and been rejected so many times that he's stopped asking unless it's a major holiday ). If I don't go out of my way to call them after they return from a vacation, etc, I get nasty messages on FB from MIL. They were lovely people until we had a baby...
Yeah, having Emma's birthday and Thanksgiving around the same weekend is a bit hectic for sure- unfortunately we don't trade off entertaining duties atm so I'm the one stuck doing Easter, Christmas and Thanksgiving. It's the only way we can celebrate with both my family and hubby's and not have to choose between the two (although, really, MIL refuses to cook anymore, so it would be more a case of us going to my family and hubby never seeing his family over the holidays- we tried having the ILs over to my parents but they seemed a bit uncomfortable and probably wouldn't go again). I kinda hope my brother settles down soon so that there is an excuse for him to take over some of the entertaining! I realized that I took no pictures of Emma's family birthday celebrations- I was too busy in the kitchen
I hope Chloe settles in well in the new room when it happens and she continues to do well with the new bed