I'm on the side of poorly-worded, but the intent is not evil or malicious, it's just trying to encourage the biological normality that is BFing
Call me ignorant but I don't see why just because someone doesn't like something, doesn't mean it isn't true. Formula is not a replacement for breastmilk. It's a substitution. It's amazing how many mums I see that really believe formula milk is a "good" replacement. It was never intended to be as good as or even close to breastmilk. It was designed to give enough nutrition to keep a baby alive, that's it. It may have this and that added to it these days, but that still doesn't make it a replacement.
I don't see what is so offensive about facts in these debates. I know there is a lot of FF guilt. But that doesn't mean it's OK to make false statements and comparisons about breastmilk, or to bash breastfeeding because you may not have been able to do it.
The article is what it is-- a bunch of facts, harshly worded, but facts nonetheless.
I will never understand why breastfeeding is so maligned by some FF mums. Is it because they could not/did not choose to BF, therefore they feel their choice must be accepted widely and without question, even though it is not the biological norm?
Put it this way. If I dared to ask an FF mum why she bottle fed, I would get blasted. Yet it's OK for an FF mum to run down BFing and its merits because she couldn't/didn't do it, to make herself feel better about it? There are double standards everywhere regarding infant feeding methods.
But as soon as you put actual facts comparing formula milk to breastmilk out there, you are jumped on and bashed, simply because FF is so mainstream. Nobody wants to think they are giving their baby something that doesn't match up to what is biologically intended for them, but the truth is, they are.
I am sorry, but that isn't my fault. I breastfed, yes. And for what it's worth, I supplement with formula now, because I've been told to or my child will be taken off me. (Yes, I am serious. No, I don't like it. And yes, I'm thinking about taking the health professional concerned to court for scaremongering ME as a BF mother, because I refused to bottle feed since Liam was not "meeting percentile lines expected" of a baby his age.)
But that does not make it OK to jump on me because I succeeded at something natural. I honest to God can't stand these debates, because BF gets steamrollered every time for daring to bring out facts, or post articles, that breastmilk is far and away the ideal food for a human infant.
Sorry for the tangent. But I just really, really don't get it. What's there to argue about? You can't change facts. You just can't. You just need to accept them, and move on.
And yes, I'm struggling myself because I've had to give formula against my will... but I don't scream about mothers who EBF and weren't hounded by HVs and doctors like I was to supplement or I will be put into welfare. I've just accepted that in today's society, I am overruled by the mainstream, and there's nothing I can do about it except hope that BF will make a resurgence one day and once again become the norm.