Calling all Watermelon's

Nicki I hope all is going well for you.

Sigh I'm feeling uncomfortable as well but little girl isn't as low as yours. I'm getting a headache and pain in the neck the past few days so that is my newest, strangest symptom. Also very congested. As for a gift for DH I would love to get him something but money is tight here as well. I'm not sure he's getting me anything either (though I'd be thrilled with a flower or something). He did however get baby a teddy bear as it's sort of a tradition in my family that the daddy always brings a gift for his new baby. I will just be giving birth as my gift to the both of them. It should suffice, I hope.:haha:

I had a sono today and a surprise NST. Baby is approx 6lb 15oz so a great size really. NST was new to me but they just wanted to monitor baby a bit and see whether or not I was contracting at all. I may have had 1 or 2 mild BH that it picked up on and baby was fine for about 10 min. Then she must have moved and I lost her. I buzzed for my nurse but she didn't come so i only got a 10 min NST as opposed to the standard 15-20 min. Doctor said everything seems fine though. Still barely dialated and 50% effaced. Baby may have dropped back down a touch. Other than that no signs of baby making an appearance but still hoping it's soon. I'm really excited to meet her. Dec 1st would be a lovely birthday....I wish.

Hope you're all well!
I think im going to make my DH a cute basket (New Daddy Survival Kit). So far i have thought of snacks, magazines, diapers, wipes, and a picture frame to go in it. Im going out to eat with a friend tonight and then meeting my mom for a quick shopping trip (we have another friend who's baby shower is tomorrow) so i guess i will pick up everything then and put it together next week while he is at work. I didnt think i was going to get my paycheck this week as my disability paperwork hasnt gone through, but i did! So i will be ordering a couple christmas gifts tonight, too...So glad to cross some stuff off my list!

Good Luck Nicki!!! Hopefully it wont be much longer until you meet your little one!
That sounds cute hopeful. :)

I've been super super uncomfortable all day today. I'm soooo crampy and having tons of bh's. I woke up with this strong pelvic pressure and discomfort that has lasted all day long. I'm hoping it means baby is engaging further but holy cow, I just wish labor would start or all this pain would go away. The contractions kind of make it hard to breath. It's so frustrating because I feel like I'm just on the edge, about ready to begin labor and then nothing happens. I soaked in a warm bath and that helped momentarily. Fingers crossed it's a sign of something happening really soon. :) Anyone else getting a lot of contractions?
I am! I'm so confused... about to post in the 3rd tri board. my dr said true contractions are extremely painful and are painful in your back but my mom didn't have pain for hers... I'm going to post and see what these ladies say.
I posted but some of these women probably think I'm stupid or something... I really think I'm going to be walking around oblivious to the fact that I'm in labor. I think I have a high tolerance for pain... I walked around with an inflamed appendix for a week and didn't have the normal symptoms for that so I'm afraid I'm going to end up having the baby in the car! My mom thought she had indigestion that wasn't going away and drove herself to the hospital. They could see the head when she got there and she said it just suddenly hurt (only when it was time to push). Something is definitely different though... but the cramping is less now...
Sigh, I knw what you mean. Your mother is a rare case I bet but it sounds like that kind of thing is definitely possible. I keep thinking, what if I'm like 6 cm and don't even know it. I feel like he's falling out the bottom today. Also, I'm afraid my water will break without me knowing it. It could easily happen on the toilet or in the shower. I guess the only thing to do would be get checked by the Dr. if you think this might be it. Hope you feel better soon or labor gets going. :)
That is my worry too that i wont realise soon enough. The morning of the day DS was born i went to our mw unit for a sweep but got sent to the hospital for high bp. Got there after lunch and was put on a monitor which showed regular contractions and when the mw asked if i could feel them i was like oh i just thought they were mild bh's. They let me go about half 5/6 as they thought i still had ages and i was back in and he was born at 8pm-i was fully dialated and ready to go when we arrivied back at the hospital at half 7.
My waters also didnt break until half hour before he was born so thats not always an indicator.
Still nothing to report really. They checked me afew hours ago (not pleasant) and the pessary has to stay in for another 8 hours. I have started contractions but nothing worthwhile.

If this doesnt work I then have to work out do I try again 2mora or do I have a c section. No idea what to do. Honestly wasn't prepared fir this at all, never mind this type of choice :( having my fur babies has made it a nightmare aswell as oh is obviously with me most the time.


Hope everyone is ok! Xxx
Sigh I know what you mean. I THINK I have a high pain tolerance also but then again it's hard to tell because obviously I can't feel what other's are feeling, only myself. I have had many painful things happen to me though and considering, I think I handled them all fairly well. And I have heard that some women don't feel the pain until it's nearly time to push. How do you think those women on 'I didn't know I was pregnant' give birth on the toilet!? They obviously didn't feel a ton of contractions before they had the urge to push. It happens.

Anyway I have also been having a lot of BH. Last night I had a ton of them. They were timeable but I didn't time them because I was waiting for some sort of pain to come with them. They were only mildly painful but crazy uncomfortable. I was hoping it was the start of something but when I went to bed the stopped:wacko: I've been doing a lot of squatting and walking to try and get her to engage a bit more and maybe get my cervix opening/softening. It may be working because I get that sore shocking feeling in my girly area. I really wish she'd come because I'm so tired of going to the doctor twice a week:nope: Come on babies!

Nicki hang in there and good luck!

Hope you're all well!
So i think something is happening! I woke up about 20mins ago with sharp pains down bellow and feeling the need to poo, went down to the loo and have got bloody tinged mucas. Had more shooting pain while i was down there then had another when i come back up. If there contractions the last one was 6 mins from one before and lasted about 50seconds.
ahhh cookie so happy for you! hope you're doing ok!

Nikki - hope you're ok! thinking of you!

Nothing contractions woke me up twice last night (that's never happened before). I was fine most of the day and am crampy with a lot of bhs again. I guess I must be over doing it during the day so time to relax. Right now dh and I are looking at names... can't figure out the middle name.
Thanks Sigh :) We still havnt decided a boys middle name-we best get thinking now as our yellow bumpy has turned blue! He was born at 3.55am and is already a champion breastfeeder :D
The contractions stayed mild and then i felt like i needed a poo, had a stronger contraction and felt his head there so asked if i could push and he was out in one!
Congrats cookie!! A little man! :)

the second pessary worked so now im waiting for a free room before they break my waters. Had a good nights sleep. Contractions are still occuring but more when I stand up.

Hopefully he will be here later today! X
yayyyy cookie! Congratulations on your baby blue :happydance:

nikki- I hope you're doing alright! Goodluck today, can't wait to hear your good news next!

everyone else doing ok?
Im doing okay this morning, even though last night was rough! I thought for sure that we were heading out to the hospital about 1 am when i woke up with a sharp lower abdominal pain. It lasted about 1 minute and then went away and came back 10 minutes later. I started to time them more thoroughly and they stopped. I was just achey after that. It happened again later- but ended up with me just feeling like i had a stomach virus and after several trips to to bathroom (Sorry, tmi) it stopped. I got like no sleep last night and the poor DH was scared to leave me to go to work today. Im so ready for her to get here, so this can stop! I dont mind getting up several times a night, but im tired of hurting and puking.

Congratulations Cookie!!!! Post pictures when you can!

Nicki- I hope everything goes great for you today!
umm so I got some blood. I'm feeling crampy but Its pretty constant... I called the doctor and she told me to time the contractions so I asked her how since my belly is hard all the time and the light cramping is constant. She couldn't answer my question lol. So I'm just sitting here now feeling like I'm about to get my period. Baby is moving around enjoying my confusion.
whatever it was has stopped. I'm laying down now resting... I guess my body is just prepping.
Congrats Cookie!! xxxx

AFM, no real signs yet apart from really strong BH's. I'm so ready to have this baby but I think I may go overdue! :(

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