Calling all Watermelon's

Blu_ all I can do is send:hugs: So sorry you are going through this but you sound very strong. Keep it up.

Sigh that is so funny that you chose the same one! It's adorable isn't it? I love it.

Nicki I think that that set looks like safari/jungle. I can't see the ark on it anywhere! It's very cute by the way!
Aloha girlies,

Popping in again. Had an iffy week, mega emotional spikes that leave me flat out exhausted, being short tempered with everyone, the works. Went for an antenatal appt at my docs today, he reckons I have Sacroiliitis rather than SPD, I got two cortisone jabs and sent on my merry way.

Saw the troll again, he's much less of a baby shaped lump on the screen and far more of a teeny gnome sized skeleton on speed - constantly moving, even if I can't feel it all the time. I reckon I must get about 10% of his movements through as those funny feelings or kicks, damn you AP.

And it seems the weight gain has started... I was 96kg pre-preg, lost 7kg in 1st tri... and today I weighed in at 99kg. I would like to keep the gain minimal as I know if I get close to my previous heaviest weight (115kg) I will get problems with my knees that require Diclofenac (which I can't take whilst pregnant) and my walking stick...
Blu - so sorry to hear what's going on at home :hugs: but I'm glad you're being strong and keeping it together, as you say, you have a bigger priority now :)

Nothing new to report with me... things seem to be slowing down a bit. 1st tri flew by and everything up until my 20 week scan did too, but now I don't have any more scans or anything to look forward to for a while (except my GTT later on in August, but that's not something to be excited about :haha:) the pregnancy seems to be going in slow-mo!
Lolly I feel like it's dragging now too. It's like I hit a climax at 20 weeks and now it's like......ummm, ok, what next?
So sorry Blu! Stay strong! :hugs:

So the pregnancy brain has officially kicked in. I totally forgot my dads birthday on Saturday- now i feel horrible because i went shopping for baby stuff instead of going to see him. :cry: Plus work yesterday was horrible- my brain wouldnt work right. On the up side i got my hair cut this morning and absolutely love it. I will try to remember to post pictures later.:winkwink:
I know what you all mean about dragging now. We found out we're having a boy, and he kicks all the time now which is about the only exciting thing going on for me at the moment. My ms is pretty much gone away and it just kind of feels like a waiting game now. I think we may have even settled on a name so that part is over. Plus, we are going home to bring a bunch of baby items back from my parents' and sister's house so we aren't buying anything until we see what else we need after that and our baby shower. It almost feels like all the exciting stuff has either happened or is a long way off (birth). I guess we still need to sign up for our birthing class but we don't have the money for that yet so hoping we do before it's too late since it's a twelve week course. So basically, nothing much going on here and can't even begin decorating the nursery since we live in a one bedroom apartment and won't be moving into two bedroom for another couple of months. So, I'm trying to read up on childbirth and that's about it. Here's to a speedy second half for all of us!
I'm afraid to say that I found 3rd tri with DD the LONGEST trimester out of them all, and I fear it's going to be the same this time too! Actually, it's started early! There's just nothing now until baby arrives!
I hear you ladies in time crawling after 20 weeks. The last 3 weeks have seemed like months.. And the first 5 months flew.. Or that I mind that time has slowed down it gives me time to get ready for baby and enjoy all the new things my son is learning everyday..

Anyone else getting kicks really really low down. Like at the top of ur underwear line? When I had my gender scan the ultrasound lady commented I how low he was but I wasn't expecting him to Be as how as he seems to be.
I hear you ladies in time crawling after 20 weeks. The last 3 weeks have seemed like months.. And the first 5 months flew.. Or that I mind that time has slowed down it gives me time to get ready for baby and enjoy all the new things my son is learning everyday..

Anyone else getting kicks really really low down. Like at the top of ur underwear line? When I had my gender scan the ultrasound lady commented I how low he was but I wasn't expecting him to Be as how as he seems to be.

Yes, my baby is kicking really low a lot of the time too! My ultrasound tech said he had his pushing downward. At first, a few weeks ago, I felt the kicks higher up but they were very tiny kicks, like bubbles in my stomach or muscle twitches. Now they are obvious an I can even see it from the outside! :) It's fun isn't it? I love being able to feel him all day long and be reassured that he is doing well.
My OH reminded me while I was complaining about my ribs hurting and finding it difficult to attend to my lady garden that I wanted a baby lol. Thanks babe! :haha:

Im still have lots of appointments booked in so im couting down to them but I can imagine in 2 weeks time Ill be feeling the drag.

Ive nearly got everything I will ever possibily need with the expection of a cot bed as Im still unsure if were having my MILs old one. Obviously we will need a matress but dont want to buy one yet incase we can get a better deal where the matress comes with the cot if we have to end up buying one.

Going to look at laminate flooring after the MRI today. Living room has got to be done before baby comes. I have a german shepherd and he malts far to much to keep on top of in spring/summer with a baby aswell.

Hope everyone is well. :) xx
Nicki my OH says the exact same thing! Charming dears aren't they!? :haha:

Hope everything goes well today x
Good Morning ladies!

I'm 22 weeks today. Happy Papaya day, whoot! whoot!

DH came home yesterday after being gone all weekend. He was at his sisters house (I know because I talked with his niece). We did have it out once more and will most likely need to go to counseling but have decided to try and work things out for now. He apologized for the horrible things he said (especially about the paternity papers). I made it clear to him that this baby is my highest priority now.

After having it out I felt like my stomach muscles were drawing tight and had a cramp in my left side so I had to go and lay down. Little one kicked for most of the night before finally settling down around 11pm.

It was a rough day. I'm feeling better now. Thanks for all of your warm wishes :hugs:

GL on your MRI today Nicki!
Good luck with the MRI nicki.

Blu I hope you manage to work things out. You need some support and peace.

I am also 22 weeks today! How come we are papayas for so long??
Blu I hope you can work things out. Best of luck to you.

Nicki good luck with your MRI today.

I am also feeling kicks really low. I think she spends most of her time down there as only about once or twice a day do I feel a faint kick opther than down low. I just hope she's comfortable in there. I have an awful headache today. It's a sinus headache I'm sure. Yuck...

I also think that this pregnancy is DRAGGING! Although I will be seeing my OB once a month for now and even more later on, I will have a scan in 10 days and another at 32 weeks, and the birthing class and baby shower, so I still have plenty to look forward to and I just hope it all goes well. I'm sure I'll also be busy christmas shopping and whatnot.

I had my mom over today and she loved all of the baby stuff. She always thinks I'm a little nutty though, well I guess maybe I am. haha.

Hope everyone is doing well!
I think my head may split open today! My head has been pounding since i woke up today and wont go away no matter what i do. My blood pressure is fine so thats not it. LO has been active today. Tylenol is not helping. I have tried going back to sleep, massage, heat, cold, tylenol, eating, drinking, etc.... It has been storming here all day so maybe its just the weather.
Hopeful maybe you are having migraine? I started with them during my 1st pregnancy and have had them ever since. I usually take a beta blocker to stop them but can't now I'm pregnant again so am getting real bad ones again.

Hope it gets better soon xx
My MRI went ok yesterday- had a bit of a panic at the end but they got what they needed. Im taking part in a study so was in there 10 mins longer than a normal person.

Is anyone drinking LOADS of water?? Its driving me crazy. Drinks loads, so then im not as hungry so i feel sick. Then i wake up at all hours for a pee, where i need another drink again.

My hips are really starting to bother me. I was wake at 2 am, 4.15am, 6.30am when i decided Ill try sleeping on the sofa. Then I had the sweats and then i was freezing. Not a good way to start the day. :(
Glad your MRI went ok nicki and they got what they needed :flow:
I'm with you on the drinking thing, I am constantly backwards and forwards to the kitchen for a drink, OH goes mad in the night cos I'm up and down all night.
Oh no, doesn't sound good, hope you're feelin better soon x
Yep I am constantly drinking too (hence constantly peeing :haha:) annoying!

Can't believe it's 1st August today, where is this year going?!
Its crazy isnt it?? Time is just flying!

I had another chat with my line manager about Maternity. Ive said from the get go that i will definitely have the 9 month off.... so when looking for a replacement why is he thinking they will only be needed to summer? Er Im not back to September which in my books in late summer/autumn. hmmmmm....

I said said with all the stress ive been through I might go a week before I first stated which means Ill be off from the 9th November! Not long at all :happydance: 14 weeks, and I still have 4 days annual leave to take so need to book that off sometime soon :)

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