Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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eswift - hope you enjoy the eden project. I've been twice now and it's brilliant! A lot of walking - I warn you, you'll be knackered! But the cafe is good for afterwards lol

Hope everyone else is good.

Colsy - sorry to hear AF is back to her old tricks! I heard that too but I have been having killer pains since my first AF and I would say they're worse now that I'm off the pill too! :dohh:

Nanaki - Hope the scan goes well. And that your cough gets better. Enjoy Crufts. I went a few years ago - I trained as a dog trainer so it was 'professional development'...honest :blush: Brillaint day, lots to see, do and buy, and be prepared to want to bring at least a dozen dogs home! lol

Earl is in bed at the moment - shattered the poor lad as we got the 9am bus this morning to go into town, went and got a few bits including a potty and a big sketch pad for him (he keeps stealing hubby's printer paper! lol :haha:) and so I've done my jobs (still have to do the washing up but :blush: I can't be bothered lol) so I'm sat watching Singin' in the Rain which is my favourite all time movie! I blame Glee as I've watched it about 10 times in the last fortnight! lol :dohh:

Hope we're all well. Our troubles are starting to come right (touch wood lol). We got a few bits back and our claim has been accepted on the student loan and they've given us a backdated payment which should cover all of the payments we owe and a bit more besides! I went to the Dr's yesterday and I have been given some anti-biotics for my ears (darn forget to put that in....looks like I'm off out again this afternoon lol :dohh:) and been told I have to wait another 6 weeks before I'll be referred to ENT. Getting me really down tbh...sick of the constant hissing in my ears!

Other than that, we've decided on our holidays. We're going up to yorkshire for a Fri-Mon to visit friends and to take Earl to Whitby and York, and then we're over to Ireland for a week in August with FIL, who incidentally still hasn't seen Earl. By the time he sees him Earl will be 21 months old!! :wacko:

better go....kettles boiled so time for a cuppa and a dose of gene kelly! :cloud9:
Evening all

Not got my tooth sorted but its not overly painful, cold is the killer :shrug:

Eswift & Kte enjoy the holidays

Been busy here having time out with the kids. Got our 8 week check and shots on friday, not looking forward to that.
Wow, J's 8 weeks already- time flies! Hope the appt goes well :flower:

Snow storm happening here :thumbup: Supposed to last until Sunday, with the snow turning to rain- yuck! I'm trying to enjoy the winter as much as possible since I'm not looking forward to the spring and kids playing in the mud. I used to love springtime but now I'm starting to think about all the mud being tracked into the house by little feet and kids losing their balance and falling into mud puddles. I wish we could fast forward to summer, lol :) Anyway, Emma will be happy to see a fresh pile of snow this morning- she likes to help shovel the driveway and explore snowbanks atm. Getting her back in the house is always a pain though- we have daily tantrums before lunchtime because she doesn't want to come inside.

Anyway, hope we're all well :hugs:
Eswift: Hope you enjoy Eden project. Main thing that put me off going to Lands End was you have to pay iirc which to me seems a tad cheeky, that was a few years ago, so we never went in the end, okay its the furthest point but the view of looking out over the sea, you can get anywhere elsewhere on the coastline! Anyways, I hope there hasn't been any or many fallings out :flower:

Colsy: Sorry to hear AF is being a harsh one, hope it eases soon for you :flower:

Kaites: Sounds messy fun dying the yarn! Er yeah, mud, we took Chloe for a walk in the woods yesterday and decided to let her walk . . . not good, she was drawn to the stuff, so wellies and all in one waterproofs are needed I think next time we try that!!

Nanaki: Hope everything went well at the scan :flower: Crufts sounds fun, I used to have a friend who showed her Begals there years ago, sounds like a lot of hard work for the dog owners but lots of fun to watch!

Aimee: Good news about getting some of the back pay :thumbup:

Fraggles: Did you go on the meet? Was it any good? Hope everything goes well at the 8 week check tomorrow :flower:

We got back from my Sisters yesterday, ended up staying an extra day just on a whim which was nice. All very relaxed, we managed to do a few things but William was being a hungry boy, 2hrly yesterday and today for her birthday he decided to go 1hrly she has informed me! Chloe ended up on the inflatable bed with me both nights, Nij was on the couch anyway. It was great because she couldn't move very well on it so less fidgiting meaning I got a decent nights sleep . . . it wasn't great as she kept on headbutting me or resting on her hands so an elbow kept on jabbing me in the head too! It was nice seeing her smiling face in the morning though and she just looked and me and said 'hiya' :cloud9: A few more days left and its just been so nice taking it slow and having lots of fun with Chloe who has loved (and is still) having Mummy and Daddy at her disposal!

Well best be off, I was sneaking 5 mins whilst Nij is doing Little Miss' smelly bum and they will be back down anytime now!
Nanaki ~ Sounds great with the signing... Enjoy the show and hope all's well for the scan...

Aimee-Lou ~ Sounds like you've got some great holiday plans (I love Whitby!!) Good news about the back pay too... About time someone had some good news...

Colsy ~ Hope the AF settle down slightly...

Katie ~ Sounds like you've been really busy, where do you get the time from???

Kte ~ Glad you've had a great time, I'm sure that spending some Chloe time has done wonders for you all...
Hi ladies! I am here to update you all about the scan......

The scan is going well and they have put me at 12w 4d due to the measurements of my baby and not according to lmp. :) I think we are going to have a big baby?? Dunno yet til 20 weeks scan. Xxx
Kte met up with lots of lovely ladies, went to soft play then afterwards I went shopping. Was a good day out.

I have a boobie monster at the moment every 1 1/2 hours today since 7am :sleep:

Just booked a holiday off in just over a week :happydance:
Ooo, we're all still so quiet. I'm still waiting to hear whether I'm going to get a huge project to work on for the next month or so. I really want it as it will help us pay off a lot of bills, but I hate not knowing one way or other. If I do get it, I am going to be very quiet on BnB for a while, as I will have no spare time - I'll either be working or with Monty.

We had a bit of an 'issue' today. We were at parents/tots group and Monty bit another child. I HATE biting, I really do. And I was sooooo embarrassed. I apologised profusely to the child and the mother. I told Monty off big time (and you could see that he understood, because he went really quiet and just stood there and looked sad). I got the impression that the mother was v annoyed (understandably), but there wasn't much more I could do in the end, having apologised and told him off, but I felt like she was ignoring me for the rest of the morning. TBH we don't usually hang out together anyway, so probably she was just being totally as she normally is, but even so I just spent the whole morning thinking 'OMG I sooo hope I haven't upset her'.

So how to deal with the biting thing? Unfortunately Monty has always been a put-stuff-in-mouth baby and he still is. But of course now he's got teeth it hurts that much more when another child's arm or leg happens to be the thing in his mouth! Anybody else been there, done that?
Bite him back :haha: just kidding :)

Seriously though, i don't too much experience with that yet- Emma has only bitten me so far. I think alot of it is frustration at this age and not being able to communicate it any other way. Emma does this cat fighting thing (hands waving like boxing with paws) when her friends get up in her face so I'm trying to teach her to say "stop" and put her arms out- not a push but more of a "stay outta my personal space" maneuvre. It took a while to figure out the triggers too (probably a bit harder if you aren't with the kid who was bitten everyday though) and now I'm on the look out for them and try to intercept before it gets to the cat fight stage. The time she bit me, I put her in the pack and play for a timeout- she hates the pack n play so she got the idea (I think!). I hope you don't have anymore incidents :flower:
Hi all! :wave:

Quiet in here! lol

hubby is out tonight - course night out - so Earl and I have had a leisurely night and he's only just gone to bed about 10 mins ago. I did put him to bed but he got out while I was in the bath so I let him stay up! :blush: Lazy I know lol

Colsy - biting hasn't come up with Earl...but we have the same 'cat fight' thing that Kaites has. It's normally directed at me as I'm apparently an easy target :dohh: The number of time outs Earl gets lol Hope you get the job! :thumbup:

Kaites - Earl goes on the doorstep...we have a stripey mat, and if he's done something wrong he'll go and sit himself down on it before he's even warned lol :haha:

Anyway, I'm not sure what to do with myself tonight. I'm a bit at a loose end so I may stick a weepy on and eat some chocolate! Shopping tomorrow - Earl needs new shoes! lol - and we're getting a frying pan so we can finally have pancakes! :thumbup:

Have a good weekend ladies xx
Kaites - Earl goes on the doorstep...we have a stripey mat, and if he's done something wrong he'll go and sit himself down on it before he's even warned lol :haha:

Emma usually sits on the bottom step of the hallway staircase but the biting incident happened upstairs so she went into the closest daycare pack n play. It's funny how they know that a time out is coming- one of the daycare kids puts himself in timeout everytime he's warned about something. It cracks me up :)

Hope everyone has a good weekend! I think my family is coming over for dinner tonight (pizza- yum!) but it might be a bit of a wait since my brother is out with my dad house hunting. Hopefully it won't be much longer- I'm starved! I think I might pop some popcorn in the meantime though...
Not had biting happen yet, he tends to be a kicker (usually at nappy change) a stern thats naughty and he either laughs or sulks :shrug:

Up with him at the moment, little one is fast alseep
Hello ladies,

Jut wanted to share this weekend's activities as it's been lovely so far! :cloud9:

Yesterday we went and got Earl some new shoes - he is now a size 5.5G! :wacko: big feet on this boy! He's going to be tall like his Dad!

This morning we went swimming for the first time since Earl was 7 months! He absolutely loved it! We were in the pool for nearly an hour - only got out because I needed the loo and I knew he would get cold if we both got out for too long. He had armbands on (a must for any baby under 2 in the pool so lucky I took ours with me) and he was wandering around after floats and balls, chucking himself off the edge from a sitting position, kicking his legs and trying to doggy paddle and laughing like crazy! :thumbup: I;m so chuffed as I was worried I'd left it too long but I wanted to wait until he was confident walking and the weather was nice......this weekend was perfect, and our pool runs a toddler 'splash' session on a Sunday so we thought why not! So glad we went and we'll be going back :thumbup:

Hope we're all having a good weekend!
Good morning!

Hope everyone had a good weekend! Ours was busy-ish, as usual. Hubby took me out for lunch with Emma on Saturday as an early birthday lunch (birthday isn't til next week but we figured we'd be busy with family stuff next weekend). It was nice but I'm starting to like eating out with a toddler less and less. It's not that Emma is badly behaved, it's just that she'd rather be walking around the restaurant until the food comes which means that one of us is always away from the table- not great when I'd like to enjoy some conversation with my hubs. I mentioned this to my mother and her reply was "why do you think we always ate at fast food restaurants when you were little?!" I see her point- most of them have play areas and there is no waiting for food. I took Emma grocery shopping yesterday and she was a bit of a handful there too- she was sitting in the little seat on the cart and reaching back to grab the fruit to eat it :dohh: I hate those parents who let their kids eat in the grocery store, but I had to compromise and let her hold one of the oranges. I usually put her in the carrier on my back but thought it might be nice to chat with her more face to face but next time she's either staying at home with daddy or going back in the carrier! Not much else new though- hand-painted more yarn but it'll be a while til I actually knit something with it since I got a serger on the weekend. I think I'll be sewing more again in my free time once I figure out how to use the thing- intimidating beast :)

Aimee- Earl sounds cute at the pool :) A toddler splash session sounds like fun. I can't wait til the summer and hanging out at the beach again! We bought Emma a new pair of shoes this weekend too- does Earl walk a little funny when he's trying out a new pair of shoes too? Emma has this funny walk, like she's trying to check out her feet to see what's different- cracks me up :)

Hope everyone is having a good day :)
Kaites - Earl walks like he's got clown shoes on! They are big and they have 'growing room' in them lol.

Re: restaurants - I must confess that we always take Earl to somewhere where the wait is minimised. Pizza hut is a favourite as the salad bar is a perfect first course to keep Earl occupied while the mains arrive. :thumbup: Plus they also supply crayons and paper!

I'm off work today - I don't feel very well and I'm shattered! Hubby gave me permission to call in and spend a few hours at home on my own. Earl is at the CM and he left for Uni at 9.30 and wont be back until 4. I'm tempted to go and get the bus into town to go and get some bits and pieces and I also need to go to the pharmacy to pick up my prescriptions. Still not picked them up from Tuesday :blush:

Speaking of which...best go! Have a good day ladies xx
Morning ladies,

Just a quick fly by. Tried to post last night but hit a key and deleted it all so was rather mad! First day back at work today so playing catch-up (at work and in here lol). Chloe was a tad confused yet happy enough this morning it was nursery time again bless.

We eat out lots in fact recently been so manic we have had a meal out most days. We dont usually have too many problems a little snack before meal arrives is usually needed as he sees the highchair and thinks food should arrive asap!
Supermarkets he either walks around or rides in the trolley. He does on occasion want a snack in there though. Obsessed with the breadf aisle.

I should be sorting clothes for holiday but worn out today.

Aimee- Hope you are feeling better :flower:

Kte- Hope the return to work went well- I always hate that first day back after a holiday!

Fraggles- Emma is too social to want to stay in the highchair and eat though- even once the food is there, she'd rather grab a handful of food and take off- not that we let her!

The kiddies had a good nap yesterday- 2 hrs in the aft all to myself- bliss! I'm hoping they repeat it today but I'm not really expecting it. Yesterday was one of those frustrating days- the city hadn't cleared the snow properly off the sidewalk and it's turned to chunks of ice in places so it was pretty much impossible to push the quad stroller when we went out for a walk. I tried pushing it over a small bump and ended up bending one of the axels on the double wheels- argh :( Of course then I had to turn around and pushing 80lbs of kiddies with the damaged axel seems to have further damaged the mount for the wheel :dohh: :dohh: :dohh: I'm going to have to investigate how much that will cost to repair once I'm feeling a bit more flush with cash- looks like we are housebound in the meantime, lol. My next frustration was my new serger- the thing didn't come with a detailed user manual and the store never had one for the model (manufacturer didn't have any available either to order or online). I figured it was insane that a machine like that wouldn't have some kind of detailed manual, so after 3 hours of searching online last night, I finally came across a post in some sewing forum that linked to the motherload of serger and sewing machine manuals. At least my persistance paid off I guess.

Emma took another tumble on the pavement yesterday too- her nose just finally healed up fully from the last one and now she's gone and done it again :dohh: This time it's the other side of her nose with the battle marks. One of her friends stole her snow shovel off her and it sent her off balance (she was trying to keep her death grip on it) and boom- down she went. At this rate, she's going to look like a scarred up hockey player by the time she's 2 :wacko:

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day!
Chloe is usually good eating out but the other day when we went out we gave her a mini taste of freedom whilst we were waiting which was a bit of a mistake. Nij got up to go out for a smoke and she wanted to tag along so she decided to throw a paddy. It had gotten busier otherwise I would of pootled around with her, it was in a pub and the OAP's had arrived on their trip out.

Aimme: Glad Earl had fun swimming, the first time we took Chloe was the day before her birthday and the last time was on her birthday :dohh: At least it shows they aren't fussed if there is a gap, she loves water anyway so maybe that helps. Any more plans to get Earl to the pool? Hope your feeling better after yesterday too :hugs:

Kaites: Hope it isn't too pricey to fix the wheel, sorry I sent you my wheel bad luck! :flower: Hope Emma's nose heals up quicly too.

Second day back, headache and meeting at 12. Wish I were still on hol pretty much sums it up lol
Oooo my graduation invite just arrived :) Just need to actually get that distinction now :haha:

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