Hello all - feeling a bit embarrassed showing my face around here as it's been SO long since I was on BnB. I don't even have an interesting excuse - I just haven't got round to writing anything. I've actually been reading lots of your posts so have a vague idea of all the news. OH has been doing lots more work lately so I've had more time off work and more time with Monty - hence lack of computer access to write lots of interesting things on here.
We're going through a "not doing as told" phase at the moment, and it's driving me crazy. He openly looks at me in the eye, does whatever he isn't meant to do and then waits for me to tell him off. If I say "Right, I shall count to three", he goes ahead and counts for me! I can handle him doing stuff he shouldn't do when he doesn't actually know not to do it, but at the moment there's a lot of "I KNOW I mustn't do this, but I shall have a go anyway".
Is this normal for this age??!!
At the same time he's being incredibly cute, doing some of the loveliest things. He says "I love you" in his own way, which is adorable

He has also developed a ridiculously good ability to do jigsaws. He is usually a fairly on-the-go lad, but give him a jigsaw and he'll sit for ages doing it. And I mean proper 20-piece jobs, not those wooden ones that slot into the right shapes. I am really amazed at this - I would never have guessed a 2-year-old would handle puzzles so well.
TTC is on hold for a month or so because I would prefer a September to an August baby (in the UK, an August birthday means you're at school just far too young in my opinion, whereas a Sept birthday means you have an extra year at home with Mama

It's funny how we all seem to have drifted off BnB lately. Is this a natural end to the relationship? Have we all come far enough here, such that we're now all moving on to other things? I like to think not, because we truly have been through the most amazing things together ... and yet I can hardly complain can I, because I'm as bad as everyone else for not posting these days. It's not going to get any better from me either over the next few weeks, as OH will be working more than me up to Xmas. I shall try though, I promise.
Kte, before I go ... I don't know

I think you need to have some big thoughts and work out what's best IYKWIM. Have a

from me