Calling all Watermelon's

We all seem to be getting pains now it seems? I have been having BHs and period pains wake me for a couple of weeks. Last night I was woken about 4 or 5 times with really strong painful period type cramps lasting a minute or 2. Just back to BHs today but baby feels very low.

How many of you know if your baby is engaged? Mine wasn't at last week check but will get checked tomorrow as midwife is coming to the house for my 36 week check up and TO DO BIRTH PLAN!!!!!!!!!:argh::argh:
Sorry all of you ladies are in so much pain. I am still having interrupted sleep and I've been feeling warm on and off but other than that most of my pains are very come and go. Today I feel hot and a bit tired and not much else. Baby is even a bit on the quiet side for right now. I do feel as though I have an ear infection coming on agaiin though but I'm going to try and stick it out and see if it goes away. Congrats those of you who are 36 weeks! I'll be there on Thurs!

My bag is packed and so is baby's. I should get on DH to throw a shirt or something in the bag as well. His bag is his job.I have one more load of baby laundry to do and I have a handful of things I need to pick up from the baby store and from walmart and then I'll be finished. Baby's room is finished. It's not everything I ever wanted but it's still adorable. I'm feeling a little more prepared but I'm just hoping I begin to show signs of something happening like baby engaging, etc. I'm more anxious now than ever before. I have to go and clean up though. Today is bathroom cleaning day.

Hope you are all well!

oh here are pics of baby's room. Obviously the bathtub won't stay in there I just put it there so I won't be tripping on it in the bathroom whilest heavily pregnant. We will bring it down when baby arrives!


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Imsotired, your nursery is adorable! I like the dark colored wood. Great job!

Yep, we are all feeling the pain of being heavily pregnant! So fun! :) I am really trying to enjoy the last few weeks of this pregnancy since it is a time in my and dh's life that we will never experience again. We may get pregnant again but it won't ever be just me and dh anticipating being first time parents ever again. I'm trying so hard to stay positive but I had melt down last night and cried at everything! Chin up though! My maternity photo session is today! :happydance:
Don't know if my lo is engaged or not. I hope so! Will find out at doctor's appointment on Thursday.

Absolute FABBBBB nursery ImSoTired!
My appt is also on Thurs Blu! Hoping to find that everything is perfect and things are progressing! SO anxious now!
imsotired - that is SOOOO cute!!! Great job! BTW most of my pack list that I posted was suggested to me by my friend who had her baby in Sept. She said she didn't use half the stuff but it was nice to have it as an option.

KellyM - Hooray for no more weddings! I still have no idea how you managed to shoot while being this pregnant!

Sorry you ladies aren't feeling great. I'm up 5-6 times at night peeing and getting out of bed is a workout. I feel like a turtle stuck on it's back...but other than feeling large with some uncomfortable moments of cramping, shooting pains, and rib pain, I'm feeling surprisingly good! It might be because I'm in a good mood. I don't know if you US ladies remember me mentioning all those bills I received because the DR who treated me in the ER was "out of network" according to blue cross insurance. I wrote them an appeal letter and they are reimbursing me for everything so I get the $500+ i paid back! wooohoo! Another FYI for US ladies - CALL your insurance, they may reimburse the cost of your breast pump per the new healthcare laws now or in January!

I'll post a nursery pic soon, just finishing up her bookcase :)
I was 3/5ths engaged at my 36 week appointment last Wednesday :)
Hey everyone, how are you all?

Ive been soooo busy the last few days I havent had a chance to log on. I LOVE your nursery Imsotired!

I packed my hospital bag weeks ago as OH was getting on at me to do it- panicking! lol. We got some lovely newborn stuff from the baby shower though so might change his going home outfit. :)

I had my 36 weeks appointment today; baby has not engaged yet, I have a feeling ill be overdue. I have bet the 8th Dec, OH has said the 6th. Generally im healthy, not getting up in the nights but do get uncomfortable so wake up a few times but nothing serious. Hip has had a few more issues but the one thats really annoying me is my swollen/stiff fingers. They feel like i have been in the cold for hours and I cant bend them without it hurting. :(

On another note we thought my sister was doing well; until she ran away from her school and WALKED over 3 miles before being found by a off duty nurse- so lucky she was found as she was determined not to go back to the eating ward. will we ever get a break??? The stress is not good and she is needing more and more help and I just cant do it much longer. :cry:
Nicki sorry to hear about your sister. You don't need the stress, I hope she gets better soon.

I'm just having a blah kind of day. I have a lot to do around the house but I am pretty tired and I just feel like lying in bed doing nothing. Baby is a little sleepy this morning and kicking gently. I would like to get some cleaning done and maybe some Christmas shopping but I'm really not up for it. Maybe I'll go on Thurs after my appt of Fri. I just want to lie down and I'm sort of irritable even though I know I should be doing things. Drives me crazy. :wacko:

Hope everyone is well today
ImSoTired - I feel your pain!!! Although no 'gentle' kicks, just solid, rugby tackle type ones!!
Im at work, hot and bothered and wish I could just crawl under the table and sleep (or at least lay down in a comfy position to avoid a kick in the ribs/kick in the pelvis/kick in the stomach...all of the above all at once!!!

Just had my 36 week home visit with the midwife. Very pleased to say BP today is 110/78 lowest for weeks so hopefully it will remain stable. Did the birth plan which really consisted of me saying erm erm I dunno....whatever is best at the time!!!! She has referred me for my 40 week appt with consultant as I am 40. Apparently it's normal to allow 2 wks over but they don't let you go this long at my age.

The annoying thing though is that baby is now oblique again after being head down at scan 2 weeks ago!!! He is also back to back!!!!! I am feeling lots of pressure down there and all these pains and BHs through the night that I was certain he was engaged. She thinks all the discomfort is my body trying to turn him. Anyway she phoned the consultant there and then who said give it until 38 wks and then they will decide what to do if he hasn't moved again. I am really disappointed. This morning I thought things were starting to change. So many aches and pains in cervix I was sure things were softening etc. Now I feel like I have no chance. She did still suggest that as soon as I hit 37 weeks I start the usual, walks hot curries RLT sex etc. She also suggested a ball to bounce on to try get him to move.
Hey ladies. I'm blah too... Had a scare yesterday. I slipped on something on the floor of a shopping mall yesterday and fell. Luckily there was a kiosk selling calendars that broke my fall enough that I was able to turn my body and landed on my butt instead of face first. Had an appointment today and everything looks ok, I'm just very sore from the fall (and the tdap shot I got today). I was so scared last night!
Today is my last day off for 5 days- i have to work 2 ER shifts, then have a class day, and then 2 more ER shifts. Whew! Im tired just thinking about it. I thought that i would be lazy today since this is coming up and its rainy here, but i cant sit still. I feel like i have to be doing something. I have opened all the windows in the house so that i can put a drop cloth down and put the second coat of paint on the trim. I went and did the grocery shopping this morning, picked up my princesses monogrammed diaper bag, and now im sitting here making me a list of things to do this afternoon before i go to my moms for a while. I think im going crazy- i dont know where this energy came from. Miss Priss must know exactly when my DH puts his hand on her because she kicks and moves like crazy for him, but she wont do it for anybody else. She's gonna be a daddys girl i think...The nursery isnt finished but i have started putting things away, washing clothes, etc. Ill post pictures once we finish it up...Hope everyone is having a good day!
Hello, ladies! Checking in for the first time in several weeks (although I have been lurking about to keep up with what's going on with all of you).

I cannot believe I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow -- where did the time go?

Hoping that everyone dealing with aches and pains gets some relief soon. I've been counting myself lucky so far as I have only had to deal with some minor-ish twinges in my lady bits that come and go only randomly. I'm sleeping a little better -- probably because it's hard for me to take naps since I work most of the day. By the time I lay down I'm exhausted and don't toss and turn as much as I used to. The biggest thing for me these days is the never ending heartburn after eating any kind of meal. It sucks but I'm at the point where I'm almost used to it.

Love all the pictures of the nurseries so far! Lots of cute rooms for these little babies. Our nursery is mostly finished -- we're still waiting on linens for the crib and changing pad, and we're undecided about whether or not we want to get a rocker or glider for the house, so we've decided to just wait until after the baby is here to see if it's something I'd like to have.

We had a couple of showers and got lots of great things, but no where near all the things we still needed -- I went online and closed out our registry and put in the orders for all the remaining stuff. Even with the 10% off discount with Amazon it was a lot of money to spend all at once and I'm feeling incredibly guilty about it... It helps to remember that everything is gender neutral and durable so a lot of it will be used for many more babies, but still -- I can't help seeing dollar signs going down the drain lol.

Am I the only one not doing maternity pictures? I thought about it but then decided not to. Our doula also moonlights as a photographer, so we're hoping to get some great pictures of the birth itself, and will then try to work with her to get some newborn/family pictures sometime afterwards. I love professional family photos and it's something I hope we do together at least once a year. But I didn't think I'd ever actually display any maternity pictures of DH and me anywhere in the house, so decided not to spend the money. I'm also trying not to do too many things for this first baby that I KNOW I'll never do with the next babies, and taking maternity shots is probably one of those things that I'd never get around to doing again.

All the talk about packing bags is making me a bit anxious. I have our bags about 50% packed but there are still a lot of little things I haven't gathered yet. I guess I need to get on it!
I have a couple pics to share from my maternity session yesterday. The one on the right is my favorite. I can't wait to see the rest. I'm going to get some prints made to hang in lo's room so he can see his momma and daddy when he wakes up in the mornings.
Lemon I didn't do a maternity shoot either. The pics are beautiful but I hate looking at myself especially now as huge as I am.

Kelly M your pics are beautiful. I love the one with you and your DH, you look so happy.

hopeful enjoy that energy while you have it. Clearly it comes and goes because I feel like doing NOTHING today. Just so blah!

Sigh- I'm happy you're ok. I have fallen once a few weeks ago and I pulled a muscle in my wrist/arm catching myself. SInce I've been really careful because it did scare me. I also got a small jolt when I was plugging in a nightlight back in the summer which sent me into a panic but everything was just fine. It's just so nervewracking being pregnant! So worried about anything that I eat/feel/do!

Kellyc- Glad I'm not the only one feeling really off. So much to do and no ambition or energy to do it...hopefully I'll get some soon!

I have my 36 wk appt on Thurs. Can't wait to get it over with! I hope it's all good news. I have to see if I can get DH to help me groom my girly area as I haven't been able to see it in weeks and I have a pelvic exam on Thurs. :blush:

Hope you're all doing well!
Thanks Imsotired. I think dh was saying something funny to me at that moment. Made me laugh like he always does.

Sigh, glad you are ok after the fall. Sounds quite painful and scary! But remember, baby has tons of fluid, skin, muscle and a little fat to protect her so it's rare a fall would hurt the baby.

Just got back from my mw appt and I am 1cm dialated, baby is only slightly engaged and everything is healthy and normal! They surprised me with a swab to my bum hole to check for strep b. I wish I had known I was going to be getting undressed and poked at. I just thought it was another regular check-up. Not too excited that that happened, didn't even have a chance to freshen up before hand. Anyone else had the strep b test yet?
Thanks Imsotired. I think dh was saying something funny to me at that moment. Made me laugh like he always does.

Sigh, glad you are ok after the fall. Sounds quite painful and scary! But remember, baby has tons of fluid, skin, muscle and a little fat to protect her so it's rare a fall would hurt the baby.

Just got back from my mw appt and I am 1cm dialated, baby is only slightly engaged and everything is healthy and normal! They surprised me with a swab to my bum hole to check for strep b. I wish I had known I was going to be getting undressed and poked at. I just thought it was another regular check-up. Not too excited that that happened, didn't even have a chance to freshen up before hand. Anyone else had the strep b test yet?

Having mine on thurs along with the whole exam like you had. Not excited but hoping to find out I'm also dialated a bit. Congrats on that by the way! Lucky girl.
Well, before Dr. did the exam she warned me that it doesn't mean anything. Some women are completely closed up until labor, some walk around dilated 4cm for weeks. But I can't help but take it as a good sign. :)

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