Calling all Watermelon's

I just put my rings on for the first time in a week and its too tight! nooooooooooooooo lol. I was hoping it would fit throughout.

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that but maybe it's just a bit of swelling or bloating and they'll fit better tomorrow. My rings are still fitting fine, but just like when I bloat on and off during the day they get a bit tighter than usual from time to time. I'm hoping that they don't bloat or swell so much that they don't fit because I'd be devistated being the emotional wreck that I am most days. I do notice a bit of swelling in my feet and ankles more often than my hands so far and not at all badly...yet. Fx'd they don't begin swelling badly.

My childbirthing class is on Sat! I'm anxious and excited about it. Anyone else taking a class?
Has it gone off at all for you since you started having it? Really hope it doesnt stay until baby arrives.
It's been kind if off and on for a few days. I went to midwife on Tuesday and she said baby is head down. I think maybe his head is in and out of pelvis? Is that what it feels like for you?
Yep I think mine does have its head right down, I just tried sitting up and it feels like I'm sitting on baby.
at least his head is down.... our LO is breech at the moment and if he doesnt turn in the next 3-4 weeks then I have to have a C-section :S
Hope he turns for you soon!
Mine must have moved of a teeny bit overnight as I am just feeling pressure now rather than it being painful.
Ditto hun. I really hope he does too. I have a 3 storey house and two dogs which love to be affectionate. No idea what Ill do if i have to have a c-section. Babies nursery is all on the top floor along with ours... but the kitchen is on the bottom and the living room is in the middle. Nightmare logistically if i want to avoid unneccessary stairs :S
I still don't think my baby is in a head down position at all times. I think she can still move around and like you Nicki, I hope she settles head down soon so I can avoid a c section. I'm definately open to do whatever is necessary but I'd rather not be cut if I had a choice obviously.

Is anyone else really hungry lately? I feel starving just moments after eating! I wonder if maybe baby is growing again and that is why I've been so hungry? I've also been kinda gassy (tmi, sry), tired, and mildly crampy. I just hope everything is going well in there :shrug:

Childbirth class tomorrow! Both curious and nervous!

Hope everyone is well!
I'm not sure if mine might have moved again anyway as I am feeling movements on opposite side now! hard is it getting to do ANYTHING!!!!??? I just had a bath after trying to waddle around supermarket. I though I was going to get stuck! I think my bath days are numbered! Tried to shave my legs etc too. Have ended up all cut!! Then the effort to get dried!!!!???? How are you all coping?
I just put my rings on for the first time in a week and its too tight! nooooooooooooooo lol. I was hoping it would fit throughout.

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that but maybe it's just a bit of swelling or bloating and they'll fit better tomorrow. My rings are still fitting fine, but just like when I bloat on and off during the day they get a bit tighter than usual from time to time. I'm hoping that they don't bloat or swell so much that they don't fit because I'd be devistated being the emotional wreck that I am most days. I do notice a bit of swelling in my feet and ankles more often than my hands so far and not at all badly...yet. Fx'd they don't begin swelling badly.

My childbirthing class is on Sat! I'm anxious and excited about it. Anyone else taking a class?

I just took off my wedding ring and put on a bigger band. My ring was soooo tight I was afraid it would be stuck so I had to use water to slip it off and decided I probably won't be putting it back on until after the baby arrives and the swelling is completely gone. It makes me kind of sad but at least I happened to have a bigger ring that actually looks like a wedding band. My grandma gave it to me when she passed.

We had our first lamaze class last week. It was long and dh was falling asleep because he was exhausted from working all day. So, I don't know how much information he absorbed. Most of the info I knew already from reading up a lot. It's definitely making things seem more real and fast approaching though!
We have an all day childbirth class on Saturday 10/13. This weekend is the other baby shower. 67 people are attending and only 3 have purchased from my registry (2 of whom aren't coming). lol I think i'll be getting a lot of random pink things I don't need.

So here's a story for all you US girls. I have good health insurance (blue cross) and was admitted to the ER in July because of cramping per my OB. The hospital was an IN NETWORK hospital. I paid my $150 ER copay but kept receiving more bills. I finally called today and found out that even though the hospital was in network, the dr who treated me IN THAT HOSPITAL ER was out of network. At no time during admisions, during or after was I notified of this. This is illegal in some states like Illinois, but not in PA. Since the dr bills separately from the hospital, I have to pay the remainder after discount which comes out to an additional $300 and this does not go towards any deductable or out of pocket count. Lesson learned- CALL THE HOSPITAL YOU PLAN TO DELIVER IN!!!! I'm going to call to find out exactly who I will be dealing with (ie anesthesologist etc) and make sure they are ALL in network! so I don't get screwed again. Rant over :)
Sigh I have heard of that happening and I'm sorry that happened to you! I miss my blue cross ins because my family doctor doesn't accept my new ins. I now have geisinger ins. (not that I particularly like it as like any ins it's a pain in the a$$) and I will be delivering in a geisinger hospital so everyone will be working there:thumbup:. My Ob/gyn has only recently began working with geisinger and geisinger ins so I got lucky. I do however have to pay a co-pay, and I then get billed for the rest later then send in my explanation of benefits when they arrive and ins pays me.:dohh: I have no idea why they don't just cover what they say they'll cover in the first place.I think it's a trick to get people to pay their own bills even though they are supposed to cover it. I'm sure that when I'm in labor my biggest fear will be the bill, lol (probably not really) because I am cheap! I will be asking lots of questions afterward regarding the price and the bills and ins, etc. It's one of my biggest worries at the moment.:wacko:

oh and also (PS) Our all day class is tomorrow and my shower is next weekend! I can't believe only 3 peple bought stuff off of your registry! I checked mine the other day and most of the stuff has been purchased. I am so grateful for that...maybe you'll get a bunch of gift cards or money and you can go and buy your own stuff. Or you can always try and return what you don't need!
That same thing happened to my husband once. I was really, really confused about it. We received an additional bill and found out after hours on the phone that the bill was coming from the doctor himself. It's total bull!
My cousin just told me this happened to her during delivery. The anesthesiologist who administered her epidural was "Out of Network" and cost her a crap load. I'm going to call the hospital and make sure they are all in network... this is crazy and so wrong!
So, my husband and I had our friends over for dinner last night and they brought their 5 month old baby with them. We had a good time hanging out but I'm peeved at how they kept talking about how hard and tiring having a baby is. Especially the dad. All he says about his baby is how she cries all the time, how he doesn't sleep, we should enjoy our quiet time while it lasts, etc. and he's always saying this to my husband who hasn't been around babies much. Every time we hang out, I start to stress out about how I'm going to handle it if my baby is really fussy, how I'll deal with the stress of being a new parent and getting no sleep. I'm starting to get really nervous! I know it's not all bad, otherwise we wouldn't be having a child, but I just hope my husband is still looking forward to it after hanging out with such a negative parent. Anyone else getting a lot of "warnings" from other people? As if I didn't know how hard parenting is going to be, I'm constantly reminded by this couple and even my other friends with kids.
Kelly..... Take no notice!! People love go complain about how hard their lives are compared to everyone else's!! The reality is..... Babies test your patience and exhaust you..... BUT..... You will BOTH love this little one more than you can ever imagine before it arrives and this more than makes up for all the negative stuff!! Being a parent is tough.... But the way baby looks at you..... You soon forget and it's all worth it! Then of course you'll moan to everyone how tough your life it too :) but you wouldn't swap it for anything and I guess your friends wouldn't either!! The fact you are worried is a good thing!! You're going into this with realistic expectations!! Xx
Yes, I definitely have realistic expectations toothfairy. :) But sometimes I wish people would allow us to be blissfully ignorant and just enjoy the excitement rather than feel the need to "warn" us about the difficulties. It's especially rude, in my opinion, when I say to someone how I can't wait for the baby to arrive and I'm so excited for December to get here and they respond with something like, "Just enjoy your alone time now because you'll never get it again once December comes" or "Don't be in such a hurry, enjoy all the sleep and quiet time". It's like they are trying to kill my excitement!

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