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Canadian and I know it

Hi everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well, I know I haven't been around in a little while but just thought I'd pop back with an update. I had a dating ultrasound today and am 8 weeks, 3 days and due December 22. Heartbeat was 165 and baby looked just like a little jellybean on the screen. I know it's still very early but I am feeling so positive about this one that it is actually sticking! What is really awesome, too is that December 22 is the day my DH is officially eligible to apply for his Canadian citizenship! Exciting!

Sending lots of good wishes and very sticky baby dust to everyone :hugs:
Congrats Cowtown!

Still had no sign of AF, so I took a hpt on Tuesday and got a faint positive. Did bloods yesterday and it was 31. Started the prometrium right away (doubled it since last loss). Really hope this is it!

Anyone else testing soon?
Congrats Cowtown!

Still had no sign of AF, so I took a hpt on Tuesday and got a faint positive. Did bloods yesterday and it was 31. Started the prometrium right away (doubled it since last loss). Really hope this is it!

Anyone else testing soon?

Positive is a Positive!! Congrats!! :yipee: Wishing you a sticky bean!!
Wow congrats ladies!

AFM I had a positive on Mother's Day weekend but ended same weekend (chemical). Saw my doctor and were starting a fertility work up in two weeks.

So I got my Mother's Day bfp & conceived the week of m birthday but lost another angel :(

Feeling positive now for treatment though....hopefully we conceive again quickly and with help make it to take home :). Also learned that with my history my doctor is willing to see me at 6 weeks instead of the typical 8! Yay....
Hey ladies!

Do you mind if I join too? I'm 30 years old, have one son and live in rural Manitoba though I used to live in Ontario.

Yesterday, I had a d&c which finally brought my third m/c saga to a close. Today my doctor referred me to an OBYN to see if I need testing. I mean, of course I need testing but my doctor told me that a fertility specialist won't take a referral from a GP as seriously as another specialist. The wait for a reglar OBYN is about 3 to 4 weeks and should get me to the fertility specialist fairly quickly whereas a fertility specialist might make me wait nearly a year if my GP sends out the referall.

I've done some research and it is really hard to find info on fertility specialists in Manitoba that are not related to IVF which I don't need.
Welcome Starry... I believe I've seen you on some other threads. I'm so sorry for your losses :cry: I've got two (one was a chemical just this past weekend and the other was Mmc @ 13 weeks in October). I'm also just starting the fertility thing with my doctor. I go in may 27 to discuss everything and have an ultrasound on may 30 to take a general look at everything involved. Also doing blood work tomorrow. Not sure what else but if I need an ob referral the one who I saw for my Mmc will take me..

Was this most recent loss further along than the others? Did they all end with d&c? I'm just curious to know more about your story but if you're not ready to share I completely understand...

f got me yesterday. i am trying soy and started finally temping. So it's officially 1 year since we started TTc and no bfp yet. will not lose hope...
Sunnyleah - thanks for the welcome. I don't mind sharing my story a bit more. I was on my dh's laptop before and I hate typing on it so I don't really get into in-depth posts. Anyways, I have had 3 miscarriages and I lost my son's twin. The lost twin situation is a bit unique in that it didn't show up on early scans so when I passed loads of clots and held a tiny fetus in my hands I thought it was all over. The next day I had a scan and the technician said, "there is definitely a heart beat" I was way too shocked to be happy. I had an sch in that pregnancy and wonder a little bit if that is what caused the lost twin.

My other losses were fairly similar: low heart rate & growth by 6 weeks and baby eventually dies. My first pregnancy lasted the longest of my losses. By 10 weeks it had caught up in growth and it's heart rate was normal but I lost it anyways at 12 weeks. Though I had also gotten in a car wreck at highway speeds and had loads of pain in that general area so it's hard not to blame that. It was listed as a spontaneous "abortion" (hate that word) as we had no idea it was coming. It was a natural m/c and I healed quite quickly from it even though those first hours were the worst (blood gushing all down my legs sort of deal)

My son was my second pregnancy.

My third pregnancy the baby never grew past 6 weeks but it lived for another 3 weeks before finally dying even though it stopped growing and it's heart rate slowed down by small increments. Two days after I discovered it's death on u/s I started to pass it. It was a natural m/c and the main part of the m/c was broken over two days and I lost loads of blood but it stopped on it's own. Had it start and stop for 6 weeks. Needed a trip to the ER a month afterwards as I suddenly started to gush and it didn't stop...unti the ambulance arrived at the hospital of course making me look like a nut.

My last pregnancy also had slow growth. This time the baby died very shortly after the slow heart rate was discovered. But it took about another 2 weeks for my body to pass it. This time I had an incomplete m/c. This loss appeared to have the least amount of visible blood loss but it never stopped. I was passing dark clots once or twice every hour for two days straight and my blood levels were dropping (even with my scary, traumatizing natural m/c's my blood levels were always perfect so the doctors would send me home). So yesterday was my first d&c. It went very well and I feel quite awesome actually. Having a rotting pregnancy hanging around inside you can leave you feeling quite ill. Also, I overheard the OR nurses talking about me while I was in the recovery room and they had mentioned I had had a lot of haemorrhaging. I have no idea if that was why I needed the d&c or if that happened during the surgery. I'm guessing before because even though I wasn't bleeding a lot as far as I could tell, the doctors were always finding clots stuck in my cervix. I guess most of my bleeding was internal.

Since I saw this loss coming a mile away I cried for it when I first had the scan where its heart beat was under 50 and my betas had only gone up by 500 over 3 days. I think there may be more grief to come but right now I feel OK emotionally. Besides, my third pregnancy's due date is coming up in 2 weeks and I'm feeling more torn up about that one right now.
Congrats cowtown girl and mowat.

Welcome starry night and sorry for your losses. You've been through so much.

Sunny glad your feeling positive about all the testing, keep us posted.

AFM, AF is due tomorrow I'm suppose to go to fertility clinic for pregnancy test if AF doesn't show. Feeling nervous that AF's on its way. Trying to stay positive.
Welcome Starry night! I am so sorry :hugs: You have gone through a lot but you seem very positive at the moment. I commend you! :flower:

Question for you ladies.... Anyone get cervix pain during or just after O? I am 100% I O'd last night before bed. Woke up with sticky CM too so I am sure I am done. But this afternoon I started to get cervical pain. I don't remember having this other than when I was PG before my loss. I know it is way too early to have any PG symptom of any sort yet so I am wondering if this a normal thing, or if it could be something else.....
It's hard to remember how I felt every cycle but I also got cervical pain the cycles I got my bfp. My latest bfp I started getting signs pretty much right away. I honestly don't recall ever getting that symptom during bfn cycles. Other signs I could get with AF but that one was rather unique.

I hope this is a good sign for you!
Just to add: I think I've gotten cervical pain on bfn cycles when I've had a yeast infection but that was usually accompanied by itching and the yucky discharge as well.
Sabaster, sorry AF got you :(. Good luck with the soy!

Starry night, that's quite a journey you've been on! What a strong woman to keep going after your dreams :). What have the doctors said about your losses? Are you doing any testing? My d&c also went well. Basically spotted for 10 days after. My Mmc was caught during a routine scan at 12+5w but no heartbeat and baby measured 8+5w so doctor said it was likely slow growing and died a couple of weeks before ultrasound. I had no scans or even hear the heartbeat before that so given that I had no cramping or bleeding or anything it was quite a shock. The scan was Monday saw my doctor Wednesday saw OB (being passed 12 weeks I was considered second trimester so the early pregnancy clinic wouldn't see me. Had the d&c in the hospital with the OB) then d&c on Friday. No trying again until I saw the OB for follow up 6 weeks later. Then first AF came day after I saw OB!
It's hard to remember how I felt every cycle but I also got cervical pain the cycles I got my bfp. My latest bfp I started getting signs pretty much right away. I honestly don't recall ever getting that symptom during bfn cycles. Other signs I could get with AF but that one was rather unique.

I hope this is a good sign for you!

I was thinking that since I have TTC the only time I too had it was during a BFP cycle. But I don't remember it ever being the day after O, it was though around 11DPO and after. My temps also jumped huge this time. I also hope this is a good sign!! Oh and I know I don't have an infection.... so I can rule that out!!

So to clarify you started getting signals literally right after O? Or do you mean like a few days after?
Yes, this past time I did start getting signs right away. Maybe about two days after my ewcm dried up. I did my best to dismiss them at the time because it was "too early" but I kept getting more and more signs. I don't temp but I could FEEL my body temperature going up and started getting signs exclusive to my bfp cycles. After a week I was pretty darn sure even though it took another week to get my positive. I'm still getting sore cervix pains now too as I still have hcg in my system.

And I am going for testing. I have a referral to an OBYN because my GP told me that the fertility specialists take referrals from another specialist more seriously than GPs. He said this will be quicker in the long run. I don't know if anyone else here is from Mantioba but I am having a very hard time finding info on fertility specialists. I found one clinic that does IVF and the rest is all about the Ontario clinics. A bit out of the way!
I have a friend, and I am in Saskatchewan, that had to go to Calgary to see a specialist, to her IVF!! So if you can get it were you are that is great. You don't have to travel if you don't want to. I sure hope things get moving along for you soon!!

What stuff were you put on so far? My friend was talking about baby aspirin and progesterone. She is finally PG after over 5 yrs of trying. She even had to get a tubal ligation so this was her last chance before adoption.
I haven't been put on anything yet. Because I already have a kid my doctor didn't seem very willing to give me special treatment. I just got the "bad luck" speech (he is taking my concerns seriously now but wants me to see a specialist for them). Now that I know I'm going to be going for testing I am holding off on TTC for now. I will take and do whatever they tell me to get my rainbow.

And I don't really need IVF (so far). I just hope that the one clinic also looks after recurrent m/c. Unless there is a specialist at one of the hospitals in the city. That would be better as I don't want to go private if I don't have to. So far I've only looked at one of the hospital's websites and could not find a department that would specialize in that. I thought they would as they are known for their women's hospital along with their children's hospital. That is where the toughest NICU cases are sent.
I haven't been put on anything yet. Because I already have a kid my doctor didn't seem very willing to give me special treatment. I just got the "bad luck" speech (he is taking my concerns seriously now but wants me to see a specialist for them). Now that I know I'm going to be going for testing I am holding off on TTC for now. I will take and do whatever they tell me to get my rainbow.

And I don't really need IVF (so far). I just hope that the one clinic also looks after recurrent m/c. Unless there is a specialist at one of the hospitals in the city. That would be better as I don't want to go private if I don't have to. So far I've only looked at one of the hospital's websites and could not find a department that would specialize in that. I thought they would as they are known for their women's hospital along with their children's hospital. That is where the toughest NICU cases are sent.

Where is that? I know that we have an amazing top NICU in the western part of Canada, we go right along with one in Edmonton, if not better than them now.

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