And so my latest creation!
Off the back of this one I have just got another order for an 80th birthday cake in July...a tigermoth plane one!!!! help!
Also just got a cupcake order for August adapting the cake that I did for my little girls 5th birthday with all the litte bugs into cupcakes,
my diary is filling up quickly now, really never thought this would take off or that I would ever be good enough to sell them! (still feeling embarrased when I'm quoting people, i'm thinking i'm expensive and they're thinking im cheap! )
Flowerfairy, i'm liking the flip flop cake, and very appropriate for the weather we've been having lately!
Wow that cake is amazing!
waiting on 3...i am sure they will swap it hun. Try ringing again maybe?
Right in the summer i plan on going to visit pops and missy and i want to make them somecupcakes. I found these toppers on ebay:
Does anyone recognise the mould at all? i would love to make them myself?
Wow that cake is gorgeous
I'm toying with the idea of doing a small cake, football themed of course to take to a friends house next weekend.
I need a small square tin though I only have small sandwich tins as I am not so much into doing cakes LOL they scare me!!
My friend has just sent me this link loads and loads of sprinkles and toppings for cupcakes, even character ricepaper toppers, seem like a good price to me as well
Here are a couple, I typed in 'baby sugarcraft moulds'
and finally