Calling all Watermelon's

is having a bad day today- I just feel like we will never get anything done to her room. There is so much to be done and my husband is more worried about everything that he wants done. He literally took my car this morning so i couldnt go to town without him. I have been sitting at the house with nothing to do for 2 days. I only have 2 more days off and would really like something to be done. I am going stir crazy and what he went to do could have waited until sunday when i went back to work and he was by himself...UGH- MEN!!!
I think it will feel more real once the nursery items are up too. I mean, I know it's real but I think after a loss it just makes you nervous and scared to get really attached.

Our shower will be on Oct. 13 (it's a Saturday). I just ordered the cake (https:// think of it in blue though and cut off the bottom tier :)

That cake is adorable! Our shower will be on Oct 14th! My best friend is a chef and loves to fool around with pastries and baked goods. She actually made my wedding cake! She's away at school now so I don't know if she'll be able to make it to the shower let alone make the cake or anything. Kinda makes me upset thinking about it. :cry:
Aww ImSoTired don't cry. I feel the same way about my little sister b/c she goes away to school next month and I'm usually the one that runs back and forth to get her but I can't do that now. Her school is 4 hours away and I can be on the road like that by myself. If someone doesn't go and get her I'll be devastated

:hugs: hopeful. I hope DH stops being selfish and lets you do what you want to do. Uggh, that would make things much easier and the world such a better place. I think men should suck it up and do whatever we want while we are pregnant :)

My DH (well, maybe not so dear) and I got into a huge argument this morning before he left for work and he packed some things to stay the night out. Mind you he has no friends or family in the area so where the hell is he going to stay? I sent him a text and told him to make sure wherever he planned on sleeping tonight better be good cause he's staying their permanently. We said some nasty things about separation and he said, why not just get a divorce. I told him we can't, the law doesn't allow for a straight on divorce when minor children are involved. He said well, he don't have to sign the acknowledgement of paternity!! Needless to say my day has started rather shitty and I just want to get through work so I can go home and cry my eyes out. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Aww ImSoTired don't cry. I feel the same way about my little sister b/c she goes away to school next month and I'm usually the one that runs back and forth to get her but I can't do that now. Her school is 4 hours away and I can be on the road like that by myself. If someone doesn't go and get her I'll be devastated

:hugs: hopeful. I hope DH stops being selfish and lets you do what you want to do. Uggh, that would make things much easier and the world such a better place. I think men should suck it up and do whatever we want while we are pregnant :)

My DH (well, maybe not so dear) and I got into a huge argument this morning before he left for work and he packed some things to stay the night out. Mind you he has no friends or family in the area so where the hell is he going to stay? I sent him a text and told him to make sure wherever he planned on sleeping tonight better be good cause he's staying their permanently. We said some nasty things about separation and he said, why not just get a divorce. I told him we can't, the law doesn't allow for a straight on divorce when minor children are involved. He said well, he don't have to sign the acknowledgement of paternity!! Needless to say my day has started rather shitty and I just want to get through work so I can go home and cry my eyes out. :cry: :cry: :cry:

:saywhat: I'm so sorry Blu! I'm angry at him for speaking to his pregnant wife like that! :grr: I'd smack him if I knew him! Hopefully he comes home tonight with a sincere apology! Sorry you have to deal with that!:hugs:
I think we're in the same boat then. Im going to stay at my best friends house tonight. She'll make me feel better. Ive been crying all day already. It doesnt help being emotional and pregnant right now. I honestly dont know what to do anymore. I dont want to get a divorce, but i dont want my little girl constantly hearing her parents fight either. It doesnt help that DH didnt get paid this week, because his boss is broke...Bills are behind, im getting calls from lendors constantly and my paycheck cant cover everything... I just dont know what to do...

On another note- i have been putting off cutting my hair because the DH likes it long- well on monday its getting cut...I think im going to go pamper myself for a little while.
Congrats to all of you who had recent scans! Feels like I haven't been on in a while (although I'm sure it was only Monday!)

Nicki - Your scan pic is gorgeous and I'm soo very glad things are looking better. Your baby stash is sooooo cute! I still haven't bought any baby clothes or anything and you're starting to give me the incentive!

Blu- I'm so sorry you're having a horrible time with DH. I hope it's all heat of the moment talk and that he comes back with a very sincere apology xxx

As for me, I've just seen baby kick! For some reason, bubba is going crazy in there and I'm actually seeing them on the outside!!!
Thanks ImSoTired. I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time reading your response :hugs:. I couldn't believe what he said. I just hung up on him and didn't answer the two times he called after that.

Hopeful, you are right pregnant and emotional doesn't mix. Wishing for the best for you you. :hugs: And sure, chop your hair off if you want. I'm contemplating booking a spa day for myself tomorrow - prenatal massage, mani and pedicure.

Thanks Babyforme83!
hopeful my thoughts are with you too hun. I really hope things get better :flower: Definitely go and pamper - we need to be as happy as we possibly can through our pregnancies xxx
Hopeful & Blu - sorry you both are going through this! Men can be buttheads sometimes. I hope things get better for you both very soon!

As I try to do our nursery on a budget, I'll post any deals I find here! I bought these cute pink knobs from Pier 1 yesterday, on clearance for $0.98 each! Going to put them on the dresser!
Hopeful & Blu - sorry you both are going through this! Men can be buttheads sometimes. I hope things get better for you both very soon!

As I try to do our nursery on a budget, I'll post any deals I find here! I bought these cute pink knobs from Pier 1 yesterday, on clearance for $0.98 each! Going to put them on the dresser!

I really like that idea! I don't like the knobs that come with the dresser I bought for baby and was planning on doing something like that. Because the set only comes with one dresser I will most likely eventually buy her a second one when she gets older and needs more space for things. I purposely chose dark cherry because I figured it'd be easiest to match. Hoping that I can get some to match that dresser when I get it.
My DH has decided to quit being a jackass! It took long enough! Im going shopping with my mom today and to do a baby registry! So excited. Hope everyone is doing great!

Blu- i feel your pain, but hang in there! Hopefully your DH will come to his senses soon and if not just knock some sense into him.
Has anyone else had any heart palputations? I had a few episodes around 10/12 weeks and then once abiut 2 weeks ago and then yesterday it was the worst. My heart was popping so hard I could hardly catch my breath. I have heard it is common in pregnancy and I've had them before pregnancy as well just once in a blue moon. It's really getting irritating and I hope it doesn't happen anymore. I also hope it's not hurting baby at all. She's not too active this morning and I've only felt a twitch or two. I really wish I could feel her more often.:cry:

DH and I are going to get the furniture today as he was too tired yesterday after work and it was raining. I don't know if I'll be able to get him to set it up today or not. I doubt it. But regardless it'll be here and he'll set it up one of these weekends. There is so much to do! Weekends aren't long enough....
Imtotired- i get heart palputations all the time.. with my first i had them so bad i thought my heart was goi ng to come out of my chest.. once i had my son they stopped :). It gets scary and is very annoying!

I just noticed my size ticker is still papaya.. it was that at 22 weeks anyone know if ur still a papaya at 23 weeks too or has my ticker just not changed yet?
anyone else had their classes sorted?

I recently got my Hypnobabies home study course in the mail which was exciting! I'm mostly focusing on listening to the Joyful Birth affirmations since it's still pretty early for me, and I don't want to burn out with the classes before we're closer to our guesstimated due date!
When will you be contacting a pediatrician or family doctor for baby?

This is a very good question and reminds me that I need to start asking around town for a good doctor to go to once our little one is here. Is this something that people need to figure out early, or is it something that can wait a little longer?

I'm also panicking thinking about the cost of childcare services. When will you start looking for sitters or daycare?

I'm still undecided about whether I'll stay home or go back to work, but I do have myself on the waiting list for two really good daycares in the area. I got on those lists about a month ago because everyone I talked to had me paranoid that if we didn't start early and get on a list, we wouldn't have a care provider! I am leaning very far to the 'SAHM' side, but it feels good knowing that we have a plan for either way.

Is anyone else wearing their maternity clothes? I am absolutely huge! Nothing fits but the maternity stuff and it's sooo expensive! I went for my scan on Friday and they weighed me. Turns out I have gained 12 lbs so far! Hopefully I don't gain more than 12 more. :wacko:

I finally broke down and bought some maternity pants yesterday. I'm 21 weeks and had been getting by with all my pants unbuttoned and only a belly band to keep them on my butt. But it was just getting more and more uncomfortable -- everything just felt too tight. I'm not really buying maternity sizes in tops or anything though -- it's easier just to find cute things that I'd normally wear, only in one size up. I did go through my closet yesterday and put away all the clothes that I can't wear anymore in storage bins. I was getting so tired of rushing to find things to wear in the morning for work, and trying on different things only to find that what fit last week doesn't fit now. My side of the closets looks very bare, but at least I know exactly what fits now!

I can't get my mood together. I'm a mix between sad and blah and can't figure it out. I don't think anyone notices it b/c I turn "on" whenever someone comes around but I'm just not with it lately. IDK what's wrong.

Thank goodness. It's not just me. I had a really bad few days about a week ago where I just felt so down and depressed. Nothing cheered me up and I started making mountains of all these tiny molehills in my life and getting worked up and stressed. I haven't had any mood swings I don't think, but one day I found myself just crying by myself uncontrollably (luckily DH wasn't home to see me being hysterical) -- maybe it's the pregnancy hormones, maybe it's just everyday changes in mood that anyone would go through. But it was rough, so I commiserate with you and I hope you start feeling better really soon.

Has anyone started talking to their bump? I feel really silly :S Maybe I need to read a book allowed instead so it can get used to my voice. I work at home so i only really speak to people when their on the phone or when my hubby comes home etc.

I try to talk to the baby, but sometimes it feels so weird! My mom encouraged me to read to the baby and I did that one time, but it just felt bizarre. I do talk to the baby every now and then -- usually when he or she is really active and I can feel him or her dancing on my full bladder! -- but for the most part I don't try to force it too much.
Hey Blu & Hopeful. How are things now? Hope things are working out! Not good for your baby to get too upset. Pot calling kettle black I think here, as I was a mess when we found out about the abnormalities 10 days ago and my OH decided to go for a drink after work and stay longer than we had agreed on.

Bump is well and truely here. Every day I seem to get bigger, STILL no weight gain. Got my dogs agility course out of storage this weekend so I can stand still and make them do all the work! haha.

Having my little sister come and live us with for a bit this week as she is suffering with an eating disorder. Its come to that point where its make or break- she needs to eat or will end up hospitalised soon. Stressful! But once the nursery is set up I wont be able to help as much as doing what i can now. Plus I live 30 mins away from my family so her friends wont be around which I also thinks she needs.

Anyone getting rib pain? I slouch naturally anyway but my god- the pain if i touch my rib cage is unbearable for those 5 seconds.

My appt for MRI results has come and it also mentions a repeat detailed scan. Woohoo, i get to see my LO again :) and that also means I wont have to wait 2 weeks after the results to see if the dialation has come down/increase a bit which is great.

15 weeks left at work and 18 til baby makes an arrival (in theory).... woohoo! xx
Hi girls! I hope you've all had a good weekend! Dh set up baby's furniture but we still need to rearrange the room and buy the mattress etc. I have chosen a bedding set as well- so excited!

My heart palputations have stopped, hopefully for good! I think they scared the baby or something because she wasn't very active while they were going on and I was worried about not feeling her. She did gie me a couple good kicks last night and a few this morning so I guess she's ok. I just wish I could feel more. My mom said I wasn't a ery active baby either. I was sort of laid back and didn't even cry at birth, lol. Perhaps she will be laid back as well? My mom said she doesn't know whether or not she had an anterior placenta as they never told her.

I hope you are all doing well!
Hi ladies,

Cute bedding set ImSoTired. Glad the heart palpitations have stopped.

Hey LemonTea. Long time no hear from. Glad to hear all is well with your and your little one

Hey hopeful glad to hear your OH has stopped being a jerk. I hope you had fun shopping this weekend

Thanks for checkin Nicki but no good news over here. You are so great for helping your little sister out. That's such a great character trait you have. GL on the MRI, the good news is that you get another scan. Yaye! And yes, I know what you mean about getting bigger every day.

Baby was kicking extra hard this weekend. I think he can tell when I'm upset. It makes me feel bad b/c I feel like I'm affecting him. At the same time it makes me smile to know he's ok b/c he's kicking like mad :) No luck on the DH front. He hasn't been home since Friday...needless to say this is the beginning of the end. I should be more upset but I'm not because my focus is the darling little boy that's growing bigger inside me every day. My priorities are in place :)
Imsotired - I registered for the same set! :) I also get the palputations, sometimes so hard that you can see my whole body move and if I open my mouth there's a slight clicking noise. Its probably because our circulation has increased.

I had an alright weekend. Our neighbor's dog passed away last week and my dog has been sitting by the window staring/sighing and waiting for her to come outside... They usually watch each other through the window and give a "hello" bark when one comes outside... so sad :( The wedding shoot went well but a drunk groomsman JUMPED on my foot during the reception and it's been swollen/purple since Sat night. He knew I was pregnant and barely apologized. I also realized I don't have the patience right now to deal with drunk bridesmaids so thank god that this was my last one as a "preggytographer"!

Last night, my stomach growled and a few seconds later I got the hardest kick I've felt so far. It made me jump... she must not like the growling noise!

Oh one more thing. I have to RAVE about Oxiclean powder. I've never used it before and my sister gave me a bunch of clothes from her little girl, some of which were stained. I soaked them in a bucket of water/Oxiclean for a day and then rewashed them will All free & clear and it got EVERYTHING out!!! I'm amazed.
Love your bedding set- and you have a different range on toysrus than the UK. Which made me think of Noahs Ark... which led me to this....!__noahs-ark

I WANT IT! Its £70 though, I know thats the going rate pretty much but a cot bed set but I was hoping for a bargain. Grrrr.... It will be my one thing I will have paid full price for. What do you think? I know Noahs Ark isnt in the jungle but I could get away right one image of the ark..... right???

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