Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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Morning all :wave:

I was just thinking and since I know we have lots of lovely crafty ladies here I would ask: Chloe's nursery is putting on another fancy dress day for Easter - we have bought this cute little eye mask that will turn Chloe into a bunny but its not going to stay on long knowing her and I wanted to create a few extra touches for the outfit so it didn't really matter. I was hoping to get a bit of fabric and sew it onto a cheepy top to look like a furry belly - also, I was thinking about making her a pom-pom tail but the last time I remember making anything like that was when I was at Brownies :shock: :haha: Does anyone have any fool proof instruction? Also, any additional ideas to add to the bunny costume? I'm contemplating makeing a weaved paper easter basket so she can be the Easter Bunny too, paper I can cope with! Thanks for anything :flower:
Well the spots have almost gone, so it wasn't the big pox after all. He eventually settled to sleep last night, and he then slept through til almost 7am, so that was a bonus. But he defo isn't himself today. It might be a simple case of teeth - he's cheeks are certainly very red. But then teething doesn't cause a rash does it? I'm not really too worried - I think it's just a virus that will blow over in a day or two - but it's a shame if he's out of sorts this weekend, as I was really looking forward to having some family time, what with me working so much at the moment.
:hugs: Hopefully he will be feeling better for family time :hugs:

Well handed in the assignment. Mixed feelings, partly happy, partly not. The worse thing though is I went to submit it through the online system and it had closed :nope: So I have emailed the tutor and my other tutors. Its down to their discression but as I was 30 mins late it could end up being capped at 40% which is naff to put it polietly when I need 70%. They don't always close these online things and the last assignment was email so now Im just hoping they are kind to me. Ah well, weekend, time to chill I guess :flower:
Morning all :wave:

I was just thinking and since I know we have lots of lovely crafty ladies here I would ask: Chloe's nursery is putting on another fancy dress day for Easter - we have bought this cute little eye mask that will turn Chloe into a bunny but its not going to stay on long knowing her and I wanted to create a few extra touches for the outfit so it didn't really matter. I was hoping to get a bit of fabric and sew it onto a cheepy top to look like a furry belly - also, I was thinking about making her a pom-pom tail but the last time I remember making anything like that was when I was at Brownies :shock: :haha: Does anyone have any fool proof instruction? Also, any additional ideas to add to the bunny costume? I'm contemplating makeing a weaved paper easter basket so she can be the Easter Bunny too, paper I can cope with! Thanks for anything :flower:

how about this:

I think I'd just see if I could find a cheap white hat and mittens on clearance and add the bunny details to them. For the body of the costume, I'd see about a white sleepsuit (or similar) and add the pink tummy to that. I've only ever made one pompom and I kinda just winged it- I'd have a look on ravelry.com and search for pompom and I'm sure you'll get lots of hits :flower:

I hope they accept your assignment too :flower: :hugs:

~2hrs til my weekend starts :happydance: (don't want to jinx it, but naps are underway atm too) Working on a pair of knitted pants for Emma's doll :wacko: I hate knitting small items but this has been on the needles wayyyy too long and I just want to be done with it.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday!
Hi girls. James's deed poll came through today so its all official now :) Going to have a little party once I'm off nights. 2 down and 2 to go. Best shoot and go get ready.
Kte, yeah it sucks having him gone so much, but him having this job enables me to be a SAHM, so i really can't complain! Yeah the moomins are awesome! he got me a book & white moomin troll cuddly toy, and harry a little face towel & cutlery set. Pretty cool. They actually have a whole moomin theme park called MoominLand! It looks awesome! As for travelling with him, we did look into it for Florida in November, but decided against while harry is still so young; we'll probably take him next time (which will be Oct 2013 I believe) so he can appreciate Disneyland & stuff a little more & i can take him to the water parks n stuff. We get the free trip to cornwall every year for the whole lot of us, which is a blast coz all his collegues have kids under 7, so we all go swimming together, soft play, walks along the beach, BBQs etc etc... Last year the weather was pants, so i hope it's nicer this year!

When are you in Wales? We're there from Fri 13th (freaky) until 21st, although hubby's working 13th-16th, so not sure what me & Harry will do other than chill out locally in that area. My mum & step dad are joining us from the 16th & a couple of uni friends. We've hired a 9 bedroom place at a bay i can't spell, but sounds like 'trader!' lol. Will prob visit some old uni friends & kids i used to coach up in bangor too while we're there.
Kaites: Oooooooooooooo thanks for the ideas! I'm off to hunt for a white babygrow for her to convert! I'll defo attempt a hat of sorts with eats now but will leave the mitts as they never stay on and will most Hope you managed to get the little pants done and have a lovely weekend :flower:

Flora: Moomin land! That's good that you will be able too travel eventually :D Hope you do get some nice weather down there too, sounds like a blast. We are in Wales 13th -17th June.

We have had a lovely day out in a local-ish park. Thankfully the sun came out a little as it was raining on and off this morning. We had a picnic and went for a ride on a mini train. Chloe's started saying a new word today - 'see-saw' (although we didn't go on one or near one!) Although her and her cousin we on a rocking chair and cow earlier on so must be from that. Now she just keeps randomly saying it lol.

LK: Congrat's :flower:
hi ladies! :wave: i just joined BnB this past summer when i was TTC our newest addition. my son Milo was born on October 29th at 12:34am weighing 7lbs 5oz. hopefully you ladies arent too chatty and i can keep up with the thread!
:hi: Hi and welcome MilosMommy :flower:

We are friendly, and chatty, you usually find we plod along then all of a sudden you log in and you suddenly need to play catch up :haha: We aren't that bad really :thumbup:

There are a few other October mummies here expecting no.2 and one who had her no.2 recently-ish. How are you coping with only a few weeks left? Is Milo looking forward to being a big brother? :flower:
Hi Milosmummy :hi: im the nutter with 2 young uns :haha:

Had a fab holiday kids are doing great other than colds all round (youngest isnt too bad, eldest is has hit bad)
kte - in my May thread they're extremely chatty and i'd have to catch up on atleast 20 pages a day. way too much for me. lol. but i'm getting extremely nervous as we get closer! i've been diagnosed with GD and have had tons of scans. they said they think
she's showing growth restriction, i find out if she's gained any weight on thrsday. so she might come earlier than expected. plus having a lot of pre-labor pains.
Milo doesnt show any interest, just smacks my belly. lol.

fraggles - how close in age are they?

how are your LO's speech development. Milo doesnt talk. just babbles mama and dada. but lately sounds like he's paying attention and attempting other sounds.
how are your LO's speech development. Milo doesnt talk. just babbles mama and dada. but lately sounds like he's paying attention and attempting other sounds.

Which October was he born in, 09 or 10?

Missy says about 8 to 10 words and does 4 animal sounds lol. She sure can tell you NO and make her point when she wants to tho ;)
14 1/2 months between them milosmummy

We have some words but mostly babble. Fave words at moment are mine mine and mine :haha: we also have noises like yay, woooo when he's happy/excited.

Well my throat is killing i hate catching bugs/colds
Hi milosmummy! :wave:

Re: Speech - Earl is pretty good but he's only good with things he's interested in if that makes sense. He will babble on all day about doggies, and baa like a sheep, or make car noises....but ask him about his numbers or alphabet and he'll go blank lol. He still doesn't say Mummy though - Daddy he's had since day 1 (his first word) but so far not even a mumble! lol

Fraggles - glad you enjoyed the holiday. :thumbup: sorry to hear about the colds. Earl has yet another cold and cough - not a bad one this time but I think he's teething too :dohh:

Teeth ladies.....how many do your LOs have? Earl has been getting his molars through and his left side pre-molars are through and his rights are swollen so I think they're next. I'm dreading the rest of them coming through as this is the worst teething he's had!

Happy Mumm'ys day to everyone too. I've had an overtones CD and a big box of Thorntons choccies! Yummers! I'm sure I'll get some help eating them lol. Earl slept through (amazing considering his cough) and hubby made me sausages and pancakes with maple syrup - YUMMY! It's my absolute favourite, but Earl wasn't impressed preferring to have a banana instead lol. We've just got back from a walk in the park so I'm not sure what we'll do this afternoon. Earl has just gone down for his nap, so I have an hour to fill. I hav eto watch Glee but other than that, I'm as free as a bird! lol At a loss lol.

Kte - your Nursery seem to like fancy dress lol. I think the bunny outfit sounds like a brilliant idea...I'd be stumped if I had to dress Earl up....although I do think he'd make a very cute chicken! lol :haha:

Have a nice day ladies. it feels a lot later than it actually is.....not sure what to do now lol :dohh:
Hi girls. Happy mothers day! I had the most beautiful card with a photo of James on it, a bunch of flowers, a mug and some heart shaped choccies. James handed me the flowers and then promptly did 2 massive sneezes lol. Think he has my hayfever.

Welcome milosmummy. Gosh you must be shattered looking after a toddler and being 35 weeks pregnant!
fraggles - Milo is just getting over a little cold, and yesterday OH just caught it! so now he's sick. i really hope not to get it next.

aimee - at first (at about 8 months) milo started babbling mama and dada at the same time. he mummbled those for a couple months. then around his bday he stopped babbling altogether almost. he just recently started babbling again around 14-15 months. first it was only mama. everything was "mama". now everything is "dada".

little - OH has been off work for the last 6 weeks or so. so i had a nice vacation with not doing everything. but he goes back tomorrow. idk how i'll do it! it's getting so hard to bend over or do anything. lol.
Hii :)

I used to come on this thread a while back when we all had tiny babes but I completely forgot about this section! I normally hang around the teens section but technically I'm not a teen (22) and they all have younger children, so hope you will accept me back in here? :blush: it will be nice to hear about LOs the same age as Theo :)

So Theo is now 18months, he's doing really well, he's my little ray of sunshine, even if he is a little monkey!!

He's into absolutely everything, remotes/phones/purse/keys/opening and closing draws/switching washing machine on and off etc etc you get the picture :lol: !!

Speech wise he is average I think, says the usual mama dada baby, makes car/train noises, dog cat and pig noises, hiya, yes (thankfully doesn't know the word no yet :D).

Looking forward to chatting to you all again :)


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