They look lovely Gem! Well done!! xx
never heard of that, it sounds a bit mentallovely cakes!! i really fancy doing a cupcake cake!
have any of you girls heard of steaming your cakes after they have been decorated? im watching a cake programme at the min and they seem to steam all of their cakes after they have been decorated?
How about you come my way and ill greet you with a cake? lol
Im gonna do some for the meet anyway
I was really pleased with the butterflys
A real pain in the backside to stick on though
and lol Lara ate Peppa Pig!! The only thing left was half of her red body and a pilt of toothpicks
poor poor Peppa
Anyone got any tips on doing a carved cake? xxx
lovely cakes!! i really fancy doing a cupcake cake!
have any of you girls heard of steaming your cakes after they have been decorated? im watching a cake programme at the min and they seem to steam all of their cakes after they have been decorated?
haha id be too scared that id get too close and my cake would melt!!