Calling all Watermelon's

So, I talked to my friend today and me and my dh both told her we don't really want another shower. But, she insisted and so I caved. I don't even have anyone to invite, the turnout is going to be embarrassing. But, she clearly really wants to throw this for us so I think I'm going to let her. I think we will just put something in the invitations that says no gifts please. But then if I do that, people will probably bring something anyways, and it will be something we don't need so maybe I should put my registry in there with the few items we still have to buy. Ahhh!! I don't know! Now I'm feeling the shower stress like you other ladies were! My first one was so easy and fun I just wish I could leave it at that. :shrug:
Maybe ask for frozen food so you dont have to cook? Its something that I have heard of rather than people bringing presents.

As for my pram here is the image of it. Ive already put it away in storage for the time being.

My baby shower was great. My friends are the best. So many people were dropping out I was feeling a bit low if im honest. Even family were dropping out left right and centre. But it was a great night and the perfect amount of people. We played a few games and I never would have thought I would see my nan (in her 70s and just had her hip replaced) jumping on the spot saying her waters have broken! :haha:

We got some many clothes and lots of bits and bobs like toiletries. a few cuddly toys aswell. Overwhelmed really. Oh and the cupcakes were too die for.... blue and white with little tiny hands and feet on them. :) I'll upload a pic later.

Im 34 weeks today, 6 weeks to go. Anyone finding it very surreal? So fast! I have a midwife appt tomorrow, scan on wed. I have my whopping cough and flu jabs today aswell so very busy week for me. Only 3 weeks of work to go! :happydance:


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So I had my mw appointment this morning and all was good until she got to the measurements. The head is well engaged but baby is only measuring 30cm at 34+5 weeks when it should be bigger. Luckily we did have our appointment at the hospital as we had a scan straight away. In the scan baby did measure on the smaller size of average but luckily it didnt come back with any real issues. I just hope baby stays put until at least his/her due date now to give a little more time to grow-estimated weight from scan is currently 4lbs 10.
Oh also the mw who origionally worked out our due date didnt do it correctly and we are due 29th rather than the 30th which i what i got it too.
Cookie that's only a little small. I'm sure baby will grow a little more before you give birth. Although baby is engaged, it doesn't mean you will give birth sooner. Perhaps you'll have a nice 6 1/2lb baby and it'll be a nice easy delivery. I hope you don't worry too much for it.

Kelly I know about the stress of the shower as I had plenty but it was nice anyway and turned out ok. It could have been better but we got a lot and I did have a little fun even though I was stressed. Maybe just roll with it and you never know, you might enjoy it!

hopeful :dohh: about your step mom. I hope she either gets you what she promised or lets you know at least so you can go and get what you want. I hate when people do that.

So my baby finally quieted down a bit as she was over active for a few days. She's still wiggling but she isn't constantly going and bruising my ribs so far today. I swear she kicked me in the lung, lol. Probably not but it got sore and I was coughing and gasping for a bit because it was squashed. I really don't know if my torso is big enough for this baby so I think I need to grow OUT more. I'm truly hoping that baby comes a week or two early because I'm so uncomfy. I have been hearing here little joints click once and a while when she stretches. It's bizzare but kinda cool at the same time. Her room is about finished but needs a few things like a toy box and a chair. Wonder where we'll get the money for all of this...?

I feel an outer ear infection coming on. If you've ever had one they are awful! Much worse than a regular ear infection IMO. I had one in May of 2011 and I'm doing my best not to touch my ears or get them wet because I don't think I'd be able to deal with it while pregnant. I'm keeping a close eye on it so fx'd it doesn't turn into anything. Thats would be absolutely awful for me and baby.

SOrry so long, hope everyone is doing well!
Cookie: I've heard those measurements can be pretty inaccurate anyway so I would try not worry. All babies are different. I bet yours will be just fine. :)

Thanks for pepping me up about the shower. It turns out that "date" I thought my husband was taking me on is just the baby shower. My friend was trying to make it a surprise and have him do all the organizing with her but turns out he's no good at that sort of thing (big surprise). Here I was thinking he was being all romantic. :dohh:
Well i'm assuming if it was anything bad they wouldnt have let me go-its hard not to worry though. Its been a worry all through that baby might be preemie after my cell removal in jan hence why i hope even more baby stays put.
It was nice seeing baby again though, especially as i wasnt expecting too today :)
The measuring tape method is quite inaccurate when measuring for babys size, at least thats what the mw at the hospital told me. At least you got to see your baby. Did they add any notes to your green notes? I always take a look at what they have added and it always has measurments for his head (measuring a week ahead at the moment) and his body (measuing a week behind) :S

Just had my mw appt and she said baby has turned; didnt say he was engaged yet though. I havent had any BHs yet or pelvic uncomfortableness so presume he hasnt. He is measuring rather large though; just fits in the graph. I have my detailed scan tomorrow. Really hoping that the loop of poo they found has broken up or something; really dont want my LO to have an operation as soon as he comes out! He would have to be transferred to a different hospital aswell :(

I had my jabs yesterday and my arm is still hurting. Couldnt sleep on it :S was up at 6am this morning so im tired already.....
Morning all!

I had the whooping cough last friday Nicki and i still have a raised red itchy lump on my arm like a little sausage! It is going down though. I get a flu jab through work every year and never get this reaction. I do know that jabs are supposed to cause irritation though so just a case of putting up with it.

I also have a scan this afternoon along with checking of my BP again after it was high last week. I get to see consultant and have scan as I was 40 a few weeks ago. Looking forward to seeing little one and to be honest finding out what position he is in as no-one seems to be able to tell! When I was at hospital last week I was told by midwife he was transverse..... then 20 mins later doc says he is head down!! He definitely had not moved during this time!! I can't tell by his movements either as he seems to be literally all over. I think his position is star fish!!!:xmas13:

Really hope all is good for you tomorrow Nicki.... you deserve some good news x x x:hugs::hugs:
Yep there are graphs in my folder which they got from the scan, doesnt make much sense to me though other than they show baby is on the lower percentile.
I felt it when my lo went head down-lots of pressure and uncomfortable to move. Mine is currently 2/5 engaged.
Hope both of your scans go well.
GL on the scan ladies!

34 Weeks for me and Toothfairy today! whoot! whoot! :happydance:

Since I haven't had a scan since 20 weeks, I have no idea how large baby is, what he weights or what position he is in. I'm guessing head down based on the change in his movements and the pressure I have below, along with random shooting pains in my cervix but I don't know.

Ladies, last night I was awakened out of my sleep with period like pains. They hurt like the dickens. Anyone else experience this?
Hi Blu!! Happy 34 weeks to us :)

My scan is in an hour so will post back soon! I have been having these period pains through the night for a couple of weeks also. No bleeding or anything so I have been just ignoring them! To be honest we get used to so many aches and pains and twinges don't we!! Hopefully one of the other girls might know what they are!!
The mw will possibly have a feel at your next appointment and be able to tell you babys possitioning. It is rather uncomfortable though!
Could the pains be aching from baby being low down if your feeling lots of pressure?
Good luck with your scans coming up ladies. I'm sure all will be fine!

I've been waking with pains in my girly area and some mild period like cramping from time to time. I think when I'm lying down all night she scoots down a bit causing this pain. I also felt some soreness in my butt the past few nights. Very weird but I'm guessing it's normal as she is kicking fine and I'm not bleeding or anything. I go see the OB on Thurs anyhow and I'm sure I'll see him 2 weeks after that when I'm 36 weeks. I'm hoping he finds that baby is engaged or I'm slowly dialating at that point. I'd love to get this baby out a bit early if she's ready, like 38 weeks or so. I'm thinking after my 36 week appt I will be seeing the doctor weekly until delivery which is another reason I'd love to have her a touch early...less visits to the dr's office!

Hope everyone is well!
Back from my scan. Definitely a boy!! He is spot on at 4lb 15.5oz or 2262grams. Head down for now!!! My BP is in normal range this time but at the high end so I've to get it checked next wk at 35 wks instead if waiting until next scheduled appt at 36 wks. Really wish it was low again!!! It's a little worrying!! All is well in other ways though!!
Hi ladies! Glad you are doing ok!

I had my appointment today and everything is good! I can't believe I'll be full term in 3.5 weeks! We're almost there! Baby is measuring normal which made me feel better since last time she said the baby seemed big. I'm finally feeling somewhat comfortable again after a week of bad rib, hip, back and crotch pain. I've been stretching so hopefully it's helping! Now I'm in super nesting mode - trying to get everything done in the next 4 weeks! We got the decal up on the wall this week and DH is cleaning the carpet in the room today. I'm trying to get my to do list and there's so much left!

For those of you getting the pertussis shot - FYI, if you had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years you may already have immunity. DH and I both got tetanus shots in 2010 and I called our physicians for more information. If you recieved a tdap or dtap tetanus shot, it includes the pertussis vaccine. DH did receive the tdap shot but I only got the TD shot so I'm getting mine in 2 weeks (booooo).

Hope you're all doing well!
For those of us in the UK, do you know if our OHs can stay at the hospital overnight with us? Just saw a thread in Third tri and I hadnt even considered this. I thought they would have to go home. Does anyone know differently? x
Havnt seen the thread but they arent usually aloud in the ward at night. My OH was sent home at the ward door when i was in with DS-it was the longest night of my life!
Cookie, I can't imagine dh not being able to stay overnight with me. It would be horrible! At my hospital, my dh will be allowed to sleep in the room with me either on an air mattress if we bring one, the small couch in the room or a cot if the hospital has enough of those to bring one in the room. Either way, I know I will need him to be by my side at all times and he won't want to leave either.
Wow that stinks cookie! We have a hospital within a mile from our house but we decided to deliver at another hospital 15 mins away because DH can't stay over in the closer one. I can't imagine getting through the night without him

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