Calling all Watermelon's

Oo well done on starting to dilate Kelly!
I had strep B test earlier in pregnancy because I tested positive with Ds, also positive this time so will be having the antibiotics while in labour.
Kelly M- gorgeous pictures, what a lovely idea. Dont think this sort of thing is popular in the UK but I imagine like most things it will eventually work its way over here! Love the idea of having those pics in the nursery for your LO to see :)
Even if it doesn't really mean anything I'd still love to have SOMETHING going on when I go to my appt tomorrow. I'm just so ready but I haven't had many signs of anything and it's making me feel hopeless. I really don't want to be pregnant for 6 more weeks. I'd love if she'd make an appearance in 2 or 3. I am so ready! Lets get this done! There are literally only a handful of small things I need to buy and do and then I will have everything I need. And if I can get that all done in 2/3 weeks (which I certainly can) I will be as prepared as I ever will be.

I'm still feeling a bit blah today but I have a bit more energy. I managed to put away 3 loads of laundry and dust and vacuum the whole upstairs. I cleaned the bathroom yesterday so now it's on to the kitchen and living room. If I can get one more of these rooms done today and cook dinner I'll be happy. Tomorrow I have my appt but afterward I'll try and get some christmas shopping and odds and ends shopping done along with maybe some groceries. And on Friday I'll finish up whatever it is I don't get done today and tomorrow. I think I'm definately having a nesting moment today and I'[m going to take advantage. I just hope that all goes well at my appt tomorrow. I'm actually a bit nervous.

Hope you're all doing well and having a great day!
Even if it doesn't really mean anything I'd still love to have SOMETHING going on when I go to my appt tomorrow. I'm just so ready but I haven't had many signs of anything and it's making me feel hopeless. I really don't want to be pregnant for 6 more weeks. I'd love if she'd make an appearance in 2 or 3. I am so ready! Lets get this done! !

Yep, I'm the same way. It made me feel like I am making some progress even if it's all in my head. Just makes me feel hopeful that I won't go overdue but of course you never know. It's just that I have family coming into town for a week right at my due date and my parents will be devastated, as will I, if they have to leave without ever meeting the baby.
hey everyone

jealous of you Kelly! baby hasnt even engaged yet! I got a bit of back ache today but i think that was more to do with sitting at my desk all day rather than BH or anything exciting.

Lovely pictures by the way! I wanted some pictures like this but i didnt want to pay for it lol. OH said we would do it- obviously its not freezing here and not pretty at all. Might do some nice pictures of the xmas market or something like that instead.

Remember how I said that my baby has a condition called ventriculomegy and how it affects 1:1000 babies..... how unlucky is it that our best friends seem to have it aswell- or rather their 20 week LO? They are being referred to our hospital for their detailed scan etc. I just think they have been through enough!

Last day of work tomorrow- sooooo excited :happy dance: but is anyone actually quite daunted by it aswell? I cant just sit around and relax; thats not me at all. Last year I wrapped xmas presents early and the wrapping got worn in corners or torn so I dont want to do that again this year. hmmmm.... lots of cooking and baking I think!
Kelly - BEAUTIFUL pics! I doubt ours came out very well, esp since I was freezing my butt off! Congrats on the 1 cm! I had the strepb yesterday. I thought she was going to go way up and swab but it was so quick (and yes she swabbed my bum too lol). They didn't check my cervix or anything though.

imsotired - you are so productive! I have so much stuff to do that I'm hoping she stays in there until atleast 12/1! I'm a little freaked out about the being a parent thing too... going to enjoy my last month of DH and I (and our puggy dog!).

Hope everyone is doing ok!
Had a rough day at work! I just dont know if i can keep doing this for another 5 weeks. My charge nurse literally tried to send me to OB assessment about 4 pm today because i was hurting so bad. They tell me to slow down and try not to stress over my patients, but then i get yelled at if something isnt done. Plus i had 4 patients today instead of the normal three, so it was awful...I think at my next doctors office we will have a discussion about the possibility of either him writing for shorter days or going out early... I go back next friday, so i just have to get through the next week or so!
Could you phone him Hopeful and explain the situation? You would think work would realise they should be cutting your patients down (not literally :haha) at this stage.

I had some lower abdominal cramping last night, maybe a BH? no idea, but it was uncomfortable enough for me to wake up and go to the loo.

Last day today for 41 weeks........ ahhhhhhhhhh reality is starting to set in that in 3.5 weeks this little person is going to have to come out!
Hopeful I would definitely try get seen earlier?

Nicki this is just how I felt last week when I finished if you remember? I was actually really down for a few days. For some reason I was exhausted for first few days too. I've been off one week now and getting my head round being off work and waiting for and preparing for baby! Enjoy your last day xxxx
Full term today :D Baby can now officially come once he/she is ready.
I have a bit of a rant though. I have a voluntry secratery position within a 'local' club which involves me taking minutes at the meetings. I asked the whole committee last week what they want me to do about my position as I wont be attending any meetings for quite a while andI havnt had a reply. Yesterday i asked what is happening with our november meeting and it has been sugested that we have an online/skype meeting but i said i dont have the relevent equipment for it. Apparently thats fine though as i can go to a nearby members house. They really have no clue, the other member is still a good 20mins walk from mine, I dont drive and I have a 2year old not to mention the obvious of being very pregnant!!
At this rate i dont think i will be restanding next year-its nothing but a load of hassle and the fact i'm putting my family first doesnt seem to be understood or appreciated.
hopeful that sounds just awful. They should be giving you a break at this point!

Cookie sounds like whoever these people are they don't understand what it is like to be pregnant. I hope you can get it figured out soon.

So I'm 36 weeks now and I had my OB appt yesterday. I got swabbed for strep B and I'm expecting my whooping cough shot on Tues when my next appt is (they switched my appts from thurs to tues because of Thanksgiving). I also had my cervix checked. Nothing happening yet:nope:. I was so upset when he said nothing was happening. But I do think he said that baby's head was engaged which doesn't make much sense to me as I still feel a bit of shortness of breath and I haven't dropped yet. Perhaps I heard him wrong, I'm not sure. I'll check my file next week. I didn't have a chance to check yesterday because he was making copies of something in it and I didn't get to check it out. I just hope that come Tues something is happening, even if it's something small. I want to get this baby out and I don't want her to be late. The one nurse told me that they had a woman come in for her 41 week appt yest and she still had nothing going on! I told her that'd probably be me as well....I hope not though.

Anyway I hope you are all well.
Imsotired - don't worry. My friend who recently had her baby was 0 cm dilated at her last appt before her due date and they told her "Looks like we'll be seeing you next week." She delivered 2 days later and said it happened so fast so it's different for everyone!
I'm soooooooo exhausted today but I have so much work to do before I go on maternity leave. Baby has been quiet the last few days, except for when DH reads to her at night.

Anyone having trouble breathing at night? My nose has been closing up at night so I find myself gasping for air. It scares me... I hope I'm not getting sick!
I'm soooooooo exhausted today but I have so much work to do before I go on maternity leave. Baby has been quiet the last few days, except for when DH reads to her at night.

Anyone having trouble breathing at night? My nose has been closing up at night so I find myself gasping for air. It scares me... I hope I'm not getting sick!

I have a lot to do too but not much ambition today. My baby is quiet lately too but loves when daddy gets close and talks to her too. Maybe we have a couple of Daddy's girls already?

I am getting really congested lately and I have a lot of blood in my mucus. I wake up unable to breath and drooling because I switch to breathing out of my mouth when I sleep. Unfortunately I can't take any allergy meds or decongestants that I know of so it's something I've been dealing with for the past few weeks.

Oh and I really hope that I progress quickly and that not being dialated at all yet will not cause me to go too far past 40 weeks. I can't imagine being pregnant for another 6 weeks!

I just called my Dr to ask them when I'll be getting my tetanus/whooping cough shot as I know I signed a paper for it yesterday. They said I signed that paper to recieve the shot after delivery so I guess baby won't be protected by it. DOes anyone know when baby gets theirs? Is it 6 weeks or 6 months?
I've been stuffy lately too, one of the nurses told me I sounded congested. So, poor DH has had to deal with me snoring and drooling and such. We brought a humidifier and that has helped some.
I have been congested all the way through but more this last month and then when I blow my nose when I get up it usually bleeds!

Another reason we need these babies out!
I'm joining you all in the congested club! My head feels like its going to explode when I lie down!
I tried blowing my nose and nothing comes out... I think it's swelling. Maybe I'll try a humidified - good idea Blu! :( Hope you ladies feel better!

Imsotired - that's weird! I just requested it at my last appointment on Tuesday and they gave it to me immediately. Newborns get their first set of tdap shots at 2 months. You should call their office and tell them you prefer to have it before and maybe they'll give it to you?
I tried blowing my nose and nothing comes out... I think it's swelling. Maybe I'll try a humidified - good idea Blu! :( Hope you ladies feel better!

Imsotired - that's weird! I just requested it at my last appointment on Tuesday and they gave it to me immediately. Newborns get their first set of tdap shots at 2 months. You should call their office and tell them you prefer to have it before and maybe they'll give it to you?

:shrug: I don't know why but they said it's for after. It must just be the way my doctor does things. I thought it a bit strange too but doctor knows best. I will inquire as to why when I go in on Tues but I don't expect to get the shot if they don't usually give it. I guess I'm not too worried about it. Just confused.

So I really can't get myself to accomplish anything today. I have the urge but not the energy. I probably have weeks and weeks before baby arrives anyway so I'm just going to take a cue from my body and my mood and do nothing today. I just hope I get another burst of physical energy soon. My coffee table is getting quite dusty and I'm just sitting here dreading dusting it along with the rest of my furniture. My bathroom and the bedrooms are clean so that's a plus. And my Christmas shopping is nearly done, though not completely and I need groceries. It's all a bit overwhelming but I just don't feel like doing it....I'm just going to lay down and hope the mood strikes.:wacko:
Lemon I didn't do a maternity shoot either. The pics are beautiful but I hate looking at myself especially now as huge as I am.

Kelly M your pics are beautiful. I love the one with you and your DH, you look so happy. I have my 36 wk appt on Thurs. Can't wait to get it over with! I hope it's all good news. I have to see if I can get DH to help me groom my girly area as I haven't been able to see it in weeks and I have a pelvic exam on Thurs. :blush:

Hope you're all doing well!

I agree - Kelly, those pics are beautiful!

I'mSoTired: Aww -- you shouldn't hate how you look pregnant! Yes, I am definitely bigger now than I was 8-9 months ago, but I'm still taking a photo of myself once a week to document the journey :) No pressure if you truly don't want to take pictures, but I'd say that even if you didn't want to do professional shots, it would be nice to take a picture of yourself just so you can remember what you looked like during this time -- it would probably be something fun to show you kids one day, too. They will think their mom looks beautiful, even if its hard for you to think so now.

In my case, I just take a photo of myself once a week for my own personal enjoyment. I don't plan to display any of them (well maybe I'll print out the one or two that I had someone take with me and DH both in the photo) because I just don't think I want a picture of just me pregnant hanging out on a wall or shelf somewhere, you know? But I totally want to have some shots taken of the baby, and of the whole family -- those I would totally display around our house for years, whereas a picture of just me alone pregnant, I probably wouldn't. It all comes down to personal preference though -- and money, of course. Knowing that I want to have pics taken at the birth and a few months after the birth of all of us, I just couldn't justify paying a few hundred more dollars for maternity shots -- well, I could probably justify it, but I did't think DH would go for it! :)

Oh, and too funny about grooming the lady parts. I haven't been able to work up the courage to get waxed, so I've just been shaving, but I stopped being able to see what I was doing about two months ago. In the beginning I jokingly asked DH if he would help me when I got to the point where I couldn't tell what I was doing, and at the time he agreed, but now he's gone back on the promise! Booo... I have a little mini-electric shaving thing that works in the shower, so I've just been using that as best I can -- it's totally awkward and takes forever, but it's gotten the job done. I'll probably do it again in another week or so, and then stop and let nature take it's course -- hopefully things won't be too out of control by the time the baby is born. I'm just about at the point where I don't even care anymore!

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