Calling all Watermelon's

Girls..... I am really worried. My bump has totally disappeared today?? Also I've been getting up to pee at least 2 to 3 times a night since 4 wks and last night nothing! I've list a pound too??? What's happening? Am worried??
Girls..... I am really worried. My bump has totally disappeared today?? Also I've been getting up to pee at least 2 to 3 times a night since 4 wks and last night nothing! I've list a pound too??? What's happening? Am worried??

Don't stress, same thing was happening to me this week. I think your uterus has shifted up so the bump is more stretched out. I lost 2 lbs last week then I started to drink more water yesterday and now I feel the bump a little more (still not as much as before)
I'm trying my best not to worry. It's hard but I think I'm alright. I see the doctor on thurs. Yesterday I thought I might have a UTI but it seems as though maybe I was wrong? I'm not sure, I'll mention it to the doctor when I go to be sure. My bump is definately shrinking as well. I hope it's just shifting and everything is ok. Yesterday and the day before I thought i felt a lot of movement but I'm so crazy I'm hoping it wasn't just my imagination. This morning the bump and the movements seem to have slowed dramatically. I don't know what's going on just hoping baby is good. Less than to weeks to my scan now. Can't wait. Hope it goes well.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Hey hun, I have heard that its fairly common to shirk a bit as the uterus moves up so less pronounced. If you're worried can you call your midwife?

I just rang mine up as had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday, no enough for me to worry about and go to the hospital but enough to warrent a phone call. Had no idea what the procedure was for non urgent things- gp? hospital? midwife?..... hospital even for none urgent symptoms. Have to give them a call up and then they will decide if you need to come in. I also asked about my weight and she wasnt worried either, even when i said my sister has type 1 diabetes- as long as Im not loosing weight they are happy. :shrug:

Im also going to have a little rant while Im here. I saw my 23yr old sister this weekend who lives about 2 hours away from us so we dont see her and her bf often. They also live with his parents so gets awkward sometimes to have conversations etc.... anyway. She has endometrios which is a condition which may affect her fertility. Its been confirmed about 4 months ago that she isnt infertile and while it will probably take a while to get pregnant she should be able to having children naturally. (Thought I needed to give some background history). So I saw her this weekend for 2 hours- not one question about how im feeling, or about the bump I now am sporting, when is my next scan, when do i find out the sex of the baby. Absolutely nada. My little sister was in the room and listened to the hb on the doppler we have- Little sister then asked if my 23yr old sister wanted to listen to her niece/nephew and honestly if she could have not done it without being rude she wouldnt have bothered. So annoyed to not even be asked "how are you".

I know that LO is all exciting for us and its pretty much all i think about but even common curtesy dictates a "you're looking well" or something along those lines. Jealously? Probably but still peeved off.

19 weeks today which means we're one step closer to the midway mark! and scan in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Just booked this morning to finder out gender today @ 3.10,so excited :happydance:

Anyone else finding out today or this week?

Hope everyone doing great and loving their bumps.. :hugs:
Just booked this morning to finder out gender today @ 3.10,so excited :happydance:

Anyone else finding out today or this week?

Hope everyone doing great and loving their bumps.. :hugs:

Yay! Good luck, looking forward to hearing what you are having. I have my scan this week on Thursday (Aussie time lol) so only 3 more sleeps for me :happydance:
Oo enjoy your scan, look forward to seeing what your having :flow:
Hey hun, I have heard that its fairly common to shirk a bit as the uterus moves up so less pronounced. If you're worried can you call your midwife?

I just rang mine up as had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday, no enough for me to worry about and go to the hospital but enough to warrent a phone call. Had no idea what the procedure was for non urgent things- gp? hospital? midwife?..... hospital even for none urgent symptoms. Have to give them a call up and then they will decide if you need to come in. I also asked about my weight and she wasnt worried either, even when i said my sister has type 1 diabetes- as long as Im not loosing weight they are happy. :shrug:

Im also going to have a little rant while Im here. I saw my 23yr old sister this weekend who lives about 2 hours away from us so we dont see her and her bf often. They also live with his parents so gets awkward sometimes to have conversations etc.... anyway. She has endometrios which is a condition which may affect her fertility. Its been confirmed about 4 months ago that she isnt infertile and while it will probably take a while to get pregnant she should be able to having children naturally. (Thought I needed to give some background history). So I saw her this weekend for 2 hours- not one question about how im feeling, or about the bump I now am sporting, when is my next scan, when do i find out the sex of the baby. Absolutely nada. My little sister was in the room and listened to the hb on the doppler we have- Little sister then asked if my 23yr old sister wanted to listen to her niece/nephew and honestly if she could have not done it without being rude she wouldnt have bothered. So annoyed to not even be asked "how are you".

I know that LO is all exciting for us and its pretty much all i think about but even common curtesy dictates a "you're looking well" or something along those lines. Jealously? Probably but still peeved off.

19 weeks today which means we're one step closer to the midway mark! and scan in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Ugh I hate when people act like that. Don't let her get you down! Happy 19 weeks!
My bump popped out with avengence this weekend. I was HUGE yesterday and so crampy that I started crying. I think the baby was hanging out at the bottom of my uterus and pushing down on my cervix area... it was so uncomfortable and painful. My hubby cheered my up by buying the first outfit for our daughter :)

I woke up this morning with a smaller bump again, although it is bigger than last week. I also hit the 10 lb mark today again so I've gained back what I lost last weekend (I ate like a piggy this weekend).

Has anyone started their nursery yet? We're going to look at cribs this week! I'm having a problem where my family members are trying to give me their old stuff and although I like some of it, some of them are acting like it's an insult if I want to buy my own stuff. My sister has a nice crib and she keeps telling me that she bought an expensive crib so I could use it one day. It's a dark wood dropside one (that was recalled but you can immobilize the drop side) but we decided on a white crib and she seems a little pissed. I'm lucky to have such generous people around me but I need to figure out a way to say no without insulting them...
Funny you should mention the nursery.... me and OH didnt agree last night.

I said I want to help paint so therefore would want the weather to be nice, open windows etc. Not exactly in any rush are we? Firstly we need to create more storage in other rooms as our nursery room is currently housing a single bed with lots of camping stuff underneath it. We have a new build with no attic so not much storage at all!

I then suggested that we could paint and put everything in there but instead of a cot (which we wont need for at least 4 months) I would like to put the single bed back in there at least until November as we use it quite alot. Trying to be practical. He really didnt like that idea. We are waiting on to get his sisters cot back from family friends so we definately wont have it before Novemeber. I dont see what the issue is with putting the bed back up- or at least keep the matress. :shrug:

I really want this mural on one wall but we're not great at putting up wallpaper so either that idea is out or we hire someone to do it for us. The rest of the walls will be pale green or yellow- or a mixture of both. Unsure.

I prefer light wood or white for a nursery and OH likes the dark wood. I see us having afew arguements. I see what your saying aswell- its hard to be polite when people offer, I would say it just wouldnt fit with my overall scheme, or could I have the bedding but not the cot as I already have one in mind? As you read from my above post my sister is being plain rude at the moment so I dont have that issue!
That mural is sooo cute! Our nursery room is currently light blue with beadboard on 1 wall (beachy theme!). I spent so much time painting that room that I don't want to paint it again (plus dh won't let me paint) so we're having a blue girl's room. I starting pinning inspiration on pinterest but don't have a plan yet. My goal this week is to figure out the closet situation since we have modular wire shelves. Here's my board so far:
I love the Rattan Elephant Hamper! How lovely! Whats a beadboard?

I have my rattan hanging chair to have in the room aswell so thats going to take up a large portion of the room. I had it for my bday but its mainly to breast fed in - future planning :thumbsup:

Wont have space to start off with for a wardrobe so baby clothes will be in our room. So only really got to worry about a cot, changing unit and my chair- oh and shelves!
I love your hanging chair! I've always wanted one but don't have a spot for it in our current place. I love that hamper but I don't know if I can spend $99 on a hamper! There are so many cute things on pinterest but baby stuff is so expensive!!!!! I plan on going to Ikea for shelving or buying it 2nd hand.

This is beadboard:
And this is the wall color (I did the same dragging technique):
Wow that is really nice! Never heard of a beadboard before. No I couldnt justify $99 on a hamper either but it would look good lol. I cant believe that in 20 short weeks we could potentially be holding our little ones (if they decide to come earlier rather than later).

My OH needs to start working on the crib. Needs to add a few things to make it a bit safer as my dad made it 27 years ago lol. Times have changed a bit since then.
God you girls are so organised!!! I haven't even bought one little thing yet! Not even a bib let alone planning nursery!! I'm so worried there will be bad news at my 20+ wk scan next week that I can't bring myself to buy anything!
Hardly anyone knows either. Including none of hubby's family!!
God you girls are so organised!!! I haven't even bought one little thing yet! Not even a bib let alone planning nursery!! I'm so worried there will be bad news at my 20+ wk scan next week that I can't bring myself to buy anything!
Hardly anyone knows either. Including none of hubby's family!!

Lol i'm just looking at ideas at this point!

Don't worry, your symptoms are similar to mine so I'm sure everything is fine! Have you considered buying or renting a doppler? I'm so glad I did - it helped aleviate some of the stress of thinking something was wrong.
God you girls are so organised!!! I haven't even bought one little thing yet! Not even a bib let alone planning nursery!! I'm so worried there will be bad news at my 20+ wk scan next week that I can't bring myself to buy anything!
Hardly anyone knows either. Including none of hubby's family!!

Lol i'm just looking at ideas at this point!

Don't worry, your symptoms are similar to mine so I'm sure everything is fine! Have you considered buying or renting a doppler? I'm so glad I did - it helped aleviate some of the stress of thinking something was wrong.

I have a doppler sigh and can find a good heartbeat also I have felt it move since 14 weeks. Some days are quiet some are not. I am just finding it impossible to relax this pregnancy and can't actually get my head round the fact that I will get a healthy baby at the end of this.

I am 39 so slightly higher risk. I have a 14 and a 16 year old, both are fine. This time around though I had 3 pregnancies since September 2011. First was miscarriage at 5 weeks 2nd was miscarriage at 7 weeks but scan showed it had stopped growing at 5 weeks. It took until I had my 12 week NT scan this time for me to believe that there was actually a live baby in there. I truly expected it to have died earlier again. I also was sure I would have a high downs % but was 1:2800 (great for my age!!).

Now I am struggling to believe that it is healthy and going to make it. I am either expecting to be told it has some severe disability at 20 week scan or that it will go on to be born with complications.

Oh my be honest I hadn't realised how much I am worrying until I wrote all this down. The few people that do know (close family and work colleagues who had to know) think its odd that I am not telling people yet and that I am still trying to cover the little bump. I just think I don't want anyone to know because it will be hard to tell them if something is wrong?

Am I crazy??? How can I get my mind set that I am having a baby girls?????:dohh:
God you girls are so organised!!! I haven't even bought one little thing yet! Not even a bib let alone planning nursery!! I'm so worried there will be bad news at my 20+ wk scan next week that I can't bring myself to buy anything!
Hardly anyone knows either. Including none of hubby's family!!

Lol i'm just looking at ideas at this point!

Don't worry, your symptoms are similar to mine so I'm sure everything is fine! Have you considered buying or renting a doppler? I'm so glad I did - it helped aleviate some of the stress of thinking something was wrong.

I have a doppler sigh and can find a good heartbeat also I have felt it move since 14 weeks. Some days are quiet some are not. I am just finding it impossible to relax this pregnancy and can't actually get my head round the fact that I will get a healthy baby at the end of this.

I am 39 so slightly higher risk. I have a 14 and a 16 year old, both are fine. This time around though I had 3 pregnancies since September 2011. First was miscarriage at 5 weeks 2nd was miscarriage at 7 weeks but scan showed it had stopped growing at 5 weeks. It took until I had my 12 week NT scan this time for me to believe that there was actually a live baby in there. I truly expected it to have died earlier again. I also was sure I would have a high downs % but was 1:2800 (great for my age!!).

Now I am struggling to believe that it is healthy and going to make it. I am either expecting to be told it has some severe disability at 20 week scan or that it will go on to be born with complications.

Oh my be honest I hadn't realised how much I am worrying until I wrote all this down. The few people that do know (close family and work colleagues who had to know) think its odd that I am not telling people yet and that I am still trying to cover the little bump. I just think I don't want anyone to know because it will be hard to tell them if something is wrong?

Am I crazy??? How can I get my mind set that I am having a baby girls?????:dohh:

:hugs: Oh you aren't crazy! This is my 1st and I spent so much time fearing/expecting something to go wrong... I still cry before every scan out of fear.

All signs look good for you and you're almost a Mango - yayy!

After we had our private gender scan, I decided that I don't want to spend anymore time worrying because I know I'll regret it later. There's no need to worry unless there's something to worry about! We went to a baby store after the scan for the first time and it made me feel so much more positive. Now I'm just overwhelmed at the amount of stuff we have to get...
Toothfairy I am totally with you. Constant worrying and I have barely any reason to at all. SOme days I feel some movement, others I do not. My bump is shrinking and I'm peeing a little less and overall I just feel non pregnant most days. I'm just so convinced that I have bad luck or that I somehow don't deserve to have a good pregnancy with a healthy baby as a result. It's so hard for me to relax and enjoy and we haven't bought anything for baby. DH just painted baby's room this weekend and I'm hoping I'll have the guts to buy the furniture if my scan goes well on the 20th.

I'm sure, like me, everything is probably fine with your baby and we are just worrying ourselves for no reason. I also hope that our scans will put our minds at ease and we can both start buying things and enjoying the remainder of our pregnancies. :hugs:
Toothfairy I am totally with you. Constant worrying and I have barely any reason to at all. SOme days I feel some movement, others I do not. My bump is shrinking and I'm peeing a little less and overall I just feel non pregnant most days. I'm just so convinced that I have bad luck or that I somehow don't deserve to have a good pregnancy with a healthy baby as a result. It's so hard for me to relax and enjoy and we haven't bought anything for baby. DH just painted baby's room this weekend and I'm hoping I'll have the guts to buy the furniture if my scan goes well on the 20th.

I'm sure, like me, everything is probably fine with your baby and we are just worrying ourselves for no reason. I also hope that our scans will put our minds at ease and we can both start buying things and enjoying the remainder of our pregnancies. :hugs:

My scan is also the 20th!! Hopefully we can celebrate and ten relax together!! X x x

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