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Canadian and I know it

Starry I've heard others saying they had trouble getting help because they already have a child. Must be super frustrating. Everything I've read talks about how pregnancy changes your body and hormonal make up (even one that ends in mc). I'm thinking I also need progesterone. Have all the classic signs of deficiency.

Good luck...
I live in Manitoba so Winnipeg is the only place to go for specialist treatment. The hospital I was referring to was the Health Sciences Centre.

What I found kind of neat as a reassuring "sign" was that the day before my d&c I was seen by the surgeon's assistant. He told me that when he was in China he served as a genetic specialist and he really pushed us to go for testing. He even explained some of the possible things to be on the lookout for. Also, all the nurses kept telling me to go for testing. And when I asked to be referred this time my doctor was very supportive.

I have had hormonal imbalances back when I was a teen that somehow straightened themselves out in my early 20s but it wouldn't shock me if one of my pregnancies messed that all up again. I had been tested twice for PCOS and I was told they came back negative though when I moved and switched GPs I saw "PCOS" written on my medical files. I guess I'm borderline or something.
Don't imagine you'd want to go to Vancouver Starry, but I saw Dr. Taylor who is now at Olive Fertility (used to be at Genesis). I do know there is a recurrent pregnancy loss clinic at the Women's hospital in Vancouver. Maybe there is the same sort of thing in Alberta somewhere?
Meant to mention that I've done most of my lab work at my local hospital and Dr. Taylor has just reviewed it in Vancouver (she sent me the requisitions). I also had a telephone appointment with her which was a way quicker way of getting in, and I only paid $125.
Ok so I had a positive hpt on two different tests (quite clear& one digital) at 10 dpo last Saturday. Had spotting doctor said likely chemical (due to spotting being red & getting heavier). Then later same day had light to medium af continued for three days then 2 light days. Now three clear days. Had a negative test at 12 dpo (Monday).

Fast forward to today....

Temp is still high (not bbt but during the day). My usual pre o temps are 36.45 or less.... Post o 36.5 and up....even in the day/evening my temps are pretty stable. The last three days its been 36.90...36.85...36.70...

I'm on cd 8. It's usually down by cd 3!! Is this just a super slow drop or is something up? Had bloodwork yesterday including beta hcg to check that levels are normal.... So confused!!!!

Anyone else have this before??
I was thinking about it, but with that negative on Monday after the positive and bleeding? I will check my temp at normal bbt time tomorrow and if still elevated I might. Although done some reading a few women have noted the same temp confusion and not been pregnant.... I would be 4+5 weeks today and I don't feel anything. Last Friday (a week ago) had heavy, large tingly bb's.
If your hpt went negative after the bleeding I would agree with the doctor about the chemical. Test in a few days just to make sure (you want to rule out ectopic as well) but it is possible that the chemical threw your cycle off. I have never temped but I get weird cycles after my miscarriages.
I think my temps stayed high for a bit after my miscarriage and then eventually dropped. Still might be a good idea to test in a few days though.
Thanks ladies.... I'm actually having an ultrasound next Thursday (may 27) due to a nagging pain in my lower right abdomin that the doctor thinks might be a cyst. Wondering if that could affect temps... After my first mc my temps stayed high for a couple of weeks but that was 13 weeks in. This chemical happened all BEFORE af was even due.
Ok so I am a bit confused. The last time I got a bfp I had tons of EWCM with yellow stuff in at 7-8DPO. Today I wiped away a large glob with yellow chunks. Why do you think this is happening. I am worried that I may implanted early and it be back in my tubes... :(
Not sure but try not to go by ewcm. Everyone is different and so is every pregnancy but a second round of ewcm pretty much always meant AF for me. Really, though, cm was quite unreliable as a sign. My cm would dry up before AF but it also would dry up before my bfp's. I thought I was out every time because of that but I wasn't.

I see from your signature that you've already had an ectopic so the fear makes sense. Keep monitoring everything and if/when you get your bfp maybe you could get your doctor to give you an early scan due to your history.
Thank you my dear for replying. I did do some digging and I guess that EWCM is most likely from a second surge of estrogen. Which I guess is very normal. So I am feeling tons better. But you are right CM is not reliable at all. I am standing my ground when I say my body plays tricks on me every month. Something new to try and figure out :haha:

Yes the ectopic is why I was worried at first. Because anything on the internet talks about implantation that early is dangerous.

I am still in awe of you! You seem so strong with all your losses behind you! You are one strong women!! <3
Ha ha! Thanks. Sometime I think I'm more calloused than strong. Is that bad? It feels so jaded to say that. After multiple losses you kind of get used to it. And right now I'm basking in the glow of feeling physically well. I'm pretty sure my baby was dead inside me for weeks before I started to miscarry. I just had this ucky feeling inside me for so long that I can't even properly describe what it was. There were times I wished I could stick my hands inside of me and scratch everything out. Also, it seems I was haemorrhaging inside during my m/c. Within hours of my d&c I felt so clean and human. It's a good feeling.

I do have my sad moments. A due date is coming up in a week and I did have a bit of a cry on the toilet last night. I'm also about to make my foray into the real world and who knows what sorts of insensitive remarks from friends will set me off. We all know those remarks are coming and they're going to come from those who do mean well but just have no clue. Oh well.

Mainly I just have faith that my rainbow is coming. I'm going to be taking a brief TTC break as I wait to get some testing done so I think that will also help relieve some of the stress and anxiety.
What it sounds like to me is that you have a strong intuition. You know that it will work out for you. Follow that intuition, it very well is your saving grace!! <3
Starry I'm sorry you've had a rough week. Thinking of you.

Allforthegirl, I generally have creamy cm during LP with a bit of ewcm near af. But I have also had cycles with the estrogen surge causes more ewcm. My bfp cycles though are either sticky cm or none during LP. Weird. Lol. Good luck!

AFM I'm having a scan in a week and a half due to lower abdominal pain (wavers between sharp pinches and aching) after a chemical last weekend so doctor is checking for ectopic (despite a negative hpt two days after positive) and checking for cysts. Anyone else have this before?
Yah I did a lot of research last night and finally found the right answer to this. I just knew it was not implantation I just needed the right information to prove it away. I know now that it was just a rise in estrogen. I am not holding my breath that it mean that I will be PG just chalking it up to my body gearing up to a maybe!! I know that this could mean that I am and it could always not develop past this. All depends on the health of the egg and sperm..... come one good genes!! LOL
Sunnyleah - I hope everything is OK. I have had some pains after my miscarriages as the uterus started to shrink back into it's normal size but don't know if the same thing applies after a chemical. I'm surprised that they're making you wait a week and a half if they're suspecting ectopic as well. If the pain gets worse and/or you start to get some spotting I'd just go to the ER. When I went in with ectopic symptoms I was literally seen within 10 minutes (turned out to be 'just' the start of a regular m/c).

Good luck.
Thanks Starry, and yeah, the doctor said if anything changes to go straight to er. But since I wouldn't even be 5 weeks yet its early for ectopic to be an issue yet, also had a negative hpt two days after positive. She commented that ectopic would cause more pain than I'm having so its just a precaution to rule it out but unlikely the cause. And I had af same day as positive hpt so likely due to a cyst on the ovary or irritated bowel (although they have no idea what would cause that) hence the scan! Lol. I also see my regular doctor a week from tomorrow (a couple of days before the scan) where we are going over my charts and fertility stuff (as its been one year this month) and she will have the results from my bloodwork from Friday. Hopefully everything sheds some light on the matter and its nothing that will interfere with TTC this cycle :)
Hey ladies, hope everyone had a great long weekend.

Sunnyleah, sorry for all your going through. Glad your doctor is being cautious. When I had my etopic I had an early ultrasound as they didn't know why I was having pains and suspected a cyst. Nothing showed up on the scan as it was too early but they failed to do a pregnancy test. I had no severe pain until my tube had ruptured. I had light pains on left side that came and went. Be cautious and definitely go to ER if the pain worsens or there are other signs like dizziness, fainting or arm pain. I guess I just learnt you need to trust your instincts as doctors make mistakes. Keep us posted.

AFM, Was super busy with my nephews 1st birthday and my b-day yesterday. Was also a little down as I went in for bloodwork Sat as AF hadn't shown, but they called confirming not pregnant. AF came Sunday night before my birthday lucky me, so onto the next cycle. Going back to fertility centre Thursday if not pregnant this cycle we'll have to decide if we should get more intrusive, still really hoping that it happens naturally.

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