if i take harry out in the pram he sleeps for however long we're out for, then wakes up within seconds of getting through the door, and he's happy to sleep in the car too, but when it's just me & him, he just fights & fights it. he's not hungry, coz he comes off me happy or dozy & refuses more booby time, but if i put him down, within 10 mins, he's either wide awake & kicking away, which i dont mind, or he'll scream blue murder. which i do mind, lol. he only very rarely takes a dummy, but when he does, he'll doze, but when it falls out, he wakes up immediately & gets upset, but then refuses to keep it in again.
i tried him in the baby carrier, and he'll sleep in it so long as he's moving, but if i sit down, he wakes up.... it's like unless he's moving, he's not settled... or i have to swaddle him in the dark in my room o get him to sleep!
it's such a contrast to the night when i can put him down awake after his feed & within 20 mins he's soundo & sleeps 10 hours straight with no issues!