Can anyone shed some light on IUI odds?

Hi girls, I've been stalking this post for a while so hope you don't mind me joining you? Congratulations to all of you with BFP's - fantastic news! :happydance:

I had my second IUI on 10th Feb, trigger on 8th so I'm 13 dpIUI today. Clinic told me to expect AF tomorrow (i'm on progesterone pessaries this time too as I started to bleed 12dpIUI last time). I have had cramps in my lower back and sometimes in my abdomen over the past few days that make me think AF is just around the corner, but they've eased off a bit today. Have loads of symptoms - headache, sore swollen boobs, nausea, tired, extremely emotional - but I think these are pessary side effects. I'm too terrified to test so I'm just sitting it out praying that AF doesn't arrive.... It's so hard!
Hey babychristie - welcome!! I think it is possible to have symptoms from the hcg trigger, I got sore bb's, and then they eased a bit, but never went away, which is what made me think that I could be +ve, plus I had some strange cramping/twinges around 7dpo. I tested on 10dpiui, I know it was early, but I couldn't wait! Today is 11dpiui, and the line is darker. I got bloods done, and it's confirmed! My beta hcg is 62 today! So I'll have another blood test in 2 weeks to make sure everythig is progressing. I really really hope this is it for you! Do you and DH have unexplained fertility or somethin specific, whichis why you are trying IUI? Are you doing it with clomid? I tried clomid twice (no IUI), and then went onto Gonal-F injections. Why did the clinic tell you that they expect AF to be due tomorrow? Fx'd for you!! Please do send us an update :) x
Hey babychristie - welcome!! I think it is possible to have symptoms from the hcg trigger, I got sore bb's, and then they eased a bit, but never went away, which is what made me think that I could be +ve, plus I had some strange cramping/twinges around 7dpo. I tested on 10dpiui, I know it was early, but I couldn't wait! Today is 11dpiui, and the line is darker. I got bloods done, and it's confirmed! My beta hcg is 62 today! So I'll have another blood test in 2 weeks to make sure everythig is progressing. I really really hope this is it for you! Do you and DH have unexplained fertility or somethin specific, whichis why you are trying IUI? Are you doing it with clomid? I tried clomid twice (no IUI), and then went onto Gonal-F injections. Why did the clinic tell you that they expect AF to be due tomorrow? Fx'd for you!! Please do send us an update :) x

Hey Joli - that's fantastic news, well done you!! When will you have your first scan and how many follicles did you have? Any chance of twins / triplets?? :winkwink:

I had Gonal F with both IUI's and did have sore BBs last time, but this has been worse - probably progesterone pessaries I guess. I had 3 large follicles this time and all signs were good, so we are keeping everything crossed. I have been diagnosed with mild endo but both tubes are fine, I ovulate well and all other signs with me are fine. DH has good sperm count too. I had one clomid but was advised to go straight to IUI. Doc thinks only IVF will work for us though - because we've been trying for over a year and I had lots of treatments a few years ago with an ex partner, including IVF but never fell pregnant. Guess I'm just not very fertile!

Not sure about clinic expecting AF tomorrow - suppose it's just 14 days after the procedure / ovulation so that's why? Although I know through charting etc that I have a 12-13 day luteal phase which is why I thought I would come on yesterday / today. Nothing yet...
Praying it's real....I tested today and it was positive, BUT I did have the HCG trigger shot 13 days ago, which was the day before my IUI. I called the fertility clinic and they said it could be a false from the shot, but that I could test tomorrow as it will be 2 weeks since the shot. The nurse did say that if I got a positive tomorrow, it too could still be a false, but to still call and let them know. The one I did today wasn't with first morning urine either. Trying hard not to get my hopes up too high, but it's so hard. Seeing 2 pink lines after so long........please pray it's a REAL BFP. Continuing to pray for all my bnb friends, especially the IUI and IVF'ers.
That's fantastic news!!!! It has been quite a while since the trigger so fingers crossed that it's a real BFP. Are they going to check your blood at all or are you just to carry on testing? My clinic recommended 3 weeks after HCG shot to test but did say that a few days earlier would probably be ok.

I'll keep wishing that you get another BFP tomorrow. It's looking very very promising! :dust:
Thanks, Chrisitie....Fingers crossed. I think if it is positive again tomorrow, they will have me do blood work.....i work in healthcare, so it is so tempting to ask the lab to draw me...but, I will wait til I get an order from the Dr. Oh, the wait is so hard........
Hey wantingmore - I tested on 12 and 13 days post-trigger, and the blood test I had confirmed that it's not just left over from the trigger. I think we had our trigger on the same day!? Feb 10th? My IUI was on Feb 13th. My pregnancy test lines keep getting darker, so I know this is the real deal!! Check your lines tomorrow, and if it's any darker, do some bloods!

BabyChristie - the last they checked, I had 1 dominant follie, and another one which had a high chance of releasing too, so I think I got 2 eggs at most. I have wondered whether it could be twins, I think my beta was quite high for only being 10dpo. But I guess we won't know for a while! Everything sounds super positive with you!! My DH's spermys weren't fantastic, we had 15m sperm post-wash, but only 4% motility. We had told ourselves that we would do IUI 3 times, then move onto IVF if that didn't work. To me, everything for you sounds so ideal, I can't imaging you not getting that BFP! When are you going to test??
Joli: I did have the trigger on the 10th and IUI on the 11th with almost 28 million sperm and good motility...The US showed 3 mature follicles and possibly one more...i tested yesterday and today...the lines today seemed darker than before. Fertility nurse told me to test in the am and if it's positive call the office. Will probably do blood then. Praying for 2 pink lines in the am! Congrats, too, by the way!! Thanks for the encouragement
Hey wantingmore - I had my IUI on the 12th (not 13th!), so we only had it 1 day apart! I think things are looking sooooooo good for you! Make sure you let us know how your bloods are - I'm keeping my fx'd for you!! 3 follies...maybe you'll have twins!!!
Will definitely keep everyone up-to-date. I am so nervous I hope to be able to go to sleep so morning will be here and I can test again. Thanks again for the encouragement. AAAAHHH...the wait LOL We would be excited to have twins. I keep teasing my hubby saying to him it will be triplet girl...he just laughs.....Prayers!
So, I still have 2 pink lines this 2 wks past hcg shot today, 2 weeks past IUI tomorrow. Gonna call fertility clinic and see if they will do bloods to confirm it's not residual from the so nervous, want to be excited, but need to know it's for real. Will update later. Fingers crossed!
wantingmore, this is no way left over from the trigger shot! This is going to be it hon!! Let us know how your bloods come along - I'd be curious to know what your beta is! x
I'm so pleased Wantingmore, fab news again! Has the clinic given you a date for bloods?? I agree with Joli and think that the trigger is more than likely out of your system now and if the line is getting darker, that confirms it. :happydance: I understand how anxious you feel so I'm going to delay the big congrats until you are 100% sure but will keep absolutely everything crossed in the meantime!

I'm now 14 dpIUI and no AF. Clinic said to expect the witch today, but no sign. Few lower back cramps and bloated, slightly aching feeling in tummy but not like AF is about to arrive - its usually much more painful. I had worse cramps two days ago but they seem to have subsided and left me in limbo....

I still have sore swollen boobs, bad headache and felt more nauseous today than I've felt so far on the pessaries. Tired too and just generally feel yucky. But still could all be side effects on the progesterone. Does anyone know how long the pessaries can delay AF for? I know my luteal phase is about 13 days so should have been on yesterday, although on the first IUI I bled after only 11 days. Nurse said the pessaries would delay things by a couple of days but I'm worried that AF can't come because of the progesterone?

Jeez this is hard. I'm a POAS-phobic so not ready for that yet as I'm concerned about a false positive from the HCG trigger 16 days ago. We're allowing ourselves to get our hopes up a little which is really dangerous and I'm terrified that this is just a delay due to the drugs.

The nurse at the clinic said the positive is REAL! My first IUI worked!!! I had beta HCG and progesterone drawn this morning, but haven't heard back on them yet. I will feel better once I know those results. Been in a daze today....Thanks for all the support!
So I can officially say CONGRATULATIONS now then!!!!!!!! :happydance: So pleased for you!! Here's to a h & H 9 months. :hugs:
YEAH!!!! Congrats wantingmore!!! Our due date will be just about the same! :) Was your beta and progesterone ok?

BabyChristie - 14dpIUI, there is NO WAY the trigger is left inside you... if you test and get a bfp, then it's a definite one! I honestly wouldn't worry about getting a false positive! I think your symptoms sound sooooooooo good! I had cramping a few days before as well - I think this was the implantation! Let us know!!!
Joli: Hcg and Progesterone were good! I have them tested again in the morning just to
make sure they're increasing as they should.....and if all goes well with the bloodwork tomorrow, I will have an ultrasound in 3 weeks. Grats to you, too, Joli!

BabyChristie: How are things?
That's fantastic wantingmore! I go back for another test in 2 weeks. You'll have to change your signature, now that you have that BFP!

BabyChristie - have you tested?
Haven't tested yet - 16 dpiui today. But started to have brown spotting when I wiped about an hour ago, so guess I'm out this time. Just a matter of time before the :witch: shows now I suppose. :cry: :cry:

Totally gutted as last night my boobs hurt even more than before and I'd been nauseous for two days but boobs have eased off now and not so nauseaus so guess progesterone is dropping and period coming. I allowed myself before I went to sleep last night to start to believe that I might be pregnant so its going to hit me hard, but I'll be back. Next IUI in April, then IVF in June. We'll get there I guess??
BabyChristie - lots and lots of girls still spot and have a BFP! Have you taken a test?

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