Calling all Watermelon's

:hugs: imsotired! I agree with giving ye doctor a ring, they'd rather you ring them and nothing be wrong than sit at home worrying yourself over it :hugs:
I haven't called te doctor. I have felt baby move a little since but I think she has turned because the kicks aren't as strong or as close to the surface. I go to the OB tomorrow so I'm just hoping they find everything is ok. The whole shower thing is just making me that much more upset. I've been crying so much I feel like a little girl.And I'm probably missing a lot of movement because I'm preoccupied crying or stressing about the whole thing. As I'm typing I feel a few little pops a bit higher up. Maybe she is moving back up to where I can feel it better. Blu_ you are right about MIL, she thinks it's her shower! I realize that she is excited, and that is fine, but it is about the baby and all of the nonsense is just unnecessary. She wants her friends there and distant family members who I have never met. I didn't invite any of my mom's friends or my distant relatives, had I invited all of my relatives there would be like 100 people there! I'm just angry at her right now and I'm not happy. Surely I will not be enjoying this shower, but that's how I felt about my bridal shower as well, and that went well and I had my friends helping me. This time I am basically on my own even though my mom and mil are paying for it and technically 'hosting' it. And I hate all of the attention I will be getting as I am really quite shy irl. Also both my family and dh's tend to be critical and make comments so surely I'll find myself embarassed in front of a bunch of strangers...

I'm just totally disgusted and I'll never be having another shower again! I'm far from pleased with the whole thing!:growlmad::cry:
I agree hun that you may need to put your foot down now. I had to with my MIL about our wedding. So glad I did as it shown she a) couldnt push me around b) respect my boundaries c) respect me more as a person- i hope!

I had a bit of a cry at OH last night. My insecurities got the better of me and I still think its a valid point, but I can not go nearly 9 months with NO sex at all.... or any type of foreplay or anything. Its like he has suddenly forgotten we can do other things than what a penis is used for. :( which makes me think he just doesnt want to do anything else with me anymore because im getting bigger. Most the time I can laugh it off but it really got to me last night.
I agree hun that you may need to put your foot down now. I had to with my MIL about our wedding. So glad I did as it shown she a) couldnt push me around b) respect my boundaries c) respect me more as a person- i hope!

I had a bit of a cry at OH last night. My insecurities got the better of me and I still think its a valid point, but I can not go nearly 9 months with NO sex at all.... or any type of foreplay or anything. Its like he has suddenly forgotten we can do other things than what a penis is used for. :( which makes me think he just doesnt want to do anything else with me anymore because im getting bigger. Most the time I can laugh it off but it really got to me last night.

Nicki my hubby is exactly the same. He just sees me differently I guess although he won't admit it. To be honest it really hurts. Its not like I'm feeling rampant all the time, in fact I am pretty uncomfortable down there and can't see it being pleasant really BUT I miss the intimacy and the flirtation that is usually there. Since being pregnant it has all stopped. I get all insecure and it causes arguments!
I haven't called te doctor. I have felt baby move a little since but I think she has turned because the kicks aren't as strong or as close to the surface. I go to the OB tomorrow so I'm just hoping they find everything is ok. The whole shower thing is just making me that much more upset. I've been crying so much I feel like a little girl.And I'm probably missing a lot of movement because I'm preoccupied crying or stressing about the whole thing. As I'm typing I feel a few little pops a bit higher up. Maybe she is moving back up to where I can feel it better. Blu_ you are right about MIL, she thinks it's her shower! I realize that she is excited, and that is fine, but it is about the baby and all of the nonsense is just unnecessary. She wants her friends there and distant family members who I have never met. I didn't invite any of my mom's friends or my distant relatives, had I invited all of my relatives there would be like 100 people there! I'm just angry at her right now and I'm not happy. Surely I will not be enjoying this shower, but that's how I felt about my bridal shower as well, and that went well and I had my friends helping me. This time I am basically on my own even though my mom and mil are paying for it and technically 'hosting' it. And I hate all of the attention I will be getting as I am really quite shy irl. Also both my family and dh's tend to be critical and make comments so surely I'll find myself embarassed in front of a bunch of strangers...

I'm just totally disgusted and I'll never be having another shower again! I'm far from pleased with the whole thing!:growlmad::cry:

Ugh - MILS! The small silver lining is... more people = more presents for your little girl? Glad you're feeling more movement. Just take a deep breath and try to relax hun :hugs:

I've been having panic attack like symptoms on and off since yesterday. I'm not stressed about anything at the moment so I have no idea why. I almost passed out at a Target his morning... Anyone else feeling lightheaded or have a racing pulse/shortness of breath?
I agree hun that you may need to put your foot down now. I had to with my MIL about our wedding. So glad I did as it shown she a) couldnt push me around b) respect my boundaries c) respect me more as a person- i hope!

I had a bit of a cry at OH last night. My insecurities got the better of me and I still think its a valid point, but I can not go nearly 9 months with NO sex at all.... or any type of foreplay or anything. Its like he has suddenly forgotten we can do other things than what a penis is used for. :( which makes me think he just doesnt want to do anything else with me anymore because im getting bigger. Most the time I can laugh it off but it really got to me last night.

So sorry you are feeling this way. Maybe it's just the fact that there is a baby in there and not that you are getting bigger? DH and I don't bd as much as we were before pregnancy but I know it's because he is uncomfortable about hurting me and not about my size.Also I've not been feeling much like having that much sex anyways and he doesn't push it. I've been fatter than this before and I thought surely when DH and I hadn't had sex it was because I was too fat but we had other issues at the time that we needed to work out and when we did we had tons of sex. I hope that you and your OH can get it all worked out and don't feel bad, I'm sure you are still very attractive and the weight you've put on is all baby.
Sigh I usually get along really great with MIL. At least since we got married, before that was a little shakey. But she is just so overly excited that she is making this into a much bigger, crazier thing than I wanted. It was so much easier planning my bridal shower with my bridesmaids because they knew it was about ME and helped a lot. In this case it's about everyone else yet I'm doing all of the work! I can't wait until it's over! And yeah I hope it means more gifts for baby but it also means more planning for me, not to mention extra thank you notes to write:dohh:.

I have not been having panic attack symptoms but I do occasionally get a bit dizzy and my heart always races. It raced when I wasn't pregnant also it's always been quite a fast heartbeat around 90 as a resting average. I have however been having depression like symptoms again but I'm hoping it's just the stress because I do not want to feel like that ever again! Perhaps you are lacking something in your diet or something that is making you feel that way? Just be careful and be sure to mention it to the doctor but I think you'll be fine.
I too have had a return of my depression. I think it's because I don't have a job right now, I am super lonely sitting at home all day while my husband goes to work. It sounds funny but I'd kill to go to work and get some daily human interaction. I don't have many friends but mostly I don't have any money to go do things with the friends I do have so I'm getting cabin fever! I want to go out to lunch, go shopping, to the movies, enjoy my free time but I'm stuck here at home doing practically nothing! It's too hot outside still for me to go shooting too. I'm scared my depression is coming back and it's not good for the baby. It's also causing arguments w/ me and dh because I'm feeling so down and I get mad about the stupidest things.

Did you have depression before your pregnancy Imsotired?
I too have had a return of my depression. I think it's because I don't have a job right now, I am super lonely sitting at home all day while my husband goes to work. It sounds funny but I'd kill to go to work and get some daily human interaction. I don't have many friends but mostly I don't have any money to go do things with the friends I do have so I'm getting cabin fever! I want to go out to lunch, go shopping, to the movies, enjoy my free time but I'm stuck here at home doing practically nothing! It's too hot outside still for me to go shooting too. I'm scared my depression is coming back and it's not good for the baby. It's also causing arguments w/ me and dh because I'm feeling so down and I get mad about the stupidest things.

Did you have depression before your pregnancy Imsotired?

I did. I've had depression/anxiety since 2006 or early 2007. It got really bad at one point and I would just cry at work and think really terrible thoughts. I eventually went to the doctor and got medicated. It helped a lot after a while but in the beginning it was just terrible even with the meds. I went off of all my meds in May of 2011 to try and ttc. I left my job not long before and I decided that would be the best time to try and wean off of it. I had some really difficult times especially dealing with withdrawl, not having a job, coming off of bc, and having a rough time ttc. In Dec of last year I began dieting and exercising and it really helped me a lot. In March I fell pregnant and I've been pretty good ever since until recently. The stress just seems to be getting to me and I can recognize some feelings that I used to have. Not extreme like they once were but they're there and it's scary. I can definately relate with the whole not having a job thing. I felt the same way when I left my job but to be honest it wasn't a good place to work and DH wanted me to relax a bit thinking the worst of my anxiety was from work. But just sitting at home made me feel bad and useless and lonely. The exercise and reading really helped. However now I'm not exercising because of the pregnancy and I get restless and anxious really easily. I'm hoping it doesn't turn into anything and I can work myself through it.I'm also worried about what it'll do to the baby. You can talk to me about it whenever because I have been through a lot in the last few years and I will totally understand where you are coming from. I hope we both feel better soon!:hugs:
Morning ladies,

I really hope you're all feeling better today GROUP HUG!!:hugs:

Happy 27th week Imsotired! We're officially 3rd Tri girls now right??

I'm really crap when it comes to talking about things I've had no experience of and I don't want to offer any stupid or patronising advice so I just want you to know I'm thinking of you guys and I really hope you feel better soon:flower:
Had my 28 week appointment yesterday and bump is only measuring 24 weeks :( got a scan on Wednesday to see what's going on! Can't wait to see baby again but so nervous about what's going to be said. Other than the size everythin seems fine, perfect heartbeat and lots of movement so I'm hoping it's just the way baby was laid that made bump small. My first LO was quite large at 8lbs 15oz so definately wasn't expecting any worry due to a small baby.

Hope you all have a lovely day :flow:
Aww thanks Babyforme. I'm so glad to have the support of you ladies here! It has definitely helped me throughout this pregnancy. To know I'm not alone, be able to ask about weird symptoms or just vent. You all are such good listeners. :)

Sorry to hear about your appt. JessdueJan. It's probably nothing to worry about, maybe the baby was just laying in a way that didn't make your bump as big like you said. Was it your fundal height that they were measuring to be 24 weeks?
Hi Jess, I know easier said then done, but try not to worry. It's most likely nothing serious, perhaps you are correct in your assumption about baby position. It's great that everything else was fine. :hugs:

I'm just waiting for my next appointment a week from today. I'll be 28w2d and that starts the point where my appointments are every two weeks! I wonder if lo has changed positions and is head down b/c my kicks at the top are way harder than the ones at the bottom. I know they said at my 20 week scan that he was breech - hopefully he's turned. If he hasn't he still has plenty of time.
Jess - :hugs: FX-ed for you but I'm sure everything is fine. Your LO is so cute - giving you reassuring wiggles :)
Jess my midwife said it can be hard to measure fundal height properly. Everyone holds the tape in a different way and finds different points to measure from and to. Maybe it is this? Hope all is well. I have another check on tuesday at 28 weeks but have 4d scan on saturday. I am worried my little one might be on the small side too as everyone tells me they can hardly tell I am pregnant. Good luck to you
So i had a little freak out today- i realized that in less than a week i will be in the third trimester....Im OCD, extremely organized and have a list for everything- except anything to do with this baby...I havent made a list of stuff i need for the hospital bag, diaper bag, the only thing we have done for the room is to put together the crib- no painting/decorating even attempted yet. Maternity leave not discussed with my bosses, nothing set up for that timing. Baby showers are in the works, but i havent finished the guest lists for either, etc... OMG- freakout time....

I can see that the next week or two is going to be hectic as i try to make myself feel a little better. I realized that i dont even have a clue as to what to put in the hospital bag.

Anybody else feel this way???
Babyforme congrats we are in the 3rd tri!

hopeful it''ll all be ok. Try not and worry about it you'll get your stuff together.

Jessduejan I'm sure everything is ok. It's diffficult to measure by the outside because everyone is a different size!

As for me, baby made up for her quiet days by being VERY active yesterday and pretty active today. I'm really nervous about next week when the doctor suggested I start counting movements. So nervous that I'll be visiting the hospital often because of baby's laziness.All I can do is hope that she gets active and stays active until delivery! I had my OB appt today and everything was well. I only gained 1 lb (which totally makes up for my 8 lb weight gain last month!), my bp was great, and I measure fine, and I passed my gtt! They had a hard time finding baby's heartbeat because she was wiggling but they finally found it and it was fine. My next OB appt is in 3 weeks instead of 4 and then it'll be 2 weeks after that until 36 weeks and then it'll be once weekly until I deliver! Can't wait until baby is here!

I got a ton done for the shower today!The only thing we need is the balloons, the catering, and the cake! Stuff you can't get too soon anyway. At least I'll be done with it all! So happy I got it done! I'm going to start Christmas shopping soon to get that over with as well and then all I will have to focus on is me and baby!

Hope everyone is doing well!
Rather stressed out at work today- so much to do!

So I had my maternity leave letter which states my pay- I wont be getting a package. I honestly thought they might put something together for me as it had taken so long to get their act together and then I read the letter again this morning and its not even legal what they wrote! Im sure its just a mix up of dates but you would think they would get it right.

In the UK you get 6 weeks at 90% of your wage. They wanted to pay me that from the 26 Nov- 10th dec.... 2 weeks! Its bad enough im not getting a package never mind the 4 weeks im entitled too! Honestly im sure its human error but still annoying at the HR person isnt at work today so it wont get sorted til Monday at the earliest :S
Nicki that is annoying and you are right in the UK you are entitled to 6 weeks at 90% pay. Then the SMP after that if they don't offer you a package. I won't get anything more than that either. No package for me either :-(

Hope you are all well! I have my 4D scan tomorrow. I am a bit nervous really. Always a worry that they will find something.
I didn't get a package when I went on m/l with my son but that worked out much better for us as it ment I didn't have to go back to work after.

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