Calling all Watermelon's

Sending :hugs: Nicki! Hope you're feeling better soon and not in hospital too long x
Hey, nikki - hope you feel better soon and they get those pesky ketones back under control.

(Ketones are the chemicals responsible for making old people smell like boiled cabbage - your interesting little fact for the day)
This is my project for today - how cute are these?
Very cute sigh! They wouldn't work in our closet but I think that an open divided would work for ours. Like a 'c' shape.

Nicki I hope you feel better! You poor thing!

I was so tired yesterday I had to take a long nap in the evening. It just hit me around 6 pm and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Baby wasn't too active yesterday and so far today. It worries me so much but I'm hoping I'm just not at the point where her movements are always noticeable or she tends to be in a position I can't feel her behind my anterior placenta. I still feel some things but not always strong and not always often. I'm going to ask when I go for my follow up scan on Friday what position she's in. And I see my OB on Thurs when I'm sure we'll discuss the glucose test. I'm nervous but trying to be relaxed.

Has anyone else been craving foods that aren't good for you and feeling guilty about it? I didn't eat much vegetables yesterday and I'm feeling really guilty today. I just don't know what to do....

Hope you ladies are doing well.
This is my project for today - how cute are these?


They aren't just cute, they're awesome! I'm going to make some for me - "too small", "just right" and "too big" and then move the hangers around as needed!

Nicki feel better soon hun :hugs:

Sigh those are just adorable

ImSoTired I've had a resurgence of fatigue this week too.

Also my stomach feels light the muscles are tight some times and some kicks (if that's what that is) hurt.

Weirdly last night I had a dream that I went into labor (I was full term) and had twin girls :shrug: I am most definitely having a boy and there is only ONE in there.
Imsotired - It's weird that you mentioned being tired because it's hit me the last 2 days suddenly. I fell asleep during a conference call yesterday at work and have been so exhausted! I also am finding it harder to breathe... thinking its a combo of the extreme heat/humidity and the baby being higher (I felt a light kick/poke this morning that was about an inch and a half above my belly button!)

I have been feeling movement but it comes in spurts maybe twice a day (not constant). No need to worry if you aren't. My friend is 1 1/2 weeks behind me and she has yet to feel even a flutter but had her scan and everything is good. I guess pregnancy is different for everyone.

As for bad cravings... I realllly really want a tuna or chicken salad sandwich or some sushi but dr said they are all on the avoid list (unless I make the chicken salad fresh at home) :( blahhh
Hey, nikki - hope you feel better soon and they get those pesky ketones back under control.

(Ketones are the chemicals responsible for making old people smell like boiled cabbage - your interesting little fact for the day)

any body else getting kicked to bits?? Despite my anterior placenta, baby hasn't stopped kicking since about friday! They've mostly been about belly-button height or a little higher but this evening baby has decided to play football with my nether regions... :S lol
I'm not complaining! This is all very weird and wonderful :)
Sorry ladies to be a downer today, but im having a really bad day! Im sitting here crying my eyes out because im bored.:shrug: I know it sounds so stupid, but my mom, stepdad, and the nieces/nephew were at the beach, my friends were already busy, and even more friends went somewhere. Me, I get to sit at the house with nothing to do, but play on the internet or read books. I could clean my house, but im so tired of doing that. I clean the house every day that im off. My husband took my car to work today, so therefore i couldnt go anywhere, but it wouldnt have mattered because we dont have any money right now anyway! We've been playing catch up with the bills since i was out of work at the beginning of the year. We had actually decided to quit trying to get pregnant because 1)it wasnt working, and 2) we wanted to get a little ahead before bringing a baby into everything. Of course, that's when we find out that we're expecting. So im trying my damnest to keep us afloat with the bills, but it isnt working. We're two months behind on the house, a month behind on the car, phones, internet, credit cards, student loans and barely meet the cut off deadlines for the water or light bills. We dont even have the money to put gas in the cars this week. DH has hit a slow spot at work and for three weeks has been working with NO PAY! He has put in several applications elsewhere but nothing has come of any of them! I dont know how much longer i can do this. I feel like we will never catch up, never be able to do the home repairs that need doing, or even fix up the nursery. We're suppposed to take a family camping trip at the first of september and i dont think we're even gonna get to do that. I dont know how to tell the family we cant afford to go.

Sorry again ladies- im having a bad day and needed to say this to someone.
Hopeful: Hope you feel better. I know exactly how it feels to be down and hormonal. I had a bad night a little while ago. Cried my eyes out because I'm super hormonal and stressed that we are not making enough money. My husband works all the time and I just graduated school so haven't been able to find a job yet. I work very, very part time running my own business but things are slow and there's just not enough money coming in. It's stressful! I know how it is, trust me. Sometimes I feel bad that we decided to bring a baby into this situation but I have to remind myself that it will get better. Things will pick up, your husband will find a better job or start making some more money! You have stay positive and remember how much you love your baby. He/she won't care if you can't buy it everything you want. He/she will just want love and I'm sure you can give plenty of that. I'm trying to stay positive but sometimes you just have to break down and cry it out. As long as it's not everyday that you do that, it's probably healthy for you to let it out. Then, the next day is a fresh start and you can chin up and move on. Nothing else in the world will matter when we are holding our sweet little babies in our arms! :)
We are similar too, we live with oh's dad and had been saving up to move but knowing there there was no rush to move from here when we started ttc. 8 months after we started ttc we feel out with his dad so decided it would be best to wait a while for no.2. Sods law we feel pregnant straight after that. Not ideal as we are still stuck here which is awkward and finding it difficult to find our own place and we only have 4 months until baby arrives! Its not an ideall situation and I really want our own space before baby gets here.
any body else getting kicked to bits?? Despite my anterior placenta, baby hasn't stopped kicking since about friday! They've mostly been about belly-button height or a little higher but this evening baby has decided to play football with my nether regions... :S lol
I'm not complaining! This is all very weird and wonderful :)

Me too! Worse when I laugh, he obviously likes that and reacts, which makes me laugh even more! Also with all the cheering for the Olympics, he is getting rather excited too!

Hows everyone doing? I was out of hospital Friday afternooon, but been resting and spending lots of time with my sister.
Got the paint sorted for baby's room :) Just need to put it on the walls now :D
Why has the name of this thread changed to only papayas?
Because once you hit 22-25 weeks the fruit symbol is stays at papayas. Ive always done it a week before my due date, week of my due date, week after my due date.

It then changes to eggplant and stays that way for ages. Ill have to think up some other way to mesure me thinks!

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