Calling all Watermelon's

Feel much better now - had a midwife appt this morning and told her about it and she said often diahhrea is a sign that your body is preparing for labour and having a clear out. But actually, ive not really suffered since sunday which makes me think it was just too much food when im not used to it :)

Anyway good news is bump is measuring well (36 cm) and the baby is head down and partially engaged. So that could also be the reason why I felt like crap sunday - maybe it was his moving day!!!

I hope everyone is well - toothfairy and everyone else, I too have been having watery discharge for the last couple of weeks - I thought I was leeking a bit after having a pee!!! haha x
Yet another OB appt today and I'm sure nothing is happening. I so wish something was happening. I am so anxious to get this baby out! I'm not looking forward to the day I'll be having today.

Hope you're all well.
Spent the morning in hosp this morning havin blood tests to rule out obstetric cholestasis, luckily I don't have it I just have severe itching of the hands and feet.

Hoping these babies make an appearance for us all soon :) Xx
Glad everyone is doing fine today! I had a long bout of false labor yesterday. Hours of extremely mild contractions that teased me. Hoping it prepares my body well for the real thing.
I just realized that we're all watermelons... the last fruit of the pregnancy. Seems like yesterday we were seeds. I hope those of you who want an early baby get your wish! I'm just hoping for a december one! Have an appointment today so ill see what they say.

On a side note I totally understand now why people leave for maternity leave early. I had such a stressful day at work yesterday that I ended up having to lay in bed all evening and chug water because I started getting light contractions from the stress. Im feeling better not but people are just stupid! My week is booked with finishing documentation and training people to take over my projects and this one guy is trying to give me new projects and tasks. He knows I could be out at any day now and only have about 2 weeks left of work. He kept BUGGING me and then asked "Well it'll be atleast another week before you go on your baby vacation right?" Hmmm. let me check my crystal ball and get back to you. Baby VACATION? reallly????? ugh. :growlmad:
Jess- happy it's nothing but itchy hands but hope you can get some relief!
Kelly- really hope that those contractions turn into something real for you!
Sigh-Baby Vacation!? What an idiot! I agree people can just be dumb and rude. Hope you can get everything settled at work.

I had my OB appt today and it went better than last weeks. I had the same nurse but she was less rude. She wasn't pleasant but wasn't a complete b*tch like last time either. The doctor said I am 50%effaced but only barely dilated which I guess they call 'fingertip' which is gross if you ask me. Baby is at station -1 so she is more engaged than last time when I was -3. I'm hoping it means my body is at least aware that something will need to happen in the next few weeks because I just had this feeling that it wouldn't happen without induction or c section or something. Also makes me feel like she won't be TOO late even though I know I can still go overdue. I just hope that next weeks appt I'm more dilated. But overall not such bad news. Now I'm feeling a bit tired even though I know I should be doing things around the house.

Hope you are all well!
I couldn't feel farther from labor today! So many contractions yesterday and not a single one today. I just feel really, really tired is all. I'm happy if baby stays put another week or two to cook a little longer though. As the therapist said today while I was getting a massage for my bday: "It will be divine timing." I thought that was sweet. :)
Im having an off day today. Im ill and grumpy, my back is bothering me more than the last couple days and my tummy just hasnt felt right all day! I have felt like i need to go potty all day and strangely most of the time, i can (sorry TMI). My nieces and nephew stayed with me and my sister today too and we couldnt get anything done for having to chase them around and get on to them. They were being such brats... In good news, the swing and bumper pads finally came in and i finished washing all of her clothes and bedding. Now to just set up the nursery and decorate for Christmas... Im tired just thinking about it. I think im starting to lose my mucus plug too (in little tiny pieces and i think that means im dilating more), i dont go back to the OB until next Tuesday though, so ill have to wait to see. Anybody noticed losing pieces of the mucus plug?
I haven't lost any of my plug yet. Every time I go the loo I'm checking obsessively. It's worse than the two week wait! But I am starting to feel bh's higher up on my belly and not just in the lower half so that's kind of exciting I guess.
Haven't lost any plug here either. Not anything new.No feelings or anything. Just waiting, waiting,waiting. Going to try and get a few things done today so I can have a relaxing holiday tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving to you US ladies. Have a great day everyone!
Happy thanksgiving! My appointment yesterday went well. She said the baby has started to drop so she'll be checking my cervix on Monday for the first time. I'm SOOO uncomfortable at night when I have to get up to pee. Was feeling ok but I'm starting to get the get this baby out of me feeling. I just want to last a week and a half more!

We were supposed to go to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving dinner but she lives a little over an hour from me and the Dr said no :( I have to stay within 45 mins -1 hr of the hospital and since the traffic is bad this weekend she said not to risk it. So DH and I are sitting at home... I guess we'll enjoy the last few moments of quiet before our wiggly one gets here.
Has been working on the nursery all day today, starting to hurt some now, so i think a break is in order before working on Christmas decorations. The nursery is almost finished and hopefully i can pick up the finishing touches over the next couple days... Happy Thanksgiving!
I know the feeling Sigh. Since im on bed rest we can't go anywhere and both of our families are out of town, closest is 1 1/2 hours away so just me, dh and my little sister who is visiting from college. My bp is back down but im still spilling protein in my urine. I hope they induce me soon...

I did get Dh to put up the Christmas tree. So that made me feel a little better.

Happy Thanksgiving ladies!
Same situation here ladies. Going to a friends house with dh for Thanksgiving as our family lives thousands of miles away. Should be fun though. I'm so excited to make my pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread! Just a little bit bummed that I can't drink as it's usually a holiday where we get together with friends and throw a few back. I bought some sparkling apple pomegranate juice in a champagne type bottle so that will be my "bubbly" and I can feel like I'm having a drink with everyone. Happy Thanksgiving to you all as well! :)
What are all your ladies plans for visitors once baby is born?I keep getting people trying to book in to see baby asap and its annoying me-when DS was born we had visitors when he was less than 24hours old keep coming to hold him when I wanted to cuddle and bond with him myself.
This time we will also have DS to think about and helping him adjust and I dont want people coming and spoiling our time together, even more so as OH only has 1week to spend with us before going back to work.
Happy thanksgiving to those in America!

I have spent another evening sleeping on the sofa as its more comfortable than the bed now (more give I think). Im suffering with really bad wind. Never been so painful. I normally go to the toilet every 3days or so n the last 4 days I've gone everyday so um hoping my body is preparing for baby rather than me getting some winter bug.

Yesterday I spent painting n helping my mum as estate agents are coming next week.

LIke most of U im checking to see if I've lost my plug but nothing yet. Baby hadn't engaged on Monday n I don't feel any dfferent so guessing he still hasn't.....only 10 days til due date!!!!
Hey Nicki! How's your lo? How is your sister this week?

DH and I have decided to keep guests to a minimum. We're not going to ring the alarm and notify the world when I go into labor that way we don't get too many folks trying to show up. I want plenty of time with baby without him trying to figure out who is who.
I don't plan on having guests over for a while but my parents are coming to town on my due date and staying with us to help out for a week or so and as soon as they leave my dh's parents get here but thankfully they aren't staying with us. I'm kind of stressed about having company right away but everyone insisted on being here. I just hope they are prepared (as I've told them) to clean my house, cook and take care of us since that is the stipulation for being here so soon. My mom has offered to help out and that's why she wants to come so it should be nice since dh can't take any time off work. I'm just hoping baby arrives before my parents get here so we can have a more private birth experience. My mom wants to be in the room and dh is afraid she'll try to take over his role as my coach.
Hope all you American girls are having a lovely thanksgiving :)

My itching has got so much worse so they did my bloods again today and just had a call from labour ward to say my bile acids in my liver are high. Midwife is going to ring me tomorrow with a plan of action, not sure what this means but I know they told me on Tuesday when I had my original bloods done that shod they come back high they normally induce as soon as possible...nervous/excited!

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