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Aimee: Poor Earl, hope his lip heals quickly :hugs: Lovely new avetar picture of him :flower:

Milo'sMummy: Wow, I would be a mess with that much lack of sleep! Chloe doesn't nap at home but she does at nursery, I don't know what it is, why she does it that way but thankfully she isn't a nightmare because of it. Hope you figure out why his nappy is like it is :flower:

Colsy: Thanks for your comments :hugs: I always feel bad as really in the whole scheme of things I know I have been luck with Chloe being a good sleeper but I know at the same time that this age is crucial in getting things sorted - my work colleague said her son was a great sleeper until her was 2 and then it went wrong and now, 10 years later, she still struggles with his bed time - he is always up late and still up early. I guess some people can just function on little sleep but I know I am not one of them. I have been keeping up with the routine and on Sat night she didn't wake up in the early hours . . but we have had 2 nights away where she has slept with me and apparently Nij said she has been a problem to get to sleep again so that hasn't really helped. I really need to figure a better camper van bedtime routine for her as well as there is too much going on for her to switch off from us all being cooped up together. Teething wise, erm . . . barer of bad news after doing a bit more research, the 2nd molars come through from around 22 months and last up to 36 months, so practically all next year out poor littlies will be suffering with them :nope:

LK: Money sucks! Hope you manage to get some stuff sold - at least your organised on the present front. :flower:
Thanks guys. Just gonna have to get on with it lol.James's speech has come on soooo much in the last week! He's suddenly started stringing together 3 words and when I picked him up from nursery he was telling one of the other little boys 'ahs mine mummy!'
LK: Well done James :thumbup: Chloe has exploded with words again today, I only had to say things once and she copied it. I have been trying to write them down but am sure I have missed a few!

Hmmm last few days, can't remember what I posted, the joys of being on holiday :haha: Okay, so Wed we went to a laundrette to catch up with oodles of washing, first time I have ever been to one. Then it was off to Nij's parents house for a meal. Thursday we went to ELC to spend Chloe's voucher, she came back with a giant George Pig teddy, she was carrying a book right until she passed the shelf! She keeps talking to him, she is very caring and I think she likes to look after him! Nij spotted a cary case with magnetic letters which is great, its also a chalk board and you can carry paper in it, so its a crafty case. It has magnetic numbers and letters and she is loving magnets at the moment too so its gone down a treat! I went training again on Thursday night (I go two nights a week now) and last night Nij put her to bed, he said he struggles but she didn't wake until 7.30!! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Then today we did a food shop and then Nij went out to do some photography so it has just been me and little miss. We played at home, went to the park where Chloe cut her lip on a see-saw thing :cry:, we then went to the doctors as I booked us both in for the afternoon that morning (details below!) and then after that I made us some nice spaghetti and meatballs and we made a caterpiller just for fun before bed time. A few stories and rhymes again and she was out like a light.

I booked the doc appointment as Chloe has been coughing for a while, well a couple of weeks and I had tried Olbas oil, chesty cough stuff etc and I just thought something wasn't quite right, it wasn't easing or shifting. Typically for most of the day she barely coughed but i decided I would still take her and at least get them to listen to her chest, well, as soon as we walked through the door she coughed so the dr said, "ahhh is this why your here?!" She listened to Chloe's chest, thankfully the Peppa Pig Dr kit has a pretend stethascope (sp) and her new book 'Dr Maisy' shows Maisy using one so she was a little scared but not completely freaked out. (Does anyone else find it weird, that suddenly they are aware of things they have done before yet it all seems new to them?!) . Anyway, the Dr has prescribed her some amoxycillin (again sp!) - she said they don't normally for coughs any more, she its 3 times a day for little miss. I am soooooooooo glad I trusted my instincts and just took her! I do feel bad I didn't take her sooner, but at the same time, I was just treating it as it was a cough, not an infection. The medicine smells of refreshers to me and thankfully Chloe likes the taste, that helps!!

:flower: :hugs:
LK- way to go James!

kte- sounds like you had a nice day. hopefully her cough gets better soon :hugs: we have a check up on the 16th. Milo absolutely hates going to the doctors. i hate putting him through that :cry:
We've had our first proper sentence! We were watching the fireworks out of the window and he turned to me and said 'Uh-oh! A works go bang!' I was so pleased! His speech is just really taking leaps and bounds in the last few weeks. Oh and I can't remember whether I said but his weight is almost back up to where it should be! He was weighed a week ago and had gone from 11.4kg to 12.10kg in just under 2 weeks woohoo! Hes now munching toast as a snack before bed and telling nanny 'Stop' for no reason lol. Off to work again in a minute for my 3rd of 4 nights yuk lol.
Milo'sMummy: Hope Milo's assessment goes well today :flower:

Well, it’s back to work and nursery for me and Chloe after our lovely week off. Chloe has now gone up into the over 2’s room. On Saturday, when she came with Daddy to pick me up from my work, after my day school, she asked for ‘Laura’ (really meaning Charlotte) and Thomas. Then for the rest of the weekend she kept on mentioning ‘Thomas’ and ‘upstairs’ as he had already moved up at the start of October. We arrived at nursery and when we walked up the new door Chloe said ‘Thomas’ all excitedly. We went in and up the stairs; I gave her a kiss and a quick cuddle and passed her over to one of the staff members who she knew from baby room 2. Thomas was sat at the breakfast table and they arranged for Chloe to sit next to him – his face when he saw Chloe was really cute – he had the biggest, happiest smile that she was there. That really cheered me up as I knew how much Chloe talks about Thomas but I wasn’t really sure if he shared her sentiments or not, even though the staff tell you about how they play together it was still nice to see it for myself and know that he is just as happy and excited about her. There were a few tears from her as she wanted me to go in with her but I know she will be fine and will have settled down after I had gone and she had her breakfast. Can’t wait to pick her up and find out all the fun new things she has been doing!

How are we all? I'm okay. Chloe slept better last night but was screaming the place down when I left her at nursery today; she screamed on the bus journey up. She is fine once I go and I know she is okay in the new room as she has had trials etc up there. I guess it's just the anxiety going on, she really has become more aware of herself and things lately. refers to things as Chloe's or mine etc. She is doing the whole push-me-pull me thing too - learning about her independance yet being scared I will leave her. Plus getting back into a routine and not waking naturally can't be helping even if I am delecate with her.
Oh bless her. Poor Chloe. I've been very lucky with James transitioning so easily into the over 2's room especially since he went up so quickly with being off for nearly 3 weeks with that bug. But if I have to wake him like this morning he is terrible! Cries when I dress him, tries to climb back into bed, cries when he gets in the car, then clings to me when he gets to nursery. I just think they don't like to be rushed!
Agree - she is much happier when she wakes up and sits on her chair munching a yoghurt whilst I get stuff ready before dressing her vs dressing her in bed convincing her its time to get up!

This morning was much better and as a bonus she saw her old keyworker going in too so she was all giddy smiles for her (I bet that was nice for her keyworker) and then her actual new keyworker was there to greet her this morning too - so no tears (just a slight moan) and that was it.

I keep telling myself off, I need to be more organised, it lasts for a day or two and I slip. Naughty me!
Earl's first day at pre-school today.

Some piccies as I have to go in a few minutes to go a pick him up. Managed to get all the shopping done, home and put away in the time though, including a couple of christmas pressies (Wilko's have their own version of magna-doodle for £4.97 if anyone is interested! :thumbup:)

Piccies below


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the 17th we go to have them do a little eval with Milo to see how much work they think he'll need. and then we'll make a plan for his speech therapy and set goals. then on teh 22nd we go for his occupational therapy eval to do the same thing. they said theres a waiting list for OT though. :?
Hi ladies..

OMG Jacob will be 9 weeks old tomorrow! where has time has gone? I still glad able to relieve the memories of natural birth from time to time as it was not so trauma for me and able to experience whole thing which I actually remembered the birth for the rest of my life! Yay. Last wed, bless Jacob, he had his 1st jabs and he cried his eyes out! And not looking forward for next one.

Billy is going into Nursery tomorrow from 9-3! *gulps* and he has been proper ill for the first time since last October where he had his chicken pox! His temp was at 39 and had to go to the doctors to have him checked over and now he is more reliable on his thumbs to suck on! We are now trying to get it off before he go into pre-school before start school in couple of years.

Oh yeah, first time Billy has put his welly boots on all by himself! But wrong way around though. Yay for Billy!

Got to go as it should be my bed time lol! xxxx
Hello ladies :flower:

Gosh Nanaki, glad to hear Billy is feeling better new - hope he enjoys Nursery :flower: Well done for him putting on his Wellies! Aww, jab time already for Jacob :(

Aimee: Earl looks adorable, can't believe he is in a little uniform already!

Spent the weekend at my Sisters, Chloe had fun but it really tires her out not having a weekend to chill out on. Tears at nursery after we had cracked it on Friday - typical!

Over the weekend I weighed Chloe and she is 11.6kg (so about 25lb 9oz) and she is just under the 50th centile for weight. I also measured her but I didn't take a note down, I was more shocked that she has grown a couple of centimetres already since she was measured just before her birthday! She is only a few centemeters under 3ft! She is on the 91st centile line for height.

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