This is neat.. but confusing for me.  ](*,)](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/eusa_wall.gif)
Its only accurate from 6-8 weeks :/ after 9 weeks the placenta is formed and the location can be difference from where it was originally forming so a 10 weeks scan wouldnt work.I had the doctor pull my file this morning they had my ultrasound at 10 weeks placenta had implanted on the left (I made sure to ask the doctor if I was right) so that should have meant girl but he is ALL boy!
Is it safe to say that the placenta or chorionic villi location is opposite side of the baby? Im pretty confused on how to spot it...here is my T/V ultrasound picture from 9W 4D..i asked where the placenta was at and I was told that it wasn't quite formed yet... looks like the baby is sort of in the middle towards the right....i think? so that would mean that the chorionic villi is on the left making the baby a girl? Any guesses on mine?
How do you attach a picture? I'm pretty sure mines on the left.... Ultrasound was done at 7 weeks t/v and was up on a flat screen in front of me. baby is on the right with white stuff around it sooo mirror image its on the left? Like if I hold the picture in front of me baby is on the right with white stuff around it but thats a mirror image.... right?
Is it safe to say that the placenta or chorionic villi location is opposite side of the baby? Im pretty confused on how to spot it...here is my T/V ultrasound picture from 9W 4D..i asked where the placenta was at and I was told that it wasn't quite formed yet... looks like the baby is sort of in the middle towards the right....i think? so that would mean that the chorionic villi is on the left making the baby a girl? Any guesses on mine?
The chorionic villi is on the top of the sac in your pic. It is the bright white area around the GS. Im not sure where the cervix is though...If cervix is on the right of pic than the placenta is on the right.
Can anyone tell from my pics? Mine are from 6 weeks and 8 wks! I see the bright area but what does that mean? lol