Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Colsy wondered if you had taken Monty to the National Rail Museum at York, if not it's well worth a trip.

Hey Fraggles, no we've not been there ... yet. He loves trains so thanks for the tip. I think we'll add it to the to-do list. Have you been there today?

We went at the weekend, they had a little trains event on so lots of toy trains out to play with too. Made for a fun day.
aimee- happy birthday to Eary! :flower:

Nanaki- hope you enjoy your birthday :hugs: we're still unsure about any future kids. well i should rephrase that. I'M unsure. i know OH wants more. :haha:

Milo's birthday is coming up so soon. we're celebrating on saturday at my parents. then on sunday (his actual bday) at the in-laws since my mom has to work. for some reason i'm getting emotional as it approaches. and for a few reasons. i just cant believe he's growing up so fast! 2 yrs ago i was off work and waiting for him to come. but then it also makes me sad because of the obvious reasons. :cry: i just catch myself wondering what kind of kid he'd be if he wasnt delayed and possible ASD/SPD :cry: i cant share my emotions with anyone IRL because as much as i try to explain to them how i'm feeling, they still dont understand it fully. he'll be 2 and i feel like i'm still miles away from hearing him atleast say "mommy" to me. i just wanna hear him call for me. :cry:
Morninbg all,

Eswift: Happy Second Birthday for Charlotte :cake: :flower:

Nanaki: :haha: Nah, he just plain weird! I used to try and find out why with things like this from him but now I just cba, just let him get on with it, he isn't going to ruin our fun being daft like that! How did the birthday celebrations go for you in the end? Hope you get your letter soon for his check up. I'm always debating about what to do but am happy with Chloe, I am in no rush but haven't ruled anything out but its good you and your OH have discussed what you want :flower:


Managed to get Chloe into bed (asleep) for 8.45 last night. I did the following;

  • Teeth brushed, nappy changed PJ's on
  • Stories and some rhymes whilst she sat on my knee, kiss and cuddle and said goodnight, explained she was to go to bed by herself, left room
  • She climbed out, opened door, I gave her a kiss, said its bedtime, popped her in bed, left room
  • She climbed out, opened door, popped her back in and said it's bedtime
  • She climbed out, opened door, popped her back in (said / did nothing)
  • She climbed out x100's of times (it felt like!) Each time I just held her hand, walked her to her bed and then popped her back in saying nothing.
  • The last few times I held her door shut (as the wood has swelled so it won't close properly, waited about 30 secs (or a lifetime) and then opened it and walked her to her bed etc . . .)

She still woke at 3am but I think once we get her self settling at night again, the early hours waking should sort themselves out. Hopefully! I have a week off next week to tackle and follow through those anyways so wish me luck!
Hi all. Sorry I've not been around much but don't have internet at home right now and its really difficult to do this on my phone! At mums atm getting pics for my friends surprise wedding present which of course I can't tell you about right now cos she is on here rofl. But will fill you all in once the wedding is done. Off up to Stafford tomorrow to do the last minute bits and spend the night with Kel before heading to the salon at 9am to have our hair and makeup done :) So looking forward to it. Will post pics asap. James is page boy and I am maid of honour so we both have posh outfits teehee.

Happy birthday to all those who have turned 2 since I was last on!
kte- i've done that a few times with milo for nap time. except instead of putting him in bed, i was making him stay on the couch and cuddle next to me. i had to bring him back about 10-15 times, then he accepted it and fell asleep. lol. good luck! :thumbup: sounds like she'll get the hang of it quick.
Thanks ladies.

My birthday celebration was a good day but nothing special because of Jacob being young and hubby was at work. I ended up cooking us dinner on my birthday, charming(!) LOL.

Billy still climb out of the bed and crying and screaming the house down. :( but sometimes I go up to settle him, sometimes after i settle him down and he goes to sleep. But some nights he stay up like 9/10pm! After put him to bed at 8pm! I put stair gate on his door so he will eventually take himself to bed. :) Sometimes we ignore his crying, but I do have a monitor in Billy's room and also have a device that responding to his crying. :) x
Evening all,

LK: Enjoy!

Milo's Mummy: Sorry I seemed to missed your other post! I can't even imagine how frustrating it is to not get a Mummy, took Chloe ages after saying Daddy, I just used to get a distinct grunt but I guess I knew it was coming at some point. Does he have silent ways of wanting you? I really hope they can sort out his diagnosis soon so you can also get informed support to be able to understand it more too. :hugs: How did the party go today? Happy Second Birthday to Milo tomorrow :cake: :flower:

We had Chloe's pre-birthday party today too as we are away Monday, off camping but we can hook-up so the heater will be on!!!!!! Chloe really enjoyed her birthday party, she was very overwhelmed but it all at first and didn't want to open any presents! She went to be with no fuss despite the choc and buns she devoured and is sound asleep under her new Peppa Pig quilt :thumbup:
kte- if he wants me the way he tries to get my attention is screaming, banging, throwing or pulling my hands :shrug: there's actually a whole nether thing added to the possible diagnoses equation (which i'm not sure how it was missed by his therapists) Verbal Apraxia :cry: which means he could A) not talk at all for the rest of his life B) talk but always sound "immature"/"less intelligent" or C) he talks, but takes years for him to do and he can live a normal life :dohh: just another week from Monday and the ball starts rollin :wohoo:

He had fun today at my parent's house. he actually ripped the wrapping paper this year. didnt cry when we sang happy birthday, but he covered his eyes to hide from us :haha: i posted pics on my FB. will get more when we do the other half tomorrow with the in-laws.

Happy Birthday Milo! :cake:

Happy belated birthday to Noah and Earl too :flower:

Happy (early) Birthday Chloe too!! :cake:

Sorry I've not been around much lately- been having computer issues and a daycare kiddie is starting to drop his nap so that's meant that I haven't had a chance to fix the computer problems (got a band-aid solution working atm though). I've also been busy working on Emma's Halloween costume- she's going to be Boots the Monkey from Dora the Explorer. What are everyone else's LOs dressing up as this year?

Anyway, hope everyone is well- :hugs: to those that need them!
Happy birthday Chloe! :cake: (yay I did one! lol)

Eventful night last night. Earl fell in the bath and split his lip right open. Massive gash and loads of blood so we ordered and taxi and shot off up to A & E (£30 each way! :wacko:). He was seen straight away and they glued his lip together which seemed to work but as we were waiting to get our taxi home it all came open and there was blood literally everywhere again!

He was seen by a childrens plastics and they said that they would have to put him under a general to stitch it, but we said that we would rather just try the glue again. They gave us some anti-b's in case his tooth had caused it in which case there might be a risk of infection and we finally got home 4 hours later! :sleep: It's really gone down this morning, and the glue seems to have worked mostly, although the scab is pretty big and it's a gaping wound so will most likely scar! :cry: Don't really think it's worth a general and 1-2 stitches though. Still trying to decide whether or not he will go to his CM's today as he's obviously very tired as he didn't get to bed til nearly midnight. We shall see.
She still woke at 3am but I think once we get her self settling at night again, the early hours waking should sort themselves out. Hopefully! I have a week off next week to tackle and follow through those anyways so wish me luck!

Kte, I've replied to your post in the Toddlers section.

Aimee, big hugs to you, OH and Earl - hope his lip gets better ASAP.
Hi everyone. Wedding went well. Was a fab day. Today I have come crashing to earth with a major bang. Due to the expenses of the last few months with hen parties, weddings and James's birthday....I have a grand total of a whole £8 to live on til pay day again on 28th November. Had a full on panic attack, alot of tears, and am feeling incredibly low today. But just gonna have to get on with it. Gonna have to try to sell some things to raise some money for petrol. Luckily I have just about enough food in the house to stretch for a month by buying some rice and potatoes.....so this month we will be literally eating whatever I can cobble together, mostly rice dishes. I feel so useless not being able to provide for my child. I have a good job and still can't afford to eat! Really does get me down. I'm trying so hard not to go back onto anti-depressants but my hair is starting to fall out over the last few months where I've been that stressed! Luckily I have bought all of James's christmas presents over the space of the year in various sales and only have to buy for my nephew. So I apologise if my posts over the next month are slightly miserable!
Aimee hope Earl makes a speedy recover :hugs:

Rubbish weekend here J ended up in hospital Thursday night with a temp of 40 :wacko: thnakfully he is on the mend. Both have a vciral infection so the house of lurgy here. Work gave me special leave for Friday thankfully
Fraggles :hugs: for J. Hope he is on the mend. Gosh, that's three Bumpkins in a week been into hospital.:cry:

We've had four nights from hell. I don't jest when I say that I was up for the day at 3.30am on Sunday. Kte, I'm with you on the crap sleep thing at the moment. You reckon it's teeth maybe? Sometimes I think yes, and sometimes I think I've simply got the world's only toddler who is happy on four hours sleep.
happy birthday Chloe! :flower:

aimee- poor Earl. hope his lip heals quickly for him :hugs:

LK- sorry you're struggling so much. i've been in that spot before and have shed tears over not having enough money for food :hugs: hopefully things will get better soon for you.

fraggles- gosh, another bumpkin to the hospital :dohh: glad he's feeling better though.

colsy- last night milo didnt go to bed until after 6am :sleep: he fell asleep with me on the couch and when i took him upstairs he woke up. so i lied in bed with him from 5:30-6 while he just stared at the ceiling :shrug: finally i yelled for OH to come get him so i could go to bed. maybe it's a 24 month thing :shrug:
:rofl: everytime i tell people how milo's sleeping is, they always ask me how i do it :shrug: i just tell them that after 2 yrs it's become second nature to always be tired. and everytime someone says to skip naps, i get so angry because i've tried that MANY times, but he;'s not ready to give up naps. so it just makes it worse when i try to skip a nap. :dohh:
:rofl: everytime i tell people how milo's sleeping is, they always ask me how i do it :shrug: i just tell them that after 2 yrs it's become second nature to always be tired. and everytime someone says to skip naps, i get so angry because i've tried that MANY times, but he;'s not ready to give up naps. so it just makes it worse when i try to skip a nap. :dohh:

I think skipping naps makes it far far worse. If we skip a nap its murder here.

Im going to get a season ticket for the hospital :haha:
Hi LAdies,

we just back today and I am off training soon so will be back properly but want to send :hugs: To both Mummmies and Toddlers! Gosh everyone is having a bit of a time of it! :hugs:
i changed milo's poopy diaper earlier and his poop seemed to be a sandy feeling. i havent changed his diet. the only thing i can think of that was different and new to his diet was last night he had 2 bites of a Snickers. but he's obviously had peanut before, so that's not really new. idk :shrug:

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