Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Evening all,

Aimee: Well done on the ELC discount! :flower: I suddenly realised we have just under 2 weeks now for Chloe's birthday and although we have presents etc I suddenly feel so disorganised as its so near now and I have yet to get cake icing!

We are both feeling much better thanks all so its back to work and nursery tomorrow - Chloe was much better today, it was more me; I was wrapped up in my blanking until 10.30 and I think its the first time since the new born days where I wasn't dresses before 12 :dohh: However, once I had come around a bit more in the morning we had lots of fun playing with various toys and doing her ITNG sticker magazine. In the afternoon she wanted to go outside, despite the wind and rain! So I wrapped us up to the nines and off we went, she was determined to go to the park so I took her, mainly because I was too lathargic to reason, then argue, with her that it's wet and pretty much a no go. However, we got there and I dried off a swing and we spent a good hour there!! On the way back we walked through the park and made a game of spotting and sqwishing berries. I managed to get her in and she threw the most amazing tanrtum as she wanted to stay out - that's my little October baby!! She doesn't care what the weather she just loves being outdoors! After she calmed down, cuddle and peppa pig time! More colouring and playing before crashing out on the couch and being snuck upstairs :cloud9:

Nite all xx
kte- glad she's feeling better and you managed to have a nice day despite how you feel. :hugs:

i cant believe the last bumpkins are finally approaching their birthdays :happydance: i'm glad i'm not doing a "party" this year. just dinner and cake the day before his bday at my parents house with my sister, her hubby and stepson. then dinner and cake at the in-laws the day of his party (a sunday this year).
Hi girls. Just a quickie from us as I'm off to work in just over an hour. For those of you who aren't on facebook James spent 2 days in hospital! Took him to the drs on Monday cos he was sick again Sunday night and had 4 lots of diarrhoea in the morning. He just looked crappy and hes lost so much weight. So we saw the dr at 11.10am and were up at the Children's hospital by midday. Had to do a fluid trial and it just so wasnt going anywhere. He kept heaving on it and spitting it out. So after a couple hours of being in A&E they decided to put a tube down his nose into his stomach to give him some fluid to rehydrate him. That went horribly wrong and caused him to vomit blood everywhere which was super scary. The nurses went off to tell the dr and he fell asleep on me, and then she came back to basically give me the choice to either try again with the tube or get a drip put in. So we went for the drip. He was admitted to the ward and had 13 hours of iv fluids before the drip fell out of his hand! Perked him right up and tried to get him drinking so we wouldn't have to get a new drip back in. The consultant came back round at 4.30pm and said that we could go home and continue with the oral fluids at home cos of me being a nurse. He decided he would probably drink better at home and that I would know if he needed to come back. So we came home :) He is much happier and only a little bit of vomiting and 2 lots of diarrhoea since yesterday afternoon so very much improved. Hes certainly much happier in himself so hoping this is us on the up as its 14 days since this all started! Hes done well out of it though cos my brothers gf bought him a new panda teddy and a toy story mr potato head hehe.
glad to hear James is doing better :flower: i probably would've been crying if Milo was in the hospital sick like that :(
Milosmummy - I was in tears when he puked the blood. It was just plain awful.

James is much better now thank goodness :) He is eating again and we have solid poops! Just gotta get this weight back on him now. He was 11.28kg in June, and is 11.4kg now :( lost so much with this bug. So feeding him up on high calorie foods hehe. Fortunately he is liking the probiotic yogurts I got him so thats helping I think. I'm starting to get excited now cos its 1 week today til my best friend's wedding which I am Maid of Honour at :)
Glad James is doing better. x

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY :cake: to those I missed (Billy, Monty, Noah...). I'm useless at the moment, so apologies!

And massive congratulations to Chaos and Eswift on their new arrivals :hugs:
Glad James is on the mend LK :flower: :hugs:

Just a quick update from me, had Chloe's key worker day today. Brought her nursery file home to look through in more detail but went through some things and then had a chat with her keyworker. Chloe was given some juice but decided to get a spoon and sample my tea! Only one week left now in baby room, it's a happy and a sad moment!
Ho hum, what a weekend. So, we've had our first trip to A&E ... in an ambulance ... followed by our first night in hospital. Monty jumped - yes, jumped - off a 60cm-high soft block at the soft play centre where my antenatal group was having a joint celebration for the munchkins' second birthdays. The prob was, he jumped forwards, not down, and launched himself skydiving style through the air and over the little barrier. He landed on his face. On the floor. Which is concrete.

People sitting a few metres away heard the crack. It was not nice.

His screams shook the building. I didn't realise how much I was shaking til my friend told me I couldn't drive to the hospital and we'd get an ambulance instead.

A long old day in A&E, followed by admission on to the children's unit. Because I wasn't sure whether or not he'd been KOed, they had to do neuro observations every two hours, including through the night, to check all was well. The ward was lovely, as was the nurse who cared for us that night - she was fab, she let OH stay as well, so Monty and I shared the proper bed and OH had the fold-up parents' bed. But you can guess that we got hardly any sleep. Monty actually slept pretty well, but I was scared stiff and OH doesn't "do" hospitals so he wasn't that cool with being there.

Anyway, we were discharged Saturday and eventually got home - I say "eventually" because we were in Stockport hospital rather than one in Sheffield because of where we were the accident happened. For kids' head injuries, the ambulance has to head to the nearest hospital to the accident, not the nearest to home. So yeah, we had a long old hour's drive home.

Monty has been cuddly and asking for "nen-nen" (medicine) but he's up and about - we've been to the park, on the slide, fed the ducks, kicked the footie etc. - so he's on the mend. But his eye! OMG you should see it. It scares the living daylights out of me each time I look. It looks like a squashed, very dark plum. It's horrible. Fortunately it seems to bother me more than it does him.

So that was our weekend. Not the best one in a while.

One other thing though - could be good, could be bad ... I've either got my period 10 days early or I've got implantation bleeding. 10 days is very very early for me, but I've probably tempted fate by saying that and it'll turn into a full-blown period by the end of this eve. Oh well, I'll keep you updated.
OOoooooooo poor Monty! And you and hubby, must have been awful!!! Glad that he is now out of hospital and hope his eye bruise goes down soon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Fingers crossed for you know what but not saying anything to tempt anything . . . :blush: :flower:
colsy- omg! that must've been to terrifying. i wouldve freaked out. its a good thing that he's okay though. hopefully he starts feeling better soon :hugs: and good luck with the bleeding :yipee: is it brown or red?
Looks like it's my period 10 days early. Should've known better than to get a bit excited.:nope: Am guessing my hormones have gone a bit weird after the shock of the weekend. Hope everyone else had a good weekend and you're all well.
Looks like it's my period 10 days early. Should've known better than to get a bit excited.:nope: Am guessing my hormones have gone a bit weird after the shock of the weekend. Hope everyone else had a good weekend and you're all well.

:hugs: Sorry Colsy, mean AF :hugs:

Mine is messing me around at the moment too although I certainly know I am not; but no AF, lots of pains and feelings yet nothing, so I'm gessing I will be late. Not very much appreciated an extended feeling of AF when it's not happening and it should be.

Chloe's last week of baby room 2 this week - and less than a week until her pre-birthday party and one week until her 2nd birthday!

I'm currently tired as she woke at 4.30am this morning, and Sat night I was on her bedroom floor, last night she was in with me and Nij and I feel wrecked. Hurry up molars please!!!!!
Colsy I can imagine how you felt. Glad the hospital trip was short. Mean af they are mean. coming going missing in action im sure its all to make us tense.
colsy, :hugs: sorry about the witch. mine is late :shrug: but i tested and got two BFNs. my cycles have been messed up since having Ava.
Colsy wondered if you had taken Monty to the National Rail Museum at York, if not it's well worth a trip.
Colsy wondered if you had taken Monty to the National Rail Museum at York, if not it's well worth a trip.

Hey Fraggles, no we've not been there ... yet. He loves trains so thanks for the tip. I think we'll add it to the to-do list. Have you been there today?
Morning all,

Happy Second Birthday Earl :flower: :cake:

I'd love to take Chloe to the railway museum. I love it there, I am a major train geek though; Nij doesn't want to take her, so I am going to take her on my own someday. Don't know why he won't go as he loves trains, just not that museum. One of his ridiculous irrational things but anyway, sod him in that respect, she is going! She would love it too!!

Have a student playing music in the office opposite me, boss complaining, I kind of like it, so tired, had a crap-as morning. He is kind of in the style of Jack Johnson, kinda what I need right now. Bonus! Although now he has switched to a depressing song, not what I need! Ah well, I'll just listen to the guitar instead!

Posted in toddler section - Chloe's sleep is getting worse and worse. I can't cope with being so tired and I have three evening sleft to get everything done and sorted for her party and my brain is in slow/forgetful mode due to lack of sleep as well. Sent Chloe to her nursery in her jammies today; she was in bed after me at 10.30 and woke at 4.15 and took over an hour to get back off to sleep. :sleep:
Colsy wondered if you had taken Monty to the National Rail Museum at York, if not it's well worth a trip.

Hey Fraggles, no we've not been there ... yet. He loves trains so thanks for the tip. I think we'll add it to the to-do list. Have you been there today?

We've been twice - once when we lived up there and once in June we went for the day (mad! :wacko:) but it's so worth it. bonus is it's free (food is kind of expensive but very nice lol) and it's so big it takes at least half a day! Plus there's York a 5 minute walk away with the walls, the Museums and the cafe's! As you can tell, I love my former home! lol

Kte- Why wouldn't Nij want to take her? :shrug:

Sorry to hear about all the troubles everyone's been having. I've been really busy (working evenings I don't get much time on here). It sounds like a few hugs are required :hugs:

Earl's cake is in the oven at the moment and all his pressies are wrapped. He opened his cards this morning and one of his presents from the next door neighbour as it wasn't wrapped. We took a dozen fairy cakes to the Cm's and she had put up banners and balloons for him. He was wearing his new shirt his pops had sent him from Ireland very proudly and telling everyone 'Earl's birthday - two!' and pointing to his chest! lol :cloud9:

Tonight once he's in bed hubby will build his workbench and his scooter and then i'll decorate his cake when I get home from work. (just needs jam in the middle, white icing and loads of jelly sweets on the top! :thumbup:) and then we're all set.
Aimee, I hope Earl will have a fab birthday tomorrow!

Kte, your hubby is weird!!! Cuz he is a man and maybe worried when he gets there and feel like a kid! LOL!

I cant believe all bumpkin kids are turning 2 already while my youngest is only 6 weeks old. I am not looking forward to check up and Jacob's immunsations soon!! I hate it when Billy had it done first time but so proud when he had his 2nd injections and didnt cry! What was a little solider he was!

Still waiting for a letter from the Health Authorithy for me and Jacob's check up and it is different to last time I had it done at 6 weeks. :( But p****d off because I wanted to book an interpreter for that but had to wait for the letter first!

I am having a relax day as its my b'day today and feeling old already.

Myself and hubby has been dicussed about whether to have another one later in the future or not and we have come to the decision that we wont be having another one and dont want upset hubby if we find out it would be other boy, but we are happy to have two boys so they are protecting their mummy - me! :) I am slighly a bit disappointed but I am happy what I have got now and watch them grow up into handsome lads! :)


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