Canadian Ladies!! From TTC to Week 13!

I've been SO hungry too! I can't stop, and as soon as feel hungry, it's like I have to eat NOW! It's intense!! I'm trying to not eat too much, but it's definitely hard!

Also, I've been hooked on the UK show "One Born Every Minute". It's like "a baby story" only shot like a documentary, and focuses on several stories per episode. It's a beautiful program, makes me cry every episode! I've been watching it online. Any of you ever see it?
I've been SO hungry too! I can't stop, and as soon as feel hungry, it's like I have to eat NOW! It's intense!! I'm trying to not eat too much, but it's definitely hard!

Also, I've been hooked on the UK show "One Born Every Minute". It's like "a baby story" only shot like a documentary, and focuses on several stories per episode. It's a beautiful program, makes me cry every episode! I've been watching it online. Any of you ever see it?

I know exactly what you mean about the "right NOW!" I keep telling DH that its like Im getting no warning when I get hungry or need to pee, or even the little waves of nausea. Its like baby has decided "yup, time to pee... NOW!". It doesnt build up like normal. Im past "Hmm, I think I should prob try to make time for a pee or something to eat in the next hour...." its just -NOW-
Im trying to watch what I eat too. I feel like my belly is huge already but DH keeps joking that twins run in his family so who knows. I am def looking like I have gained belly. I started telling people at work. I had to tell my partner since hes going to have to start doing some of the heavier lifting. It actually was an accident. I was tryin to figure out how to tell him and we were at work the other night and his wife and 3 month old baby came to visit and baby was wearing the same onesie that DH and I JUST bought for us. I kinda just blurted out that we just bought it, and his wife spun around and asked "Why.... Are you pppppreeeeeggnnnnantttt??? " So I guess I had to say something at that point. lol We were going to wait but I figure that we might slip and say something and that bad things can happen no matter how far along you are, so why not just enjoy the now and let everyone be happy about it.
Anyone else saying anything to people already?
I am going to try and wait as long as a can but I have a feeling that I am going to show before 12 weeks. I just gave birth to a 10 pound boy 6 months ago so I am thinking my stomach muscles aren't going to put up much of a fight! I am going to try to hide it until early June at least...I guess we will see! I don't think anyone around me are going to ask if I am preggo but who knows!?!? :)

I am feeling huge too...sooo bloated! Can't wait until it turns into a real bump...That was my favourite part of pregnancy. I always felt super cute with my baby bump!

I had to stop watching Baby Story...It makes me bawl and I just can't handle that right now. Otherwise I would be crying all day. I started crying on my hike this afternoon just thinking of my angels and my rainbow...thank goodness for sunglasses!
I am going to try and wait as long as a can but I have a feeling that I am going to show before 12 weeks. I just gave birth to a 10 pound boy 6 months ago so I am thinking my stomach muscles aren't going to put up much of a fight! I am going to try to hide it until early June at least...I guess we will see! I don't think anyone around me are going to ask if I am preggo but who knows!?!? :)

I am feeling huge too...sooo bloated! Can't wait until it turns into a real bump...That was my favourite part of pregnancy. I always felt super cute with my baby bump!

I had to stop watching Baby Story...It makes me bawl and I just can't handle that right now. Otherwise I would be crying all day. I started crying on my hike this afternoon just thinking of my angels and my rainbow...thank goodness for sunglasses!

Krippy, I am so sorry for your loss. I see on your ticker that your lovely baby was born sleeping. I cant imagine what that would be like. My heart goes out to you!

Im worried about the belly too. Its huge already. I gained 30 lbs in the last year from stress and moving and work and my muscles arent in fantatic shape to begin with but I feel like I cant even suck it in if I want to. Its just there. I didnt have a big belly from all the weight gain but it def looks like a baby belly now. DH is enjoying it, which is nice. lol I cant wait till I can just let my belly out of hiding. When it looks like a real baby belly, not just chub. :dohh: I plan to display my belly as much as possible when I get it!
We just told my parents and another close friend tonight! I dunno why but we were so nervous! I gave them a grandparents frame and in it said Photo Coming Nov 5 2012! It was funny, they were so confused at first. They're excited but just adjusting to the idea of being grandparents...that might take a little time.
I am going to try and wait as long as a can but I have a feeling that I am going to show before 12 weeks. I just gave birth to a 10 pound boy 6 months ago so I am thinking my stomach muscles aren't going to put up much of a fight! I am going to try to hide it until early June at least...I guess we will see! I don't think anyone around me are going to ask if I am preggo but who knows!?!? :)

I am feeling huge too...sooo bloated! Can't wait until it turns into a real bump...That was my favourite part of pregnancy. I always felt super cute with my baby bump!

I had to stop watching Baby Story...It makes me bawl and I just can't handle that right now. Otherwise I would be crying all day. I started crying on my hike this afternoon just thinking of my angels and my rainbow...thank goodness for sunglasses!

Krippy, I am so sorry for your loss. I see on your ticker that your lovely baby was born sleeping. I cant imagine what that would be like. My heart goes out to you!

Im worried about the belly too. Its huge already. I gained 30 lbs in the last year from stress and moving and work and my muscles arent in fantatic shape to begin with but I feel like I cant even suck it in if I want to. Its just there. I didnt have a big belly from all the weight gain but it def looks like a baby belly now. DH is enjoying it, which is nice. lol I cant wait till I can just let my belly out of hiding. When it looks like a real baby belly, not just chub. :dohh: I plan to display my belly as much as possible when I get it!

Thanks Medic! Some days are harder than others but they are all hard. I am sure that I will never be the same but I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason. My father passed away May 2010 and his deepest regret was that he wouldn't get to know his grandchildren but now he has his namesake with him. They will take care of each other and watch over us.

Don't worry your bloat will go away and replaced with a beauty of a belly! Gotta love and enjoy every minute! way to tell your parents! :)
I am going to try and wait as long as a can but I have a feeling that I am going to show before 12 weeks. I just gave birth to a 10 pound boy 6 months ago so I am thinking my stomach muscles aren't going to put up much of a fight! I am going to try to hide it until early June at least...I guess we will see! I don't think anyone around me are going to ask if I am preggo but who knows!?!? :)

I am feeling huge too...sooo bloated! Can't wait until it turns into a real bump...That was my favourite part of pregnancy. I always felt super cute with my baby bump!

I had to stop watching Baby Story...It makes me bawl and I just can't handle that right now. Otherwise I would be crying all day. I started crying on my hike this afternoon just thinking of my angels and my rainbow...thank goodness for sunglasses!

Krippy, I am so sorry for your loss. I see on your ticker that your lovely baby was born sleeping. I cant imagine what that would be like. My heart goes out to you!

Im worried about the belly too. Its huge already. I gained 30 lbs in the last year from stress and moving and work and my muscles arent in fantatic shape to begin with but I feel like I cant even suck it in if I want to. Its just there. I didnt have a big belly from all the weight gain but it def looks like a baby belly now. DH is enjoying it, which is nice. lol I cant wait till I can just let my belly out of hiding. When it looks like a real baby belly, not just chub. :dohh: I plan to display my belly as much as possible when I get it!

Thanks Medic! Some days are harder than others but they are all hard. I am sure that I will never be the same but I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason. My father passed away May 2010 and his deepest regret was that he wouldn't get to know his grandchildren but now he has his namesake with him. They will take care of each other and watch over us.

Don't worry your bloat will go away and replaced with a beauty of a belly! Gotta love and enjoy every minute! way to tell your parents! :)

Its inspiring to see that you have a slightly positive outlook on life even when things are tough!

Im trying to enjoy it all right now, even though its a bit tough when that nausea hits out of no where and I have to run for the bathroom. Thankfully its just waves right now and not actually being sick. I think I can handle the feeling car sick all day as long as Im not searching for a place to throw up all the time. :dohh:
Hi ladies,
I hope you are doing well. So I am a little nervous because all of you are talking about symptoms that I don't think I share ! I am not that much queasy (except yesterday) and I have no nausea! Bbs are extra sensitive, lot of gas and mild bloating, and a lot of peeing but that is all! Come to think about it, I wasn't sick to my stomach with previous pg either but after the miscarriage, I am left wondering if it's not a sign of low hormones levels? I can't wait to hit the 13 weeks mark!! Also I am eating a lot!! Is this normal at this stage?
Hello ladies...Southwestern ON here!!
I am 44 and my DH is 32...I am pregnant with baby 2...DD is just about to turn 6 months old. We were not trying to have another LO so soon...but we were TTC for 2 years and didn't honestly think it would happen so when they say your very fertile after giving birth...they weren't kidding!!!
We are super excited to complete our family with this little miracle. Had my first US 2 weeks ago and there was only one and a fabulous heartbeat...Can't wait to see the look on my OB's face at my first app't!! LOL

Just thought I'd introduce myself and say hi!! Hope everyone is feeling good!
Hello ladies...Southwestern ON here!!
I am 44 and my DH is 32...I am pregnant with baby 2...DD is just about to turn 6 months old. We were not trying to have another LO so soon...but we were TTC for 2 years and didn't honestly think it would happen so when they say your very fertile after giving birth...they weren't kidding!!!
We are super excited to complete our family with this little miracle. Had my first US 2 weeks ago and there was only one and a fabulous heartbeat...Can't wait to see the look on my OB's face at my first app't!! LOL

Just thought I'd introduce myself and say hi!! Hope everyone is feeling good!

That's exactly what happened to us...tried for almost 2 years with our first, had a liitle oops with our 2nd, (figured it would take a long time with her too...but nope) although they are a couple years apart because we weren't trying for a while then...well I do love my oops. Funny enough this one also took over a year and will be our last.

Ohh...and welcome!!!:hi:
Hi ladies,
I hope you are doing well. So I am a little nervous because all of you are talking about symptoms that I don't think I share ! I am not that much queasy (except yesterday) and I have no nausea! Bbs are extra sensitive, lot of gas and mild bloating, and a lot of peeing but that is all! Come to think about it, I wasn't sick to my stomach with previous pg either but after the miscarriage, I am left wondering if it's not a sign of low hormones levels? I can't wait to hit the 13 weeks mark!! Also I am eating a lot!! Is this normal at this stage?

Hey hun, just dropping in to keep up on you guys... I hope you don't mind as I'm no longer at 13 weeks? Just wanted to give you some reassurance, I never had morning sickness or nausea with either pregnancy and everything (so far) has turned out fine. I did have sensitive bbs (still do much to OH's disappointment) lots of extra peeing and needed to eat all the time in the first 10-12 weeks. Oh yeah, and bloating is still an ongoing issue. Can't wait til the tummy looks like it's got a baby in there and not just everything I've been eating over the past 15 weeks. Everything and anything is "normal" as no two pregnancies are alike. Just enjoy the fact that you've got a little bean on board and try not to worry too much.
Hey Lilosmom,
Thank you so much for checking in! And please, feel free to drop by anytime! Yeah, I am on and off nervous but I am going to fight it and really believe that this time is the right one.
I went to the doctor today, she says everything is good. I have my first ultrasound in two weeks which is good. I think that when I hear a HB am going to be fine!
How are you feeling? Did you go for your ultrasound?
Thanks again for your kind words.

Hey hun, just dropping in to keep up on you guys... I hope you don't mind as I'm no longer at 13 weeks? Just wanted to give you some reassurance, I never had morning sickness or nausea with either pregnancy and everything (so far) has turned out fine. I did have sensitive bbs (still do much to OH's disappointment) lots of extra peeing and needed to eat all the time in the first 10-12 weeks. Oh yeah, and bloating is still an ongoing issue. Can't wait til the tummy looks like it's got a baby in there and not just everything I've been eating over the past 15 weeks. Everything and anything is "normal" as no two pregnancies are alike. Just enjoy the fact that you've got a little bean on board and try not to worry too much.
Hey Lilosmom,
Thank you so much for checking in! And please, feel free to drop by anytime! Yeah, I am on and off nervous but I am going to fight it and really believe that this time is the right one.
I went to the doctor today, she says everything is good. I have my first ultrasound in two weeks which is good. I think that when I hear a HB am going to be fine!
How are you feeling? Did you go for your ultrasound?
Thanks again for your kind words.

Hey hun, just dropping in to keep up on you guys... I hope you don't mind as I'm no longer at 13 weeks? Just wanted to give you some reassurance, I never had morning sickness or nausea with either pregnancy and everything (so far) has turned out fine. I did have sensitive bbs (still do much to OH's disappointment) lots of extra peeing and needed to eat all the time in the first 10-12 weeks. Oh yeah, and bloating is still an ongoing issue. Can't wait til the tummy looks like it's got a baby in there and not just everything I've been eating over the past 15 weeks. Everything and anything is "normal" as no two pregnancies are alike. Just enjoy the fact that you've got a little bean on board and try not to worry too much.

Glad to hear you're staying positive, it's tough those first few weeks, especially after dealing with a loss. I had an early dating scan at 6 and a half weeks and don't have another until 20 weeks. With this being my second the doctors are taking a step back unless there's an issue so I don't even see him until after my next scan. Seems weird but I guess there's no sense in clogging up the system with unnecessary appointments. Good luck to you, can't wait to hear your progress!
I'm also at 12, almost 13, weeks with zero symptoms only 4 months after a miscarriage. It's confirmed okay with ultrasound last week.

I know women like me are "lucky" but I think any woman with an MC history/scared should be blessed with a few pukes!
So I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was some pinkish blood. I panicked and called my OBGYN and her assistant says not to worry too much, that many women have spotting during pregnancy and she is hoping I can get an ultrasound tomorrow or friday. I am so nervous!! I dont have cramps nor clots, just some tingling sensation in lower belly! Why, God, why? :cry:
So I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was some pinkish blood. I panicked and called my OBGYN and her assistant says not to worry too much, that many women have spotting during pregnancy and she is hoping I can get an ultrasound tomorrow or friday. I am so nervous!! I dont have cramps nor clots, just some tingling sensation in lower belly! Why, God, why? :cry:

I've had this twice, once with my 2 year old and today. Pinkish stuff is usually irritated cervix.
So I just went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was some pinkish blood. I panicked and called my OBGYN and her assistant says not to worry too much, that many women have spotting during pregnancy and she is hoping I can get an ultrasound tomorrow or friday. I am so nervous!! I dont have cramps nor clots, just some tingling sensation in lower belly! Why, God, why? :cry:

Hey hun, I had this exact same thing at 5 weeks 3 days for the first time and about 4-5 times after that until 12 weeks. I know how scared you feel, my best advice is to just try and relax until you can get in for your scan. (easier said than done i know...) I hope my story can help ease your mind :flow:

Also stay far away from google!!!
Thank you all for the kind words. So as I am sure you can understand I couldn't help it so I checked if there was any blood around the cervix and my q-tips came up bright red! No real cramps, some tingling on left side of lower belly. I am sitting in the emergency room at the hospital and hoping that I can get a doctor to check on what is wrong with my baby :-( I will keep you all posted.
Thinking of you babylovedream! That is scary but I am glad you are getting it checked will feel SO much better knowing all is OK.


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