Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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How are we all quiet Bumpkins?!

Chloe has finally cut a second molar! I'm really pleased becasue I was doubting myself as to whether she was teething or not. Its her bottom right one that has cut through :happydance:
Hi a;l hope we are all well. Off to look at a nursery in a couple of week. Im all nervous and excited.
I'm here, honest, just got so much on I haven't had a winking chance of getting on BnB. We're all fine, will try to do a catch-up after the weekend xxx
We're still here too. Took Emma to the dentist for the first time today. Not exactly a success (total meltdown, started to run a temperature and all the same fun that a doc visit entails) but after all her in-utero complications and then the Kawasaki's last year, they want to keep an eye on her since it seems to have effected how her teeth have mineralized. I can see where her teeth are going to cost us a small fortune- today's visit was $115 and all we got out of it was an upset kid, 4 stickers and a Dora toothbrush :wacko:

Emma's still growing like a weed- one of her friends was just measured at 38" tall and Emma is taller than him by a bit. I think she's put on a pile of weight recently too and probably closer to 34lbs now.

Hope everyone is well!
we're here! busy busy week. tuesday morning milo had playgroup, yesterday kids had doctors appt, today Milo had his speech eval. i thought it was at 9am, but it was 8am, so we got there late and had to reschedule for monday! tomorrow at 9 he has a hearing test. he's been up all night, sleeping all day :dohh: he's been having meltdown after meltdown the past few days aswell. Grr. atleast next week OH has wed-sun off :yipee:
We're still here too. I've been a bit pre-occupied with my first scan which I had this morning. All went fine, just the one (much to hubby's disappointment lol) and we're further on than we thought - 14weeks 1 day! Off to go and change my tickers and scan my pics in so I can post them up. Then tonight got to make 'the call' and tell the folks!
Kaites: Oh my word I can't beleive you have to pay for kiddes as well. Sorry for being completely ignorant - I just kind of assumed that you wouldn't have to. Sorry to hear she had a meltdown, poor Emma. :hugs:

Fraggles: Hope everything goes well with the nursery for Noah :flower:

Colsy :wave: :haha: x

MilosMommy Wow, a busy week! Good luck for Milo's tests :flower: Hmm terrible 2's stage & meldowns are not nice I have to agree! Hope once the tests and that are out of the way Milo's settles down, must all be a bit overwhelming for him and stressful for you :hugs:

Chloe was a little scared today, her keyworker (and a few others in the room) were all dressed up as green aliens, with big pants on and flashing eyes (on their heads). Totally freaked her out and she gave her keyworker the biggest scared / confused / unimpressed look! To be fair, they did look freaky and I am sure to Chloe's age group, they prob throught they were real! Thankfully another keyworker had turned up in a cat costume . . and unsurprisingly seemed favourite with all the kiddies!

Aimee: Yey, congratuations on the scan and new dates! Hurray! :hugs: Good luck with the call :flower: :happydance:
aimee- glad to hear the scan went well!

went for his hearing test. it didnt take as long as they said. his hearing is fine (like i figured). but it had to be done to rule out the "does your child seem deaf at times?". i can literally scream in his ear and he wont flinch :dohh:
Kaites hope Emma is better after the dentists. Thankfully our first visit wasn't too bad. Better than the hairdressers at least :haha:
Milo's Mummy - how are the test going? :flower:

Well we are off today, Chloe has still had her cough and has been up several times these last few nights so I decided to take her into the doctors again today as she woke up a not so nice pasty-pale colour. After calling the doctor lottery hotline we managed to get an appointment at 11.50. Chloe was in high spirits all day until it was time to go in the pram - meltdown time and I ended up having to run to the docs to get there in time, thankfully its only a ten minute walk away! We arrived and weren't waiting too long at least. She was seen by a student doctor as well as the main doctor, she was very shy minus demanding her shoes and socks come off mid-appointment (she is so fussy with her feet!). After a few questions and listening to her chest again she was prescribed some more medicine, different to the amoxycilin (sp) she was given a couple of weeks ago. She needs this stuff 4 times a day but thankfully they gave us two bottles so I can keep one at home and leave one at nursery for them to give to her. She might be picky eating but so long as she is getting fluids they are happy. Just hope this pesky cough will shift for her now. She is currently having a major nap after a meltdown on the way home - she didn't want to be in the pram, then she wanted to be in the pram! I am waiting for her to wake up so we can read a Miffy story you can create on the Papmers website - you can upload your own picture and fill in her name and location and it donates a newborn tetanus vaccine to UNICEF which is doubly cool :D

Fraggles: Have you done the nursery visit yet? :flower:

Aimee: How did THE calls go? :flower:
kte- aww. poor chloe. hope she feels better soon :flower:

well Milo's evals are over. they now have to send it to my insurance to see how much they are willing to cover. they said OT has a wait list because they are changing around staff and schedules. and she doesnt think he'll start until Jan. but he's only 3rd down on the list, so hopefully it wont be too much of a wait. they said the list for ST is short and hopefully they can start him in soon. the OT lady today had me fill out a sensory profile and wrote down comments. did stuff with him. she glanced at the answers i marked and said that without a doubt, before scoring the sheet, she could tell he has SPD. she was really nice (as was the speech therapist). he warmed up nicely to the lady, the speech therapist is a guy, and at firs he was unsure about getting close to him. but he came around eventually. now MORE waiting. GRR. lol
Kte - sorry to hear Chloe's still not well. Hopefully the new medicine will work. Earl has a cough currently and as I'm sure everyone knows that ineveitably means he will be sick at some point :dohh: Problem is hubby 'doesn't do sick' so is a bit panicky about me being at work til 11 tonight! He had a close call last night but narrowly managed to avoid it lol

The 'calls' went well on the whole. Both mother's are overjoyed as we expected. We just have to cope with a few over-enthusiastic visits and comments over the next 6 months now lol. It was my Dad that really upset me as he isn't very approving (I know it's odd as I'm 28 and married) but he thinks I'm wasting my life and should be concentrating on my career. When we told him about Earl he asked me 'are we happy about this?' which I thought was a bit blunt but to be expected. However this time he just went silent and then said, 'look after yourself' and hung up on me, then called my Mum to basically have a moan about the fact that I'm giving up on so much to do what hubby wants to do, and I've got so much time to have babies (not that it's any of his business but I haven't as my female line tend to have menopause at 35-36!). It's really upset me to be honest, as I don't want him to feel like this, especially given the fact that Hubby and I have agreed that all being well we'd like to try for another one straight after this one (to get 2 under 2), so I don't like to think how he'll react to that, but isn't it my decision not his!? :shrug: As hard as I try I can't get angry about it, i just feel sad that my Dad isn't supportive of me unless I'm doing something that he approves of. Sad that having children isn't an achievement in his eyes. :nope:

But anyway, not a lot else going on really. Pay day on friday so I have to go christmas shopping (oh dear lol)and also need to book our travelodge and hire car for our trip up north in december. I'm actually looking forward to it now - although we do have to pop in on my Dad which could go either way. :nope:

Milosmummy - Glad the assessments went well, and I hope your wait isn't too long. It sounds like you're finally getting listened to!
MilosMummy: Thats great news - minus the waiting, but at least he is top of the list. Hope your insurance are willing to pay a fair amount! :flower:

Aimee: Sorry to hear how your Dad reacted - you'd kinda expect parents to go the other way i.e. pester for grandkids and moan if your career oriantated! I guess its a shame too as he has a lovely grandson in Earl and a future grandchild on the way, and you want them to be happy about them too. Maybe its an odd way becasue he is scared for you? Not sure, but still it your decisions and it would be nice for him to be happy for you! :hugs:

Chloe is back in nursery today, she in on her new meds. After her visit to the doctors she had a pretty bad afternoon, she moaned on the way home she was in the pram, them moaned and wanted to stay in it when we got home, but shortly afterwards fell asleep so I left her there. Que screaming fit when she woke up and was unconsolable for a while. I managed to get some calpol in her but she was very clingy and unhappy all afternoon, only really perked up about 5-ish. She slept with us all last night, I got back from training and Nij had brought her into bed. Today on the otherhand - completely different! She got into her pram without me asking, was so happy and giggily and good natured all the way to nursery and for the first time in the new room - just walked on in!
aimee- sorry your dad doesnt seem happy about the good news :hugs: i was so scared to tell my dad when i got pregnant with milo, my MIL had to tell them. he never said a word to me about it. and when i got pregnant with Ava, i called and told my mom, still no words from my dad :shrug: i was 19 when i got pregnant (had him at 20). which is why iwas so scared. hopefully your dad will come around after the new settles in a little more :flower:
Posted in GS if you have access.


Honestly, I need an upgrade!
Hello all - feeling a bit embarrassed showing my face around here as it's been SO long since I was on BnB. I don't even have an interesting excuse - I just haven't got round to writing anything. I've actually been reading lots of your posts so have a vague idea of all the news. OH has been doing lots more work lately so I've had more time off work and more time with Monty - hence lack of computer access to write lots of interesting things on here.

We're going through a "not doing as told" phase at the moment, and it's driving me crazy. He openly looks at me in the eye, does whatever he isn't meant to do and then waits for me to tell him off. If I say "Right, I shall count to three", he goes ahead and counts for me! I can handle him doing stuff he shouldn't do when he doesn't actually know not to do it, but at the moment there's a lot of "I KNOW I mustn't do this, but I shall have a go anyway".

Is this normal for this age??!!

At the same time he's being incredibly cute, doing some of the loveliest things. He says "I love you" in his own way, which is adorable :-) He has also developed a ridiculously good ability to do jigsaws. He is usually a fairly on-the-go lad, but give him a jigsaw and he'll sit for ages doing it. And I mean proper 20-piece jobs, not those wooden ones that slot into the right shapes. I am really amazed at this - I would never have guessed a 2-year-old would handle puzzles so well.

TTC is on hold for a month or so because I would prefer a September to an August baby (in the UK, an August birthday means you're at school just far too young in my opinion, whereas a Sept birthday means you have an extra year at home with Mama :-) )

It's funny how we all seem to have drifted off BnB lately. Is this a natural end to the relationship? Have we all come far enough here, such that we're now all moving on to other things? I like to think not, because we truly have been through the most amazing things together ... and yet I can hardly complain can I, because I'm as bad as everyone else for not posting these days. It's not going to get any better from me either over the next few weeks, as OH will be working more than me up to Xmas. I shall try though, I promise.

And Kte, before I go ... I don't know :shrug: I think you need to have some big thoughts and work out what's best IYKWIM. Have a :hugs: from me :hugs:
Hey girls, as you can tell from the random hour of posting I am on nights yet again. On the upside I have an interview for NICU on 14th so fingers crossed. Colsy - James is going through a wont do as he is told stage also.
Kte- just off to read your post!
Colsy- Totally normal for the age, lol :) Emma and the 3 boys are all going through the same thing (Emma is the oldest and the youngest is 23 months, so they are all within 3 months of age) and her friends from the park are the same. Emma has taken to putting herself in time out so that "threat" has been taken away from me too and the boys call it the "penalty box" (hockey reference) and think TO is a good thing :wacko: Not that they are particularly naughty kids- they just like to run in the house... all the time! That's nice that you've been able to cut down on work and hang with Monty more (not that work took you far from him ;)) :flower:

LK- Hope you get the NICU position! :flower:

I haven't been posting because there isn't really anything too interesting going on here either- life is just busy and other projects have been taking up my computer time too. I think it's funny how the kids all turned 2 and then the activity level on the thread dropped :)

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