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Canadian and I know it

Thanks for the info Sunnyskies.. I go next Thursday for ultrasound so if that second pregnancy test (negative) is wrong I would be 6+3
Sunnyleah, I'm so sorry for all you've been going through <3 I hope your ultrasound goes well next week and you get some answers!

Sunny skies and Sabster. I'm sorry AF got you. I hope you both get BFPs soon. Sending lots of love and positive vibes!

Starry Night, welcome and I'm so sorry for your loss. You've been through so much and I admire your strength! I hope the testing proves to be helpful on your ttc journey <3
Sunny skies - so sorry that AF caught you. I'm with you and the others: I hope you can get your bfp this cycle and avoid some of the more intrusive methods. Though there is no shame in using what is made available to you. A baby is a baby.
I hope you are all doing well and good luck on your ultrasound Sunnyleah!

i started temptingand just finished my round of soy so i hope it helps my ovulation stronger.. and I hope i get the temping stuff figured out. I bought my basal thermometer and I misssed 2 days but I hope its no biggie.... :)
I hope you are all doing well and good luck on your ultrasound Sunnyleah!

i started temptingand just finished my round of soy so i hope it helps my ovulation stronger.. and I hope i get the temping stuff figured out. I bought my basal thermometer and I misssed 2 days but I hope its no biggie.... :)

You should be fine!! two days in the scheme of things is really nothing. GL with charting!! Love to stalk it if you are ok with putting up for all of us to see :winkwink:
Chart is looking good All for the Girl! Fingers crossed for you.
Chart is looking good All for the Girl! Fingers crossed for you.

Thank you very much!!:hugs:

I am trying not to get too excited about it possibly going triphasic. If it does it would be a first and it would be higher above my cover line, I don't think it counts only to have one super high, and I think FF won't call it triphasic until there are three higher.... FX that it stays!!
Allforthegirl that is a nice looking chart! Fingers crossed :)
It was a nice looking chart until this morning when my temp didn't stay up high!
It's still up.... Both of my bfp cycles had dips. Sometimes almost to the cover line!
Looks like 5 dpo was estrogen and today's is implanting ;)
Good luck!! I still get baffled by these charts but I've been looking at them a bit and yours looks hopeful to me.

Still haven't heard back from the OBYN/GYN's office yet. I called my doctor's office and they gave me the specialist's number so I could leave a message directly with them. Hope to hear back soon. It's not a medical emergency but it's my life and I want to get on with it.
It's so frustrating booking appointments!!! And it drives me nuts how doctors are often saying just relax and we will get there. And it's normal/natural/ etc!!! None of these things help how you're feeling!!! I saw my doctor for a chemical almost two weeks ago and she said that I wasn't even technically pregnant because I wasn't 5 weeks yet!!! Like what?? I had a positive test, I'm pregnant!!!
That's awful!! I mean, by medical standards any hcg over 5 is "pregnant"!!! So if you got a positive pregnancy test then you were pregnant!!! I wish it were easier finding a doctor in Canada so I could tell you to find a new one but often we're stuck with what we can get (mine is OK but still doesn't seem as good as the one I had back in Ontario....I miss her). I mean, if you ever wanted to go for testing you should be able to count your chemical as a miscarriage and it would be important to list in your medical history. I'm sure the specialists would count it. Geez.

AFM - heard back from the OBYN's office and my appointment is not until August. I shouldn't be shocked and I was originally thinking 3 months' wait but then my GP said it should be 3 weeks so I am a little disappointed. Maybe my doctor meant "months" and not "weeks". If the OBYN was the end of the line I could handle it, but I'm going to the OBYN to get referred to the specialist. Ugh. I'm already 30 which isn't too old yet but putting TTC off for a year-plus is so tough to do. 35 isn't that far away and every year is precious at this point.
Sally, congratulations on your BFP.

Allforthegirl, hope this is your month.

Sunnyleah and starry night, It truly is frustrating with all the waiting. I just turned 33 so the clock is definitely ticking, luckily I got into the fertility centre pretty quickly. My doctor did all the preliminary testing, unfortunately the clinic did their own all over again so all the poking gets frustrating. I guess we just do what we have to do. Hope your appointments go smoothly.

AFM, starting Femara again today 5 mg for 5 days and looking at DH doing another SA this month to prepare if we don't get a BFP this cycle.
Overall I love my doctor. She's always taken me seriously and been very helpful, etc. that comment caught me off guard. Either way she agreed to meet with DH and I for a fertility work up and to discuss options, begin some preliminary testing to see if there's anything she can do before sending us to the fertility clinic. She actually just asked how long we'd been trying and when I said a year this month she wanted to get the ball rolling. So yeah, very off comment for her. When we had our Mmc she was amazing. Pleaded to get us into the clinic who wouldn't take me because I was technically 12+5 then pleaded with two OBGYN to take me ASAP. Saw me before the OBGYN two days later when DH called asking why we haven't been seen by the ob yet and actually got mad at the staff for not giving me message earlier that I had gotten in! But yeah, strange comment. She can be very clinical. Anywho... Seeing her Monday but because of the pain I had last week (and a bit this week) I've already done the required blood work and scheduled the Scan.
Due date number one today. It hurts but it's not as bad as I was fearing. Probably because I have been crying all week about it and dh and I have a date tonight to help distract me. It does suck that I'm bleeding out another baby still. That baby should be starting the second trimester soon and I should be hearing its heart beat. This angel's due date will be really hard as it is just days ahead of my first angel's birthday.

Feeling a bit low right now. :(

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