Calling all Watermelon's

Go with what baby wants not what everyone tells you should be done and you will be fine.
I already have an almost 2year old and I just try to understand him and appreciatr that he is a baby and everyone comments on how good and happy he is If it was that bad I wouldnt be on number too ;)
Girls.... Out if interest.... Is anyone else going to take raspberry leaf tea? I've read ideal time to start is 32 wks which is what I will be on Tuesday. I bought the tablet version but am a bit scared to take them?
oo it comes in tablet version? Why did I not know this?! With my last LO I forced myself to drink the tea and I really was not a fan, I managed for about a week and gave up.
I'm going to go on the hunt for some tablets and take them so yep I will be taking it.
Jess are you in the uk? I got mine from holland and barrat if you are?
I'm unsure about the tea as I haven't seen it sold in stores. There is one place that is likely to have it that I haven't checked yet but I have been considering it.

Childbirthing class was very interestingand helpful yesterday and baby was very active all day. It makes me so happy on days that she is extra wiggly:thumbup:. Still feeling tired and hungry and my eye still twitches occasionally? I can't figure that one out...anyhow I have 60 days to go! I cannot believe it! Getting really excited and as much as I am not looking forward to the shower I can't wait to get all of those lovely gifts for baby so I can get her things in order!<3
I was out all day yesterday and have felt awful since. It was just over an hours drive either way and I think that was too much. I started getting pelvic pain around lunch time which got worse as the day went on-i could hardly move in the evening without horrible pain. Luckily I see the mw in a few weeks so shall tell her then. Also I woke up at gone one this morning with a horrible headache which has continued all day plus feeling really sick.
It was a good day yesterday too-I breed and show fancy rats and one of mine got reserve best in show yesterday. I need to sort some paperwork but that win actually means I can qualify for a stud name.
cookie: sorry you aren't feeling well but congrats on your win!
toothfairy: I was given a box of third trimester tea that has raspberry leaf in it among other things. It tastes really good but I just drink it occasionally, not on a regimen or anything. I might get more and start to drink it more regularly soon.

I had tons of braxton hicks contractions this morning followed by TMI- the runs. I hope that's not an indication of anything. I feel fine now so I'm sure it's just a coincidence that those two things occurred together.

We're getting closer!! Two more months ladies. :) We can do it!!!!
So, braxton hicks have continued all day and into the night here. I'm kind of worried as I get a contraction every time I get up from the couch and I'm really not feeling well today. I've had more than I can count in the last few hours but they aren't really painful. Plus baby is sending shooting pains up my body every time he moves and hits me in a certain spot. I may call my dr in the morning if this continues. I'm sure it's just braxton hicks but still a little alarmed at how many I am getting so often. I'm trying to drink a lot of water as I've read dehydration can be a cause. Anyone else getting tons of bh contractions?
Kelly I have quite a lot of BH some days. About 2 wks ago I had a similar time to you, a couple of days of being loose and lots of BH. I think the baby had gone head down ish at this point and so was squashing nerves/bowels differently. That was only my guess though. I spoke to midwife after about it and she said I should have called them as I was worried.

Maybe you should give yours a call as its been going on for a couple of days?
Hey all, how was your weekends? I actually had a fairly relaxing one for a change! I did all the ironing in the house which is a massive job off my list.

What does the raspberry leaf do? I cant stand flavoured teas. Unless its peach iced tea which isnt quite the same thing!

Cant believe Im 32 weeks now; 4 days weeks start now so that means another 5 weeks of working (inc this week). Not long now at all! Still no BHs for me. Has anyone started leaking yet? People keep asking me if I have felt this or that yet and nada. My hips have got alot worse but apart from that im generally fine. Scan on wednesday!
I havent started leaking or anything yet, but im def starting to get worse. I cant sleep very well - I need a pillow to put between my legs I think to take the pressure off as the leg underneath started to ache and the same when I switch sides! What I hate most is this little twinge I get in my lower back (top of my bum really) every time I walk! Its usually if Ive been sat in the same position for too long! x
I signed up to amazon family today and you get £10, free one day delievry (handy with xmas around the corner) and a free nappy bin when you buy the refills. I already have a nappy bin but I need to buy refills anyway so I will give the bin to my sister in law who is pregnant at the moment.

Just have to remember to cancel it after 3 months.... thought I would share anyway! xx
oh bless you! Thats just typical lol. Im getting sick of people asking me if i have or if im suffering with BH yet, or not believing me when they ask what weight I've put on. a) quite personal questions and b) please dont say- oh it wont be long now!

My hip gave out while I was walking down the stairs again a moment ago; good job i was holding onto the banister. :( Going down stairs seems to hurt more than going up which is strange. You would think it would be the other way around!
Not leaking yet. Some don't until after birth. Very achey today though. Pushed myself too hard yesterday doing yard work and walking the dog. Sciatic nerve pain today because of it. Baby is sleepy as well this AM. I've been so tired and sleeping well only waking once or twice to pee. Baby hasn't been putting too much pressure on my bladder.

Anyhow I see my OB on Thurs and my shower is Sun! Can't believe I'll be 32 weeks! Hope everyone is doing well!
Not leaking regularly here... I did have my first sneeze leak last week (lol tmi!). Friday my legs became so swollen that I couldn't flex them. Baby shower was Saturday- went so well but my sister went all out and spent wayyy too much... and kept telling me how much everything cost which made me feel even worse... :(

I dont have the BH that frequently but I do get that unable to breathe anxiety attack feeling quite often... not sure if its related to BH...
Not leaking yet, I don't think lol
I don't get BH too often
I am sore, feels like someone kicked me in my vag. On top of that keep getting sharp pains down there every once in a while.
Still can't breath
Legs, feet and ankles swollen
Still tired all of the time

Ok - I think I'm done listing how broken I am at the moment :haha:

32 weeks tomorrow!
Baby shower this weekend!
No leaking for me either! Only think I seem to have is this agonising PSD and I do get quite a lot of BHs.

I am 32 wks tomorrow too! Only 3.5 working weeks for me! I finish on 31st November!! Cant belive its coming round so fast! I had 3 and a bit weeks annual leave to take so wanted to get this in then maternity starts at 38 weeks. Scary!
Im starting to get some BH especially while at work, they usually go right along with the i cant catch my breath feeling. They go away if i can sit for a minute or two, so im not worried. Plus i work with bunches of doctors and nurses, the maternity floor where i plan to deliver is only a short ride on the elevator away...
Doctors appt went well today- still no mention of any more ultrasounds :(
but they said everything was great.
Oh yeah, how could i forget the back and hip pain along with sciatica? lol And not to mention the hot flashes, poor DH I am freezing him in the house!

Anyone else feeling hiccups? I think my lo is getting them all the time. That's normal right? Like, little rhythmic movements? And they are also down low which makes me further think that baby has turned head down finally!

Toothfairy! I am so jealous that you get to go out so early! I wish I could.

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