Calling all Watermelon's

Congrats on 18 weeks girls.

Thanks for responding Blu and toothfairy. I'll be calling my doctor in hopes they can explain it all to me because I am just confused and heartbroken. She said it all like I shouldn't be bothered but how can I not be bothered by it? She said that at my next scan the risk may go down and the analyte or whatever could mean there is a problem or could mean I'll have pre eclampsia or pre term labor. Or it could mean nothing! I have no idea. She said it was good news but it really sounds like it is iffy to me. Worried now.

I know it's hard not to stress but if it was a serious issue, they wouldn't have waiting so long to call you and would have you come in right away. Some drs/nurses are just used to freaking people out... mine is one of them too. Your other results are awesome so yayyy :)

kelkel - congrats on the baby boy!

I think I had some movement yesterday but it was much higher (almost under my belly button) so I wonder if my bump isn't shrinking and is just shifting up.

Well I think she tried to make it sound positive as not to freak me out. Also they did call me early. I didn't expect a call until later this week. They called me as soon as they got my second round of bloods in at 6pm ast night. She even said that a group of them consulted about it. In the first round they check 3 things and in the 2nd round they check 5 things. They wouldn't have me come in because if the baby had a neural tube defect they cannot fix it there would be something wrong with the baby for life if it survived. I'm calling again to discuss it with the doctor so they could maybe help me to not be as concerned. Thanks for your positivity though.
Congrats on 18 weeks girls.

Thanks for responding Blu and toothfairy. I'll be calling my doctor in hopes they can explain it all to me because I am just confused and heartbroken. She said it all like I shouldn't be bothered but how can I not be bothered by it? She said that at my next scan the risk may go down and the analyte or whatever could mean there is a problem or could mean I'll have pre eclampsia or pre term labor. Or it could mean nothing! I have no idea. She said it was good news but it really sounds like it is iffy to me. Worried now.

I know it's hard not to stress but if it was a serious issue, they wouldn't have waiting so long to call you and would have you come in right away. Some drs/nurses are just used to freaking people out... mine is one of them too. Your other results are awesome so yayyy :)

kelkel - congrats on the baby boy!

I think I had some movement yesterday but it was much higher (almost under my belly button) so I wonder if my bump isn't shrinking and is just shifting up.

Well I think she tried to make it sound positive as not to freak me out. Also they did call me early. I didn't expect a call until later this week. They called me as soon as they got my second round of bloods in at 6pm ast night. She even said that a group of them consulted about it. In the first round they check 3 things and in the 2nd round they check 5 things. They wouldn't have me come in because if the baby had a neural tube defect they cannot fix it there would be something wrong with the baby for life if it survived. I'm calling again to discuss it with the doctor so they could maybe help me to not be as concerned. Thanks for your positivity though.

I would definitely call and try get some reassurance if I was you sweetie. It's not going to be good for you or your little one to have to worry so much for the new few months or even days for that matter. Hope you get some answers x x x x x
Anyone else struggling with whether to work or SAH after baby comes?

Its not really an option for us. I would love to be a SAHM but it just wouldnt be possible. We only own 75% of our house so in the next 2 years we're having a baby and need to buy the rest of our house aswell!

We could survive on OH wages but it would be surviving and not saving any money for the house deposit. weve said I will go back 3 days a week to start with, but going to see if work will allow me to use one annual leave day a week til xmas as Ill be going back at the beginning of Sept. That way Im getting paid for more than im actually working. Bank some of that money up and then maybe go back full time after baby is 18 months. Childcare is so expensive but I also dont want to miss anything. So hoping we can cope with the drop for another 6 months but I go full time. Heres to hoping! I havent even spoken to work about maternity leave yet never mind whats going to happen when i go back! :haha:

I think going back part-time would be ideal. I really hope you're able to work out your plan with your job.

With my job, I don't see how it could possibly go part-time and there are no options to work remotely from home. So even though I just started there, I'm already thinking about trying to find another job that might give me more flexibility to work from home or even part-time. I don't think SAH or WOH full-time are perfect scenarios, but now that I'm working full-time and imagining how things will be after baby, the grass is sure looking a hell of a lot greener on the other side. It would be awesome if I could find a part-time job between now and 12 weeks after baby is born.
In fact- if your planning on staying team yellow let me know now and Ill update tonight.

:happydance: We're planning to stay on Team Yellow from now until baby is born, so you can add our stork whenever you're free. Thanks for doing that!
Wow I have nothing for baby! I feel so behind! :cry:I'm just too scared to buy anything but hopefully I won't be afraid to buy once I find out if baby is a boy or girl. That isn't until the 20th of July. I feel like I am so behind on everything now. I haven't even gotten my bloodwork back yet as the place I go does 2 sets and I just had my second set done this morning. I'll kniw next week, but I think if there were any problems they would have called me after the first set were drawn. And I don't think I'm feeling baby yet either:cry:

I hope all of your scans go well and all and you are all doing great.

I'm right there with you! I've just been so cautious about everything, with the exception of telling immediate family and best friends about the pregnancy very soon after we found out. We waited the typical amount of time to tell extended family about the baby (end of first trimester), and I haven't bought a single thing or announced anything on Facebook yet.

Part of me just wants to savor it without all the hoopla, another part of me is just afraid that something will go wrong and then I'll have things to return to stores and horrible update to post online, and another part of me (maybe a big part) wants to wait until a few more weeks so I don't run out of things to do with myself and end up spending the last few weeks waiting for baby and going crazy because I don't have anything to do to prepare.

I'm planning to announce on Facebook at 20 weeks (even though all of our nearest and dearest pretty much know already) -- that's only two weeks away.

After that I'll probably feel more comfortable buying things and getting the nursery ready. The planner in me couldn't let the weeks pass without at least getting a list together so I do have a long list of things that I plan to buy or register for, and DH and I have a general idea of how we want to do the nursery.

So far, the only things I've bought are three books about pregnancy, several books and DVDs about natural childbirth, and the Hypnobabies home study course (just ordered last night actually).

The only thing we have specifically for the baby is a stroller, which was actually a really nice gift from DH's parents that they gave to us this past weekend. Other than that, no baby things have been purchased yet!
I wouldnt fret that you have nothing. Im now trying to spread out my purchases a bit more or ill have nothing to look forward too!

Yeah, that last part is a biggie for me, too! I really want to enjoy every part of this pregnancy, and even though I'm sooo excited to start buying cute little baby things, and toys and books, and getting the nursery ready, I don't want to blow the fun for myself by doing all that now lol. I keep thinking back to my wedding -- I got so much stuff done in the first six months that by the end of our year-long engagement I was going absolutely bat-crap insane because I didn't have a lot left to do. Since I didn't have much else to do with the time I would have otherwise spent doing stuff for the wedding, I instead spent that time stressing out about things and making my DH nuts. So I'm trying to hold off so history doesn't repeat itself!

What I have been doing though is making list of the things that I'd like to buy, and every now and then I'll do a little price comparing. I think I'll probably allow people time to get gifts for the baby before DH and I buy a lot so maybe we'll wait until after a shower assuming we're given one. So I'm not seeing us buying a whole lot for at least another two or three months from now. However, at 20 weeks, I know that day will be here sooner than I think and it's kinda freaking me out!
I don't really know what's stopping me as I love browsing baby stuff! We're staying team yellow so I guess that might have a little to do with it but I'm pretty sure when you're ready to make that very first purchase no matter what it is, you'll know xxx

That's a good point actually. I don't want to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl until the birth, so I'm happily on Team Yellow. But I do think that knowing whether the baby is a boy or girl makes it so much more tempting to buy things, especially when the stores have things laid out so neatly by sex.

Knowing that we're preparing for a baby, but not knowing whether that baby is a boy or a girl, is making me a lot more strategic about the things that I'm planning to buy -- I want them to work for either sex, and I also want them to work for this baby's future siblings! It's more planning, but I think it's just as fun, and it keeps me from making impulse buys, which I sometimes do when it comes to baby things (when I'm buying gifts for birthdays or showers). All the stuff is seriously just too cute!
I have roughly 22 more WEEKS until I find out, why oh why did I agree to stay team yellow?! :dohh:

LOL. I think DH and I are good with staying Team Yellow but every now and then I'll ask him if he's absolutely sure he doesn't want to find out when we have our scan. He hasn't cracked yet, and even though I THINK I'd stay strong if he couldn't, part of me wonders if I'm just looking for an excuse to find out lol

I hope we're able to hold strong when we have our scan -- I do think it will be worth the wait!
Hi all, well Im bac from Paris! Had an amazing time with Hubby and to finish off the holiday OH was able to feel baby kicking yesterday! Great anniversary present for him. (2 years marriage).

I have updated what I can see of peoples gender;
Sigh- girl
Hopeful- girl
Blubutterfly- boy
kelkel- boy
LemonTea- yellow

How is everyone today?

Im calling the midwife for some reassurance today. Im a sweet potatoe with a definite bump and STILL no weight again. I didnt have bad morning sickness either so getting worries that we're nearly half way through and I still havent gained even 1lb yet. Feeling baby move so hopefully he/she is healthy and strong if daddy can feel them now.

Congrats on everyone's gender scans. I am waiting for my 20 week scan which is another 14 days away :( Seems so far away! lol.
We are staying yellow-we have all the neutral stuff left from our son so we dont need to buy anything other than a first outfit or two. The only downside is sorting christmas as potentially baby could arrive just 2 weeks before and i cant buy some things until I know who baby is.
Hi all, well Im bac from Paris! Had an amazing time with Hubby and to finish off the holiday OH was able to feel baby kicking yesterday! Great anniversary present for him. (2 years marriage).

I have updated what I can see of peoples gender;
Sigh- girl
Hopeful- girl
Blubutterfly- boy
kelkel- boy
LemonTea- yellow

How is everyone today?

Im calling the midwife for some reassurance today. Im a sweet potatoe with a definite bump and STILL no weight again. I didnt have bad morning sickness either so getting worries that we're nearly half way through and I still havent gained even 1lb yet. Feeling baby move so hopefully he/she is healthy and strong if daddy can feel them now.

Congrats on everyone's gender scans. I am waiting for my 20 week scan which is another 14 days away :( Seems so far away! lol.

Not gaining weight just yet is perfectly normal. I weighed myself just few days ago and I've definitely lost weight and not put any on. Beanie is well as I listen to the hbonce a week and it's going strong.

In my last pregnancy I was 52kg pre-pregnancy and by 39 weeks I had only gone up to 60kg. So a gain of just 8kg which is so much below the averages quoted. DS however was born at 41+4 weeks weighing a very healthy 8lb 4oz so I know he wasn't being deprived.

I think some ladies just don't put on as much weight as what is estimated by all the literature and others put on a lot more. Also baby will start putting on the cute chubby fat from just over 24 weeks when all the internal organs have developed to point they are a viable.
Thanks Sharan, that has eased my mind a bit. My sister has type 1 diabetes so just cautious about developing pregnancy diabetes. :(

Im in a bit of pain this morning actually, im fine if im sitting still but moving is causing a problem. I think it might just being trapped wind but my god does it hurt. Im hobbling when I move. Just took some windeze so hopefully that will work.
Thanks Sharan, that has eased my mind a bit. My sister has type 1 diabetes so just cautious about developing pregnancy diabetes. :(

Im in a bit of pain this morning actually, im fine if im sitting still but moving is causing a problem. I think it might just being trapped wind but my god does it hurt. Im hobbling when I move. Just took some windeze so hopefully that will work.

The pain could be round ligament pain. I've been getting quite a few sharp twinges on both sides of my pelvis area and just above. I really hope it is just general ligament pain and not the onset of SPD. I had that in 3rd tri last time and it was horrible!
Anyone started counting down to maternity leave yet? i havent even handed in my forms and intentions but Ill be leaving mid Nov and thats 19 weeks away! 95 working days left (roughly) woohoo!
Unfortunately I'm unemployed so I'm not particularly thinking of maternity leave. I'm sure many of the other girls are though.

I'm 18 weeks today but still pretty worried and anxious. I'm not feeling baby. Once in a great while I will feel something- not sure it's at all baby and it's not often at all. Hoping to start feeling more. I just feel less pregnant since the 2nd tri began. I have an OB appt a week today so I'm hoping they could put my mind at ease and then in 2 weeks 1 day I have my ultrasound. I just hope and pray everything goes well at both.

Hope everyone is doing well today.
Im sure everything is ok hunny. I never got the butterfly feelings, went straight to tiny pinches. And thats only been in the last week properly. We all carry different, most people for their first dont feel anything til about 20 weeks. I think 2nd tri is the best- because you dont suffer so much with the morning sickness, tiredness etc. If I wasnt feeling the movement I would feel the same as you- it will happen soon Im sure :)
Hi everyone

We had a thread in 1st Trimester which was updated each week to the relevant fruit baby your having.

I am just starting to move over and thought it would be good to carry this thread on.

Let me know your due date and Ill update the list below :thumbup:

Due Dates:

21st Nov

24th Nov
KelKel :blue:

26th Nov

27th Nov

28th Nov

29th Nov
Beautiful Oaks

30th Nov
xCookieLucyLou :yellow:

1st Dec
LemonTea :yellow:

2nd Dec

3rd Dec

4th Dec
ToothFairy 29
Blu_butterfly :blue:

5th Dec

6th Dec

8th Dec
Sigh :pink:

10th Dec

11th Dec
Kelly M

12th Dec
Hopeful2012 :pink:

13th Dec

14th Dec

15th Dec

18th Dec

3rd January
Good Morning ladies.

Nicki - I haven't put on a whole pound yet but I look huge. My tummy and boobs are huge now though, somehow. DH laughed at me when yesterday morning when we woke up and said that I look like I got boob implants. I also have the fear of gestational diabetes because diabetes runs in my family.

Happy 18 weeks ImSoTired! Glad you have some appointments coming up. Hopefully they can give you info that puts your mind to ease. And as far as movement goes, my thought is that if you think it is movement, it probably is. When I first start feeling it, I wasn't sure if it was movement or not. Now that I feel it regularly, I know that that's what I was feeling in the beginning. Enjoy :) Oh and it's not regular, it's sporadic. I giggle when I feel it.

For some reason MS (or in my case evening sickness) decided to kick back in last night. Weird. And I've been feeling a pelvic "fullness" that's affecting how quickly I can move. I think the baby is in a weird or new position right now.

On another note - I've brought my first bit of baby stuff - the cutest little onsies (17 of them!) and socks that look like little shoes :)
Hey ladies! im on the list for 30th of nov and if your updating it i found out on monday im double team pink! 2 girls im having! 19 weeks tomorrow, how much is this flying by!! Ive been buying lots of little bits now its so exciting

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