I don't know, girls.
I love the stovetop espresso pot.
I really don't like those sugary, flavoured coffees. I want a bit of sweet once in awhile, but I ask for "half a pump - just sort of tap it" at Starbucks.

I cannot finish a regular strength flavoured drink there, and I find the average flavoured coffee is even sweeter than that. It just isn't my taste.

Which is good cause those Tassimo things are pricey!! And I really love
So, Simon was full of Simonisms today.
He was watching my brother dock a sailboat late this afternoon and one of the sailors said to him,
"You look like a little future sailor".
To which Simon replied,
"No, I look like a little tired boy."
(I think all the grandparent visiting has just about knocked him unconscious by 4:30.

And then tonight he was looking at my husband's beer and he said, "I can't have beer. Not until I'm three."
Yay, Sara!!! Well done!