Afternoon all,
Ugh I think I burnt my soup

Although the setting is an automatic 3 mins and all the rest of the times I cooked it it's been fine but, ugh! It taskes like red lard

Ah well.
Taking a break from the assignment, sorry to bang on about it. Its all I can't think about yet can't get the bloomin words out again! Well, I am worrying I can't fit it all in, then I worry it isn't critical enough to get a higher grade, then I worry I don't have enough references etc etc etc so I am taking a break and visiting you all
Fraggles: Certainly sounds like a lot of fun. Ive been tempted before to keep going on a holiday but finance or work gets in the way, if you get the chance, why not I say!

How much to remove a skunk! Im guessing thats per household as well, that's crazy! I hope you get some sort of guarantee that it will stay away. Hope you all feel better soon

I am glad you had a nice time at the parties and seeing everyone. Sorry to hear about you not feeling so great afterwards. I think I know where your coming from about your Mum from other posts. The only think I think sometimes is, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, that who is to say a sibling would share all of that burden with Monty? I am always like this when I think of having another, me and my middle sis get on fine, us and elder sister not. It's a chance but never a dead cert that they are / aren't going to get along and help each other out. E.g there is a colleage here who's mother lives further down south and should really be in a care home, a bit extreme but bare with me, the sister looks after her more as she lives closer and the colleague does step in now and then but usually on holidays and so isn't there all the time like the sister. Trying to help you stop feeling so guilty here but the assignment has turned my brain to mush so I hope it's coming out right