Calling all Watermelon's

Try stretching your calves and have your dh massage them. It may not be a cure to the cramps but it feels good and I have convinced my dh that I need him to massage my legs because it helps keep the cramps away. Hee hee. :haha:

I read it could be a calcium deficiency and other people have told me it's a potassium deficiency. I honestly haven't noticed any difference when I eat a banana daily and I get plenty of calcium so I think it's all wives' tales personally.
lol Blu, you aren't crazy. I've heard a lot of women get them during pregnancy. In fact that's the only time some women get them at all! I don't think it has a whole lot to do with exercising really. Maybe just the increased weight on our muscles and the difficulty getting around. LIke I said I used to get them all the time when I worked because I'd move move move all day and then come home and lay on the couch and not move. Then when I'd go to stretch, OUCH, the most awful calf muscle pain ever!

Besides the muscle pains I'm also getting weird pains in my 'girly parts'. Sometimes it feels as though I really have to pee, when I in fact do not, and other times it is like a sore shooting pain. I wonder if baby's head is putting pressure on something or if it is close to engaging and the pains are similar to the 'lightening' feeling? I'm not sure but I know I haven't really dropped yet so I guess we will find out soon enough.

And my latest symptom is major baby brain. I think it is because since my shower my house has been a shambles with all of baby's gifts and I have this sudden overwhelmed, confused, and almost ADD like feeling. I feel like I can't get anything done and I keep forgetting things and I'm just foggy and in outer space. I'm thinking it's like a disorganised nesting feeling wiith a side of baby brain confusion? Not too sure what to make of it but hoping that I can get through it and get all of this stuff put away! Maybe then I'll feel better and DH and I can have a relaxing and quiet time together for the rest of the pregnancy.

Hope everyone is doing well!
the pointing my toes upward thing doesn't work for me anymore with the leg cramps so I have to roll out of bed and stand up. I've been stretching and I will say it is happening less, but still happening. I get the shooting crotch pains too! I actually had period like cramping for the first time in a while's making me a little nervous.

Good symptom - She's been poking me on the upper right side with a clear hard poke...either a knee or a foot but it's so weird that I can feel whatever it is when she does it! There's a person in there!!! :)
Yay for the baby pokes Sigh! I love feeling my baby move. I still haven't gotten used to it, don't know if I ever will. It makes me jump sometimes. :)

Dr. said our baby is measuring normal and his heartbeat sounded good at my appointment today. I was put on an iron tablet because I'm slightly anemic. Hope it doesn't make me sick or constipated like she said it could.
I have my 34week appointment monday morning, it seems ages since we last saw someone so will be nice to hear hb again.
Does anyone else find it a real hassle getting appointments? Our doctors sugery you have to book 6weeks in advance and you can only go on a tuesday, i left it slightly too late(5 weeks) and couldnt get one so had to make it at the hospital instead.
Wow cookie thats quite bad.

I can usually book in for the following week if needs be, if im worried etc, but havent needed too. At my mw appt we just book for the next time so I dont need to think about it. I would assume I will writing my birthing plan soon, though the NHS website does a good one.

I have my 34 week one on tuesday and then i have my detailed scan on wed to see if the poo has broken up or if he does have a blockage :S I presume they will check his brain again while im there.

Baby shower is on saturday; no idea what to expect. I have the day off tomorrow with hubby which is lovely. He managed to get Fri as his day off to be with me. :) day of chores unfortunately with a skip run, asda shop and the range to go to.

I want some big red mugs; anyone reccomend a good place? Im running out of places to try! x
I havnt thought about my birth plan so far I'm waiting until after my appointment as we are supposed to be discussing having a home birth.
I get charley horses all the time too!!! They suck. Mine usually go away if i flex my foot. In other news, i have a doctors appt tomorrow, shopping day with the sister and mom after the doctors appt, a birthday lunch for mom and then saturday i have the breastfeeding class and my Baby Shower! Im so excited! I just hope some people will actually show up after my sister did all this planning. I got the DH to hang the extra shelf in our little girls room last night, and we should be picking up the baseboards and crowning molding tomorrow.
Hi Ladies

I have had a very eventful day. What a nightmare. I have had bad headache for a few days and I woke at about 1.30am with it really bad and some strong BHs too. Was awake all night. I called midwife this morning for advice and she told me to go to Triage at Labour and Delivery for BP checking. I arrived about 8.30 at the same time as another lady. We were shown to beds next to each other. She was screaming in labour, they obviously checked her 1st and she was 9cm and wanting to push! She was whisked away quickly obviously but I was shaking at this point! She scared me silly.

Anyway they put me on monitor for movements contractions BP etc for about an hour. I was told my BP was up 144/94 (usually 120-110/60-70). Also had some BHs but they weren't concerned about this. My BP went down ever so slightly and had no other PE symptoms. They took blood to rule it out too and if I don't get a call by and of today I am to assume this was normal. But during the monitoring babys heart was 140-160 most of the time, at one point though it showed a dip for a little while to 90-110 ish. So when the midwife came back she was a bit concerned. I had to be monitored another 40 mins and it was ok. She said I needed to see a doctor who took 2 hours to arrive. Doc was also a little concerned about this dip so got a senior registra. She seemed to think that either the baby had moved (he was very active during monitoring) and the machine lost contact for a while and picked up my heart rate, or that the little one was playing with his cord or something. SO I was allowed home.

I have to get BP checked on tuesday but have my 34 wk check up at the hospital with consultant that day as I am 40 so this will double up. I am to rest and was advised to give up work sooner than planned in 2 weeks.

The thing that is worrying me senseless now though is the little ones heart rate. My 1st baby had emergency vontous as she had cord round her neck. All I can think of now is that this one might be same or be in trouble and he won't make it. I suddenly feel terrified I won't get to bring him home and wonder how I'll get through the next 6 weeks worrying like this every day.

Really sorry for the long post but I am just beside myself.

Oh yeah..... and midwife said he was transverse when I got there. Then the junior doc thought he was head down???
Toothfairy I would also be a nervous wreck but I think and hope everything will be ok for you. If they sent you away without worrying too much about it, then everything is probably ok. I don't think they would have sent you away if they thought there was something wrong with the baby. Have you had any other signs of PE? Did this all come on all of a sudden? I hope you are feeling better and I hope that everything goes well.

I'm in need of a rant myself. I am really feeling overwhelmed the last few days and I can't get over it. There is so much to do to be prepared for the baby, I have so much of her stuff to put away, I need to clean the house, I need money for Christmas and some other things. At the same time I have awful awful pregnancy brain and I'm easily distracted, confused, and feeling anxious. Baby was very quiet last night which as usual scared me and I didn't sleep well. She has since been active but I can't help but worry about everything. Ugg. I just don't know what to do with myself!

I hope that everyone else is doing well.
Toothfairy/Imsotired: :hugs: must have been so worried! Hope everything is ok now.

I had our pram arrive today!
Morning ladies! Thanks for your best wishes. Had best nights sleep I've had in weeks last night!! Am going to see nurse this morning and having my whooping cough jab. I know not everyone agreed with it but I am high risk of infections because of my job so having this is fairly routine. Anyway I'm going to ask the nurse if she'll do my BP whilst I am there too to see if its improved from yesterday.

Nicki.... Lets see this pram??
Toothfairy glad you are feeling a bit better. It's great that you're going and will have them check your bp. I hope it's nice and low and your bubs is fine.

I'm feeling the same. Confused/distracted/anxious/worried about money, etc. I think it's hormones and pregnancy brain and a mixture of things... I'm just hoping I can get reorganised and feel better. Baby is plenty active last night and this AM so I'm not worrying about her, I think she just has quiet moments at times, I think it's part of her pattern. I just can't get rid of this feeling of being overwhelmed with everything I have left to do! I'll be full term in 4 weeks so I better hurry up!:wacko:

Hope everyone is doing well!
Wow, today has been a real doozy. I have been feeling ill all day and have had this really sharp shooting and sudden throbbing pain in my lower back. It's not anything like the back pain I've had all pregnancy so kind of worries me. On top of that, my baby is moving soooooooo much today. He's having a freak out in there all day long, I'm not sure what to make of it. I haven't felt him move this much in a long time. He's always been active but today puts a whole new meaning to the word. Do you think maybe he had a growth spurt or did I eat too much sugar? Wondering why he would be acting so crazy today. It's comforting to know he's active but it's kind of painful today! :)
Kelly same here. Baby is super active on and off the past few days. She'll kick and kick and hit for hours very strongly. I'm wondering if that quiet night I had was a growth spurt for her or something because she's barely let up since. And sometimes it gets pretty uncomfortable. As for the back pain maybe baby is just on a nerve giving you back spasms? I've had quite a few since becoming pregnant and I think it's probably baby on a nerve but obviously I can't be sure. Keep an eye on it just in case. Hope you feel better soon.

I am very tired today. Even though I know there's a ton to do around the house, I can't bring myself to do it. I think I need a nap...:shrug:

Hope everyone is well.
Ok, kind of having a freak out. Called the dr. just waiting to hear back from them. I have been having tons of braxton hicks today on top of excessive baby movement. He's probably just having an active day but I read way to many stories online about sudden increase in movement meaning fetal distress so I'm going to check it out anyway.
Well, Dr. said baby can't move too much and that it's a good thing. She seemed reassuring on the phone about everything so I'm just going to try and relax tonight. I didn't sleep much last night so I'm so weepy and emotional right now. I was crying on the phone to her but trying to hide it! :haha:
I had a great time at my shower yesterday and I got alot of stuff. I got so many clothes for her i think we will have to change her every ten minutes to wear them all. We also got lots of diapers, soap, lotion, etc. Lots of the basics. I got my diaper bag as well.
I do have a slight rant though- my stepmom told me before i even got pregnant that she would get me whatever stroller and carseat that i want (she also said the swing, and pack and play but im dont really care about those) She also made a big deal out of being invited to this shower and the one closer to where they live. She didnt even come to the shower!My mom, sisters and me havent bought the big stuff because she said would get it. UGH! i just wish people would do what they say. Im gonna wait until after the next shower in two weeks and if we dont get it then, i guess we will find the money to go get it.
That's so lame of your step mom Hopeful! I'd be upset too, especially that she didn't even go to the shower.

I need some advice ladies: My best friend really wants to throw me a baby shower but we already had one with just my family when I went home to visit in August. We don't need much, a few more cloth diapers, some odds and ends but we can pick it up ourselves. I don't want to have another shower, I just don't feel like dealing with it. Plus, I don't have a lot of people to invite. Seriously, I can think of maybe three or four people I would ask and not all of them would necessarily come. How do I tell her kindly that I don't want her to throw me a baby shower? I don't want to hurt her feelings.
Kelly M - I'd be honest with her and tell her the truth. Maybe in lieu of a shower, you can tell her you'd rather have a day out with her... get a massage or a mani/pedi... just having some bonding time with your best friend!

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